桂林航天工業(yè)高等專科學校壓鑄模設計說明書系 別:機械工程系專 業(yè):模具設計與制造班 級:2005032101姓 名:羅 惠 鎮(zhèn)學 號:200503210135指導老師:葉東老師2008年01月02日一、零件圖如圖1-1所示制件為電機端蓋,材料為鋅合金,屬大批量生產。 圖1-1一、該壓鑄件的材料分析和工藝性分析1. 材料分析該產品的成型材料是鋅合金,該材料密度大,鑄造性能好,可壓鑄復雜的零件,壓鑄時不粘模,壓鑄件表面易鍍Cr、Ni等金屬,機械切削性能好,但易老化,抗腐蝕性能不高。2. 工藝性分析 1)鋅合金壓鑄,其鋅不容易就粘在模具表面上。2)該壓鑄件壁厚比較均勻,各個孔小且淺,工藝性好。3)為了方便加工與成型及脫模,型腔、型芯均采用組合式結構。4)該壓鑄件是一般精度等級。為降低設計難度和設計周期,應采一模一腔,且需要對壓鑄件去除澆口廢料。二、擬定的成型工藝1.成型方法該壓鑄件采用沖頭下壓式全立式壓鑄機壓鑄。2.各工藝參數1)經查教材(壓鑄成型工藝與模具設計)第32頁表3.2可知壓射比壓為30Mpa2)經查教材第33頁表3.4可知壓射沖頭空行程壓射速度為0.30.5m/s3)經查教材第34頁表3.5可知充填速度為15 m/s4)經查教材第36頁表3.7可知持壓時間34s5)經查教材第36頁表3.8可知留模時間推薦值為712s6)經查教材第37頁表3.9可知澆注溫度為4105407)經查教材第38頁表3.10可知模具預熱溫度130180和工作溫度1802003. 確定型腔數目1)為降低設計難度和設計周期,應采單型腔,且需要對壓鑄件去除澆口廢料。2)計算壓鑄的體積和重量 通過三維制圖PRO/E軟件測量得:單件壓鑄件投影面積 S=142572;體積V=1536453查有關資料可知Al的密度為6.8g/cm3 則壓鑄件重量m=1044.8g三、初選壓鑄機1.壓鑄機的鎖模力 模具型腔脹型力中心與壓鑄機壓力中心重合時壓鑄機鎖模力 式中 壓鑄機鎖模力,N; 作用于模具型腔且垂直與分型面方向的脹型力,N; 作用于滑快楔緊塊面上的法向壓力,N; K安全系數(一般取K=11.3) 型腔脹型力 =P()式中 P最終的壓射比壓,Pa; 鑄件在分型面上的投影面積,;澆注系統在分型面上的投影面積與壓鑄件投影面積不重疊部分,;溢流槽在分型面上的投影面積,;壓鑄機所容許的壓射比壓式中 壓鑄機所容許的壓射比壓,Pa; F壓射力,N; D壓室直徑,m。 =9500N(0.785)35MPa = 35MPa18256263MPa=1.15(63 MPa +0)=72.5 MPa2.選壓鑄機根據以上計算結果,經查教材第65頁表4.1可選用熱壓室壓鑄機型號為SHD75相關技術參數如下表所示:型號規(guī)格SHD400型號規(guī)格SHD75鎖模力/KN400液壓頂出器頂出力/KN25拉桿之間的內尺寸(水平垂直)/335285最大金屬澆注量/Kg0.75,0.9(Zn)拉桿直徑/55一次空循環(huán)時間/S2.5移動模板行程/195管路工作壓力MPa10壓鑄模厚度/130340坩有效容量/Kg70壓射位置/050噴嘴加熱功率/KW4壓射力/KN42外型尺寸(長寬高)3200X1300X1700四、澆注系統和排溢系統的設計1.澆注系統設計1)確定澆口形式及位置。為了提高成型效率,設計與制造簡單,采用應用最為普遍的側澆口。它開設在壓鑄件最大輪廓處。2)澆口直徑可以根據經驗公式計算式中 澆口橫截面積,; m壓鑄件及溢流槽內金屬的總質量,;液態(tài)金屬密度,/;額定充填速度,常取15m/s;額定充填時間,常取0.06s;分別代表各種修正系數;=183)直澆道設計分流錐的圓角半徑通常取45,直澆道錐通常取,分流錐通常取。2. 排溢系統的設計 1)溢流槽設計溢流槽應開設在金屬最先沖擊的部位,排除金屬液流前頭的氣體和冷污金屬液,穩(wěn)定流動狀態(tài),減少渦流;溢流槽應開設在兩股金屬液流會合的地方,清除集中于該處的氣體、冷污金屬液和涂料殘渣。如圖所示 2)排氣槽設計 對于小型模具,可利用分型面間隙排氣,但分型面須位于容體流動末端。由于本制品尺寸不大,利用分型面和推桿的配合間隙排氣即可。 五、壓鑄模零部件設計1.分型面的選擇該塑件的結構如圖11所示,根據其特點和表面質量要求,應采用曲面分型面。分型面設在零件大端面下一面。2.成型零部件的結構設計為了方便加工與成型及脫模,型腔、型芯均采用組合式結構 3.成型零部件工作尺寸計算1)型腔的徑向和深度尺寸式中 模具型腔的徑向尺寸; 壓鑄件外部形狀的徑向尺寸; 模具型腔的深度尺寸; 壓鑄件外部形狀的高度尺寸; k壓鑄件平均收縮率; 壓鑄件尺寸偏差; 模具的制造偏差。2)型芯的徑向尺寸和高度尺寸 式中 模具型芯的徑向尺寸 壓鑄件內部形狀的徑向尺寸模具型芯的高度尺寸壓鑄件內部形狀的深度尺寸3)中心距尺寸式中 模具上型腔或型芯的中心距尺寸; 壓鑄件凸臺或凹槽的中心距尺寸各工作部位尺寸計算結果見零件圖紙通常,制品中1mm和小于1mm并帶有大于0.05mm公差的部位以及2mm和小于2mm并帶有大于0.1mm公差的部位不需要進行收縮率計算。4.結構零部件的設計 1)動、定模板一般受拉伸、彎曲、壓縮三種變形力,變形后會影響型腔的尺寸精度。因此,在考慮各板的尺寸時,應考慮模具結構與壓鑄工藝。動、定模板邊框厚度經查教材第121頁的經驗數據推薦值表6.42)合模導向機構設計1.為了使導柱能順利地進入導套,導柱端部應做成錐形或半球形,導套的前端也應倒角。2.導柱設在動模一側可以保護型芯不受損傷,而設在定模一側則便于順利脫模取出塑件,因此可根據需要而決定裝配方式。3.一般導柱滑動部分的配合形式按H8/f8,導柱和導套固定部分配合按H7/k6,導套外徑的配合按H7/k6。4.除了動模、定模之間設導柱、導套外,一般還在動模座板與推板之間設置導柱和導套,以保證推出機構的正常運動。5.導柱的直徑應根據模具大小而定,可參考標準模架數據選取。 一次分型導向機構設計:導柱固定在固定模板上,與固定模板為H7/m6的過渡配合。導柱直徑參考標準,取D=12mm,導柱頭部做成半圓形。導柱長度與主流導長度點澆口長度以及塑件長度等有關。 Lg= L型芯固板+20=36+20=56mm 六、推出機構設計1.