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學 院
專 業(yè)
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[2]趙兵杰,趙宏林,張 宏,丁慶新,喻開安,陳應華.全自動海底油氣管道開孔機的設計[J].石油礦場機械,2009年第38卷第7期第34頁
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4. 參考文獻:
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畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 編號 南京航空航天大學 畢 業(yè) 設 計 題 目 帶壓開孔機進給齒輪箱設計 學生姓名 學 號 學 院 機電學院 專 業(yè) 機械工程及自動化 班 級 指導教師 二一年六月 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 i 帶壓開孔機進給齒輪箱設計 摘 要 大口徑油氣管線不停輸帶壓封堵是當前世界管道運輸行業(yè)共同面對的重大工程技術課題。 管道開孔機作為管道封堵作業(yè)中重要的設備按作業(yè)管線是否存在壓強分為帶壓開孔機和非帶 壓開孔機兩類,帶壓開孔機按驅(qū)動方式又可分為帶壓手動開孔機,帶壓液動開孔機和帶壓電 動開孔機三類。 本文闡述了管道開孔機工作原理及工藝過程,規(guī)劃管道開孔機的總體設計方案,進行管 道開孔機進給齒輪箱結(jié)構(gòu)設計,包括變速機構(gòu)及差動顯示機構(gòu)設計,進行必要的計算校核。 運用 Solidworks 軟件,對開孔機進給齒輪箱進行建模,裝配。繪制裝配圖,零部件圖。 最后對管道開孔機應用進行了總結(jié)與展望。 關鍵詞:管道開孔機,帶壓,計算校核,Solidworks 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 ii Tapping Machine feed gear box design Abstract Constant input of large diameter oil and gas pipelines with a pressure closure is currently the worlds pipeline industry face significant engineering and technical issues. Pipe Tapping Machine operation as an important pipeline sealing device according to the existence of pressure pipeline operations are divided into hot tap machine and two non-Tapping Machine, Tapping Machine can be classified according to driving mode with pressure Manual Tapping Machine, Hydraulic Tapping Machine Pressure and Pressure Electric Tapping Machine categories. In this paper, perforated pipe work principle and process, planning pipeline opening machine design program, for the feed pipe opening machine gear box structure design, including speed change mechanism and the differential display mechanism design, the calculation of the necessary school nuclear. The use of CAD software, drawing into a gear box drive system diagram, assembly drawing and parts mechanical drawing. Finally, the application of pipe opening machine, the future research. Key Words:Tapping Machine,Pressure,Check calculation ,Solidworks 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 iii 目 錄 摘 要 .I ABSTRACT .II 第 一 章 緒 論 .- 1 - 1.1 引 言 .- 1 - 1.2 章 節(jié) 安 排 .- 2 - 第 二 章 帶 壓 開 孔 機 簡 介 與 應 用 .- 3 - 2.1 用 途 .- 3 - 2.2 特 點 .- 3 - 2.3 工 作 原 理 .- 3 - 2.4 配 套 設 備 .- 3 - 2.5 操 作 規(guī) 程 .- 4 - 2.6 本 章 小 結(jié) .- 6 - 第 三 章 傳 動 校 核 .- 7 - 3.1 傳 動 方 案 的 擬 定 及 說 明 : .- 7 - 3.1.1 傳 動 方 案 的 分 析 : .- 7 - 3.1.2 傳 動 鏈 的 傳 動 路 線 .- 7 - 3.2 液 壓 站 .- 7 - 3.3 傳 動 件 的 設 計 計 算 .- 8 - 3.3.1 軸 的 強 度 校 核 .- 8 - 3.3.2 齒 輪 強 度 校 核 .- 12 - 3.4 設 計 小 結(jié) .- 16 - 第 四 章 SOLIDOWRKS 建 模 及 繪 制 工 程 圖 .- 17 - 4.1 SOLIDWORKS 軟 件 簡 介 .- 17 - 4.2 SOLIDWORKS 軟 件 特 點 .- 18 - 4.3 建 模 部 分 .- 18 - 第 五 章 總 結(jié) 與 展 望 .- 23 - 5.1 總 結(jié) .- 23 - 5.2 展 望 .- 23 - 參 考 文 獻 .- 24 - 致 謝 .