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22噸液壓挖掘機總體設計-文獻原文重 慶 理 工 大 學文 獻 翻 譯二級學院 機械工程學院 班 級 109040201 學生姓名 陳開飛 學 號 10904020102 譯 文 要 求1、譯文內(nèi)容必須與課題(或?qū)I(yè))內(nèi)容相關,并需注明詳細出處。2、外文翻譯譯文不少于2000字;外文參考資料閱讀量至少3篇(相當于10萬外文字符以上)。3、譯文原文(或復印件)應附在譯文后備查。 譯 文 評 閱導師評語(應根據(jù)學?!白g文要求”,對學生外文翻譯的準確性、翻譯數(shù)量以及譯文的文字表述情況等作具體的評價) 指導教師: 年 月 日 現(xiàn)代工程機械行業(yè)的技術(shù)進步 摘要 大型機械式挖掘機在國際和國內(nèi)的礦山以及工程施工中已得到廣泛應用,其生產(chǎn)率與性能有直接關系。現(xiàn)代的工程機械逐漸向四個方向發(fā)展:1.操作原理的創(chuàng)新,破土新法與高頻振動;2.傳動方式創(chuàng)新,通用液壓與電氣傳動;3.符合人體工程學的創(chuàng)新,以人為本與簡化操作;4.外觀造型創(chuàng)新,工業(yè)與環(huán)境的設計;5.人工智能創(chuàng)新,智能機器人。隨著現(xiàn)代工程機械行業(yè)的技術(shù)進步,一個全新的工程機械行業(yè)將呈現(xiàn)在人們眼前。 正文 大型機械式挖掘機在國際和國內(nèi)的礦山開采以及工程施工中得到廣泛的應用,其性能的優(yōu)劣對生產(chǎn)率有很大的影響.在國際市場逐步開放的今天,如何提高產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量是一個公司提高其市場競爭力的關鍵。 目前,我國的大型機械式挖掘機在設計水平,設計手段及產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量無法與國際上先進技術(shù)同步.國外已經(jīng)將現(xiàn)代設計方法(電子模擬理論、動態(tài)設計、可靠性設計等)普遍地應用于挖掘機設計,使產(chǎn)品設計現(xiàn)代化,性能可靠。而我國仍然主要采用傳統(tǒng)的仿型設計,而現(xiàn)代設計方法還沒有被實際的應用在挖掘機的設計上。主要表現(xiàn)在自主設計開發(fā)能力不夠,基礎工作做得還不是很完善,尤其在挖掘機動力學設計方面。挖掘機結(jié)構(gòu)非常復雜,往往是多發(fā)動機同時驅(qū)動,同時工作環(huán)境十分惡劣,外載荷總是隨機性變化。因此在設計新型大型礦用挖掘機時,為了確保其作業(yè)的安全,工作順暢,除必要的理論分析和靜強度計算外,還必須要進行動力學分析和計算,以在設計之初保證機械的動強度和可靠性。在進行動力學分析時,應確定挖掘機各部件的載荷特性,以設計出可靠的產(chǎn)品。從20世紀80年代到本世紀初,中外工程機械產(chǎn)品技術(shù)在新的技術(shù)革命中已從一個成熟期走到了現(xiàn)代化時期,工程機械產(chǎn)品的綜合技術(shù)水平躍上了一個新的臺階。電子技術(shù)、微電腦、傳感器、電液伺服控制系統(tǒng)的集成化改造了傳統(tǒng)的工程機械產(chǎn)品,計算機輔助設計和計算機輔助制造,計算機輔助工程機械及器材制造業(yè)管理,IT網(wǎng)絡技術(shù)裝備了工程機械的銷售與信息傳遞系統(tǒng),從而讓人們看到了一個全新的工程機械行業(yè)。新的工程機械產(chǎn)品在工作效率、作業(yè)質(zhì)量、環(huán)境保護、操作性能及自動化程度諸多方面都是過去所不可比擬的,并且在進一步向著機器人化和智能化方向發(fā)展。1.操作原理的創(chuàng)新:破土新法與高頻振動隨著科學技術(shù)的研究發(fā)展,工程機械的操作理論在不斷地創(chuàng)新。機械工程的操作原理包括對土石方的切割、破碎、回填,對土工材料的篩分、混合與加熱,對混合料的攤鋪、平整與壓實等。這些操作原先是以仿生學與牛頓力學為基礎的,而現(xiàn)代科學的發(fā)展為工程機械操作原理創(chuàng)新奠定了基礎。例如機械振動、脈沖、射流、光電效應及熱物理學的應用, 為工程機械節(jié)省資源,提高工程質(zhì)量、提高生產(chǎn)效率、工作可靠性、駕駛的舒適性與自動化程度創(chuàng)造了條件。挖掘機、推土機、裝載機等土方工程機械切割破土項目,我們有了無斗銑切法、高頻振動、液體和氣體射流法及多孔破土法。使用新操作原則的破土原理改造的鏟斗、松土器可以對高強度的巖土進行挖掘,在一般情況下都可以降低單位土方的成本,提高生產(chǎn)效率,并且在靠近建筑物挖土時可代替鉆孔爆破方法挖掘。振動壓路機是是一種機械振動,并達成“振地不振人”作業(yè)效果的最有力說明。高頻振動壓實技術(shù)的應用是現(xiàn)代動力機械工程中的重要研究成果,在振動壓路機上同時應用了隔振理論。20世紀90年代,出現(xiàn)了水平振動(振蕩)與垂直振動的定向振動壓實方法,以及無級調(diào)幅振動和不同于簡諧振動的混沌振動等振動壓實作業(yè)原理,并且形成了相應系列的振動壓路機。沖擊式壓路機打破了傳統(tǒng)的圓柱形滾子結(jié)構(gòu),使用具有3-5個邊的多邊形輥由牽引車拖行,以每秒2-3次以便順序地沖擊地面。這種劇烈沖擊具有地震波的傳播特性,其壓實深度隨碾壓遍數(shù)而遞增,在5m深處的壓實度可達90%-92%。沖擊壓路機具有靜壓沖擊、振動搗實與揉搓的綜合作用,用于全面收干沙土填補壓實。瀝青攤鋪機慰平工作裝置是工程機械作業(yè)原理創(chuàng)新的典型例子。慰平板使用柴油、液化石油氣或電加熱和60Hz的振動頻率,并采用紅外線、超聲波或激光水平,是一個多學科的高新技術(shù)應用。這平整技術(shù)技術(shù)也可以應用到地平面上,如氨氯地平或細平的斜坡。機械振動傳輸頻率還通常用于鑿巖、石料破碎與篩分及沉拔樁等工程施工。石料的烘干可以使用柴油、燃料油和煤碳多種燃料的燃燒器,瀝青的加熱及瀝青混合料的攪拌與絕緣過程中都充分運用了熱物理學理論。瀝青的乳化與改性都是一些物理化學反應的具體應用。2傳動方式創(chuàng)新:通用液壓與電氣傳動20世紀的液壓傳動在60年代開始應用到了壓路機上,只十年的時間就得到了推廣和普及?,F(xiàn)在壓路機的行走、振動、轉(zhuǎn)向及制動系統(tǒng)已實現(xiàn)了全液壓傳動。液壓傳動大大簡化了壓路機傳動與操縱系統(tǒng)的設計,液壓傳動平穩(wěn)、操縱方便省力、容易實現(xiàn)無級調(diào)速和自動控制,從總體上提高了壓路機的生產(chǎn)效率與壓實質(zhì)量?,F(xiàn)在在國外市場上已經(jīng)很少見到機械傳動的壓路機了。