湘潭大學興湘學院畢業(yè)設計說明書題 目:鋼坯火焰清理機中的翻版機構設計學 院:興湘學院 專 業(yè):機械設計制造及其自動化學 號:2007964205 姓 名:楊慶 指導教師:胡自化 (教授) 完成日期: 2011年6月7號 湘 潭 大 學 興湘學院 本科畢業(yè)設計開題報告題 目鋼坯火焰清理機中的翻版機構設計姓 名楊慶學號2007964205專 業(yè)機械設計制造及其自動化班級興湘學院機械一班指導教師胡自化職稱教授填寫時間2011年3月20 日 2011年3月說 明1根據湘潭大學畢業(yè)設計(論文)工作管理規(guī)定,學生必須撰寫畢業(yè)設計(論文)開題報告,由指導教師簽署意見,系主任批準后實施。2開題報告是畢業(yè)設計(論文)答辯委員會對學生答辯資格審查的依據材料之一。學生應當在畢業(yè)設計(論文)工作前期內完成,開題報告不合格者不得參加答辯。3畢業(yè)設計(論文)開題報告各項內容要實事求是,逐條認真填寫。其中的文字表達要明確、嚴謹,語言通順,外來語要同時用原文和中文表達。第一次出現縮寫詞,須注出全稱。4本報告中,由學生本人撰寫的對課題和研究工作的分析及描述,應不少于2000字。5開題報告檢查原則上在第24周完成,各系完成畢業(yè)設計開題檢查后,應寫一份開題情況總結報告。6. 填寫說明:(1) 課題性質:可填寫A工程設計;B論文;C. 工程技術研究;E.其它。(2) 課題來源:可填寫A自然科學基金與部、省、市級以上科研課題;B企、事業(yè)單位委托課題;C校級基金課題;D自擬課題。(3) 除自擬課題外,其它課題必須要填寫課題的名稱。(4) 參考文獻不能少于10篇。(5) 填寫內容的字體大小為小四,表格所留空不夠可增頁。本科畢業(yè)設計(論文)開題報告學生姓名楊慶學 號2007964205專 業(yè)機械設計制造及其自動化指導教師胡自化職 稱教授所在系機制系課題來源科研課題性質工程技術研究課題名稱鋼坯火焰清理機中的翻轉機構設計一、選題的依據、課題的意義及國內外基本研究情況隨著市場對鋼板質量的不斷提高,翻板檢查就成了生產中必不可少的工序。而生產率、環(huán)保指標以及鋼板質量控制都對翻板機提出了嚴格的要求。鋼板在翻轉過程中要實現盡可能小的沖擊,應考慮以下幾方面的問題:(1)翻轉臂初始位置時不接觸鋼板,以達到空載起動。(2)在翻轉過程中接觸鋼板一側的翻臂要快速越過中點提前和送鋼板一側的翻臂在不到90。的位置實現交接,然后接送兩翻臂同時運動到中點以后的位置才完成對鋼板的交接。(3)為了減少震動和不產生噪聲,要求鋼板在即將進行交接時速度放慢,進行平穩(wěn)交接,交接完成后才快速返回,從而實現鋼板的翻轉。(4)為了提高生產率,翻鋼板的過程最好是連續(xù)不斷地進行。 二、研究內容、預計達到的目標、關鍵理論和技術、技術指標、完成課題的方案和主要措施翻板機通常安裝在中厚板車間的檢查和加工鋼板兩表面的過程中,在檢查表面質量時和加工鋼板另一面前,將鋼板翻轉180。下面我們以中板車間的翻板機為例簡要說明其工藝要求及動作原理。這種翻板機的機構簡圖,事實上它是由兩套四桿機構在曲柄軸上剛性固結組合而成。曲柄安裝在減速器低速軸的兩端,兩曲柄間具有一定的位置差。兩搖桿軸上分別裝有若干根撥料桿。運動開始,送料撥桿先向下偏轉5。,以達到空載起動,然后逆時針旋轉托起鋼板直到與水平位置成85。,與此同時接料撥桿由水平位置旋轉,處于與迭料撥桿平行或接近平行的位置。然后兩撥桿夾持鋼板一起轉動,開始鋼板的交接。當它們共同旋轉10。后,送料撥桿開始返回直到水平位置。此時接料撥桿也托著鋼板返回,當它處于水平位置時,鋼板落到輥道上,完成180。翻面。而此時接料撥桿仍繼續(xù)向下偏轉5。,最后再回到起始的水平位置。從而完成一次翻板??赡娣迨巧鲜鲞^程的逆過程。為了使交接鋼板的過程平穩(wěn)可靠,鋼板由送料撥桿倒向接料撥桿時的沖擊、噪音較小,這種翻板機設計的關鍵是合理確定兩套四桿機構的尺寸及兩曲柄的初始位置和兩撥桿與搖桿間的夾角,以保證在兩撥桿夾持鋼板旋轉時能做到基本同步。