- 25 - 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 0 - 第一章 緒 論 1.1 引 言 管道開孔機作為管道封堵作業(yè)中重要的設備按作業(yè)管線是否存在壓強分為帶壓開孔機和 非帶壓開孔機兩類,帶壓開孔機按驅(qū)動方式又可分為帶壓手動開孔機,帶壓液動開孔機和帶 壓電動開孔機三類。 在管線不停止輸送介質(zhì)、不降低壓力,保證管線的正常運行的情況下,對管線進行維修、 搶修、加接旁路、更換或加設閥門、更換管段、和管線局部改道和處理管線內(nèi)部故障等。改 變了傳統(tǒng)的停輸、降壓、放散、動用明火的作業(yè)方式,減少了經(jīng)濟損失和對環(huán)境的不良影響, 并可避開夜間作業(yè),減少了人力、物力的投入,提高工效、降低勞動強度和消耗,避免作業(yè) 風險,提高安全性。 管路不停輸開孔、封堵系列設備是由主機和輔機二種系列組成,其中主機系列是由開孔 機、封堵器、液壓站和下堵塞器四種不同作用、不同型號和規(guī)格的設備互相對應配套組成; 輔機是由連箱系列(旁通開孔連箱、封堵開孔連箱、封堵連箱、下堵連箱) 、開孔刀系列 (旁通開孔刀、封堵開孔刀) 、夾板閥系列、封堵筒系列與相對應的管徑組成,它是根據(jù)不 同的作業(yè)方式(開旁通孔或封堵孔)和作業(yè)管徑而匹配不同的主輔機。 大口徑油氣管線不停輸帶壓封堵是當前世界管道運輸行業(yè)共同面臨的重大工程技術課題。 目前,隨著我國新建管線規(guī)模的迅速增長、管線壓力、口徑的不斷增大,亟需在大口徑管線 帶壓開孔封堵領域提高自身技術創(chuàng)新能力,打破國際技術壟斷,研制適合我國國情和工程需 要的技術設備。 西氣東輸,西氣東輸工程是將塔里木盆地的天然氣,通過長輸管道輸送到上海及長 江三角洲等東部地區(qū)的系統(tǒng)工程,包括上游氣田開發(fā)、輸氣管道建設和下游天然氣利用項目 的建設。西氣東輸管道起于塔里木氣田,途徑、甘肅、寧夏、陜西、山西、河南、 安徽、江蘇、浙江、上海 10 個省區(qū)市 66 個縣,干線全長 4000 公里。所經(jīng)地區(qū)地形復雜多 樣,包括戈壁、沙漠、高原、山區(qū)、平原、水網(wǎng)以及大江、大河等。管線年設計輸氣量 120 億立方米,管徑 1016 毫米,管材鋼級 X70,輸送壓力為 10 兆帕。由此可見,管道帶壓開孔 機將在整個工程中起著不可忽視的作用。 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 1 - 1.2 章 節(jié) 安 排 第一章緒論,介紹了管道開孔機的一些概念,以及我國管道開孔機的現(xiàn)狀。并且介紹了 管道開孔機在西氣東輸中的作用。 第二章開孔機簡介,主要內(nèi)容是開孔機用途、特點、適用范圍,以及工作原理,工作步 驟。 第三章帶壓開孔機進給齒輪箱設計,主要內(nèi)容有傳動設計,校核,以及 Solidworks 三 維建模,生成工程圖等。 第四章總結(jié)和展望。 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 2 - 第二章 帶壓開孔機簡介與應用 2.1 用 途 管道不停輸帶壓開孔、封堵技術適用于石油、石化輸送管道、城市燃氣輸配管線管網(wǎng) 和供水、供熱管道的開孔封堵施工作業(yè)。在保證管道正常運行情況下,對管道進行加接旁路、 更換或加接閥門、更換管段等施工作業(yè),避免因施工作業(yè)而停輸所造成的經(jīng)濟損失和對社會 生產(chǎn)生活所造成的不良影響,消除了傳統(tǒng)帶壓作業(yè)的安全隱患。 2.2 特 點 管道不停輸帶壓開孔、封堵技術解決了管道在線施工中存在的停輸、降壓、放散、動 用明火等傳統(tǒng)的作業(yè)方式,避免作業(yè)風險,提高安全性,使維修既迅速又經(jīng)濟可靠。 2.3 工 作 原 理 本機由外力通過方頭直接驅(qū)動鉆桿進行工作,采用機殼上的螺紋與花紋套經(jīng)手動調(diào)節(jié) 作進刀,在機殼上帶有刻度,開孔時直接指示工作進尺。機器下部裝有軸封填料,使機器在 帶壓工作的情況下不致滲漏。 機器上部的螺母壓蓋與主軸之間有一銷孔,當銷子插入后,可使鉆桿與螺母套連成一體,實 現(xiàn)快速進、退,以便于安裝和提取法蘭堵塞中的堵頭 2.4 配 套 設 備 (1)開孔刀 開孔刀是用來對金屬管道直接開孔的刀具。 (2)連箱 對每種開孔規(guī)格直徑均應配置相應規(guī)格的連箱,以便連接開孔機與夾板閥;同時為開孔刀具 提供一個存放空間。 (3)法蘭堵塞 是給開孔機在所開孔的管路上提供的一個基座,開孔時必須選用一個與開孔直徑相適應的法 蘭堵塞。在封堵作業(yè)完成后,用堵頭封住以便取下夾板閥。 (4)夾板閥 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 3 - 夾板閥連接連箱與法蘭堵塞,在開孔及更換刀具與進行封堵作業(yè)時起隔斷壓力介質(zhì)的作用。 2.5 操 作 規(guī) 程 (1).在將要維修或更新管段兩端,分別帶壓焊接管件和作平衡壓力孔的法蘭堵塞。 圖 2.5.1 (2).在焊好的管件和法蘭堵塞上,安裝夾板閥和連箱以及開孔機,分別進行斷管開孔和平 衡開孔 圖 2.5.2 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 4 - (3).卸下開孔機,安裝封堵連箱和封堵器連接臨時旁通,連接壓力平衡管, 操縱管段兩端封 堵器,將膨脹筒實行封堵。再清管,斷管。 圖 2.5.3 (4).恢復管段,作壓力平衡,收回膨脹筒,關閉夾板閥,撤除平衡管和臨時旁通,撤除封堵器,安 裝堵塞。撤除夾板閥,在管件和法蘭堵塞上分別加蓋盲板,作業(yè)結(jié)束。 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 5 - 圖 2.5.4 2.6 本 章 小 結(jié) 帶壓不停輸開孔裝置是在不停產(chǎn)情況下進行開孔接點,適用于除氧氣以外的任何介質(zhì)以 及不同直徑的各類管道。開孔機在開孔過程中是在完全封閉的空腔內(nèi)進行的,刀具切削過程 與空氣隔絕,無著火、爆炸的可能性。由于封閉開孔、無泄漏,有毒有害介質(zhì)不能排放到大氣 中,因此對環(huán)境無污染。 