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1、增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者 年 月 日課題Module 1 (單元備課)課時教學目標教材分析教學過程一、教學內容分析 1、Can ask questions about colours. 2、Can talk about different colours . 3、The children learn the new words very easily because most of the words have leamed,the new words is so few. So its very easy to pupils. The phrase is simple too. 二、教

2、學目標1、認知目標 A 、The vocabulary and dialogue. B 、The structures.2、情感目標 Take pare in the classroom activity.3、發(fā)展目標增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程 Imprae the pupils listening and speaking skills.三、教學重、難點1、教學重點: A 、Vocabulary and dialogue. B 、The key structures.2、 教學難點:3、 Use the key structures.五、教學媒體策略 Tape (recorder )

3、projectin (drawing) cards.六、課時安排: 7課時板書設計作業(yè)設計教學后記 增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 1 I like red (dialogue)課時1教學目標1、學生能聽、說、讀單詞:blue, white, red, yellow, colour.2、學生能初步運用顏色修飾事物,如:a blue car.3、學生能初步運用詢問顏色的句子及其回答。教材分析重點:1、單詞的認讀。2、句子What colour is . 的理解及初步運用。難點:句型與課文的教學。教具:教學圖片、自制圖片、錄音機、錄音帶、實物教學過程教學過程(一)Warm

4、 up( 熱身運動)播放Rainbow這首歌曲,讓學生一起跟唱。(二)Presentation and practice1. 導出本節(jié)課的教學內容。T: 你們看到rainbow是由什么組成的?P: 顏色。T: 今天我們就來學習有關顏色的知識,2. 指著rainbow的一種顏色問學生:T: Look, what colour is it?學習單詞blue, colour。3. 讓學生跟讀句子。4.用同樣的方法學習其他顏色:red, white, yellow.5. Game:老師說顏色單詞,讓穿著跟老師說的顏色相同的衣服或褲子的同學站起來。然后讓學生指令,對站對的學生對應的小組加分。增城市中小學

5、課時教學設計教學過程6. 學習用顏色描述物品的短語。師舉起car,讓學生跟老師說a blue car. blue, blue, blue, a blue car.7. 用同樣的方法學習a red ball, a yellow boat.8. Do some exercise.9. Sum up10. Homework.板書設計 Unit 1 I like redblue a blue car What colour is it?red a red ball Its .white a white plane yellow a yellow boat作業(yè)設計1抄新單詞。2聽錄音讀課文3次。教學后記

6、增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 1 I like red課時2教學目標1、學生能聽、說、讀單詞:go,to,good idea, great2、學生能理解祈使句:Lets go to play.及其回答3、學生能初步運用I like.表過自己喜歡的顏色。教材分析重點:1、單詞的認讀。2、句子I like . ,祈使句的回答及初步運用。難點:單詞的讀音及其識記。教具:顏色筆、錄音機、錄音帶、吹塑紙。教學過程教學過程:(一)Warm up( 熱身運動)1. 復習上節(jié)課學習的單詞,詞組。2. 復習句子What colour is it? 及其回答。(二)Presentati

7、on and practice1. 學習I like.T: 你們喜歡什么顏色?P:T: 我喜歡紅色。 I like red. 學習單詞like. 學習句子I like red.2. 學習go,并用動作表達這個意思。3. 學習句子: Lets go to play. 引導學生用Lets be friends.的回答來回答。4.引導學生除了用OK回答,還可以用其他的回答,從而學習Good idea. Great.5. Game:老師先說一些指令性的句子,讓學生用剛才學習的句子回答。然后增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程同學間互相問答。6. 出示課本的句子,讓學生自已試讀,不會的老師再教讀。7. 整體

8、呈現課文,并分角色朗讀課文。8. Do some exercise. 根據短文的內容,把句子補充完整。9. Sum up10. Homework.Copy the dialogue.板書設計Unit 1 I like red A: Do you have a?B: Yes,I do./ No,I dont.A: What colour is it?B: Its 作業(yè)設計1、4人小組默寫顏色單詞。2、唱“Colour ”給自己喜歡的人聽。(最少唱1次)教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit1 I like red課時3教學目標Can speak objects and

9、sentences with colours.教材分析重點:To improve students listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities.難點:To improve students listening,speaking,reading and writing abilities.教具:字母卡片教學過程教學過程:一、Warming upFree talk:A: What colour do you like? B:I like二、Revision1. Game “Simon says”.2.Read the words and hav

