翻譯部分英文原文:HYDRAULIC SYSTEMHydraulic systems are power-transmitting assemblies employing pressurized liquid to transmit energy from an energy-generating source to an energy-use area. All hydraulic systems depend on Pascal’s law, named after Blaise Pascal, who discovered the law. This law states that pressurized fluid within a closed container-such as cylinder or pipe-exerts equal force on all of the surfaces of the container.In actual hydraulic systems, Pascal’s law defines the basis of the results which are obtained from the system. Thus, a pump moves the liquid in the system. The intake of the pumps connected to a liquid source, usually called the tank or reservoir. Atmospheric pressure, pressing on the liquid in the reservoir, forces the liquid into the pump. When the pump operates, it forces liquid from the tank into the discharge pipe at a suitable pressure.The flow of the pressurized liquid discharged by the pump is controlled by valves. Three control functions are used in most hydraulic systems: (1) control of the liquid pressure, (2) control of the liquid flow rate, and (3) control of the direction of flow of the liquid.The liquid discharged by the pump in a fluid-power system is directed by valves to a hydraulic motor. A hydraulic motor develops rotary force and motion, using the pressurized liquid as its energy source. Many hydraulic motors are similar to pumps, except that the motor operates in a reverse manner from a pump.Where linear instead of rotary motion is desired, a cylindrical tube fitted with a movable piston, called a hydraulic cylinder, is often used. When the piston is moved by the pressurized fluid, the piston rod imparts a force or moves an object through a desired distance.Restricting the movement of the piston in a hydraulic cylinder, as when the piston carries a load, creates a specific pressure relationship within the cylinder. The surface area of the piston face is said to contain a specific number of square inches. The pressure of the pressurized liquid, multiplied by the piton area, produces an output force, measured in pound, at the end of the piston rod.The speed of movement of the piston rod depends on how fast the pressurized fluid enters the cylinder. Flow into the cylinder can be directed to either end, producing either a pushing or pulling force at the piston rod end. A seal around the rod where it passes through the cylinder end prevents leakage of the liquid.Directional control of the piston depends on which end of cylinder the liquid enters. As pressurized liquid enters one end of the cylinder, liquid must be drained from the other end. The drained liquid is led back to the reservoir. In a pneumatic system using air, the air in the exhausting end of the cylinder is vented to the atmosphere.Directional-control valves, also called two-way, three-way, four-way, etc. , are named in accordance with their basic function. Pressure-control and simple restrictor valves are usually two-way valves. They provide ON or OFF service. A three-way valves may perform several functions, all associated with the three-ports in the valve. For example, the power or pressurized liquid from a pump in a tractor may be sent to the hydraulic system serving the tractor’s front-end loader. Or the three-way valve may send the pressurized liquid to a hydraulic motor driving a feed conveyor while the front-end loader is not being used.Three-way valves may also be used to direct pressurized fluid to a single-acting hydraulic cylinder. As the three-way valve is actuated (operated) it can stop the pressurized flow to the cylinder. Further, the same valve can divert liquid from the cylinder to the reservoir, so the cylinder can retract by gravity or return springs and assume its original position.A four-way valve has four ports or openings. The pressure port directs fluid flow to an area where pressurized liquid is desired. One of the other ports can simultaneously drain liquid from a pressurized area. The dram liquid can be directed to the reservoir.In a fluid-power system, the movement of pressurized fluid resembles the action of electric current in an electrical system. In such a system, electrical energy is continually moving when work is being done. The same is true of a fluid-power system.In a direct-current electrical system, the speed of a device is varied by changing the flow of current to the device. Alternating-current system, use phase shifting to attain similar speed control. Hydraulic system can obtain infinite speed variations by several methods of control, Pneumatic systems, because of the springiness of the gas, have relatively crude speed control.In fluid-power systems, the pump can be designed so the discharge flow of the pressurized liquid can be varied by manipulating the pump mechanism, giving varying speeds of the hydraulic motor or other output device. A restriction un the pump outlet can limit the fluid in a manner similar to that used in a direct-current electrical system. Where