油氣田油氣工藝系統(tǒng)、化工裝置系統(tǒng)、供水系統(tǒng)等若能實現(xiàn)不停產(chǎn)工況下的工藝流程改 線、分接、旁通,將解決生產(chǎn)運行中存在的停產(chǎn)、置換、試壓等諸多問題。不停輸帶壓開孔 技術由此產(chǎn)生并逐漸被廣泛應用。 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 6 - 第三章 傳動校核 3.1 傳 動 方 案 的 擬 定 及 說 明 : 3.1.1 傳動方案的分析: 在分析傳動方案時應注意的常用機械傳動的特點及在布局上的要求: (1)帶傳動平穩(wěn)性好,能緩沖吸震,但承載能力小,宜布置在高速級; (2)鏈傳動平穩(wěn)性差,且有沖擊、振動,宜布置在低速級; (3)蝸桿傳動放在高速級時渦輪材料應選擇錫青銅,否則可選擇呂鐵青銅; (4)開始齒輪傳動的潤滑條件差,磨損嚴重,宜布置在低速級; (5)錐齒輪、斜齒輪宜放在高速級。 3.1.2 傳動鏈的傳動路線 主軸齒輪 29錐齒輪 32(差速計數(shù)機構(gòu)) 進給馬達()(徑給杠) 進給馬達()(進給絲杠) (離合器左移) 徑給絲杠()形成差速 3.2 液 壓 站 由于作業(yè)的特殊性,開孔機一般使用防爆電機。YYZ 型液壓站就是專供開孔機提供動力 源的設備。下表簡要介紹液壓站的技術參數(shù)。 防爆電 機型號 電動機功 率、轉(zhuǎn)速 電流電壓 和頻率 最高工作 壓力 最大輸出 流量 油箱容量 YYZ150 YB112M-4 N=4KW 1430r/min 380V 50HZ 12.5Mpa 0-10L/min 100L YYZ300 YB160M-4 N=11KW 1460r/min 380V 50HZ 15Mpa 63L/min 300L YYZ500 YB180M-4W N=18.5KW 1470r/min 380V 50HZ 21MPa 90L/min 350L 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 7 - 表 3.2 3.3 傳 動 件 的 設 計 計 算 傳動軸除應滿足強度要求之外,還應滿足剛度要求,強度要求保證軸在反復載荷和扭 載荷作用下不發(fā)生疲勞強度破壞。主傳動系統(tǒng)精度要求較高,不允許有較大變形。因此疲勞 強度一般不失為主矛盾。剛度要求保證軸在載荷下不至發(fā)生過大的變形。因此必須保證傳動 軸有足夠的剛度。 3.3.1 軸的強度校核 軸徑調(diào)用公式 mNPKAdj3 其中:P電動機額定功率 K鍵槽系數(shù) A系數(shù) 從電機到該傳動軸之間傳動件的傳動效率的乘積 該傳動軸的計算轉(zhuǎn)速jN 計算轉(zhuǎn)速 是傳動件能傳遞全部功率的最低轉(zhuǎn)速。各傳動件的計算轉(zhuǎn)速可以從轉(zhuǎn)速圖j 上,按主軸的計算轉(zhuǎn)速和相應的傳動關系確定。 查機械制造裝備設計表 3-8 取 K=1.05,A=100。 軸的校核 1畫軸的受力簡圖、彎矩圖、扭矩圖、當量彎矩圖。 (1)畫軸的受力簡圖 水平面 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 8 - 160 Ft 240 垂直面 Fr (2)求作用于軸上的力 水平面 垂直平面 齒輪 13 KNd TFt1.742105.MNnPTW4105.25.7902RtBx 8.7046FtAx 2.1KFRrBy86rAy 7.3402 軸承 反 力 KNBxx82NByxB452 (3)畫彎矩圖 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 9 - 水平 垂直 合成 水平 垂直 合成 截面 I KNRMAxH6.170RAyV19260MNVH1842 (4)畫扭矩圖 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 10 - 扭矩 扭矩 0T (5)畫當量彎矩圖 當量 彎矩 當量彎矩為 18048 mN 2按彎扭合成強度條件計算軸的強度 計算結(jié)果計算內(nèi)容及公式 截面 當量彎矩 )(Me 18048 軸徑(mm) 128 當量彎曲應力 (MPa)3310dee 8610.23433dMee 軸的許用彎曲應力 (MPa)b1 100 結(jié)論 安全be1 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 11 - 3.3.2 齒輪強度校核 主軸和進給馬達軸上直齒圓柱齒輪傳動 表 3.3.2 齒輪強度校核 計算公式或說明 結(jié)果 1 選擇齒輪齒數(shù)、材 料、熱處理及精度等 級 小齒輪 45 鋼調(diào)質(zhì),齒面平均硬度取 260HBS 大齒輪 45 鋼正火,齒面平均硬度取 200HBS 小齒輪 260HBS 大齒輪 200HBS 2 參數(shù)選擇 小齒輪齒數(shù) 251z 大齒輪齒數(shù) 7 齒數(shù)比 8.21 2zu 由表 5-13 取齒寬系數(shù) (非對稱布置)50d251z8.u5.0d 3 計算小齒輪轉(zhuǎn)矩 1TMNWP862301MNT861 4 確定載荷系數(shù) (1) 使用系數(shù) AK 由已知條件查表 5-11,取 =1.25A (2) 動載系數(shù) v 由 057.10/23.1/z 查圖 5-10(a ) ,取 =1vK (3) 齒向載荷分布系數(shù) 由 及已知條件查圖 5-13,5.0d 取 =1.08 (4) 齒間載荷分配系數(shù) K=1.25AK=1v=1.08 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 12 - 由式(5-9) 71.251.38 .2z 查圖 5-15,取 =1.22K (5) 載荷系數(shù) 647.12.08125.vA =1.22K =1.647 接觸疲勞強度校核 (1) 接觸應力 HKubdFZteEH11 (2) 彈性系數(shù) ,由表 5-12 MPaE8.9 (3) 節(jié)點區(qū)域系數(shù) ,由圖 5-18HZ 5.2H (4) 重合度系數(shù) e 75.041.4eZ (5) KNdTFt .3862 由上得 ubdZteHE11 MPaZE8.195.2H.ZF t7.13MPaH9 