液壓傳動技術(shù)于20世紀70年代開始應用到了推土機上,并且很快擴展了中小型推土機和裝載機的數(shù)量,美國約翰迪爾公司,卡特彼勒公司,德國利渤海爾公司及日本小松制作所都生產(chǎn)和銷售推寺機與裝載機。靜液壓傳動不使用液力變矩器,這省去了左線和剎車零件及機械傳動,能利用安全閥對機械和液壓系統(tǒng)實現(xiàn)過載保護,并以較小的索引功率產(chǎn)生最大的索引力,其剩余的功率可以用在機器的輔助操作等。德國的德馬克公司和利渤海爾公司于1954年和1955年率先其他上市公司開發(fā)了全液壓挖掘機,但靜液壓傳動在大型挖掘機上的普及和應用是在20世紀70年代。自80年代初,挖掘機從大到小正逐步實現(xiàn)了驅(qū)動行走、回轉(zhuǎn)與挖掘機的全液壓化。在國際市場上的挖掘機,已全部淘汰了各種機械傳動的機構(gòu)。誕生歷史更晚的道路是以機械液壓傳動為主,如攤鋪機、穩(wěn)土機、路面銑刨機等,液壓傳動的平穩(wěn)性有助于提高鋪平道路的質(zhì)量。在鑿巖臺車和鑿巖機上,液壓傳動已取代了以往的空氣動力學,現(xiàn)代輪胎式起重機和打樁工作也在向全液壓化的方向發(fā)展。電力工業(yè)在生產(chǎn)中的應用雖然具有悠久的歷史,但在移動機械上的使用很少。這首先是因為電動機的能容量小,一臺電動機與同功率的液壓馬達相比,其重量和體積要大好多倍,這給機器的空間布置帶來了很大的困難。另外,電氣傳動的效率低,并且需要消耗大量有色金屬。但電氣傳動可以很好地實現(xiàn)無級調(diào)速、制動和功率分流,電傳動更方便和易于大型礦車、大型挖掘機和大型裝載機上,以發(fā)動機發(fā)電機電動輪傳遞功率。德國福格勒公司還開發(fā)了電動車輪傳遞功率。德國福格勒公司還研發(fā)了電傳動的瀝青攤鋪機,該機的所有回轉(zhuǎn)系統(tǒng)都用電馬達驅(qū)動,只有料斗開合板平整油箱仍使用液壓傳動。另外就是在較小的作業(yè)區(qū)域工作,使用了電力驅(qū)動的大型挖掘機的裝載機,這種電力驅(qū)動使用電纜傳輸動力而不必在機器上安裝發(fā)動機。3符合人體工程學的創(chuàng)新:以人為本與簡化操作20世紀80年代以來,許多世界上大的工程機械制造公司都投入很大的人力和財力在現(xiàn)代設計方法學的研究和應用上。人機工程學是一個“以人為本”的設計思想,重點強調(diào)機器與人的相互協(xié)調(diào),提高操作者的安全性、駕駛舒適性,方便于司機操作和技術(shù)保養(yǎng),這樣既改善操作的工作條件,又提高了生產(chǎn)效率,對工程機械的振動、噪聲、廢氣排放和防止?jié)L筒的下降都制定了新的標準,甚至付諸法律?,F(xiàn)在,各類工程機械都是設計有防止?jié)L筒下降的保護裝置,以保護駕駛者的人身安全,并且對駕駛室進行設計和安裝。駕駛室內(nèi)有足夠的人體空間和開闊的視野,并采取必要的密封、減振、降噪和溫度控制措施。室內(nèi)的座椅、操縱桿件、儀表與顯視器都根據(jù)人機工程學設計,并且盡量減少操縱部位與操縱力。為了減輕駕駛者的疲勞,選用懸浮式減振座椅,并研制了氣液懸持系統(tǒng)的駕駛室地板。電子技術(shù)在工程機械上的應用,極大的簡化了駕駛者的操作程序和提高了設備的技術(shù)性能。利用電子控制可以自動選擇機器的作業(yè)模式,例如挖掘機的三種作業(yè)模式動臂優(yōu)先、回轉(zhuǎn)優(yōu)先和微調(diào)整,串聯(lián)振動車輪和全振動等。電子監(jiān)測可以及時發(fā)現(xiàn)和排除機器系統(tǒng)的故障,例如發(fā)動機潤滑油失壓、風扇傳動帶斷裂、液壓油污染或過熱和濾油器堵塞等,都能及時發(fā)出聲響或燈光報警,由于使用電子感應裝置可以自動檢測機器的工作質(zhì)量,如隨機檢測振動壓路機的壓實程度,自動檢測與調(diào)整瀝青混合料的級配比例與出料溫度等。美國消音技術(shù)公司研制了一種電子消音器,電子儀器分析發(fā)動機排氣噪聲波的結(jié)構(gòu),并產(chǎn)生一種與之相位差180的干擾波,這種“抗噪聲”與發(fā)動機排氣的噪聲相抵消,從而得到消聲的目的。這種電了消音器可用于消除發(fā)動機的基本噪聲和駕駛室內(nèi)的噪聲。通過工程機械駕駛室內(nèi)消音和隔離,噪聲可以降低到70dB(A)以下。另外,通過集中潤滑、自動潤滑及故障報警,大大減少了工程機械的維修工作量。德萊賽公司闡明裝載機軸的潤滑周期可延長到2000h,機油和濾清器的周期延長到250h;卡特彼勒公司裝載機的日常維護時間縮短到3.45min,使用100h的技術(shù)維護時間也僅需6-7min。4外觀造型創(chuàng)新:工業(yè)與環(huán)境的設計現(xiàn)代科學技術(shù)的高速發(fā)展,推動著社會的進步,給人類帶來了高度的物質(zhì)文明與精神文明。工業(yè)設計即是工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的產(chǎn)品,也稱其為產(chǎn)品的藝術(shù)形式。機械產(chǎn)品的藝術(shù)造型應能體現(xiàn)其功能的合理性及外在質(zhì)量的統(tǒng)一性,同時產(chǎn)品應體現(xiàn)先進的技術(shù),滿足現(xiàn)代的審美要求。說工程機械“一紙制品出售”,那是一種夸張的說法,但不包含造型設計肯定是不可取的。工程機械的造型設計可以塑造機器的形態(tài)與結(jié)構(gòu)、功能及使用要求,并與人的生理及心理相協(xié)調(diào)。這種造型設計應當包括各部分恰當?shù)谋壤误w流暢、色彩協(xié)調(diào)、儀表布置美觀以及便于直觀操作并有直觀的標志商標符號?,F(xiàn)在世界各大公司都非常重視產(chǎn)品的工業(yè)設計,并且出現(xiàn)了專門的研究和設計機構(gòu)。居世界領先地位的壓實機制造商寶馬公司,其三分之一壓實機械的機器造型由工業(yè)設計專家Louis.L.lepoix設計,產(chǎn)生了良好的整體效果。該系列拆卸更換過濾器、傳動件、軟管及日常維護十分方便。采用圓弧形的現(xiàn)代駕駛室和在傾角的發(fā)動機罩視野開闊、線條流暢,具有時代氣息。駕駛方向盤的高度與角度可以調(diào)節(jié),選用舒適的高靠背可調(diào)減振座椅,給駕駛員提供了一個良好的操作環(huán)境。儀器儀表盤設計合理,易于觀察和控制,傾斜的司機蓋,以提供良好的視野。液壓轉(zhuǎn)向器轉(zhuǎn)移到駕駛室,以減少駕駛室內(nèi)的熱量與噪聲。圓弧形的擋風玻璃和駕駛室的四個外支承可隔離噪聲與振動,使室內(nèi)的噪聲低于70dB(A)。其它的許多工程機械也都是不同程度地強調(diào)了工業(yè)設計,例如零部件布置盡量下移,以降低整機重心;適當?shù)財U大支承面積,以增加機器的穩(wěn)定性;為了達到審美的標準,使左右對稱分布;為了顯示線條的流暢,去掉一些外觀造型的尖角、棱邊等。