脫模力的確定脫模力的估算: 式中 壓鑄件脫模所需的脫模力,N;P擠壓力,鋁合金一般取(1012)A壓鑄件的包緊型芯的側面積,;K安全系數,一般取1.2左右=1.2(11)12002. 脫模機構設計壓鑄成型每一循環(huán)中,壓鑄必須準確無誤的從模具的凹模中或型芯上脫出,完成模具脫模。脫模機構設計應遵循下述原則:1) 壓鑄件滯留于動模邊,以便借助于開模力驅動脫模裝置,完成脫模動作,致使模具結構簡單。2) 推桿設置不能影響模具的強度。防止壓鑄件結構變形或損壞,正確分析壓鑄件對模腔的粘附力的大小及所部位,有針對性的選擇合適的脫模裝置,使推出重心與脫模阻力中心相重合。3) 推桿應設置在壓鑄件受包緊力最大的地方。由于壓鑄件收縮時包緊型芯,因此推出力作用點應盡量靠近型芯,同時推出力應施于壓鑄件剛性和強度最大部位,作用面積也盡可能大一些,以防壓鑄件變形或損壞。4) 推桿應與型芯的表面齊平。力求良好的塑件外觀,在選擇頂相互位置時,應盡量設在塑件內部或對塑件影響不大的部位。在采用推桿脫模時,尤其要注意這個問題。5) 結構合理可靠,脫模結構應工作可靠,運動靈活,制造方便,更換容易,且有足夠的強度和剛度。根據制件的形狀,本模具可用設計為推桿推出3. 推桿直徑和數量的確定式中 A推桿工作截面積,; 壓鑄件推出時總的壓力,N; N推桿數量; 壓鑄件的許可壓力,MPa。鋅合金一般取50 Mpa設計4根推桿,則推桿工作截面積A=78.5 ,可計算出推桿直徑為。4. 復位桿長度尺寸:L4=L頂桿固定板+L支撐板+L型芯板+40 =20+25+30+40=115mm復位桿徑向尺寸參考標準見尺寸,取d=10mm八、壓鑄模的冷卻設計由于壓鑄件平均厚度為4,壓鑄件尺寸不大,確定水孔直徑為8。由于冷卻水道的位置、結構形式、孔徑、表面狀態(tài)、水的流速、模具材料等很多因素都會影響模具的熱量向冷卻水的傳遞,精確計算比較困難。實際生產中,通常都是根據模具的結構確定冷卻水路,通過調節(jié)水溫、水速來滿足要求。九、參考文獻1. 史鐵梁.模具設計指導.第1版.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,20032. 屈華昌.壓鑄成型工藝與模具設計.第1版.北京:高等教育出版社,20013. 王樹勛.注塑模具設計與制造實用技術. 第1版.廣州:華南理工大學出版社,19964. 唐海翔.UGNX2注塑模具設計培訓教程. 第1版.北京:清華大學出版社,20055. 閻啞林.塑料模具圖冊. 第1版.北京.高等教育出版社:2001 壓塑和壓鑄工藝近年,壓塑工藝應用于熱固性摻混料,如脲醛塑料、酚醛樹脂、環(huán)氧樹脂、蜜胺樹脂和橡膠中。盡管有一些材料可注射成型,但采用壓塑工藝仍非常普遍。壓鑄用材料較壓塑用材料要求可塑性更軟。許多熱固性材料具有高抗沖級(1.0ft一lb)和良好缺口沖擊強度的保持性,只有在極限壓力下才會流動。 壓塑 熱固性材料的壓塑成型的明顯優(yōu)點是系統簡單。將材料置入一加熱型腔,保壓至所要求團化時間。因工藝過程簡單,費用少。添加劑和增強劑無規(guī)則,并能得到較好強度。由于無澆口和流道,不浪費材料,模具幾乎也不用維修。零件的統一性好,無鑄口和流痕,減少了修飾成本。根據制品結構和所用的塑料應用特點,可采用全壓式模具、半壓式模具和閉模(可參見有關壓塑模具方面的文章)。 設備:簡單也是壓塑設備的主要特點。兩半壓板結合在一起,加溫,加壓,將材料制成預定形狀。多數壓塑過程采用液壓操作;也有采用氣動操作的。上下兩壓板在壓力之下在4個角柱上上下移動。根據壓塑設備的大小,壓力一般為201000噸。壓板的大小一般為8英寸2到5英尺2. 在加料和固化以后的脫模方面存在不同自動化程度,常用最現代的液壓機進行。以前的簡單系統有溫度控制、壓力控制、停壓控制和時間控制。現代設備采用更高級的微處理機控制。對于較薄的制品,在板中可用加熱筒或帶式加熱器。對較深的制件,需要用筒形電加熱器、蒸汽加熱或熱油系統加熱。有數種用于壓塑中的加熱體系:用蒸汽加熱模溫均勻,但加熱溫度限在350F以下;套筒加熱或其它加熱(加熱盤管、加熱帶等)比較干凈,易于保養(yǎng),用得比較普及;熱油加熱,由于加熱介質循環(huán)穩(wěn)定,所以加熱均勻?,F在又有許多新加熱方法,熱水加熱,類似于熱油加熱,加熱介質一水一氣體燃燒連續(xù)循環(huán),可提供更高的壓塑溫度。 增強改性高分子材料工業(yè)發(fā)展迅速,要求壓塑工業(yè)有新改進。模塑增強塑料用兩個模具:陽模(模塞)和陰模(模腔)。當模具充滿增強材料時,對模的兩半熱模具閉合,然后加熱、加壓固化得到產品。相配合的模具復雜性變化很大,可用鋁、塑料或鋼制做。 輕質材料制做起來比較便宜,一般用于短期生產如“冷模塑”。冷模塑用室溫固化樹脂,但仍使用模具和壓塑液壓機。長期生產用硬化鋼模具比較合算,對截坯口可提供較好的剪切性能和優(yōu)良的光潔度。這些壓塑鋼模采用機械上適配的截坯口,通常面對合模區(qū)。用這種對模的金屬模具,其制品表面均勻,光潔度好。閉模工藝用于壓塑成型、壓鑄成型、注射成型及一些可沖壓的增強復合材料。 一些熱塑材塑料可壓塑模塑,但一般還是用預摻混的熱固性樹脂如BMC(預制整體模塑料)、SMC(片料成型模塑料)、TMC(厚模塑料)、氈片成型等。 氈片成型有時叫濕成型復合材料,在液壓機的作用下將增強材料和樹脂結合在一起。經常在模中放置氈片,將樹脂傾倒在加強材料上。在加壓過程中樹脂充滿模腔時加強材料固定不動。 若制件有嚴重的異形或斜度,有必要進行預成型。多數氈片和預成型制州在投影面積上需要加150200磅英寸2的模壓力。 預摻混料,如SMC,預浸樹脂,填料、催化劑和增強料切割成一定大小隊片狀,再加入熱的模具中(一般300400F),在10002000磅英寸2壓力下模塑。 用于SMC的較新的壓塑設備的總循環(huán)周期可少于一分鐘(從頭到尾)。已經發(fā)展了用特殊的液壓裝置推回壓塑機中料筒,自動控制壓板的水平度。 增強塑料,如SMC,用金屬對模壓塑光潔度好,這對制件的表面很重要。在加工時有時出現纖維狀的收縮。 用內模涂層的方法可改進表面光潔度。BMC的壓塑過程是最老的預摻混后的模塑過程之一。 填料(木屑、礦物料、纖維素等)的摻混混合是在葉片形的混合器中進行的。將一批料裝入300400F的模具中在500磅英寸2壓力下模塑。因用料廉價,所以原料成本低。