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 13 - MPa9 (6) 許用接觸應力 H WNHZSlimli 由圖 5-24,取壽命系數(shù) 0.1 由圖 5-23,取接觸疲勞極限 MPaH450lim 參照表 5-15,取安全系數(shù) limHS WNHZSlimli Pa39625.104 H.NZMPaH450lim1liMPaH396安全 齒根彎曲疲勞強度校 核 小齒: (1) 強度條件: FYbmKentF (2) 齒形系數(shù) F 由圖 8-3-15(a),取 7.2F (3) 重合度系數(shù) 67.0/5.2aneY ( )73.1cos/2ban (4) 螺旋角系數(shù) 由圖 8-3-14(a)查取 7.2FY6.0e 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 14 - 1YMPabmKFeFnt6.2167.02450.73 許用應力 SrFXNYlimli (5) 極限應力 Pa140li (6) 壽命系數(shù) N 由圖 8-3-18 查取 NY (7) 尺寸系數(shù) X 由圖 8-3-24 查取 1x (8) 齒根圓角敏感系數(shù) SrY 由圖 8-3-25 查取 85.0SrY (9) 安全系數(shù) limF 由表 8-3-25 查取 .1liF 則: MPaYSrFXN1085.4limli 滿足 F 大齒: 1YMPaF6.2Pa F140limNY1x85.0 SrY.1limF 安全 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 15 - 同小齒查表和計算 167.02YeFMPabmKeFntF37.0167.02428. aYSrFXN1085.4limli 滿足 F (以上所查圖表均來自機械設計實用 手冊) 167.02YeFMPaF37.0Pa F10 安全 3.4 設計小結(jié) 設計中嚴格按照機械設計手冊過程步驟,參照表格圖紙選定參數(shù),校核了部分軸與齒輪 的強度,使其滿足設定要求。 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 16 - 第四章 Solidowrks 建模及繪制工程圖 4.1 Solidworks 軟件簡介 SolidWorks 公司成立于 1993 年,由 PTC 公司的技術副總裁與 CV 公司的副總裁發(fā)起, 總部位于馬薩諸塞州的康克爾郡(Concord,Massachusetts)內(nèi),當初所賦予的任務是希望 在每一個工程師的桌面上提供一套具有生產(chǎn)力的實體模型設計系統(tǒng)。從 1995 年推出第一套 solidWorks 三維機械設計軟件至今,它已經(jīng)擁有位于全球的辦事處,并經(jīng)由 300 家經(jīng)銷商 在全球 140 個國家進行銷售與分銷該產(chǎn)品。SolidWorks 軟件是世界上第一個基于 Windows 開發(fā)的三維 CAD 系統(tǒng),由于技術創(chuàng)新符合 CAD 技術的發(fā)展潮流和趨勢,SolidWorks 公司于 兩年間成為 CAD/CAM 產(chǎn)業(yè)中獲利最高的公司。良好的財務狀況和用戶支持使得 SolidWorks 每年都有數(shù)十乃至數(shù)百項的技術創(chuàng)新,公司也獲得了很多榮譽。該系統(tǒng)在 1995-1999 年獲得 全球微機平臺 CAD 系統(tǒng)評比第一名;從 1995 年至今,已經(jīng)累計獲得十七項國際大獎,其中 僅從 1999 年起,美國權(quán)威的 CAD 專業(yè)雜志 CADENCE 連續(xù) 4 年授予 SolidWorks 最佳編輯獎, 以表彰 SolidWorks 的創(chuàng)新、活力和簡明。至此,SolidWorks 所遵循的易用、穩(wěn)定和創(chuàng)新三 大原則得到了全面的落實和證明,使用它,設計師大大縮短了設計時間,產(chǎn)品快速、高效地 投向了市場。 由于 SolidWorks 出色的技術和市場表現(xiàn),不僅成為 CAD 行業(yè)的一顆耀眼的明星,也成 為華爾街青睞的對象。終于在 1997 年由法國達索公司以三億一千萬美元的高額市值將 SolidWorks 全資并購。公司原來的風險投資商和股東,以一千三百萬美元的風險投資,獲 得了高額的回報,創(chuàng)造了 CAD 行業(yè)的世界紀錄。并購后的 SolidWorks 以原來的品牌和管理 技術隊伍繼續(xù)獨立運作,成為 CAD 行業(yè)一家高素質(zhì)的專業(yè)化公司,SolidWorks 三維機械設 計軟件也成為達索企業(yè)中最具競爭力的 CAD 產(chǎn)品。 由于使用了 Windows OLE 技術、直觀式設計技術、先進的 parasolid 內(nèi)核(由劍橋提供) 以及良好的與第三方軟件的集成技術,SolidWorks 成為全球裝機量最大、最好用的軟件。 資料顯示,目前全球發(fā)放的 SolidWorks 軟件使用許可約 28 萬,涉及航空航天、機車、食品、 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 17 - 機械、國防、交通、模具、電子通訊、醫(yī)療器械、娛樂工業(yè)、日用品/消費品、離散制造等 分布于全球 100 多個國家的約 3 萬 1 千家企業(yè)。在教育市場上,每年來自全球 4,300 所教 育機構(gòu)的近 145,000 名學生通過 SolidWorks 的培訓課程。 據(jù)世界上著名的人才網(wǎng)站檢索,與其它 3D CAD 系統(tǒng)相比,與 SolidWorks 相關的招聘廣 告比其它軟件的總合還要多,這比較客觀地說明了越來越多的工程師使用 SolidWorks,越 來越多的企業(yè)雇傭 SolidWorks 人才。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,全世界用戶每年使用 SolidWorks 的時間已達 5500 萬小時。 在美國,包括麻省理工學院(MIT)、斯坦福大學等在內(nèi)的著名大學已經(jīng)把 SolidWorks 列為制造專業(yè)的必修課,國內(nèi)的一些大學(教育機構(gòu))如清華大學、北京航空航天大學、北 京理工大學、上海教育局等也在應用 SolidWorks 進行教學。