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International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 89101A new tooling mechanism for CNC lathesX. Daniel Fang*, N.J. LeeDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USAReceived 2 February 1998; received in revised form 16 June 2000; accepted 10 July 2000AbstractThe paper describes details of the development of a new CNC lathe tooling mechanism with on-lineadjustable cutting edge inclination angle, which is one of the major tool geometry parameters in machiningoperations. The mechanism is based on the combination of (i) three linkages which adjust the tool incli-nation angle automatically and continuously, (ii) three curved slots which work simultaneously to compen-sate the tooltip deviations accurately, and (iii) an input link driven by a linear stepping motor that convertsthe linear stroke into tool angle rotation. The prototype developed provides a new tooling mechanism forthe prospective open architecture-based CNC machines. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Tool inclination angle; Tool geometry; CNC machining1. IntroductionTool geometry parameters play an important role in determining the overall machining perform-ance, including cutting forces, tool wear, surface finish, chip formation and chip breaking 1,2.The importance of optimizing tool geometry has been highlighted recently to be of enormouseconomic significance in maximizing tool life in machining 3. Over the past few decades, manyinvestigations have been made to study the important effects of tool geometry, including toolinclination angle, on machining performance. It is well known that the tool inclination angle isa major factor in determining the chip flow direction in machining 4 and has been used invarious mathematical models of chip flow 5,6. In finish turning process, a well-controlled toolinclination angle can effectively guide the chip to flow in a desired direction to reduce the riskof chip entanglement 7,8 and protect the machined surface, thus achieving effective chip control* Corresponding author. Currently with Stellram, 1 Teledyne Place, LaVergne, TN 37086, USA. Tel.: +1-615-641-4110; fax: +1-615-641-4441.E-mail address: (X.D. Fang).0890-6955/01/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.PII: S0890-6955(00)00059-690X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 89101in automated machining systems. Tool inclination angle has also been included in someresearchers machinability models 9,10 due to its significant effect on cutting forces.CNC machines are the core of CIM. With the recent worldwide R&D efforts in developing new-generation CNC machines equipped with open-architecture control systems which allow modularintegration of sensors, process monitoring and control units with CNC machines, not only thecutting tool path but the machining process performance could be programmed and controlled inreal-time CNC machining operations 1113. However, no successful work has been reportedon development of the tooling mechanism with on-line controllable tool geometry that can beused in CNC machines. There are only two relevant reports based on a recent literature surveyin the field.The first one, published by Kolder and Ber in 1990 14, is a mechanical universal toolholderwhich allows the user to set up the optimal tool geometry parameters through continuous changeof the tool angles. However, the prototype they developed is not applicable to real-time controlrequirements or CNC machining operations due to the following two major limitations,1. The mechanism for setting the tool angles is based on the off-line manual operation.2. The resulting tooltip deviations have to be adjusted manually by the try-and-see method.The second one, published in 1996 by Fang and Najmossadat 15, has the ability of automaticcontrol of the tool inclination angle, however, their prototype also has limited applications, mainlydue to the following two reasons:1. The tool angle changing mechanism is based on three linear slopes to approximately compen-sate tooltip deviations, thus results in limited changing range of the tool inclination angle (only5) and limited compensation accuracy of tooltip deviations.2. The clamping mechanism is only limited to the manual type of lathes. Obviously, there is notmuch sense for a manual machine to have the function of on-line adjustable tool geometry.A need is therefore identified to improve the previous work 15 by introducing a new mechanismwith better tooltip compensating accuracy, a wider range of angle adjustment and a mechanicalstructure suitable for CNC machines. A three linkages and three curved slots combined mechanismhas been developed in this work to overcome the two limitations as above-mentioned. The threecurved slots, which are nonlinear in nature, have proven to be accurate in automatically compen-sating tooltip deviations for a wide adjusting range of tool inclination angles.2. Description of the new CNC tooling mechanismIt has long been known that tool inclination angle plays an important role in determining themachining performance, thus it would be desirable if the inclination angle can be on-line con-trolled in CNC machine-based automatic machining systems.91X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 891012.1. Basic structure of the new CNC tooling mechanismFor the new CNC tooling mechanism, the tooltip always keeps at a desired point in space,i.e. its working point, without any deviation while the tool inclination angle is being changedsimultaneously during the machining process.The new tooling mechanism is structured by1. three linkages which adjust the tool inclination angle automatically and continuously;2. three curved slots that work simultaneously to compensate tooltip deviations;3. a standard toolholder for standard indexable tool inserts;4. a stepping motor with linear output; and5. a standard tool shank or adapter that can be attached to the tool turret on CNC lathes.The entire tooling system including the stepping motor fits into the standard tool shank on theturret inside CNC lathes. The mechanism of the three linkages/three curved slots is schematicallyshown in Fig. 1.2.2. Formulation of the tooltip deviations resulted from a change in inclination angleFor a tool holder to be able to change the inclination angle in 3-D (oblique) machining pro-cesses, it is necessary to rotate the toolholder about one point, which functions as a fulcrum, onthe toolholder. The tooltip cannot be chosen as that point because it is the contact point betweentool and workpiece. Assuming that the toolholder rotates about point A, the tooltip will have twotypes of deviations from the contact point with the workpiece, the height deviation h and theFig. 