工程機械的油漆更是工業(yè)設計的重要組成部分,其色調(diào)應該鮮明,提高作業(yè)環(huán)境的安全性,并與野外施工現(xiàn)場的綠樹田野相協(xié)調(diào),使用平頂?shù)难€和提高機器下車的顏色濃度可以增加機器的視覺穩(wěn)定性等。人工智能創(chuàng)新:智能機器人工程機械在建筑領域代替了人的體力勞動,擴展了人的手腳功能。傳統(tǒng)機械未能解決好人的體力和生理負擔問題,更遑論舒緩人的精神和心理負擔了?,F(xiàn)代化工程機械應該被賦予靈動性,智能機械工程是有思維頭腦(微電腦)、感覺器官(傳感器)、神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(電子傳輸)、五臟六腑(動力與傳輸)及手足骨骼(工作機構(gòu)與行走裝置)的電信系統(tǒng)集成。機電信一體化并非機電與信息技術(shù)的簡單結(jié)合,它所構(gòu)成的系統(tǒng)必須有5項功能:檢測和識別工作對象與工作條件的功能;根據(jù)工作目標自行作出決策的功能;響應決策、執(zhí)行支持動作的功能;自動監(jiān)測與自我修正的功能;自z軸安全保護和故障排除功能。這就是工程機械智能化的一些具體目標。在機械工程的智能化過程中,自始至終充滿著自我學習技術(shù)和自適應技術(shù)的運用。現(xiàn)在機電信一體化技術(shù)實現(xiàn)了對發(fā)動機、液壓系統(tǒng)和電氣系統(tǒng)的全面控制,機器被賦予各種感覺與智慧。在實時監(jiān)測工作狀態(tài)的基礎上,工程機械將從部分自動化過渡到全面自動化,并且向著遠距離無人控制的趨勢發(fā)展。隨著人工智能的介入,工程機械將加速其現(xiàn)代進程的發(fā)展,逐步過渡到完全智慧化的作業(yè)機器人目標。到那時,一些新的機器人作業(yè)程序就會應運而生。 Modern construction machinery industry of technical progress Abstract In the international and domestic, a large mechanical digger has been widely used in mining and construction, and the performance is directly related to the productivity. The development of the modern engineering machinery is gradually divided into four directions. The first, the innovation in operation principle , break the law and high frequency vibration; The second, drive for innovation, and common hydraulic and electric transmission; The third, the innovation according to human body engineering, people-oriented and simplify the operation; Whats more ,the innovation in appearance style, and industrial design with the environment; last but not least, the innovation of artificial intelligence and intelligent robot. With the technical progress of modern construction machinery industry, a new construction machinery industry will appear in front of people. The body Large-size mechanical mining excavator is used widely in international and domestic engineering construction and mining performance, and its property defines the efficiency much.Now because the international market is opened step step, how to promote the quality of excavator is the key that a factory reinforces its competing force.In our country,the designing elevation and production quality on excavator can not keep up with international advanced technology applying on excavator.Now the advanced technology has already applied advanced designing method on excavator designing,such as electronic simulating theory,dynamic design, reliability design and so on.But in our country ,the most excavator design has still applied the traditional design method ,the modern design method has not began to be actually applied .The prime display is that the capability of self-design is not enough and the basic work has not done perfectly especially the excavator kinetics .The construct of excavator is very complex and the multiple movers often work simultaneously.at the same time its working environment is very bad and the eternal load varies randomly.As a result ,when designing the new product of excavator ,in order to ensure the