相信在未來的 58 年內(nèi), SolidWorks 將會成為與當今 AutoCAD 一樣,成為 3D 普及型主流軟件乃至于 CAD 的行業(yè)標準。 4.2 Solidworks 軟件特點 Solidworks 軟件功能強大,組件繁多。 Solidworks 功能強大、易學易用和技術創(chuàng)新是 SolidWorks 的三大特點,使得 SolidWorks 成為領先的、主流的三維 CAD 解決方案。 SolidWorks 能夠提供不同的設計方案、減少設計過程中的錯誤以及提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量。 SolidWorks 不僅提供如此強大的功能,同時對每個工程師和設計者來說,操作簡單方便、 易學易用。 4.3 建模部分 用圖片形式給出 Solidworks 建出的模型及裝配,如下: 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 18 - 圖 4.3.1 直齒齒輪 圖 4.3.2 斜齒輪 圖 4.3.3 長齒輪軸 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 19 - 圖 4.3.4 軸承 圖 4.3.5 連軸齒輪軸 圖 4.3.6 斜齒輪裝配 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 20 - 圖 4.3.7 差速計數(shù)機構(gòu) 圖 4.3.8 整體裝配圖 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 21 - Solidworks 裝配體自動生成工程圖,零件圖。 圖 4.3.9 裝配圖 4.4 設計小結(jié) SolidWorks 提供了無與倫比的、基于特征的實體建模功能。通過拉伸、旋轉(zhuǎn)、薄壁特 征、高級抽殼、特征陣列以及打孔等操作來實現(xiàn)產(chǎn)品的設計。 通過對特征和草圖的動態(tài)修改,用拖拽的方式實現(xiàn)實時的設計修改。 學會使用 SolidWorks 為本次設計最大的收獲。 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 22 - 第五章 總結(jié)與展望 隨著管道封堵設備的更新?lián)Q代,安全生產(chǎn)對管道帶壓開孔作業(yè)的要求越來越嚴格,設備 的小型化,自動化,安全系數(shù)高是未來管道帶壓開孔設備的發(fā)展方向。 5.1 總 結(jié) 本次畢業(yè)設計大體上完成了帶壓開孔機進給齒輪箱設計,但其中還有很多的缺陷。在與 完整帶壓開孔機相比,我的完成量還是很有限的。不過,我從中收到的成果是非常巨大。讓 我熟練的掌握了 SolidWorks 軟件的使用方法,能夠應用其大部分的功能。同時,也知道團 隊合作的一些要注意的問題:例如要經(jīng)常交流等??傊舜萎呍O是我成長之路上一堂深刻 而又有意義課程。 5.2 展 望 大口徑油氣管線不停輸帶壓封堵是當前世界管道運輸行業(yè)共同面臨的重大工程技術課題。 目前,隨著我國新建管線規(guī)模的迅速增長、管線壓力、口徑的不斷增大,亟需在大口徑管線 帶壓開孔封堵領域提高自身技術創(chuàng)新能力,打破國際技術壟斷,研制適合我國國情和工程需 要的技術設備,這將在西氣東輸過程中起著重要的作用。 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 23 - 參考文獻 1李國興,張玖山.大口徑輸油(氣)管道用新型液壓開孔機J.石油機械,2006 年第 34 卷 第 6 期 2趙兵杰,趙宏林,張 宏,丁慶新,喻開安,陳應華.全自動海底油氣管道開孔機的設計 J.石油礦場機械,2009 年第 38 卷第 7 期第 34 頁 3李偉偉.燃氣管道 FL90 不停輸帶壓開孔機的改造和使用J.淮北職業(yè)技術學院學報, 2003.9 4左健民等 液壓與氣壓傳動M. 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2005.7 5黃平主等.常用機械零件及機構(gòu)圖冊M. 北京:化學工業(yè)出版社,2002.10 6成大先等.機械設計手冊M.第四版,北京:化學工業(yè)出版社,2002 畢業(yè)設計(論文)報告紙 - 24 - 致 謝 值此論文完成之際,謹向我的導師表示深深的敬意和誠摯的感謝。在近三個月的學習生 活過程中,導師淵博的知識、儒雅風趣的品格、嚴謹?shù)闹螌W態(tài)度、兢兢業(yè)業(yè)的工作作風和將 科研與工程實際應用相結(jié)合的工作方法令我十分敬佩。他對我的諄諄教誨和富有哲理的啟迪 將使我終生受益。 此外,還由衷感謝老師在課題的研究中給予的幫助,使我快速的熟悉 solidworks 和 cad 的基本操作。使得我在分析問題時能更好地拓寬自己的思路。在此,對他 表示衷心的感謝和誠摯的敬意! 最后,謹向所有曾經(jīng)關心,幫助過我的老師、同學和朋友們表示衷心的感謝。
Options for micro-holemaking
As in the macroscale-machining world, holemaking is one of the most— if not the most—frequently performed operations for micromachining. Many options exist for how those holes are created. Each has its advantages and limitations, depending on the required hole diameter and depth, workpiece material and equipment requirements. This article covers holemaking with through-coolant drills and those without coolant holes, plunge milling, microdrilling using sinker EDMs and laser drilling.