不過由于在模塑過程中纖維的定向性降低了機械強度。 高速壓塑,即增強熱塑性塑料片材的沖壓,用途廣泛。玻璃氈片和聚丙烯相配合用于可沖壓的塑料,其循環(huán)周期低于40秒。生坯送至對流爐中加熱。加熱以后,毛坯放入壓塑模具中,這一過程用新的壓塑機速度可達1400英寸分鐘。以75英寸分鐘(比SMC的壓塑過程快約3倍)加壓進料。根據市場的要求,有些新的可沖壓塑料,表面光潔度好,并且具有可涂布性。模塑壓力一般1噸英寸2。傳統的壓塑工藝近幾年一直呈增長的趨勢。在空間技術和國防方面的應用正在使這種工藝向其難點沖擊。 在SMC、BMC、TMC、熱塑性片材的沖壓、增強材料的摻混和壓塑機械方面的發(fā)展迅速增長,以適應工業(yè)的新要求。 一些先進的摻混料的壓塑主要是在空間技術和國防應用方面發(fā)展迅速。工具和模具的新概念及高溫(達1200F)模塑機,使石墨一碳纖維復合材料得以發(fā)展,代替了現有的金屬鑄件。 高溫硅樹脂正用作高壓介質。復合材料做的片層用于壓塑模中?,F在,材料和生產成本已使該工藝更加適于空間技術市場,這類硅樹脂也很快轉向汽車領域。 壓鑄 在壓鑄工藝中,熱固性樹脂料加入一單獨的料腔,常叫料槽,然后強制送入一個或多個閉模中進行聚合(固化)。 料道,也叫注道和流道,使物料從料槽流向模腔,進入模腔之前經過限流器或澆口。很多模腔具有單一料槽。料腔中的空氣被進來的物料所置換,并通過一特別放置的排氣口排出。 當物料置入料槽中時,在一緊湊的測量裝置中測料量,然后預熱到接近聚合溫度。一次只加入足夠一次的注塑量。 將預熱的原料送出料槽的力再將其送往一注料器,該注料器緊接裝在料槽上,以防止從活塞和料槽邊之間的縫隙中漏料。通常將密封套卡進注料器以進一步防漏。 料槽、注料器、澆口、流道和模腔的表面維持可使原料迅速固化的一定溫度,根據物料性質、模具的設計和制件的幾何形狀該溫度為280380F。 在壓鑄物達到固化期的終點時,將該次完整的壓鑄物進行脫模,包括脫除澆口、流道、注道和料槽中形成固化料墊(叫做殘料)。 在壓鑄中,物料的預熱很重要。冷料流動緩慢,先進入模腔的料尚未到其終點,即可能聚合。若發(fā)生上述情況,產品質量低劣,不僅是外觀,也體現于機械性能。有些例外,如一次注射量很少,或一些低粘度的物料??捎眉訜釤艋驙t子加熱,但有效而常用的方法是用專為塑料模塑制做的介電加熱器。 Plastic and pressure die casting process In recent years, the pressure technique used in thermosetting plastic materialmixing ,such as urea-formaldehyde plastics, phenolic resin, epoxy rsin, melamineresin and rubber. In spite of some of the material can be injection moiding, but the use of plastic pressure process is still very common. More pressure die casting material used plastic materials require more malleable soft. Many thermosetting materials with high impact level (1.0ft-1b) and good impact strength of maintaining the gap, only under ertreme pressure will flow. Thermosetting plastic molding material pressure of the obvious advantages of the system is simple. Materials will be placed in a heating cavity, the pressure required by the Mission to time. As a result of the process simple, cost less. Enhancer and additive-free rules, and be able to get a better strength. As the gate and no runner ,not a waste of materials, die almost no maintenance. Parts of unity, and I cast no trace flow and reduce the cost of the modification. According to the structure and products used in the application of the characteristics of can be full-pressure die ,and die-pressure semi-closed mode (can be found in the plastic, plastic mold pressure related articles).Equipment: The pressure is a simple plastic deices the main features . platen combination of the two and a half , heating, pressure, the shape of the target material. Most of the process of plastic used hydraulic pressure to operate; also used pneumatic operation .Tow board up and down under pressure in the 4 corner posts on moving up and down. According to the plastic device the size of the pressure, the pressure