10、e a dictation. 三、Presentation1、Listen and colour. (聽錄音按要求給圖上顏色。如:a blue ruler,給尺子涂成藍色。)2、Ask and tick.同桌對話 A:Do you like red? B:Yes,I do.() No,I dont.()在對話的同時完成表格,用Yes回答的畫“”,用No回答的畫“”。3、Look and say (利用實物或圖片做對話)增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程A: Do you have a?B:Yes,I do. No,I dont.A:What colour is it?B:Its 4、Colour

11、 and say(先讓學生將物體涂自己喜愛的顏色,再與同桌對話)四、Development1讓學生對自己喜愛的顏色作綜合的陳述。如:I like red, I like blue, I like yellow, I dont like white五、Sum up 小結本課時的內容。六、Homework:1、家庭聽寫單詞(U1的單詞)2、四人小組互相檢查聽寫情況,組長向老師匯報成果。板書設計Unit 1 I like red A: Do you have a?B: Yes,I do. No,I dont.A: What colour is it?B: Its 作業(yè)設計1、家庭聽寫單詞(U1的單詞

12、)2、四人小組互相檢查聽寫情況,組長向老師匯報成果。教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 1 I like red課時4教學目標1.鞏固新單詞:red, yellow, blue, white, like, great, colour, idea, go, to 2.學會運用句型:What colour is it? Its red.3.學習字母a b c d “a-e” 的發(fā)音規(guī)律.教材分析重點:1.單詞和句型。2.字母的發(fā)音。難點:顏色單詞前不能用 a ,an 或the等詞。教具:小黑板 、錄音機 、單詞卡片教學過程一、熱身與復習:1.Sing a song C

13、olour2.Review:快速出示單詞卡片,讓學生迅速大聲讀單詞,然后拿掉一張問:“Whats missing?”二、呈現與操練:1. 老師拿出一架玩具飛機問:“Do you have a plane?” 學生答:“Yes, I do.”老師再問:“What colour is it?”學生答: “Its blue.”2. 讓學生利用身邊實物或文具進行同位操練。3. 讓學生出來用顏色在全班同學進行自由問答。4. 以兩人一小組進行競賽。5. 鼓勵學生就顏色用英語講一段話,如:I am Amy. I am a pretty girl. I like red. I like yellow. I l

14、ike blue. I dont like white.6. 學習字母a, a-e, b, c, d在單詞中的自然拼讀。7. Rhyme time: 練習a的發(fā)音通過rhyme.讀時注意音調節(jié)奏。增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程三、鞏固運用:1. 歸納學過含有元音a的單詞,讓學生拼讀。2. 出示含有元音a的新單詞,嘗試讓學生去拼讀。 3. 讓學生總結發(fā)音的規(guī)律。 四、作業(yè) 1讀書本P7的sound family, Rhyme.2. 與同桌自編對話。板書設計Unit 1 ColourA: What colour is it?B: Its yellow.作業(yè)設計1讀書本P7的sound famil

15、y, Rhyme.2. 與同桌自編對話。教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 2 Lets colour it課時5教學目標1.學習新單詞:green , purple, orange, brown, black, crayon,funny, hat 2.學會運用句型: Lets colour green/orange/.教材分析重點:1.單詞和句型。2.對課文的理解。難點:colour作名詞和動詞在句中的不同用法。教具:小黑板 、錄音機 、單詞卡片教學過程一、熱身與復習:1用.TPR全身反應復習身體部位單詞。2.Review:以開火車形式復習已學顏色單詞。二、呈現

16、與操練:1. 老師拿出一張彩色的臉問:“Look at this picture. Whats it?” 學生答:“Its a face.”老師:“Yes. Its a funny face.”引出新單詞:“funny”2.以介紹圖畫的方式引出新單詞green,orange,purple,brown,black.3.以游戲的形式操練新單詞:把全班分成5個小組,每組給一個colour name,老師手拿5種顏色的轉盤,讓學生大聲喊自己組的名字,老師叫“stop”轉盤停在哪種顏色則那個小組勝。4. 新課呈現:(1)看圖聽錄音,理解對話。 (2)老師帶讀。(3)學生分小組讀。(4)學生分角色讀。(5

17、)讓學生表演對話。增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程三、鞏固運用:1. 讓學生運用固定句型與同桌自編對話。2. 拿出圖畫紙與蠟筆邊說邊畫,把固定句型運用于實際情景中。 四、作業(yè)1. 抄新單詞。2. 跟錄音讀課文3次。3. 與同桌自編對話。板書設計Unit 2 Lets colour it green orangeA: Lets colour the nose red . brown blackB: OK. purple 作業(yè)設計1抄新單詞。2跟錄音讀課文3次。3.與同桌自編對話。教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 2 Lets colour it 課時6教學目標1.