Helpful Holes
Getting coolant to the drill tip while the tool is cutting helps reduce the amount of heat at the tool/workpiece interface and evacuate chips regardless of hole diameter. But through-coolant capability is especially helpful when deep-hole microdrilling because the tools are delicate and prone to failure when experiencing recutting of chips, chip packing and too much exposure to carbide’s worst enemy—heat.
When applying flood coolant, the drill itself blocks access to the cutting action. “Somewhere about 3 to 5 diameters deep, the coolant has trouble getting down to the tip,” said Jeff Davis, vice president of engineering for Harvey Tool Co., Rowley, Mass. “It becomes wise to use a coolant-fed drill at that point.”
In addition, flood coolant can cause more harm than good when microholemaking. “The pressure from the flood coolant can sometimes snap fragile drills as they enter the part,” Davis said.
The toolmaker offers a line of through-coolant drills with diameters from 0.039" to 0.125" that are able to produce holes up to 12 diameters deep, as well as microdrills without coolant holes from 0.002" to 0.020".
Having through-coolant capacity isn’t enough, though. Coolant needs to flow at a rate that enables it to clear the chips out of the hole. Davis recommends, at a minimum, 600 to 800 psi of coolant pressure. “It works much better if you have higher pressure than that,” he added.
To prevent those tiny coolant holes from becoming clogged with debris, Davis also recommends a 5μm or finer coolant filter.
Another recommendation is to machine a pilot, or guide, hole to prevent the tool from wandering on top of the workpiece and aid in producing a straight hole. When applying a pilot drill, it’s important to select one with an included angle on its point that’s equal to or larger than the included angle on the through-coolant drill that follows. The pilot drill’s diameter should also be slightly larger. For example, if the pilot drill has a 120° included angle and a smaller diameter than a through-coolant drill with a 140° included angle, “then you’re catching the coolant-fed drill’s corners and knocking those corners off,” Davis said, which damages the drill.
Although not mandatory, pecking is a good practice when microdrilling deep holes. Davis suggests a pecking cycle that is 30 to 50 percent of the diameter per peck depth, depending on the workpiece material. This clears the chips, preventing them from packing in the flute valleys.
Lubricious Chill
To further aid chip evacuation, Davis recommends applying an oil-based metalworking fluid instead of a waterbased coolant because oil provides greater lubricity. But if a shop prefers using coolant, the fluid should include EP (extreme pressure) additives to increase lubricity and minimize foaming. “If you’ve got a lot of foam,” Davis noted, “the chips aren’t being pulled out the way they are supposed to be.”
He added that another way to enhance a tool’s slipperiness while extending its life is with a coating, such as titanium aluminum nitride. TiAlN has a high hardness and is an effective coating for reducing heat’s impact when drilling difficult-to-machine materials, like stainless steel.
David Burton, general manager of Performance Micro Tool, Janesville, Wis., disagrees with the idea of coating microtools on the smaller end of the spectrum. “Coatings on tools below 0.020" typically have a negative effect on every machining aspect, from the quality of the initial cut to tool life,” he said. That’s because coatings are not thin enough and negatively alter the rake and relief angles when applied to tiny tools.
However, work continues on the development of thinner coatings, and Burton indicated that Performance Micro Tool, which produces microendmills and microrouters and resells microdrills, is working on a project with others to create a submicron-thickness coating. “We’re probably 6 months to 1 year from testing it in the market,” Burton said.
The microdrills Performance offers are basically circuit-board drills, which are also effective for cutting metal. All the tools are without through-coolant capability. “I had a customer drill a 0.004"-dia. hole in stainless steel, and he was amazed he could do it with a circuit-board drill,” Burton noted, adding that pecking and running at a high spindle speed increase the drill’s effectiveness.
The requirements for how fast microtools should rotate depend on the type of CNC machines a shop uses and the tool diameter, with higher speeds needed as the diameter decreases. (Note: The equation for cutting speed is sfm = tool diameter × 0.26 × spindle speed.)
Although relatively low, 5,000 rpm has been used successfully by Burton’s customers. “We recommend that our customers find the highest rpm at the lowest possible vibration—the sweet spot,” he said.
