單位代碼 01 學(xué) 號 1303020025 分 類 號 TN014 密 級 文獻翻譯無線充電技術(shù)的簡介及展望 院(系)名稱信息工程學(xué)院 專業(yè)名稱電子信息工程 學(xué)生姓名劉婷 指導(dǎo)教師王玉巧2015年 04 月 10 日 黃河科技學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(文獻翻譯) 第6頁中文譯文無線充電技術(shù)的簡介及展望1.無線充電技術(shù)的歷史實際上無線供電的設(shè)想早在一百多年前就已經(jīng)出現(xiàn),在1890年,尼古拉特斯拉,這位現(xiàn)代交流電系統(tǒng)的奠基者就開始構(gòu)想無線供電方法,最后提出了一個非常宏大的方案把地球作為內(nèi)導(dǎo)體;在地球與電離層之間建立起大約8Hz的低頻共振,再利用環(huán)繞地球表面電磁波來遠距離傳輸電力。在當(dāng)時,特斯拉也利用線圈進行了一系列的實驗,開創(chuàng)了無線電力傳輸?shù)南群?。?990年,特斯拉開始了他的研究,并設(shè)法讓電能像廣播一樣跨越大洋,后來因為投資巨大,這項技術(shù)“胎死腹中”。盡管特斯拉的研究最終沒有結(jié)果,但是他當(dāng)初的無線供電技術(shù)構(gòu)想絕對是足夠的大膽。2.無線充電技術(shù)的發(fā)展雖然特斯拉線圈在當(dāng)時沒有得到推行,但是到了20世紀20年代中期,日本的H.Yagi和S.Uda從理論上完全證實了這種方案是一種區(qū)別于有線傳輸?shù)奶厥夤╇姺绞剑壳盁o線供電技術(shù)主要有電磁耦合、光電耦合、電磁共振等三種不同的方式。3.供電方式目前無線供電技術(shù)主要有電磁耦合、光電耦合、電磁共振等三種不同的方式。1、電磁耦合電磁耦合對電源工程師來說,在熟悉不過了,變壓器就是利用這個原理來傳遞能量的。如果把變壓器的兩個繞組分開,就是某種意義上的無線供電。電動牙刷的充電就是一個典型的案例,但是用電磁耦合的方式有很大的缺點,沒有高磁導(dǎo)率的磁芯作為介質(zhì),磁力線會嚴重發(fā)散到空氣中,導(dǎo)致傳遞效率下降,特別在兩個線圈遠離的時候,下降得非常厲害。所以此種方式只適合小功率、近距離的傳輸,對于大功率、遠距離的無線供電這種方式就不太好。2、光電耦合光電耦合就是把電能轉(zhuǎn)化成光能,比如激光,通過光將能量傳遞到目的地再轉(zhuǎn)化成電能。這種無線供電技術(shù)比較直觀,光電耦合還能很好的抑制干擾,而且光電轉(zhuǎn)化技術(shù)的應(yīng)用相對廣泛。但是由于光傳播的單向性,決定了其傳遞路徑有一定的缺陷,即傳遞路徑中不能有障礙物。所以這種技術(shù),也有相應(yīng)的缺陷。3、電磁共振耦合人們對電磁共振著個名詞比較陌生,其原理類似聲波共振的原理,如果兩種介質(zhì)具有相同的共振頻率,就可以用來傳遞能量。電磁共振室目前正在研究的一種電力傳輸方式。2008年,英特爾公司的工程師們曾以該項技術(shù)作為基礎(chǔ),在據(jù)電源3英尺的地方點亮一個60W的燈泡。2010年9月報,富士通的無線充電技術(shù)利用磁共振在充電器與設(shè)備之間的空氣中傳輸電荷,線圈和電容器在充電器與設(shè)備之間形成共振。富士通表示這一系統(tǒng)可以在未來得到廣泛應(yīng)用,例如針對電動汽車的充電區(qū)以及針對電能芯片的電量傳輸,采用這項技術(shù)研制的充電系統(tǒng)所需要的充電時間只有當(dāng)前的一百五十分之一。目前,日本計劃在2012年設(shè)置充電網(wǎng)點。另外由富爾頓開發(fā)的eCoupled技術(shù)源于19世紀法拉第發(fā)現(xiàn)的電磁感應(yīng)原理,當(dāng)電流通過線圈產(chǎn)生磁場時,相應(yīng)的裝備就會受磁場影響產(chǎn)生電流,電的輸送就以“無線”方式完成了,而且eCoupled技術(shù)還可以對不同功能的同一電器加以甄別,并且適配相應(yīng)的電量。最初,富爾頓將研發(fā)的eCoupled技術(shù)運用在母公司安利的凈水器中,為凈水器的燈泡無線供電。據(jù)ProtableDesign2010年第10期報道,預(yù)計2013年,無線充電設(shè)備的全球潛在市場容量接近140億美元,到2014年,無線充電設(shè)備的出貨量將達到2.5億臺。目前無線充電聯(lián)盟的企業(yè)包括:Atmel、Callpod、LG電子、美國國家半導(dǎo)體、諾基亞、奧林巴斯、飛利浦、Rohm、三星電子、桑菲通訊、索愛、德州儀器、中光電等60家企業(yè)。中國作為世界上最大的無線移動通信市場,應(yīng)用需求龐大。中國桑菲通訊是無線充電聯(lián)盟的十家常委企業(yè)之一,該公司董事長稱,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的發(fā)布,必將推動無線充電市場向縱深方向發(fā)展。4.無線充電技術(shù)的現(xiàn)狀無線充電技術(shù)在國外很多研究機構(gòu)和企業(yè)團體還在大量精力研究和論證可行性以及工業(yè)化,可是中國國內(nèi)在清華大學(xué)、北京科技大學(xué)、哈工大、北方工大等一些科研院校以及深圳、上海等城市的一些高科技企業(yè)已經(jīng)完全進入這個熱門又前衛(wèi)的行業(yè),在手機、筆記本等電子信息產(chǎn)品以及美容美顏等生活小家電產(chǎn)品中廣泛試用,并小規(guī)模量產(chǎn)。目前無線充電技術(shù)也越來越頻繁地在各大通信技術(shù)展電源新技術(shù)展上露面,各大公司也紛紛推出自己的研究成果。2007年6月,美國麻省理工學(xué)院的研究小組發(fā)布了“向距離約2m遠的60W的電燈泡輸送電力,并將其點亮”的實驗報告,令全球為之矚目。以此為開端,眾多廠商及研究機構(gòu)為了實現(xiàn)“無線供電”的實用化,也都開始了積極研發(fā)。2008年8月,無線充電聯(lián)盟在北京舉行新聞發(fā)布會,宣布將無線充電國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)引入中國,無線充電聯(lián)盟副主席布雷特劉易斯介紹,聯(lián)盟成員近60家包括勁量、LG電子、諾基亞等。在2009年Windows7發(fā)布會上,微軟CEO鮑爾默更是帶來了最新的無線視頻輸出和無線供電技術(shù)。無線充電技術(shù)在市政交通方面也有所建樹,2010年3月,第一輛無線充電電動車在韓國首爾大公園試運行。5.無線充電技術(shù)的前景展望1.無線充電在手機上的應(yīng)用我國是最大的手機市場,且世界上60%的手機都是在中國制造,所以無線充電技術(shù)必然要在中國生根發(fā)芽。要在手機上實現(xiàn)無線充電,目前必須有兩個部分:發(fā)射器,與電源連接,負責(zé)向廣闊空間發(fā)射電能;接受器,一般安裝在電子產(chǎn)品上,用來接受電能。