1.Schematic diagram of the new CNC tooling mechanism.92X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 89101radial deviation r as shown in Fig. 2. The equations of the deviations can be referred to theprevious work 15, that is,Height Deviation: h5!Sw2D2+L21sin(a1q)2w2(1)Radial Deviation: r5L12!Sw2D2+L21cos(a1q)(2)where w is the height of the toolholder, L1is the distance between the tooltip and the fulcrumon the toolholder, a is a function of w and L1, and q is the angle being rotated which is equalin magnitude to the required inclination angle.It should be noted that the tooltip deviations are not symmetric about the workpiece axis. Itmeans, for example, that the radial deviation when the angle is +q will be different from whenit is 2q. Therefore, h+and r+are used to refer to the tooltip deviations when the angle q ispositive, and h2and r2for a negative angle.According to Fig. 2, the deviation equations can be further simplified for the convenience informulation and calculation.Height deviation:h5!Sw2D+L21sin(a1q)2w25w2sina(sinacosq1cosasinq)2w25w2Scosq1sinqtanaD2w2Fig. 2.Tooltip deviations due to the change of the tool inclination angle (assuming A is the fulcrum).93X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 891015w2Scosq12L1wsinqD2w2thus,h5L1sinq1w2(cosq21)(3)Radial deviation:r5L12!Sw2D2+l21cos(a1q)5L12w2sina(cosacosq1sinasinq)5L11w2Scosqtana2sinqD5L11w2S2l1wcosq2sinqDthus,r5w2sinq1L1(12cosq)(4)2.3. Mechanism and design of three curved slopesThe mechanism of three curved slots that work simultaneously can be illustrated in Fig. 3. Tocompensate the tooltip deviations when the toolholder is rotating, point A has to move simul-Fig. 3.Principle diagram showing three curved slots that work simultaneously to automatically compensate tooltipdeviations.94X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 89101taneously. This can be achieved by setting point A to move along a fixed and curved slot (Curve3). A hole is made at point A, and a shaft is inserted through the hole and the curved slot (Curve3). Thus, if the shaft moves along Curve 3, point A on the toolholder will move at the samedistance along Curve 3 accordingly. Curved Slot 2 (Curve 2) is added between the toolholderand Curve 3 in order to move the shaft, and hence, point A along Curve 3. When Curve 2 travelslinearly to the right relative to Curve 3, the shaft will be pushed up along Curve 3. To be ableto change the tool inclination angle, point B on the toolholder must move along a curved slot(i.e. Curve 1) relative to point A. Both Curves 1 and 2 are set on a moving input link. It shouldbe noted that Curves 1 and 2 have an inherent relationship because the location of point B onCurve 1 depends on the location of point A on Curve 2 for any required tool inclination angle.Curve 3 should be designed in such a way that it will make point A move to the oppositedirection but at the same distance with respect to the tooltip deviations. As a result when the toolinclination angle is rotated by an angle q, the distance that point A should move in X directionmust be equal to the tooltip radial deviation at the same angle q. Similarly, the distance that pointA should move in Y direction must be equal to the tooltip height deviation at the same angle q.Therefore, according to the coordinate system shown in Fig. 3, the equation of Curve 3 can beexpressed as,x(q)5r5w2sinq1L1(12cosq)(5)y(q)5h5L1sinq1w2(cosq21)The function of Curve 2 is to move point A along Curved Slot 3, as shown in Fig. 3. The verticalheight of Curve 2 must be larger than the total height deviation of the tooltip. The minimumlength of Curve 2 can be found asminL25h+tanq21htanq2(6)where:q2the slope angle of Curve 2;h+the positive maximum tooltip height deviation;h2the negative maximum tooltip height deviation;L2is also the distance between Curve 1 and Curve 3 when both are at the center line of thetoolholder corresponding to the tool inclination angle=0.The angle of Curve 2 (q2) and the stroke (Ls) are inversely proportional. Either of them shouldbe chosen, considering the availability of working space. The stroke Ls is the distance the inputlink travels.The function of Curve 1 is to move point B relative to point A until the desired tool inclinationangle is reached. Curve 1 is obtained by determining the position of point B relative to the position95X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 89101of point A on Curve 2. According to the coordinate system shown in Fig. 3, the equation forCurve 1 can be derived as,x(q)5L22(La1Lb)5L22htanq22L2cosq5L2(12cosq)2L1sinq1w2(cosq1)tanq2(7)y(q)5Lc5h1L2sinq5(L11L2)sinq1w2(cosq21)2.4. Determination of the stroke of the input linkIt is important to establish the relationship between the stroke of the input link, which is thelinear output from the motor control, and the tool inclination angle so that the magnitude of thestroke can be determined for a required tool inclination angle. According to Fig. 4, the equationfor the stroke can be expressed as follows:Ls5x11x25r1htanq25w2sinq1L1(12cosq)1S1tanq2DSL1sinqw2(cosq21)D5SL1tanq2(8)2w2Dsinq1Sw2tanq22L1Dcosq1SL12w2tanq2DIf we let a=L1tanq22w2and b=w2tanq22L1, Eq. (8) can be further simplified as,Fig. 4.Formulation of the stroke Ls from the motor output in terms of the inclination angle.96X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 89101Fig. 5.Photo of the actual prototype of the new CNC tooling mechanism.Ls5a2+b2sinSq1tan1baD2b(9)where q=sin11Ls+ba2+b222tan1ba.97X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 891013. Performance of the new CNC tooling prototype developedFig. 