18、 can read, listen and write the words of colour. 2. can talk about the colours of things.教材分析重點:1.單詞和句型。2.把本課句型運用于實際中。難點:區(qū)分What與What colour的不同回答。教具:小黑板 、錄音機 、單詞卡片教學過程一、熱身與復習:1出示某些不同顏色的實物問:“What colour is it?”復習顏色單詞。2.Review:以開火車形式復習已學顏色單詞。二、呈現與操練:1. 老師拿出一張彩色的臉問:“Look at this picture. Whats it?” 學生答:

19、“Its a face.”老師:“Yes. Its a funny face.”引出新單詞:“funny”2.以介紹圖畫的方式引出新單詞green,orange,purple,brown,black.3.以游戲的形式操練新單詞:把全班分成5個小組,每組給一個colour name,老師手拿5種顏色的轉盤,讓學生大聲喊自己組的名字,老師叫“stop”轉盤停在哪種顏色則那個小組勝。4. 新課呈現:(1)看圖聽錄音,理解對話。 (2)老師帶讀。(3)學生分小組讀。(4)學生分角色讀。(5)讓學生表演對話。增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程三、鞏固運用:1. 讓學生運用固定句型與同桌自編對話。2. 拿出

20、圖畫紙與蠟筆邊說邊畫,把固定句型運用于實際情景中。 四、作業(yè)1家庭聽寫顏色單詞。2.用英語寫一段話描述一張圖畫。 板書設計Unit 2 Lets colour it green orangeA: What colour do you like? . brown blackB: I like Lets colour itA:OK. 作業(yè)設計1家庭聽寫顏色單詞。2.用英語寫一段話描述一張圖畫。教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 2 Lets colour it課時7教學目標1. To grasp the names of colours.2. To grasp the

21、 sentences and expressions.教材分析重點:1.單詞和句型。2.把本課句型運用于實際中。 難點:區(qū)分What與What colour的不同回答。教具: 黑板 、錄音機 、單詞卡片教學過程一、熱身與復習:1.Free talk.2.Review:出示卡片背面讓學生猜出顏色,生問:“Is it blue?”師:“No”讓學生不斷說出顏色單詞,老師適當給出提示:“The first letter is “p”學生根據字母發(fā)音說:“purple”,復習單詞的同時練習字母的發(fā)音。二、呈現與操練:1呈現一些色彩圖片,讓學生描繪出圖片的顏色。2讓學生出來,指著教室的物品描述其顏色。3

22、小組合作出示圖中某些圖片或桌面上的文具互相描述。4邊聽邊做,訓練學生英語綜合動手操作能力(Listen and colour)P10.5. 邊說邊做(Colour and say)P106看圖說畫(Point and say)P11增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程三、Development:1. 讓學生出示某些圖片進行綜合描述:This is a , Its red/ Ilike it. Do you like it?2.Do the project(P11):可由小組合作制作手工,或用橡皮泥捏造,然后向全班展示并解說。 四、作業(yè)1默寫顏色單詞。2.畫一張臉涂上顏色并用英語進行綜合描述。 板書

23、設計Unit 2 Lets colour it A: What colour is it? This is a , Its I like it. B: Is it purple?A:Yes,it is. /No,it isnt. 作業(yè)設計1默寫顏色單詞。2.畫一張臉涂上顏色并用英語進行綜合描述。教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 2 Lets colour it課時8教學目標1. To improve pupils reading, listening, speaking and writing abilities of English.2.把所學單詞和句型靈活運

24、用于實際生活中。教材分析重點:1.單詞和句型。2.把本課句型運用于實際中。難點:顏色的混合。教具:圖片、錄音機教學過程一、熱身與復習:1.Free talk.2.Sing a song with some action.3.以游戲方式復習顏色單詞:小組為單位,接力賽說單詞,說得最多最快的小組為勝。二、呈現與操練:1.Story time: Introduce the story by talking about picture1(P12):Who are in the picture? What is Aki saying ? Does Ben like red?2.看圖聽錄音,理解故事。3跟

25、錄音讀故事。4分角色讀對話。5表演故事對話:把各種顏色掛在黑板上,讓一學生出來扮演Aki,另一同學問,問到哪種顏色?Aki就站在那種顏色前變成那種顏色。6. Did you know:把各種顏色掛在黑板上,用箭頭和標示出兩種顏色的混合,讓學生猜并動手操作得出答案。增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程三、Development:1. 玩“變變變”游戲:讓學生拿出各種顏色筆混合變色并用英語說:“red and yellow equals(is) orange”等。2以小組合作進行競賽,在規(guī)定時間內說出最多顏色組合為勝。四、作業(yè)1聽錄音讀故事3次。2完成活動手冊P4-5 。板書設計Unit 2 Lets