performance safety,the designer not only has the basic theory analysis on static load computing ,but also do necessary work about the kinetics of mechanism to qualify the dynamic reliability in the period of designing .Trough the kinetic analysis ,the load property of all the elements in excavator can be decided so as to design reliable product .From the 1980s of the 20th century to the beginning of this century. Chinese and foreign engineering machinery technology products come from a maturity period of modernization along with a new technological revolution, Mechanical engineering products integrated technology to a new level. Electronic technology, micro-computer, sensors, electro-hydraulic servo control system integration and transformation of the traditional mechanical engineering products, Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing and computer-aided management of construction machinery and equipment manufacturing, IT network technology equipment, construction machinery sales and information transfer systems, thus enabling people to see a brand new construction machinery industry. New construction machinery products in the efficiency and operational quality, environmental protection, performance and automation are many areas due to the past. and toward the further robotic and intelligent direction. 1、 operating principles of Innovation : groundbreaking new law with the high-frequency vibration With scientific and technological research in the development, engineering machinery operating theory is constantly innovating. Operating mechanical engineering principles, including the cutting of earth, broken ground on the screen geotextile material, mixed with heating, right mixture of paving, leveling and compaction, etc. These operations Jimmy initially bionics and Newtonian mechanics-based, Modern science and the development of engineering machinery operating principle of laying the foundation for innovation. For example, mechanical vibration and pulse jet, the photoelectric effect and thermal physics, the application of mechanical engineering to save resources and improve the quality of construction improve production efficiency, reliability and driving comfort and a degree of automation to create conditions. Excavators, bulldozers, loaders, and other earthmoving machinery cutting groundbreaking project, we had no struggle milling, high-frequency vibration, Liquid gas jet method and porous ground breaking law. Groundbreaking use of the new operating principle of transformation to a bucket, can loosen the soil excavation for the high-intensity rock, Under normal circumstances can reduce the unit cost of earthwork and improve production efficiency, and the soil near the building when substitute bored-blasting method. Vibratory Roller is a mechanical vibration and have reached a sluggish vibration to operational effectiveness of the most powerful note. High-frequency vibration compaction technology is the application of modern dynamics in the mechanical engineering important research results, In vibratory roller simultaneously with the application of vibration isolation theory. 