is generally 20-1000 tons. The general board for the 8-inch size 2-5 feet 2.In addition, and after curing the release of different aspects of the degree of automation, the most commonly used modern hydraulic machine. The previous system , there is a simple temperature control, pressure control, pressure control and stop-time control. The use of modern equipment, advanced microprocessor control. For thinner products, in the board can be used in heating tube or belt heater. To the deeper parts, the need to use tube-shaped electric heater , heating steam or hot oil heating system. There are several types of plastic used in pressure in the heating system: uniform temperature steam heating mode, but the heating temperature is limited to below 350F;sleeve heating or other heating (heating coil, heating,ect.) relatively clean and easy maintenance, A more universal; thermal heating oil, heating due to the stability of the media cycle, the heat evenly. Now there are many new methods of heating ,hot water heating ,similar to the hot oil heating , water heating a medium for a gas combustion cycle , provides a greater degree of pressure temperature plastic.Polymer modified to enhance rapid industrial development requires a new pressure to improve the plastic industry . Enhanced by two molded plastic mold: mold-yang (side mode) and the negative mold (cavity). When the mold is full of reinforcements, the mode of the hot mold closed two and a half, and then heated, pressurized product to be cured. Along the lines of big changes in the complexity of the mold can be used aluminum, plastic or steel do. Light-weight materials making them less expensive, generally used for the production of short-term such as “cold-molding”.Coll at room temperature with molded resin, but the use of plastic mold and hydraulic pressure. The production of long-term use of hardened steel molds relatively cost-effective, the cut-off billet I can provide better performance and excellent cut finish. These steel pressure module on the use of machinery on the cut-off billet adapter I usually die together in the face area. This mode f metal molds, the products of its uniform surface, a good finish. Closed-mode technology used to pressure plastic molding,die-casting molding, injection and stamping some of the reinforced composites. Some of the thermoplastic plastic materials can be molded plastic pressure, but in general or with pre-mixing of thermosetting resins such as BMC (prefabricated molding as a whole),SMC(film forming material molding),TMC(thick molding),film forming, such as carpet. Carpet wet film forming sometimes called composite molding, in the hydraulic press will