In addition to minimizing vibration, a constant and adequate chip load is required to penetrate the workpiece while exerting low cutting forces and to allow the rake to remove the appropriate amount of material. If the drill takes too light of a chip load, the rake face wears quickly, becoming negative, and tool life suffers. This approach is often tempting when drilling with delicate tools.
“If the customer decides he wants to baby the tool, he takes a lighter chip load,” Burton said, “and, typically, the cutting edge wears much quicker and creates a radius where the land of that radius is wider than the chip being cut. He ends up using it as a grinding tool, trying to bump material away.” For tools larger than 0.001", Burton considers a chip load under 0.0001" to be “babying.” If the drill doesn’t snap, premature wear can result in abysmal tool life.
Too much runout can also be destructive, but how much is debatable. Burton pointed out that Performance purposely designed a machine to have 0.0003" TIR to conduct in-house, worst-case milling scenarios, adding that the company is still able to mill a 0.004"-wide slot “day in and day out.”
He added: “You would think with 0.0003" runout and a chip load a third that, say, 0.0001" to 0.00015", the tool would break immediately because one flute would be taking the entire load and then the back end of the flute would be rubbing.
When drilling, he indicated that up to 0.0003" TIR should be acceptable because once the drill is inside the hole, the cutting edges on the end of the drill continue cutting while the noncutting lands on the OD guide the tool in the same direction. Minimizing run out becomes more critical as the depth-to-diameter ratio increases. This is because the flutes are not able to absorb as much deflection as they become more engaged in the workpiece. Ultimately, too much runout causes the tool shank to orbit around the tool’s center while the tool tip is held steady, creating a stress point where the tool will eventually break.
Taking a Plunge
Although standard microdrills aren’t generally available below 0.002", microendmills that can be used to “plunge” a hole are. “When people want to drill smaller than that, they use our endmills and are pretty successful,” Burton said. However, the holes can’t be very deep because the tools don’t have long aspect, or depth-to-diameter, ratios. Therefore, a 0.001"-dia. endmill might be able to only make a hole up to 0.020" deep whereas a drill of the same size can go deeper because it’s designed to place the load on its tip when drilling. This transfers the pressure into the shank, which absorbs it.
Performance offers endmills as small as 5 microns (0.0002") but isn’t keen on increasing that line’s sales. “When people try to buy them, I very seriously try to talk them out of it because we don’t like making them,” Burton said. Part of the problem with tools that small is the carbide grains not only need to be submicron in size but the size also needs to be consistent, in part because such a tool is comprised of fewer grains. “The 5-micron endmill probably has 10 grains holding the core together,” Burton noted.
He added that he has seen carbide powder containing 0.2-micron grains, which is about half the size of what’s commercially available, but it also contained grains measuring 0.5 and 0.6 microns. “It just doesn’t help to have small grains if they’re not uniform.”
Electrical discharge machining using a sinker EDM is another micro-holemaking option. Unlike , which create small holes for threading wire through the workpiece when wire EDMing, EDMs for producing microholes are considerably more sophisticated, accurate and, of course, expensive.
For producing deep microholes, a tube is applied as the electrode. For EDMing smaller but shallower holes, a solid electrode wire, or rod, is needed. “We try to use tubes as much as possible,” said Jeff Kiszonas, EDM product manager for Makino Inc., Auburn Hills, Mich. “But at some point, nobody can make a tube below a certain diameter.” He added that some suppliers offer tubes down to 0.003" in diameter for making holes as small as 0.0038". The tube’s flushing hole enables creating a hole with a high depth-to-diameter ratio and helps to evacuate debris from the bottom of the hole during machining.
One such sinker EDM for producing holes as small as 0.00044" (11μm) is Makino’s Edge2 sinker EDM with fine-hole option. In Japan, the machine tool builder recently produced eight such holes in 2 minutes and 40 seconds through 0.0010"-thick tungsten carbide at the hole locations. The electrode was a silver-tungsten rod 0.00020" smaller than the hole being produced, to account for spark activity in the gap.
When producing holes of that size, the rod, while rotating, is dressed with a charged EDM wire. The fine-hole option includes a W-axis attachment, which holds a die that guides the electrode, as well as a middle guide that prevents the electrode from bending or wobbling as it spins. With the option, the machine is appropriate for drilling hole diameters less than 0.005".
Another sinker EDM for micro-holemaking is the Mitsubishi VA10 with a fine-hole jig attachment to chuck and guide the fine wire applied to erode the material. “It’s a standard EDM, but with that attachment fixed to the machine, we can do microhole drilling,” said Dennis Powderly, sinker EDM product manager for MC Machinery Systems Inc., Wood Dale, Ill. He added that the EDM is also able to create holes down to 0.0004" using a wire that rotates at up to 2,000 rpm.
Turn to Tungsten
EDMing is typically a slow process, and that holds true when it is used for microdrilling. “It’s very slow, and the finer the details, the slower it is,” said , president and owner of Optimation Inc. The Midvale, Utah, company builds Profile 24 Piezo EDMs for micromachining and also performs microEDMing on a contract-machining basis.
Optimation produces tungsten electrodes using a reverse-polarity process and machines and ring-laps them to as small as 10μm in diameter with 0.000020" roundness. Applying a 10μm-dia. electrode produces a hole about 10.5μm to 11μm in diameter, and blind-holes are possible with the company’s EDM. The workpiece thickness for the smallest holes is up to 0.002", and the thickness can be up to 0.04" for 50μm holes.