目前只有部分手機支持無線充電而且充電器的尺寸還有點大,據(jù)介紹,在最近兩年內(nèi),無線充電接受器會充分“瘦身”,成為手機產(chǎn)品中內(nèi)置的無線充電接受芯片,只有指甲蓋那么大?!澳壳埃Z基亞、飛利浦、三星、索尼愛立信以及RIM等眾多國際知名手機廠商都很支持這一技術(shù),無線充電器也有可能會與手機一起捆綁進行銷售?!笔謾C只是第一個目標(biāo),以后PMPMP3播放器、數(shù)字照相機、手提電腦等產(chǎn)品都可以使用全新的低能耗、高兼容的無線充電器。預(yù)計5年內(nèi)實現(xiàn)遠距離無線充電。未來,無線充電技術(shù)將怎樣改變我們的生活?方便自不必說,除此之外,無線充電還更安全,沒有外漏的連接器,漏電、跑電等安全隱患可徹底避免。有人擔(dān)心輻射問題,這個技術(shù)最先在凈水器中運用,至今已經(jīng)有8年時間了,安全性已經(jīng)得到了36個國家的驗證,不會對人體和環(huán)境帶來危害。據(jù)介紹,無線充電大致上是通過電磁場輸送能量的,而人類以及人類身邊的絕大多數(shù)物件都是非磁性的。目前,這個效能接受率還在不斷提高,很快將能達到98%。2.無線充電技術(shù)在醫(yī)療設(shè)備上的應(yīng)用目前植入式醫(yī)療設(shè)備的供電主要依靠植入電池,其最大弊端在于電量耗盡后的處理問題,無論是取出更換電池還是永久買入體內(nèi),均存在隱患,因此,便攜的外部無線供充電可以實現(xiàn)為低功耗無線傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò),可以與病人體內(nèi)的醫(yī)用植入設(shè)備進行充電,也可以為特殊壞境下的自動檢測系統(tǒng)充電。某些植入裝置體積非常小,無法容納電池。如人工耳蝸,它需要手術(shù)植入替代內(nèi)耳毛細胞發(fā)揮作用的一項電子裝置。采用外部電源無線供充電方式能為植入式醫(yī)療電子設(shè)備連續(xù)提供高點能。利用無線射頻連接,不但可以實現(xiàn)能量的傳遞,同時可以對植入式醫(yī)療電子設(shè)備進行控制和查詢。另外,植入式醫(yī)療電子設(shè)備的使用壽命和存儲壽命不再受電池的限制。例如,心臟起搏器(必要時候供電信號激活心臟復(fù)蘇與維持正常),目前,心臟起搏器植入人體之后,8-10年左右就需要更換電池。也就是說,雖然安裝了心臟起搏器,那么每隔8-10年就還需要再動一次手術(shù)來進行起搏器電池的更換。試想一下如果心臟起搏器采用了無線充電的技術(shù),是不是省事多了?更不會發(fā)生手術(shù)失敗、胸腔感染等情況,患者的術(shù)后生活質(zhì)量竟會得到極大的提升。3.無線充電技術(shù)在移動智能終端設(shè)備上的應(yīng)用在無線充電聯(lián)盟的技術(shù)規(guī)劃中,未來125W左右的大功率電子設(shè)備也將支持。4.無線充電技術(shù)在電動汽車上的應(yīng)用隨著我國經(jīng)濟迅速發(fā)展,國家相應(yīng)的優(yōu)惠政策、補貼政策、依舊換新政策等一系列政策的能源氣出臺,進一步促進了私家車增加,國際上能源與環(huán)境已成為當(dāng)前全球最為關(guān)注的問題,能源的緊缺與替代、環(huán)境的污染與保護共同促使了環(huán)保新車的大力發(fā)展。電動汽車是首先發(fā)展起來的一種環(huán)保新能源汽車,包括蓄電池電動汽車、混合動力電動汽車和燃料電池電動汽車。其中蓄電池電動汽車技術(shù)已經(jīng)漸漸成熟,很多廠商已經(jīng)開始大力生產(chǎn),各地也在進行充電站的建設(shè)。但是蓄電池充電問題一直令研究者頭疼,因此,充電技術(shù)的解決,將極大推動蓄電池電動汽車的發(fā)展。無線充電技術(shù)要想應(yīng)用在電動汽車上,一方面在道路及建筑工程建設(shè)中,由電力供應(yīng)單位根據(jù)規(guī)劃圖事先在路口、公共停車場的車位、單位或小區(qū)的停車位和車庫下面預(yù)埋無線充電的充電器,并做好充電器與電網(wǎng)或太陽能電池板連接;另一方面,汽車生產(chǎn)廠家要在汽車底部安裝無線充電的接受裝置,并與徐電磁等設(shè)備連接;另外,國家相關(guān)部門要同一發(fā)射、接受信號的頻率,使其能都通用。在應(yīng)用無線充電技術(shù)運用到電動汽車上時,還應(yīng)注意以下問題1.國家要出臺相應(yīng)的政策,鼓勵、扶持并規(guī)范無線充電汽車的發(fā)展和充電設(shè)施的建設(shè),無線充電是一個剛剛起步甚至可以算還未起步的領(lǐng)域,其有效發(fā)展可以很大程度上解決電動汽車發(fā)展的一個瓶頸。2.無論最終采取何種方式充電、采用何種蓄電池,國家及各地方有關(guān)部門都要對其頻率、安全、環(huán)保、節(jié)能等方面做好研究,避免對人體和環(huán)境造成危害。3.在實際使用過程中,由于發(fā)射端置于地下,要對其進行保護,在雨水多的地方要采用防水設(shè)施。6.意義和影響無線充電技術(shù)的優(yōu)勢在于便攜性和通用性,可使得多種設(shè)備使用一臺充電基站,也許在不久的將來,各種電源適配器剪不斷理還亂的情況將不復(fù)存在,而利用公共移動設(shè)備充電站成為現(xiàn)實。其給大眾帶來的意義與影響非同凡響。(1)便攜性由于電波的傳輸與設(shè)備的充電接口無關(guān),所以如果無線充電技術(shù)一旦普及,不僅將使得電子產(chǎn)品不受插座和線纜束縛,充電更方便,而且將使不同品牌、不同接口的充電器不兼容的問題得到解決。在不久的將來,全球性的無線充電設(shè)施就會遍布每個家庭、咖啡廳、機場和其他公共場所,消費者可以利用這些無線充電設(shè)備隨時隨地充電。這一切因為無線充電的存在而變得非常便捷。(2)美觀性沒有了電線和充電接口,便攜式移動類的電子設(shè)備體積將進一步縮小,從而增加攜帶的美觀性與方便性。將來在解決了能效轉(zhuǎn)化問題,電磁人體輻射安全的情況下,如果所有的家電都進入無線供電時代,將能夠有效解決家庭布線、家電固定化、居室墻面、景觀破壞等問題,為人們的生活提供更多的美化效果。同時,還將節(jié)省大量大量的人力、材質(zhì)等。(3)安全性由于無線電子設(shè)備的外殼上可以省去金屬接點或者充電開口,電子產(chǎn)品的防水性和密封性將進一步增強,如是用無線充電技術(shù)的電動牙刷和電動剃須刀的防水性將進一步得到提高。醫(yī)療儀器制造商也希望經(jīng)由無線充電的方法來取代插頭,因為這將使電池供電的設(shè)備具有防水性能,并且便于消毒。而且對于消費者來說,無線充電的意義還不僅僅如此,隨著無線充電技術(shù)從手機、平板等小功率設(shè)備向筆記本電腦、智能電視甚至電動汽車等大型設(shè)備的拓展,更多的驚喜值得期待。