strengthen the role of materials and combined with resin. Often placed in the mold in carpet film will be dumped in to strengthen the resin material. Pressure in the process of cavity filled with resin to strengthen the material when fixed. If there are serious parts of the alien or gradient, it is necessary to carry out pre-forming. Most of the film and felt pre-forming system in the projected area of the states need to 150-200 pounds/2 inch of mold pressure. Pre-mixing materials, such as SMC, prepreg resin, filler, and the catalyst size enhance the material cut into a certain team sheet, and then adding the hot mold (in general 300-400 F), 1000-2000 1b/2 inch pressure Under the molding. SMC for the relatively new plastic devices the pressure of the total cycle may be less than one minute (from start to finish). Has developed a special hydraulic device back in the bowl pressure machine, automatic control of the board level degrees. Reinforced plastics, such as SMC, with a metal finish on molded plastic, tjis is very important parts of the surface. Sometimes occur in the processing of fibrous contraction. Model with coating method could improve the surface finish. BMC pressure of the process of plastic is the oldest pre-mixing after one of the molding process. Filling materials (wood, mineral materials, such as celluiose) are mixed in mixing the leaves in the shap of the mixer. Will feed into a group of 300400 F in the mold. In the 500-pound/2 inches under the pressure of molding. As a result of the use of materials for low-cost, the cost of raw materials. However, as in the molding process, the orientation of fiber reduces the mechanical strength. Plastic high-speed pressure, that is, enhanced thermoplastic stamping the sheet, a wide range of uses. Felt piece of glass and polypropylene can be used to match the plastic stamping, the cycle less than 40 seconds. Green sent to the convection heating furnace. Heating, rough pressure into plastic molds, in the process with new pressure machine machine speed up to 1400 inches/minute. To 75 inches/minute (SMC than the pressure of plastic process about 3 times as fast) feed pressure. According to the requirements of the market, some of the new stamping plastics, surface finish, and can be coated with nature. I metric ton of pressure on the general molding/2 inch. Traditional plastic pressure technology in recent years has been on the rise. In the space technology for national defense and the application of this technology is difficult to shock. In the SMC, BMC, TMC, the thermoplastic sheet stamping, reinforcement of the Blending plastic mechanical pressure and the development of the rapid