desired, hydraulic systems can be designed to use valves which divert flow to different flow channels to give the desired speed control.The compressibility of hydraulic fluid is slight. But, if desired, this slight compressibility can be used to absorb small, erratic machine movements which cause pressure variations in a fluid-power system. Pneumatic systems have this capability inherently because of the springiness of the air or gas used in the system. Hydraulic systems may use one or more accumulators-devices which contain pressurized gas which can accommodate rapid pressure changes in the fluid portion of the system.Gravity, springs and compressed gases provide potential energy I many hydraulic systems. Thus, gravity assist is often used to return a part to its original position without the use of power from the hydraulic system. This type of assistance also simplifies the parts in the hydraulic system.Pumps Mechanical seal Measures.At present the mechanical seal in pumps in a kind of product the application extremely widespread, but and will save the energy along with the product technical level enhancement the request, the mechanical seal application prospect is more widespread. The mechanical seal seal effect directly will affect the entire machine movement, in particular in petroleum chemical industry domain, because will exist flammable, explosive, is easy to volatilize, to be violently poisonous and so on the medium.The mechanical seal appears will divulge, seriously will affect the production normally to carry on, is serious also appears the significant security accident. People when analysis quality breakdown reason, often is familiar with in the mechanical seal own aspect searches the reason, for example: Mechanical seal shaping whether appropriate, choice of material whether correct, the packing surface compared to presses whether correctly, rubs the vice- choice is whether reasonable and so on. But is short very much in the mechanical seal external condition aspect searches the reason, for example: Pumps for the mechanical seal creation condition whether appropriate, the servosystem disposition is whether appropriate, but these aspects reasons often are count for much. This article author from pumped has analyzed the reasonable measure with the mechanical seal external condition angle which the influence seal effect several kind of factors and should adopt.1 Principle and request that machinery seals off:The mechanical seal is depends on a pair of relative motion link end surface A (fixed, another revolves together with axis) the mutual fitting forms the small axial play plays the seal role, this kind of equipment is called the mechanical seal. The mechanical seal usually by moves the link, the static link, contracts the part and the seal part is composed. Moves the link and the static link end surface composes a pair to rub, moves the link to depend on in the sealed chamber the liquid pressure to cause its shoulder up on the static link end surface, and produces on two links end surfaces suitable compared to presses and maintains an extremely thin liquid membrane to achieve the seal the goal. Contracts the part pressurize, may cause to pump under the operating condition, also maintains the end surface fitting, guaranteed the seal medium nothing more than leaks, and prevented the impurity enters seals the end surface. Seals the part to play the seal to move the link and axis gap B, the static link and the gland gap C role, simultaneously to the vibration which pumps, attacks the cushioning effect. The mechanical seal in the actual movement is not an isolated part, it is with other spare parts which pumps combines the movement together, simultaneously may see through its basic principle, the mechanical seal normal operation has the condition, for instance: Otherwise fleeing measures a pump spindle's being not able to very big, friction subsidiary end face can not form the ratio pressure demanding regularly; The pump spindle that machinery hermetic sealing gets along can not have boundary very big deflection , end face waits a minute otherwise than pressure will be uneven. Besides only when satisfying similar such external condition, fine machinery seals off oneself function, ability reaches ideal hermetic sealing effect.2 Analysis of causes that external condition affects:Pump spindle axial to fleeing is measured big: The hermetic sealing that machinery seals off needs to have certain ratio pressure face to face, such ability plays arrive at hermetic sealing role, be requiring that spring that machinery seals off needs to have certain compression amounts right now, give a propulsive force sealing off end face, rotating makes hermetic sealing produce the pressure sealing off the what be demanded ratio face to face. For ensuring that this one is compared to pressure, the amounts machinery is sealed off requiring that the pump spindle can not have very big fleeing, need to ensure that within 