無線充電技術(shù)目前還處于研發(fā)階段,但有許多國家已經(jīng)將其應(yīng)用到手機、電腦、隨身聽等設(shè)備上,其中美國、韓國、日本等國家也開始了無線充電汽車相關(guān)的研發(fā)。無線充電技術(shù)擁有堅實的群眾基礎(chǔ),相關(guān)調(diào)查報告顯示,人們對通過無線供電解決方案有濃厚的興趣,無線充電技術(shù)被消費者列為前20%的重要科技,另有超過80%的受訪者認為,他們將會把無線充電技術(shù)用于所以的電子設(shè)備上,而且每次充電都會盡可能使用無線充電。相信隨著該技術(shù)的不斷完善和發(fā)展,必定會給我們的生產(chǎn)生活帶來很大的福利,也將減少我們對現(xiàn)有能源的依賴。來源于:無線充電技術(shù)的簡介與展望 黃河科技學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(文獻翻譯) 第14頁附:英文原文Wireless charging technology overview and outlook1. The history of wireless charging technologyThe history of wireless charging technology actually idea of wireless power supply have emerged as early as one hundred years ago, in 1890, nikola tesla, the founder of the modern alternating current (ac) system began to idea of wireless power supply method, and finally put forward a very ambitious plan - the earth as the inner conductor; Between the earth and the ionosphere established about 8 hz low frequency resonance, recycled around the earths surface electromagnetic wave to transmit power at a distance. At the time, tesla is a series of experiments are carried out using coil, created the wireless power transmission. In 1990, and tesla began his research, and try to make electricity like broadcast across oceans, afterwards because of huge investment, the technology of death. Although tesla research ultimately no results, but his original wireless power technology idea is bold enough.2. The development of wireless charging technologyThe development of wireless charging technology tesla coil at the time didnt get, but in the mid - 1920 - s, Japanese H.Y agi and S.U da theoretically confirmed this solution is a completely different from special power supply way of cable transmission, the wireless power supply technology, photoelectric coupling, electromagnetic coupling main magnetic resonance, etc. Three different ways.3. The power supplyThe current wireless power supply technology, photoelectric coupling, electromagnetic coupling main magnetic resonance, etc. Three different ways. 1, electromagnetic coupling, electromagnetic coupling for power engineers, in the familiar, the transformer is to use this principle to transfer energy. If separate two winding transformer, is something of a wireless power supply. Rechargeable electric toothbrush is a typical case, but the use of electromagnetic coupling way has a lot of disadvantages, not high magnetic permeability of magnetic core as a medium, the lines of magnetic force can lead to serious spread into the air, resulting in a decline in transferring efficiency, especially when two coil from down badly. So this way is only suitable for small power, close communication, for high-power, long-distance wireless power supply is not so good this way. 2, photoelectric coupling photoelectric coupling is to convert electrical energy to light energy, such as laser, energy transfer to the destination by light into electricity. The wireless power supply technology is more intuitive, photoelectric coupling also can well restrain interference, and the application of the photoelectric conversion technology is relatively wide. The unidirectional, but made by light transmission determines its transfer path has certain defects, there can be no obstacles in the transfer path. So this kind of technology, also has the corresponding defects. 