1、2021國家開放大學(xué)電大本科理工英語4期末試題及答案(試卷號:1388)-、交際用3! (MH M分.每小分)1一5 :攜擇正句完成下面對諾.并構(gòu)答案序號寫夜答紙上.L iperhapii you have heArd our products. WoulH you tike to know something more?A. Sure Go ahead*B* I dont need anythingC I*ve heard lot about you.2. Do you think coamctic surgery i more popular with women?A. Yes. wome
2、n are more popuhr lhim menIk Yeit abM)lutcly h i becutiM women pay more attention to bcuuty.(二 Noe it.4. l*hi apple ptc it too Bwcctf donft you think so?I think ite just right, actuallyeA. Not reiilly.& 1 hope imxQ Sounds koo I grt at least hall an hour of rxcrciiie nlmosf every day*Oh great! .N Sar
3、nr to you.B. Cheer up.G Keep tt up,二.切it與饞椅(共計30分.每小 2分)6-20 :H讀下面的句子,從A.B.C三個逸康中逸出一個能境入空白處的正炫項(xiàng)并軸答塞序號品在答峨上.6 He would murh it if you could do him rhe hvonX award氏 applyC. apprccutc7.1 couldnt stand London! Bloody plai:已A. splendidB awesomeC. awful8. H you have Any news o( my hiisbimd, pkrn* let me k
4、new.A. definite氏 dcfmitdydclinr9. She ia tall n you2 notH. no( MRl(L It i* hurd for any womnn tu rcsinlhrrsrlf more hew tit y,Z mnkrH rnndemaking11. You will grt yaur conntctic surgery on yniir nonr. Plrnwr nil mr il you hkr thii medico! phn.A or not隊(duì) Im)C. cither12. no tnodern telecomm unit a wr wi
5、mjM Kmvc to Whit lor wrt k? io get nrw* Irotn nround ihr world.A Were thereIt U thrrv nrrCndrdA frying hnvc (nrd16. Our pan of the mission i$ nearly complete and the new crew will lorZ ukc overB. take outC take off17. I think the benefits of opening up aipnee far rhe damage that wr can sec.A. outwit
6、H outweighC outwear18. Some illegal traders earc about nothing but.A to make moneyB. nuking moneyG rnnde money19 If Gardener. who will take care of uk?A Everything we do has the potential creating some bad.A.Omn centern d large Internet tnmpanie tuch an Google and Microsoft huvr ihouMnd* of computer
7、 crvcr A* these urrvern proceR in(urmAtinn they creole Intgr Amounts of hent9 bo they need huge voolinK ystems- Three tystems Brnd the Kent into the air.Thp Dutch compony Nerdnliic thinki% paying for electricity to operate the server* and then PyinK ”in “The kilowatt(瓦)hour you arc using is used twi
8、ce - once to the home and once to compute the client, tank without the cooling overhead. He says five homeowners in the Netherlands arc testing thr heating device in their homes. We reimburse the electncity the server uses, and that wc can do because of the computer clients on the other side nnd in
9、that way. homeowners actually get halting for free and computer users don* I hnve to pay for the overhead of the data centef.”Jan Visser is one of the participants in the year-long experiment. He says the amount of heaT produced by the Radiator depends on the work being done by the computer server.
10、He say it cannot be used as the primary source of heau But ht is ready to try itHe says if it provide? enough warmtht he will be able to use his homes heating system which will save hitn mottey Nerdnliiee says e-RdiaiOTH create heat temperatures of up to 55X It says thr devices could save users up t
11、o $ 440 in heating costs n year.21. Why did researchers ask what would happen if the heat created by the servers could be captured and used?A. Because computers can get very hot-B. Computer servers is a complex program.C. Cexiling computer servers cots a lot of money.22. Uhe com put rr ncrvrrR in In
12、rgc Internet companivti m Googlr and Microsoft cnnA* crrtr Urge amounts of inlorm/itiunK crcotc hrjcr qunrniiy of hctC. mntiMge the huge cooling ytems23. Ncnhlur developed the r Rmhntur beenurAi c Rndmtor com energyH. r Rndiator can cool thn -icrvcra for freeC C 2Baidu Chinn r * Itading search engin
13、e company has unveiled hs own eyewear calkd Woidu Eye. It K laid to be a different product from Googk Glass in terms of Rmchorudny.Thr earn pan y drmonnt rated 4 working prototype on September 3 ;H it annual Technology Innovuiion Conlrrence in Beijing. It beam a similarity io (n)Klo Gig. but it has
14、no percent Instead* thr device umtm a camera tn scan objects, and Focijm-s on nnAly/ing information airound untr andthiit lo a umartphane.Baidu xys rhe device is rlejugncd to nupport image The company S CEO Robnt Li bclirve tn five yearn* time, people will ct used to searching by imAfe nnd irniio ra
15、ther thnn text. Li ha Riven an example of huw anc can take advantage of Baidu Eye. HII you are In u shopping mall and come across a woman whose skirt lookn really atiractivct you take a photo of hw kirt UMng Baidu Eye. 4nd youf 11 get to know wherr to buy one for yourIL HAccording to Kniser Kuo# Bai
16、du S director of internaiionfll communUaitons:# Baidu Eye am also recogniic voice and gcsiurc yrl to nnnouncrrelease dntc or murkrting lor Bxidu Eyr.26. Hnidu,( hirwS kading earch engine cumpany.27. Hnidubiunchcd product that fuu more funrtionsthan Gcx)glc (Jlajuon September 3.28 Baidu Eyecansran ob
17、jects with its urrudl screen.29. The companyf * CEO Rubin Li bclirws thnt people will get ued lo ucArchrrig by30. Baidu has already announced the release of Baidu Eye.85,寫作(共2。分)31. 根JH委本寫作文.Wnie ennferenre natter according to the following information (請根!K以下信息“一 M虹FTnlc of thr mrrtinxt I Hr Sth It
18、itrrnaiiunfll Confcrtncr on 3D Imugee ParticipanUi reftrnreher* and purchaaers Imm aoidcmy and induntry Purponei ollering invaluabk oceuiionB to exchange reaeftrrh Achievemenia* purcluiBc needed commodities and shwre thaughi* rclatrd to 3D images Exhibe Sth Internatiorul Conference on 3D Inuxo PArti
19、dpantMi rcacarchrra nnd purchasers from aaidemy and indutry Purpose: offering invaluable exxasion* to exchange research achievements* purchoc needed commodincs nd nhare tbaughts related to 3D images Exhibit*i productfl related to 31) imageB Time Mirch 8A.2O1 Placet Hepmit HoteL ShnnghAi. China resjg
20、iuiTioni The Preparatory Committee琴秘文Conference NoticeDiitrt Drcember 2 2017Time, Mxrch 2018Placei Heping Hotel Shanghai ChinaNotice im hereby issued that the 5th International Conference on 3【)Imagej w山 be held in HrpinK HoteL Shnnghnif China, on March 8偏. 2018. Products related to 31) itnffge* are going to be exhibited in thin conlerrncc-The purpow? ol thin meeting is to provide an opponunity for rowchrr* und purchwera to exchnntfr research achtevtmenrw purchavc needed commoditirM and hare thoughts related to 3 D imgc!uThe Prrparntory Committee