26、 colour it A:Do you like red?B:Yes,I do.red + yellow = orange 作業(yè)設計1聽錄音讀故事3次。2完成活動手冊P4-5 。教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者 年 月 日課題Module2(單元備課)課時教學目標一、 教學內容分析1.The mian topic is about positions .2. The vocabulary is easy to learn .教材分析重點:The dialogue .難點:The vocabulary and the dialogue .教具:Tape projectiun word co

27、rds教學過程二. 教學對象分析The dialogue is also very eary,But the children will learn the price from diffcultly. Children will learn the price from diffcultly .三. 教學目標1、 認知目標:The vocabulary and expressions .The price of the positions .2. 情感目標Enjoy the life and love the life .3. 發(fā)展目標Practise pupils listening sk

28、ill.增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程四. 教學重難點1. 重點: The dialogue .2. 難點: The vocabulary and the dialogue .五. 教學媒體, 策略Tape ( record )Project Card六、課時安排: 8課時板書設計作業(yè)設計教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 3 Wheres my car?課時1教學目標1、學生能夠運用 Where is the?Is it.? It is. 進行情景 交際活動, 向其他同學詢問物體的位置。2、在情境中學生能有禮貌地詢問物體位置。3、學生能在情景交際活動中相互合作

29、。教材分析重點:學會詢問物體位置,同時靈活運用in, on, under, near 。難點:in, on, under, near回答物體位置。教具:實物、圖片 、頭飾教學過程I. Warming up1. Greeting2. Song and RhymeII. Presentation and Practise1. The teacher show a box and a toy dog. Ask the students to describe the position. They learnt in, on, under last year. T: Where is the toy

30、dog?S: It is on/ in/ under the box. 2. Play a game. The teacher ask a group of students to stand on the dai and face to the class, while the teacher stands behind with the box and the toy dog.增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程T+Ss: Where is the toy dog? S1: Its in the box. S2: Its on the box.3. Lets do the exercise 2

31、 in page 16.4. Ask the students to show their answer by reading to the others on the dai.III. Development1. Task: Please describe the positions of the stationery in Exercise 3 in page 17.Ex. The bage is on the desk. The ruler is on the chairIV. Homework1. Try to read the dialogue.2. Copy the new wor

32、ds in Unit 3.Please describe the positions of the stationery in Exercise 3 in page 17 to your parents.板書設計Unit 3 Where is my car? The ruler is on the chair. The book is in the desk.作業(yè)設計1.Try to read the dialogue.2.Copy the new words in Unit 3.教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 3 Wheres my car?課時2教學目標1

33、、學生能夠理解本課對話意思,并且能夠熟練讀出課文對話。2、在情境中學生能有禮貌地詢問物體位置。3、學生能夠很有禮貌地運用英語詢問物體的位置。教材分析重點:對課文對話的認讀和理解。難點:表演對話時能夠擺脫課文的影響,能最大限度地改編。教具:實物、圖片 、頭飾教學過程I. Warming up1. Greeting2. Song and RhymeII. Presentation and Practise1. Play the game to review the sentence structure they learnt in the last period only to change th

34、e toy dog into a doll and a robot to present the new words.2. Ask the students to watch the video twice and learnt to read the dialogue.3. Please read the dialogue in groups. 4. Devide the students into three groups and ask the to have a compitition. Praise the group that reads the best.增城市中小學課時教學設計

35、教學過程III. DevelopmentTask: Ask the students to mimic the diogue and try to make a new dialogue. Ex: A: Lets play a game.B+C+D: OK. A: Where is my doll? B: Is it ? C: Is it ? A: Yes. It is. /No, it isnt.IV. Homework.1. Ask your parents about the position of your stationery.(選做)2. Copy the new words in

36、 this unit.3. Read the dialogue.板書設計Unit 3 Where is my car?A: Lets play a game. robotB+C+D: OK. A: Where is my doll? B: Is it ? A: Yes. It is. /No, it isnt.作業(yè)設計1.Ask your parents about the position of your stationery.(選做)2.Copy the new words in this unit.3.Read the dialogue.教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月