3 people on magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance coupling has a noun is unknown, its principle is similar to the principle of sonic resonance, if the two media have the same resonance frequency, can be used to transfer energy. Magnetic resonance chamber are currently studying a way of power transmission. In 2008, Intel engineers had to the technology as the foundation, in according to the power three feet lit a 60 w light bulb.In September 2010, Fujitsu, wireless charging technology using magnetic resonance between the charger and the device of the air transport charge, the coil and capacitor in resonance between the charger and the device. Fujitsu said the system can be widely used in the future, such as for electric car charging area and the power chip, power transmission, adopting the technology of the charging system the required charging time is only about one over one hundred and fifty of the current. At present, Japan plans to set the charging points in 2012.Also developed by Fulton eCoupled technology originated in the 19th century Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction principle, when the current through the coil generates magnetic field, the corresponding equipment will be affected by magnetic field creates an electric current, electric transmission is completed in wireless way, and eCoupled technology can also be from of different functions of the same electrical appliances, and the corresponding power adapter. Initially, Fulton will develop eCoupled technology used in parent company amway water purifier, water purifier for bulb wireless power supply. According to the Protable Design, 10th, 2010, is expected in 2013, the potential markets in the world of wireless charging equipment capacity is close to $14 billion, to 2014, wireless charging equipment shipments will reach 250 million units.Current wireless charging alliance enterprises include: Atmel, Callpod, LG electronics, national semiconductor, nokia, samsung, Olympus, philips, Rohm, SangFei communications, SONY Ericsson, Texas instruments, such as photoelectric in the 60 companies. China as the worlds largest mobile communications market, huge application demand. China SangFei communication is one of the 10 member enterprises alliance of wireless charging, the chairman of the board of directors of the company, according to the standard, will surely push for wireless charging market to develop in the direction of depth.4.The status of the Wireless charging technologyThe status of wireless charging technology wireless charging technology in foreign countries a lot of research institutions and enterprise groups is still in a lot of energy research and demonstrates the feasibility and industrialization, but China in tsinghua