90s of the 20th century, there have been a level of vibration (vibration) and vertical vibration directional vibration compaction method, and an AM-vibration and different from the harmonic vibration of chaotic vibration vibratory compaction operating principle, and the formation of the corresponding series of vibratory roller. Impact Roller broke the existing traditional cylindrical roller structure, Use 3-5 edge with the pressure roller polygon dragged by a tractor, 2-3 times per second in order to impact on the ground. This has dramatic impact on the seismic wave propagation characteristics, the depth of compaction several times with the RCC and incremental, 5m in the depths of the degree of compaction of up 90%-92%. Impact Roller is static shock, vibration and rub it smashes the comprehensive role for large fill, Collapse dry sand and soil filling the compaction. Asphalt paver Weiping equipment is operating principles of mechanical engineering innovation typical example. Fung plate diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or electric heating and 60 Hz frequency of vibration, and using infrared, ultrasonic or laser leveling, is a multidisciplinary high-tech applications. This leveling the technology can be applied to the ground plane, as amlodipine or fine leveling the slope. Transfer frequency mechanical vibration is also commonly used for drilling, stone crushing and sieving and Shen pulling piling works. The stone drying can use diesel, fuel oil and coal combustion of various fuels on the asphalt from the barrel, heating and asphalt mixture, stirring and insulation process is the full use of thermal theory of physics. Asphalt emulsion and some are modified chemical reaction physical specific application. 2、drive innovation : universal hydraulic and electric drive Hydraulic drive in the 20th century, the 1960s applied to the roller, only 10 years on the time has been spread and popularize. Now roller travel, vibration, steering and braking systems has achieved the full hydraulic drive. Hydraulic drive greatly simplified the roller drive and control system design, hydraulic drive a smooth, convenient manipulation effort, easy to achieve variable speed and automation, in general, improve the production efficiency of roller compaction and quality. Now foreign markets have seen very little mechanical transmission of the roller.Hydrostatic drive technology in the 1970s began to use bulldozers, and will soon be extended to a number of small and medium bulldozers and loaders, the United States John Deere, Caterpillar, Germany Bohai benefit companies and Dole produced by Komatsu of Japan has production and sales pushed Temple hydraulic machines and loaders. Hydrostatic drive not to use hydraulic torque converter, which dispense with the left lane and brake parts and mechanical drive, use of a safety valve on mechanical and