三、主要特色及工作進度主要特色: 利用計算機輔助設計技術,基于SolidWorks、等軟件對理論設計的進行參數化建模,動態(tài)仿真。工作進度: 收集查閱了有關鋼坯翻轉和四桿機構設計資料,現已對鋼坯翻轉的原理、四桿機構各個桿件的特點和作用有一定的認知?,F已能過對其進行設計分析,并制定了設計提綱方案和計劃。四、主要參考文獻(按作者、文章名、刊物名、刊期及頁碼列出)1秦大同機械傳動科學與技術北京:清華大學出版社,20032紀名鋼. 機械設計.8版.北京:高等教育出版社,20063羅迎社.材料力學.武漢:武漢理工大學出版社,20014吳宗澤.機械設計課程設計手冊.6版.北京:高等教育出版社,20065王勇勤.雙臂曲柄搖桿式翻板機機構設計及改進.冶金設備94年第2期,20046 張錫玉 ,劉建波 ,湯武初. 曲柄搖桿式翻板機的仿真設計及改進. CFHITECHNOLOGY 09年第2期。20097胡堅.幾種中板翻轉機典型結構的運動分析.重鋼技術.重鋼設計院,20088孫桓,葛文杰,陳作模.機械原理,第7版.高等教育出版社,20069 邵勝太,劉少陽. 翻板機曲柄連桿機構的計算機設計及演示,河北冶金01年第3期.200110 于文妍. 翻板機構的分析及其理論計算,內蒙古科技與經濟08年10月.2008指導教師意 見指導教師簽名: 年 月 日系意見 系主任簽名: 年 月 日院意見 教學院長簽名: 年 月 日摘要雙臂曲柄搖桿式翻板機機構設計及改進 利用優(yōu)化設計的結論,算出了中厚板車聞使用的職臂曲柄播桿式翻板機機構設計的佯細方法這種方浩對于此類翻極機的設計及改進具有一定的參考價值主題詞 翻板機 優(yōu)化設計 極位夾角Rocker arms and flap drive crank Organization design and improvement Using the optimized design of the conclusions of the plate calculated using the post car news broadcast rod crank arm flap machine machineFeign fine structure design methods. Fang Hao, turning this great machine for such design and improvement of a certain reference value. Keywords flap angle between extreme positions on Optimal Design1目錄摘要1Abstract1第一章 雙臂曲柄搖桿式翻板機設計21.1概述21. 2工作原理和結構特點21.3機構尺寸確定3第二章 機構尺寸確定42.1第一套四桿機構尺寸的確定42.2第二套四桿機構尺寸的確定42.3曲柄存在條件及傳動角的驗算42.4第三套機構尺寸e的確定5第三章 整個曲柄連桿機構的載荷計算93.1 e2載荷和大小計算93.2搖桿d2、C2的載荷和大小計算 93.3連架桿和搖臂直接的連接軸大小和載荷計算 103.4連桿b與搖桿c之間的連接軸計算103.5連桿b的大小計算103.6 曲柄a的大小和強度計算 10第四章 電動機和減速器的選取12結論與展望 14參考文獻: 15致謝: 16附錄一:文獻 17附錄二:三維整體裝配圖28湘潭大學興湘學院畢業(yè)設計評閱表學號 2007964205 姓名 楊慶 專業(yè) 機械設計制造及其自動化 畢業(yè)論文(設計)題目: 鋼坯火焰清理機中的翻版機構設計 評價項目評 價 內 容選題1.是否符合培養(yǎng)目標,體現學科、專業(yè)特點和教學計劃的基本要求,達到綜合訓練的目的;2.難度、份量是否適當;3.是否與生產、科研、社會等實際相結合。能力1.是否有查閱文獻、綜合歸納資料的能力;2.是否有綜合運用知識的能力;3.是否具備研究方案的設計能力、研究方法和手段的運用能力;4.是否具備一定的外文與計算機應用能力;5.工科是否有經濟分析能力。論文(設計)質量1.