university, Beijing university of science and technology, Harbin institute of technology, north university and some other scientific research institutions and in some cities such as shenzhen, Shanghai high-tech enterprise has fully into the hot and forward industry, in the electronic information products such as mobile phones, laptops, and widely used in life such as small home appliance is beauty skin care products, and small-scale production Current wireless charging technology is becoming more and more frequently appear in each big communication technology on the power of new technology, companies have also launched their own research. In June 2007, the United States at the Massachusetts institute of technology research group released to the distance of about 2 m from 60 w light bulb carry electricity, and lit it experiment report, make the attention of the world. To start, as numerous manufacturers and research institutions in order to achieve the wireless power practical, also began to actively research and development. In August 2008, wireless charging union held a press conference in Beijing, announced the wireless charging international standard introduced to China, bret lewis, vice President of wireless charging alliance, nearly 60 members including energizer, LG, nokia, etc. Windows 7 in 2009 conference, Microsoft CEO Steve ballmer is brought in the latest wireless video output and wireless power supply technology. Wireless charging technology in city transport, also in March 2010, the wireless charging of electric cars in Seoul, South Korea, large amount of the first trial run in the park.5.The prospects of wireless charging technologyWireless charging on a mobile phone application is one of the biggest mobile phone market in China, and 60% of the worlds mobile phones are made in China, so the wireless charging technology is bound to take root in China. To realize wireless charging mobile phone, the current must have two parts: transmitter, connected to the power supply, to the vast space launch power; Receiver, general installation on the electronic products, used to receive electrical energy. At present only part of the mobile phone supports wireless charging and the dimensions of the charger is still a little big, it was reported that in recent two years, wireless charging receiver will fully lean, become the wireless charging accept chip embedded in the mobile phone products, the size of your fingernail. At present, nokia, philips, samsung, SONY Ericsson, and research in motion (RIM), and many other international well-known mobile phone manufacturer is to support the technology, wireless chargers are also likely to be bundled with mobile phones for sale. Mobile phone is just the first goal, after PMP/MP3 players, digital cameras, laptops, etc all can use the new low energy consumption, high compatible wireless charger. Is expected to realize long-distance wireless charging within five years. How in the future, wireless charging technology will change our lives? Convenient since needless to