5 shows the photo of the actual prototype of the new tooling mechanism for CNC lathes.There are seven major mechanical units that construct the prototype, described as follows.1. Input link:It consists of Curved Slots 1 and 2 and is also used to clamp the toolholder in place.2. Cover plate:It contains Curved Slot 3 and is also used to clamp the input link in place.3. Motor mounting plate:It is used to mount the linear stepper motor that is used to drive the input link.4. Two shafts:They are used to support the holes at points A and B and hold the three slots in place.5. A standard tool holder with a standard tool insert:The toolholder will rotate within the space limit inside the tool shank.6. A standard tool shank:The tool shank is a standard attachment of CNC machines and designed to hold the toolholderon the CNC turret. In this work, the tool shank is also used to hold the whole new CNCtooling mechanism.7. A stepping motor with linear output:The linear output will drive the input link to produce the required stroke corresponding to atool inclination angle. The three movements, i.e. linkages 13 as shown in Fig. 1, will movesimultaneously according to the linear stroke which is controlled by the stepping motor.Fig. 6 shows the computer simulated positions of the new tooling mechanism at three differenttool inclination angles. Fig. 7 gives another computer simulation showing that the tooltip staysat the same point, that is, its working point, when the tool inclination angle changes.The new CNC tooling mechanism can be used to study patterns of cutting forces with continu-Fig. 6.Simulation of the positions of the new CNC tooling mechanism at three different inclination angles.98X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 89101Fig. 7.Simulation of the tooltip locations at three different inclination angles.ous change of the tool inclination angle, as shown in Fig. 8 for a typical set of results fromexperimentation where the cutting forces decrease as the tool inclination angle increases. Twocase studies using six different tool chip-breakers at the different cutting conditions also confirmedthat increasing tool inclination angle decreases the cutting forces, as shown in Fig. 9. The experi-mental outcomes with different tool chip-breakers also indicate that a controllable tool inclinationangle, combined with varying chip-breaker designations, may contribute to on-line optimizationof tool geometry in achieving best chip control with reduced cutting forces. Thus, it can be seenclearly that the tool inclination angle has a significant effect on cutting forces, thus an on-linecontrollable tool inclination angle may play an important role in real-time optimization of machin-ing performance in automated machining systems or in CNC machines equipped with open archi-tecture controllers.99X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 89101Fig. 8.A typical measurement result of the cutting force pattern with continuing change of the tool inclination angle.Fig. 9.Cutting force patterns with inclination angles for different tool inserts.100X.D. Fang, N.J. Lee / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 891014. ConclusionsWith the prospective open-architecture controllers, active control of the on-line machining pro-cess performance will become a very important feature of advanced CNC machine functions,allowing both the tool path and the process performance to be programmed and controlled inreal-time CNC machining operations. Therefore, the object of this work is to develop a newtooling mechanism with on-line adjustable tool angles to take full advantage of new-generationCNC machines which will be equipped with open-architecture control systems. In effect, an on-line controllable tooling mechanism will be the real sense application of open-architecture CNCcontrol systems.Tool inclination angle is a major tool geometry parameter in machining and has a significanteffect on a number of process performance parameters, such as cutting forces, surface quality,chip flow and formation, process dynamic stability, tool wear/tool life, etc. Thus it is importantthat the tool inclination angle could be adjusted and controlled in real-time to achieve the optimalmachining performance in unattended CNC machining processes.A motor-controlled toolholder that can be used in CNC machines has been developed with thefunction of automatic setting of the tool inclination angle and automatic compensation of theresulting tooltip deviations. The new CNC tooling mechanism is a novel design using three curvedslots that work simultaneously to compensate continuously and accurately the tooltip deviationsresulted from the setting of the tool inclination angle. Since the tooltip always stays at one pointin space, i.e. its working point, during the whole adjustment process of the required tool inclinationangle, the new tooling mechanism could be used in real-time CNC machining operations to achi-eve the on-line control of optimal process performance.References1 W. Kluft, W.C. Konig, A. van Luttervelt, K. Nakayama, A.J. Pekelharing, Present knowledge of chip control,Annals of the CIRP 28 (2) (1979) 441454.2 M.C. Shaw, Metal Cutting Principles, Oxford University Press, New York, 1984.3 S. Kaldor, P.K. Venuvinod, Macro-level optimization of cutting tool geometry, ASME Journal of ManufacturingScience and Engineering 119 (1997) 19.4 W.K. 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