立論是否正確,論述是否充分,結構是否嚴謹合理;實驗是否正確,設計、計算、分析處理是否科學;技術用語是否準確,符號是否統(tǒng)一,圖表圖紙是否完備、整潔、正確,引文是否規(guī)范;2.文字是否通順,有無觀點提煉,綜合概括能力如何;3.有無理論價值或實際應用價值,有無創(chuàng)新之處。綜合評 價評閱人: 2011年6月 日翻板裝置中各數據計算 一、雙臂曲柄搖桿式翻板機設計1.1概述翻板機是中厚板車間精整工段不可缺少的輔助設備之一。其作用是將鋼板翻轉180,用來檢查鋼板上、下表面的質量。本次鋼坯火焰清理機設計中,對鋼板上、下兩表面進行清理,采用的翻板機構為雙臂曲柄搖桿式翻板機構。雙臂曲柄搖桿式翻板機由電機、減速機、曲柄連桿機構組成。電機、減速機提供低速大扭矩的動力,由兩個曲柄連桿機構分別帶動翻板臂和接板臂的旋轉,從而實現翻板的動作。1.2工作原理和結構特點圖1.1為雙臂曲柄搖桿式翻板機的機構示意簡圖。電機經減速機減速后,由減速機的低速軸分別帶動兩套曲柄四連桿機構,兩個曲柄a1、a2有一定的角度位置差,兩搖桿軸上有若干個翻板臂和接板臂。低速軸帶動曲柄做逆時針轉動,曲柄a1帶動連桿b1,連桿b1帶動搖桿c1做逆時針轉動;同時曲柄a2帶動連桿b2,連桿b2帶動搖桿c2做順時針轉動。為了滿足空載啟動,在初始位置翻板臂(送料撥桿)先向下偏轉5,接板臂也位于水平面以下偏5,翻板臂逆時針旋轉托起鋼板直到與水平位置成85,與此同時,接板臂(接料撥桿)由水平位置順時針旋轉處于與翻板臂平行和接近平行的位置。然后兩臂加持鋼板一起轉動,開始鋼板的交接(如圖2)。當它們共同轉過10后,翻板臂開始返回到水平位置。此時接板臂也托起鋼板返回,當處于水平位置時,鋼板落到輥道上,完成180翻面。而此時接料臂仍繼續(xù)向下偏轉5,最后再回到水平位置。從而完成一次翻板,完成一次翻板的時間是21s。圖1.1 轉動角度初始位置圖 圖1.2 接送位置角度圖結構特點:1、 兩翻臂的擺動角度100,從水平線下5擺到過垂直位置5,當減速器輸出軸的曲柄回轉360,通過兩連桿帶動兩搖桿在105來回擺動一次,兩翻臂則在100來回擺動一次,兩曲柄相位差22814,故主動翻臂以-5擺動托起鋼板到85時,從動翻臂擺動100過垂直線5。2、 翻臂的擺動是由曲柄通過連桿、搖桿、撐桿在翻臂中部撐起而動,翻臂軸不承受翻板扭矩,可以做得較小,兩翻臂軸就可以靠的很近(因為最大鋼板厚300mm,取600mm)。3、 翻轉鋼板時由于接送撥桿有10左右的平行移動過程,所以交接平穩(wěn),不產生沖擊4、 在翻臂上安裝自由轉動的小托輥,當鋼板沒有到規(guī)定位置(翻臂止擋處)而翻板時,當翻臂稍成傾角,鋼板就會平穩(wěn)而輕快地滾移到位,避免了很大沖擊和噪聲的產生。1.3機構尺寸確定1、兩套四桿機構極位夾角的確定兩套四桿機構用OA1B1C1和OA2B2C2表示(如圖1.3)圖1.3 兩套四桿機構極位夾角圖因為鋼坯交接過程中,要平穩(wěn)可靠,兩翻轉臂加持鋼板需同時旋轉,并基本保持同步旋轉。故兩套四桿機構的極位夾角(如圖1.4)必須相同,并且當其值為零時,沒有機會運動,同步性最優(yōu)。、即:1=2=0圖1.4 兩套連桿機構的極位夾角圖二、機構尺寸確定在設計中,由于場地等因素的限制,可預先確定L1、L2和h。即兩套四桿機構的機架長度d1、d2。2.1第一套四桿機構尺寸的確定 圖2.1 第一套四桿機構極限位置圖預先確定搖桿長度c1,根據=0,機架長度d1及搖桿擺角可以作出圖2.1,從而求得其余桿件的尺寸。在圖5中,OB1=b1-a1,OB1=b1+a1,B1B1=OB1-OB1=2a1,a1,b1分別為曲柄和連桿長度。故a1= B1B1/2又因B1B1=2c1/sin(/2),所以a1=c1*sin(/2),設C1O長為d1,從圖5中可以求得d1=L12+H21/2 b1= d12-(c1*cos)2 取值L1=3000mm,H=500mm,C1=700mm, =105(在設計中,由于場地等因素的限制,可預先確定L1,L2和H,即兩套四桿機構的機架長度d1和d2)故a1=c1*sin(/2)=555mm 連桿b1=L12+H2- (c1*cos)212 =9250000-181589.334=3011.4 d1= (L12+H2)12 =3041.42.2第二套四桿機構尺寸的確定圖2.2 第二套四桿機構極限位置圖按照確定第一套機構尺寸同樣的方法,可方便的求得第二套機構尺寸。