0.5 mm in general. Design but middle in reality, unreasonable because of design, that sometimes, very big fleeing of pump spindle creation measure , seal off to machinery sigmatism is very disadvantageous. This phenomenon sometimes appears in multi-level centrifugal pump, Especially in the process of pump starting, flee amounts are comparatively big.The automation changes the b balancing a set and balancing the axial gap between the ring when balance plate works , changes the difference balancing the pressure checking front and back two flanks thereby , produces one and comes to balance the axial force axial contrary force direction acting force. The inertia effect moving since the rotator flees and transient pump working condition fluctuation, the rotator moving round will not be motionless in some one axial balance location.Balance the state fleeing all the time in retinue to move. But the amounts balancing axial to fleeing in checking in regular job only have 0105 ~ 011 mm , satisfy permission axial to fleeing that machinery seals off measuring 015 mm requests, allowable machinery hermetic sealing axial to fleeing balancing axial to fleeing to measure possibility getting it in gear, when stopping machine , working condition great change in pump making rings round expects that.After pumps passes through the long time movement, the friction balancing a set and balancing a ring wears away , gap b enhances subsequently, the amounts sealing off axial to fleeing increase machinery unceasingly. Effect because of axial force, hermetic sealing compacting soft and floury sucking oblique tones in increases by strenuously , hermetic sealing wears the effect aggravating , sealing up completely until hermetic sealing damages , loses face to face away face to face.The machinery spitting out oblique tones is sealed off , is wear away with balancing plate's, rotator component axial to fleeing measures the amounts sealing off axial to fleeing demanding greater than , the force sealing off compacting soft and floury is diminished , cannot reach the effect sealing off a request , making the machinery hermetic sealing on both side of the pump all ultimately losing hermetic sealing.The axial force is prejudiced big: Machinery hermetic sealing can bear the axial force's in the process of usage, if the effect that existence seals off axial the force , to machinery is grave. Since pump axial the aspect cause such as rational and making , assembling , being put into use that dynamic balance organization designs, brings about the axial force be not balanced away sometimes.Machinery hermetic sealing bears a axial force , the seal gland temperature will be partial to height when moving round, to the medium that polypropylene is similar to, before the high temperature be able to be molten down, the pump starts the queen therefore losing hermetic sealing effect very quickly right away , discontinuous gushing sealing off end face then appearing leaves out phenomenon when the pump is motionless.pump spindles deflections are slanting big: That machinery hermetic sealing calls end face hermetic sealing, is that one kind of axis of rotation to contact-type moves hermetic sealing , it is under fluid medium and elasticity component effect , two perpendicularities reach hermetic sealing effect thereby in stick the small side door , relative rapid and intense axle centre line hermetic sealing end face revolution, demands to need to accept a force homogeneously between two hermetic sealing therefore.The machinery spitting out oblique tones is sealed off , is wear away with balancing plate's, rotator component axial to fleeing measures the amounts sealing off axial to fleeing demanding greater than , the force sealing off compacting soft and floury is diminished , cannot reach the effect sealing off a request , making the machinery hermetic sealing on both side of the pump all ultimately losing hermetic sealing.not assisting irrigation system or assists irrigation system to interpose block of wood reasonableness: That assisting that machinery seals off washes system is very important , it can protect effects such as sealing off face , getting to the cooling , lubrication , washing away varia effectively. Design that allocation assists irrigation system, to be unable to reach hermetic sealing effect not rationally sometimes;Have foreign substance sometimes although designing that the personnel has designed auxiliary system, since in washing liquid, rate of flow , pressure washing liquid are insufficient , wash mouth location designing that wait for cause unreasonable , also same being unable to reach hermetic sealing effect.vibration is slanting big: Machinery seals off vibration insisting to lead to big , ultimate losing hermetic sealing effect. That machinery seals off big slanting vibration cause sometimes is not that machinery seals off self cause but , other pump component and part is to produce the origin vibrating , waits for cause if the