say, in addition, wireless charging is more secure, without connector leakage, leakage, electric leakage and other security hidden danger can be completely avoided. Someone worry about radiation, this technology was first used in water purifiers, until now already has eight years time, security has been validated by the 36 countries, will not bring harm to the human body and environment. According to introducing, wireless charging generally is through the electromagnetic field energy, and human and the human side of the majority of items are magnetic. At present, the efficiency of the accept rate continues to improve, will soon be able to achieve 98%. 2, wireless charging technology application in medical equipment power supply of implantable medical device at present rely mainly on implanted battery, its biggest drawbacks is to deal with the problem after the battery runs out, whether replacement batteries or buy permanently, there exist hidden danger, therefore, the portable external for wireless charging can be implemented as low power wireless sensor network (WSN), can be recharged and patients medical devices implanted in the body, also can recharge under the special circumstance of automatic test system. Some implants volume is very small, cant accommodate the battery. Such as cochlear, it needs to be surgically inserted instead of inner ear hair cells play a role of an electronic device. The use of external power wireless charging methods for continuous provide high can for implantable medical electronics. Using radio frequency links, not only can achieve energy transfer, also can control and query for implantable medical devices. In addition, implantable medical electronics the service life and storage life are no longer limited by the battery. For example, a cardiac pacemaker (necessary power supply signal activation of cardiac recovery and maintain normal), at present, the cardiac pacemaker implantation in the human body, after 8 to 10 years or so need to replace the battery. That is to say, although installed pacemakers, then every eight to ten years will also need to be an operation to replace pacemaker cells. Imagine if a pacemaker used the wireless charging technology, it is more convenient? More dont happen surgical failures, chest infection, etc., the postoperative quality of life of patients could get great improvement. 3, the wireless charging technology application in mobile intelligent terminal equipment in the league of wireless charging technology planning, the future of around 125 w high power electronic equipment will also support.4, wireless charging technology in electric vehicle application along with the rapid development of economy in our country, the national corresponding preferential policies, the subsidy policy, still in the new policy and a series of policies introduced gas energy, further promoted the private cars increase, the international energy and environment has become the worlds most current concerns, and alternative energy shortage, environment pollution and