預先確定C2=700mm,H1=H2=500mm。a2=c2sin=555mm d2= (L1+L2)2+H212=5024.9b2=d22-(c2cos)212=25250000-181589.312=5006.842.3曲柄存在條件及傳動角的驗算當兩套四桿機構的尺寸確定以后,還要進行曲柄存在條件及傳動角大小的驗算。曲柄存在條件是:曲柄為最短桿;機構中最短桿與最長桿之和小于或等于其余兩桿長度之和驗算兩套機構桿的尺寸:曲柄a1,a2、連桿b1,b2、搖桿c1,c2、連架桿d1,d2應滿足下列條件:a1+d1c1+b1和a2+d2c2+b2 a1+d1=555+3041.4=3596.4c1+b1=700+3011.4+3711.4a1+d1 符合要求 a2+b2=555+5024.9=5579.9c2+d2=700+5006.8=5706.8a2+d2 符合要求傳動角的驗算如下(見圖2.3)圖2.3 傳動角的極限大小圖7當曲柄a轉到與連架桿g成一直線或重合的兩極限位置時傳動角u有最大值和最小值。 umax=cos-1b2+c2-(d+a)2/2bc umin=cos-1 b2+c2-(d-a)2/2bc若電動機力矩變化不大,為了提高效率,傳動角應盡量在90附近一般umax150, umin30。代入第一套數據umax=143.2150、umin=36.8,umax=142.7150、umin=37.25。均滿足要求2.4 第三套機構尺寸e的確定根據場地的條件限制,取定H2=2300mm,L4=400mm,f2=1200mm,(翻板臂整長為2400mm)當手臂處于水平時,支撐桿與翻臂垂直或接近垂直時受力最大,設定角F2E2D2為90。L3=L2/2-L4/2=800mm,f2-L2=D2O=400C2=(C2D2-D2O)1/2=(14002-4002)1/2=1341.67mme1=C2O+H2=3642搖桿擺角及板臂(以下簡稱撥桿)下偏角的選取原則根據翻板機的工作特性,為滿足兩撥桿在一定角度范圍內(一般在85-95)基本上能同步旋轉,除按上節(jié)介紹的方法設計外,還應正確地選擇及,和不能隨意選取,事實上它們之間存在有某種聯(lián)系,現推導如下,如圖2.4圖2.4 搖臂的極限位置圖假設工藝要求兩撥桿在角度處開始交接鋼板,此時送料撥桿1所轉過的角度為A1=+2左側接料撥桿所轉過的角度為A2=-+由工作原理我們知道,當兩撥桿開始鋼板交接時,它們所轉過的角度相等。即:A1=A2由上面三式可得+2=-+由圖可知=-180-(-)整理以上式子,可知-2=90.1另外,為保證兩撥桿至少在85位置開始鋼板交接,即-952可以用1、2倆式來確定及的大小。三、整個曲柄連桿機構的載荷計算3.1 e2載荷和大小計算為簡化計算,只考慮鋼板的荷載(鋼板重24噸),其它構件的荷載忽略不計,也不考慮加速度引起的動負荷。由于a1、b1、c1、d1、e1和a2、b2、c2、d2、e2是兩套一樣的連桿機構,算前面一套的數據就可以把另外一套的數據確定。除了b1、b2的根據布局不同選取的長度不同外,其它的數據都是一樣。3.1 翻轉臂是往下轉5脫離鋼板以后再通過e2給翻臂一個向上的力托起鋼板使其翻轉。由5到剛接觸鋼板的零界圖可以知道e2在垂直的往上頂的時候所受到的荷載是最小的。如下圖: 圖3.1 局部受力和機座分布示意圖如圖3.1 按e2垂直翻轉臂和鋼板計算。連桿需要較高的屈服強度,綜合性能需求選45號鋼做連桿材料。GB/T699-1999標準規(guī)定的45鋼經850正火、840淬火、600回火,達到的性能為屈服強度355MPa,= s/n,n為安全系數,取5,則滿足要求。連架桿e2的載荷和大小計算過程如下:e2載荷:max=AF/= s/ns 取ns=5 , s=355MP。