37、日課題Unit 3 Fun with language課時3教學目標1、理解字母e, ee的發(fā)音規(guī)律。2、學生能夠能夠用英語熟練完成Fun with language中的任務。3、學生能夠在游戲中體會到英語學習的快樂。教材分析重點:掌握字母e, ee, f, g, h的發(fā)音規(guī)律。難點:讓學生把發(fā)音規(guī)律熟練運用到對單詞的發(fā)音判斷過程中。教具:實物、圖片 、頭飾教學過程Warming up1. Greeting 2. Song and Rhyme II. Presentation and Practise1. Teach the rhyme in page 19, ask the students

38、 to find out the words with the same sound. Red, bed, pen 2. ask the tudents to read out the following wordsme, he, meet, feet and find out the same sounds. 3. Ask the students to sumerize the rule. Then read out the following words.Be heFed bedDeed feed。增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程4. Ask the students to sumeri

39、ze the rule. Then read out the following words.Be heFed bedDeed feed5. Ask the students to make more words, ex: teed, weed, ted, get, wet, we6. Do the exercise in page 16 and 17.III. DevelopmentTask: show us the pictures of your bedroom and please describe the position of the things inside.IV. Homew

40、ork1. Read the dialogue2. Finish the exercise in the activity book.板書設計Unit 3 Wheres my car?Be heFed bedDeed feed作業(yè)設計1.Read the dialogue2.Finish the exercise in the activity book.教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 3 Wheres my car ? (復習課) 課時4教學目標1、 復習本課的單詞和課文及重點句型,幫助學生鞏固與整理本課的知識。2、 指導學生完成相關的練習。教材分析重點:復

41、習本課的單詞和課文及重點句型,幫助學生鞏固與整理本課的知識。難點:指導學生完成相關的練習。教具:實物、圖片 、頭飾教學過程I. Warming up1. Greeting2. Song and RhymeII. Presentation and practise1. The teacher show a box and a toy dog. Ask the students to describe the position. They go over in, on, under nearT: Where is the toy dog?S: It is on/ in/ under/ near t

42、he box. 2. Play a game. The teacher ask a group of students to stand on the dai and face to the class, while the teacher stands behind with the box and the toy dog.增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程T+Ss: Where is the toy dog? S1: Its in the box. S2: Its on the box.3. Lets do the exercise 1 in Activity book page 6.4.

43、Ask the students to show their answer by reading to the others on the dai.III. Development1. Task: Please describe the positions of the stationery in Exercise 5 Activity book in page7.Ex. The toy car is on the desk. The doll is in the boxIV. Homework1. Read the dialogue and the new words.2. Do the e

44、xercise 1 in Activity book page 6.3. Please describe the positions of the stationery in Exercise 3 in page 17 to your parents.板書設計Unit 3 Where is my car? Where is . ? Its in/on/under/near/ the . Is the . in/on/under/near/ the . ? Yes, it is , / No, it isnt .作業(yè)設計Unit 3 Where is my car? Where is . ? I

45、ts in/on/under/near/ the . Is the . in/on/under/near/ the . ? Yes, it is , / No, it isnt .教學后記1.Read the dialogue and the new words.2. Do the exercise 1 in Activity book page 6.3. Please describe the positions of the stationery in Exercise 增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 4 Is it in your bag?課時5教學目標1、學生

46、能夠運用 in front of, behind, beside 描述物體位置。2、學生能在情景交際活動中相互合作。3、學生了解不同動物的居住環(huán)境。教材分析重點:學習介詞in front of, behind, beside表示物體的位置。難點:學習介詞in front of, behind, beside表示物體的位置。教具:實物、圖片 、頭飾教學過程I. Warming up1. Greeting2. Song and Rhyme3. Play a game “ Listen and do”T: Put your pencil on the desk/ in the bag.II. Pre

47、sentation and Practise1. Play a guessing game to lead in the content. The teacher put a robot inside a bag, ask one students to touch and guess what it is. Then ask the question, T: What is it? S: It is a robot. T: Where is it? S: Its in the bag. T: Yes, its inside the bag. 增城市中小學課時教學設計教學過程2. Put th

48、e robot beside, behind and in front of a box and then ask the position to elicit the new words. All: The robot is beside/ behind/ in front of the box.3. Play a guessing gameS: Where is the robot?S123: Is it beside the box?S: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.III. Development Task: Show a picture of some ani

49、mals in different positions and ask the students to describe their positions. Ex. The dog is behind the door. The cat is under the desk.IV. Homework1. copy the new words.2. Try to read the dialogue.板書設計Unit 4 Is it in your bag? S: Where is the robot? besideS123: Is it beside the box? In front ofS: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. behind作業(yè)設計1.copy the new words.2.Try to read the dialogue.教學后記增城市中小學課時教學設計執(zhí)教者: 年 月 日課題Unit 4 Is it in your bag?課時6教學目標1、學生能

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