hydraulic systems overload protection, and the index of smaller power play biggest index, its remaining power available in the auxiliary machinery operation. German company Deutsche mark and Lee Bohai Fall of other public companies in 1954 and in 1955 took the lead in developing a hydraulic excavator , but the hydrostatic transmission in large excavator is the popularization and application of the 1970s. Since the early 1980s, excavators and subdivided, is gradually realized - powered, rotary and the hydraulic excavator of. In the international market excavators, were all eliminated various mechanical drive. Late history of the birth of the road is more mechanical hydraulic drive-based, such as paver, soil stabilizer, Pavement milling machine, hydraulic transmission smoothness help improve the quality of the roads paved. Drilling in the car and drilling machines, hydraulic transmission has replaced the previous aerodynamic, Wheeled modern cranes and machinery also piling work to the whole in the direction of hydraulic development. Electricity in industrial production while the application has a long history, but in mobile machinery is seldom used. This is because, firstly, to the motor capacity of, a motor with the same power as compared to the hydraulic motor, its weight and bulk to good times, to the machinery space layout brought great difficulties. In addition, the efficiency of electrical transmission over low efficiency and consumption of a large volume of non-ferrous metals. But electric drive can be well realized variable speed, braking and electrical power streaming - Drive more convenient and easy to large tub, large excavator and large loaders, engine-generator-electric wheels will transfer power. Germany Vogele also been developed for electric power will transfer wheel. Germany Vogele also been developed electric drive an asphalt paver, the aircrafts systems are all rotary motor driven electricity, Only Hopper CDCC and comfort slab leveling tank still use hydraulic transmission. The other is the regional mobile operations in the smaller mining site, the use of electric drive large excavator loaders, Such use of electric drive power transmission cables without the engine installed on the machines.3、ergonomic innovations : a people-oriented and simplified operation 1980s of the 20th century, Many of the worlds largest engineering machinery manufacturing company has invested considerable human and financial resources for modern design methodology of the research and used. Ergonomics is a people-oriented design, with emphasis on the machines mutual coordination and crew safety, driving comfort, convenience in the drivers operation and maintenance technologies, such drivers both improved working conditions, and increased production efficiency, and some of the engineering machinery vibration, noise, emissions and the prevention of roller drop from the development of the new standard, and even those laws. Now all kinds of projects are mechanical design