pump spindle designs that cause , axle bearing accuracy unreasonable , processing are insufficient , shaft coupling degree difference , radial force of equal rank are big.Cause that the pump vapor erodes: The function is not good , the pump rotation rate is partial to height since device system operation is unreasonable and the pump entrance vapor erodes, that the vapor erodes , the vapor erodes the entry occurrence part in the pump the day afer tomorrow happened , is able to have air bubble in the water, that it may pound machinery on one hand seals off the outside surface soft and floury , makes it's surface damage appear on; That another aspect may make fitting that astiring sound is encircled by also contain air bubble in flow soft and floury film, can not form the stable flow film , brings about the trunk friction that fitting that astiring sound is encircled by face , makes machinery seal damage.Machine work accuracy is insufficient: Machine work accuracy is insufficient , cause has many, the treating accuracy having plenty of machinery sealing self off is insufficient , this aspect cause finds also easy to pay attention to easy to arouse people. But the sometimes is a pump other component treating accuracy lack , this aspect cause, do not pay attention to easy to arouse people. For instance: Cause such as pump spindle , axle sleeve , the pump body , the accuracy lack sealing off enlarging of the cavity body. The hermetic sealing effect that these cause existence seals off to machinery is very disadvantageous.responds to the measure adopting:Remove a pump spindle fleeing to measure big measure:Amounts designing that axial force balance is equipped with , removes axial to fleeing rationally. For satisfying this one request,have two to the multi-level centrifugal pump , the comparatively ideal design plan: One is that balance plate adds axial to stopping push axle bearing , balance the axial force from balance plate , carry out axial on the pump spindle from axial to stopping pushing axle bearing position-limit; Another is that the balance drum adds axial to stopping push axle bearing, axial force balancing away major part from the balance drum, axial surplus force bears from stopping pushing axle bearing , axial to stopping pushing axle bearing carries out axial on the pump spindle at the same time position-limit. Second kinds schemes key is to design the balance drum rationally, makes that be able to balance away the most axial force really. Wait for a product to opening a pump in other single stage pump,within amounts range sealing off range demanded by in machinery designing fleeing adopting a few measure guarantee pump spindles now and then.Remove big axial strenuously prejudiced measure:The organization designing axial dynamic balance rationally, makes that be able to balance away the axial force really sufficiently , being sealed up completely by machinery creates a favorable condition. Must achieve testing detecting and discovering problem and solve a problem before the product , unfinished products leave the factory to importance that fields such as a little electric power plant , petrochemical industry, applies. Some important pumps can design a axial to measuring the force ring on the rotator , monitor at any time to being on the march toward the force size scroll, discover a problem in time solve.Remove big prejudiced pump spindle deflection measure:Existence is in this phenomenon mostly in multi-level centrifugal pump of horizontal type, adopting the following measure time design: (1) cuts down both ends distance between axle bearing. The pump impeller progression is not very more than , under the general pump lift request is comparatively good situation, try one's best to improve every level impeller lift, cuts down progression;(2) increases the pump spindle diameter. During the period of the diameter designing a pump spindle, consider the size transferring power simplely only, do not but want the inertia factors such as load , radial force thinking that machinery seals off ,the axis deflection, starts method and being connected with. Much one point designing that not sufficient cognition arrives at this; (3) improves pump spindle material grade; (4) pump spindles are designed after being completed, the deflection to the pump spindle asks the checkout carrying out the core of school to secretly scheme against. Increases by assisting irrigation system:Under the situation that condition allows, system designing auxiliary irrigation to the full. Wash pressure general requirements overtoping 0107 ~ 011 MPa sealing off cavity pressure, if transportation medium belongs to easy vaporization, respond to 01175 ~ 012 MPa higher than vaporization pressure then. The pressure sealing off a cavity is going to secretly scheme against according to every kind of pump structure during the past factors such as pattern , system pressure.Or when shaft seal accent pressure is very high when pressure uses almost