protection to the developing of the new environmental protection. The electric car is the first developed a kind of environmentally friendly new energy vehicles, including battery electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell electric cars. The battery electric vehicle technology has matured, many manufacturers have begun to production, around also in the construction of charging stations. But the battery charging issue has been the researchers have a headache, and, therefore, solution of charging technology, will greatly promote the development of battery electric vehicles. Wireless charging technology to be applied in electric cars, on the one hand, during the construction of roads and buildings, by the power supply unit according to plan in advance in the intersection, public parking lot parking, parking space and garages unit or village below embedded wireless charging the charger, and make the charger connected to the grid or solar panels; Car manufacturers, on the other hand, want to install in car at the bottom of the acceptance of wireless charging device, and electromagnetic devices such as xu and connectivity; In addition, the relevant state departments to the same emission and receiving signal frequency, can make its are general.On the application of wireless charging technology applied to electric vehicles, should also pay attention to the following questions 1) countries should publish relevant policy, encourage, support and standardize the development of the wireless charging car and the construction of the charging infrastructure, wireless charging is a fledgling can even calculate is not start field, its effective development can be largely solved the electric car development a bottleneck. 2) no matter which way eventually to take charge, using what kind of battery, state and local relevant departments should be on its frequency, safety, environmental protection, energy saving, etc, do research, avoid the harm to human body and environment. 3) in the actual use process, because the transmitter on the ground, want to protect, so much rain in the place of waterproof facilities must be used.6.The influence and significanceInfluence, significance and wireless charging technology has the advantage of portability and versatility, and can make a variety of devices using a charging station, perhaps in the near future, all kinds of power adapter cut hard also disorderly situation will disappear, and the use of public charging stations mobile devices become a reality. Its significance and influence to the public were remarkable. (1) portable due to waves transmission has nothing to do with the charging interface equipment, so if the wireless charging technology once popular, not only will make electronics from the plug and cable tie, charging more convenient, and it will make different brands, different interface charger incompatible problem is resolved. In the near future, global wireless charging infrastructure will be in every home, coffee shops, airports and other public pla