roller defense and falling-object protective devices to protect the personal safety of the drivers, with the cab and are designed and installed. Indoor driving sufficient human space and broad vision, and to take the necessary seals, vibration, noise and temperature control measures. Indoor chairs, pieces of the stick, gauges and the monitor according to ergonomics and design and minimize the manipulation and control of parts. To reduce driver fatigue, to choose the suspension damping chairs, and to develop a gas-liquid system hanging with the cab floor. Electronic technology, mechanical engineering applications, which greatly simplifies the drivers operational procedures and to the machines technical performance. The use of electronic control machine can automatically choose the mode of operation, such as excavators to the three operating modes - boom priority, Rotary priorities and micro-adjustment tandem wheels all vibration and vibration. Electronic monitoring can detect and remove machines system failures, such as engine oil pressure loss. Fan fracture belt drive, hydraulic oil contamination or overheating and oil filter blockage, can promptly lights or audible alarm, by the use of electronic sensor device can handle automatic detection machines quality of the work, If random vibration testing of the degree of compaction roller, automatic detection and adjustment of the asphalt mixture ratio and size distribution outlet temperature.American muffler technology company developed an electronic silencer, electronic equipment engine exhaust noise analysis of the wave structure, and produce a phase difference of 180 with the acoustic interference, This anti-noise and the engine exhaust noise offset, which over the purpose of the muffler. Such a muffler - can be used to eliminate the basic engine noise and the noise indoor driving. Muffler and isolation through the engineering machinery driving indoor noise can be reduced to 70dB (A) below.In addition, by concentrating on lubrication, automatic lubrication and fault alarm, greatly reducing the engineering and mechanical maintenance workload. Dreiser companies axis articulated loader lubrication cycle extended to 2000h. oil and filter replacement cycle extended to 250h; Caterpillar loader routine maintenance to shorten the time 3.45min. 100 hours use of the technical maintenance for only 6-7min. 4、Creative : industrial design with the environment Modern science and technology of high-speed development, promoting social progress, for humanity to a high degree of material civilization and spiritual civilization. Industrial design is the product of industrial product design, product also known as the art form. Mechanical Products art forms should be able to demonstrate its function in a rational and external quality of uniformity, the product should reflect the advanced technology and meet the aesthetic requirements of modernity. For mechanical engineering, said it was a Paper goods sold, That is an exaggeration, but