growth of industry in order to meet the new requirements. A number of advanced materials mixing plastic pressure mainly in space technology and applications in the rapid development of national defense. Tools and dies and the new concept of high-temperature (up to 1200 F) molding machine to make a graphite carbon fiber composite materials can be developed to replace the existing metal castings. High temperature silicone is used as a high-pressure media. The composite sheet for the pressure in the mold. Now ,materials and production costs have made the process more suitable for space technology market, this type of silicone is also soon to the area of automobile. In the die-casting process, thermosetting resin material is expected to join a separate chamber, often called trough, and then forced into one or more closed modules for polymerization(curing). Liu, also known as Notes and the road runner, so that the flow of materials from the through cavity into the mold cavity before or after limiting gate. Many cavity with a single through. The air chamber is expected to be the replacement materials come in through a special place of the exhaust emissions. When the materials placed in the trough, in a compact measuring device detected charge, and then warm-up to close to the polymerization temperature. Only by adding a sufficient amount of time the injection. Preheat the raw materials will be sent trough of force and then a note sent to the feeder, the feeder note immediately installed in the trough, so as to prevent the pistons from the trough and gap between the edge of missing material. Taoka is usually closed to inject into the feeder to further leak-proof. Trough, the note feeder, gate, runner and mold cavity on the surface of the material can maintain the rapid solidification of a certain temperature,according to the nature of the materials, mold design and parts of the temperature of 280380 F. In the die-casting material to reach the end of the curing period, the second-casting for a complete release, including the removal gate, runner and injecting Road in trough and the formation of curing pad material (called salvage). In the die-casting, the warm-up material is very important. Cold expected to sloe the flow, first into the cavity of the material to its destination yet, that is likely to polymerization. If it happens, poor product quality, not just the appearance, but also in mechanical properties. Some exceptions, such as injecting a small amount, or some of the low viscosity of the material. Available light or heating stove heating, but an effective and commonly used method is used for making molded plastic dielectric heater. 9