After working with lasers and then with a former EDM builder to find a better way to produce precise microholes, Jorgensen decided the best approach was DIY. “We literally started with a clean sheet of paper and did all the electronics, all the software and the whole machine from scratch,” he said. Including the software, the machine costs in the neighborhood of $180,000 to $200,000.
Much of the company’s contract work, which is provided at a shop rate of $100 per hour, involves microEDMing exotic metals, such as gold and platinum for X-ray apertures, stainless steel for optical applications and tantalum and tungsten for the electron-beam industry. Jorgensen said the process is also appropriate for EDMing partially electrically conductive materials, such as PCD.
“The customer normally doesn’t care too much about the cost,” he said. “We’ve done parts where there’s $20,000 [in time and material] involved, and you can put the whole job underneath a fingernail. We do everything under a microscope.”
Light Cutting
Besides carbide and tungsten, light is an appropriate “tool material” for micro-holemaking. Although most laser drilling is performed in the infrared spectrum, the SuperPulse technology from The Ex One Co., Irwin, Pa., uses a green laser beam, said Randy Gilmore, the company’s director of laser technologies. Unlike the femtosecond variety, Super- Pulse is a nanosecond laser, and its green light operates at the 532-nanometer wavelength. The technology provides laser pulses of 4 to 5 nanoseconds in duration, and those pulses are sent in pairs with a delay of 50 to 100 nanoseconds between individual pulses. The benefits of this approach are twofold. “It greatly enhances material removal compared to other nanosecond lasers,” Gilmore said, “and greatly reduces the amount of thermal damage done to the workpiece material” because of the pulses’ short duration.
The minimum diameter produced with the SuperPulse laser is 45 microns, but one of the most common applications is for producing 90μm to 110μm holes in diesel injector nozzles made of 1mm-thick H series steel. Gilmore noted that those holes will need to be in the 50μm to 70μm range as emission standards tighten because smaller holes in injector nozzles atomize diesel fuel better for more efficient burning.
In addition, the technology can produce negatively tapered holes, with a smaller entrance than exit diameter, to promote better fuel flow.
Another common application is drilling holes in aircraft turbine blades for cooling. Although the turbine material might only be 1.5mm to 2mm thick, Gilmore explained that the holes are drilled at a 25° entry angle so the air, as it comes out of the holes, hugs the airfoil surface and drags the heat away. That means the hole traverses up to 5mm of material. “Temperature is everything in a turbine” he said, “because in an aircraft engine, the hotter you can run the turbine, the better the fuel economy and the more thrust you get.”
To further enhance the technology’s competitiveness, Ex One developed a patent-pending material that is injected into a hollow-body component to block the laser beam and prevent back-wall strikes after it creates the needed hole. After laser machining, the end user removes the material without leaving remnants.
“One of the bugaboos in getting lasers accepted in the diesel injector community is that light has a nasty habit of continuing to travel until it meets another object,” Gilmore said. “In a diesel injector nozzle, that damages the interior surface of the opposite wall.”
Although the $650,000 to $800,000 price for a Super- Pulse laser is higher than a micro-holemaking EDM, Gilmore noted that laser drilling doesn’t require electrodes. “A laser system is using light to make holes,” he said, “so it doesn’t have a consumable.”
Depending on the application, mechanical drilling and plunge milling, EDMing and laser machining all have their place in the expanding micromachining universe. “People want more packed into smaller spaces,” said Makino’s Kiszonas.
當使用外冷卻液時,刀具本身會阻止切削液進入切削加工位置。“也就是到3-5倍的直徑深度后切削液就會很難流入到刀尖。” 哈維工具有限公司的副總工程師杰夫戴維斯說,“這時,就應該選用帶有內(nèi)冷的鉆頭。”
微加工刀具要使用多高的轉(zhuǎn)速,這主要依賴于車間所使用的數(shù)控機床和刀具的直徑,所需的轉(zhuǎn)速隨刀具直徑的增加而加快(注:切削速度公式為 sfm=刀具直徑×0.26×主軸轉(zhuǎn)速)。
“用戶們常常使用較輕的切削載荷來延長刀具的使用壽命,”伯頓說, “這恰恰會加快切削刃的磨損,并在刀刃寬出切屑的位置形成圓弧,刀具會變得像磨削工具一樣把材料強行除掉,只能成為報廢刀。”伯頓認為,直徑大于0.001英寸的刀具切削抗力小于0.0001″時,切削力抗力就已經(jīng)太小了,即使刀具不會斷裂,過早的摩擦也會導致刀具壽命縮短。
墜電火花加工深細孔時,要用一個導電管作為電極。加工小而淺的孔時,需要用到一根導線或棒,“我們盡量用導管做電極,”位于密歇根州的牧野公司總經(jīng)理 Jeff Kiszonas說道,導管的排渣孔能使加工的孔有大的深度直徑比,并能夠在加工中將孔底的熔渣排除孔外。他又補充道“但是另一方面,沒人能制出小于一定直徑的導管。”一些供應商能提供直徑小于0.003英寸的導管可以加工出0.0038英寸的孔。。
電火花加工是一種典型的慢加工,加工微孔時這表現(xiàn)得也很明顯。“電火花加工非常慢,并且隨著加工精度的增加而減慢” Midvale公司( Midvale公司是一個位于猶他州,主要生產(chǎn)24伏低壓電火花加工設備和基于精密電火花加工的公司)的總裁迪恩約根森說。