得到=71MP。F=24103Kg10N/kg=240000N,A=3380.28mm2,1d2/43380.28mm2d65.6mm,取80mm。3.2 搖桿d2、C2的載荷和大小計算:根據3.1圖所示可以知道兩機座之間的距離是2460mm,兩翻臂軸中心孔的距離是600mm。算出C2到G的距離:D2G=1200-(1230-300)=270mm根據圖上的受力分析可以知道搖桿C2D2在D2處的受力情況。利用三角形相似定理可得到連架桿作用在上面的力為24000N,垂直搖桿C2D2的力為F=2400010270140046285.71N。 一邊5套相同的C2D2,將力F除5得到單個力為9257.14N??古そ孛婺A縒t=D /16 T / Wt=FL / Wt =9257.141400(D /16)0.53555 D (9257.14140016)( * 35.5)=1856401.074mmD122.9mm ,取D為130mm。C2桿的計算:根據力矩守恒有F1*C2D2 = F2*C2B2 ,得到F2=2F1 ??古そ孛婺A縒t=D /16 T / Wt=FL / Wt 則有D31629257.1470035.53.141860230.88mm =D122.99mm。3.3 連架桿和搖臂直接的連接軸大小和載荷計算當搖臂水平不動承受鋼板載荷時,連架桿和搖臂直接的軸與搖桿d2與連架桿之間的軸是一樣的。5個搖臂受力分析得每個受力為24000105=48000N,取連桿軸長度為350mm,軸受到的最大剪應力為=16T/D30.5s/5,得D3516FL/0.5s=516480003503.140.5355=2411411.14mm3D134.10mm3.4 連桿b與搖桿c之間的連接軸計算按上面受力分析得F2=29257.14N,軸還是取350mm長,則Wt=D /16 , T / Wt=FL / Wt,則有D31629257.1435035.53.14=930115.44mm3;D97.6mm。3.5連桿b的大小計算上面求得F2為29257.14N,受力分析得到F合為29257.141400270=95999.97N。max=AF/= s/ns 取ns=5 , s=355MP。得到=71MP。F合=95999.97N,A=1352.11mm2,1d2/41352.11mm2d41.5mm, 取100mm。3.6 曲柄a的大小和強度計算取曲柄長度為555mm,連桿機構損耗率為0.8.由上面可以知道電動機輸出力矩為24000101.20.8=360000Nm,則曲柄的切線方向的力的大小為3600000.555N=648648.65N。則Wt=D /16 , T / Wt=FL / Wt =0.5s/5,則有D316648648.6555535.53.14=51673096.01mm3;D372.47mm。曲柄與連桿的連接軸取連接軸長為250mm,按上面受力分析得F=648648.65N,則Wt=D /16 , T / Wt=FL / Wt,則有D316648648.6525035.53.14=23276169.37mm3;D285.52mm。四. 電動機和減速器的選取 由前面講敘的翻臂翻轉一次再回到原來位置的要用21s,曲柄轉動一周也是t=21s。圓周長s=2r=23.140.555=3.4854m。曲柄切線方向的力為F=648648.65N,那電動機的輸出功率為P=FS/T=107657.1431w=107.66kw。選取電動機為YZR355M-10型號的額定功率為110Kw,轉速為581r/min。 曲柄21s內完成一次循環(huán),一分鐘轉2.857圈,總傳動比i=5812.857204 將額定功率和傳動比告訴廠家可以定到符合規(guī)格的電動機和減速器。結論與展望本文對曲柄翻板機的一些關鍵數據進行了計算,獲得了一些成果與結論。我們求出了翻版過程受力和四桿機構中各個桿件的強度及大小,現已經能夠熟練的操作SolidWorks制圖軟件。同時我們對機構的尺寸確定、傳動角及各角度的驗算、電動機的選取方法都有了一定的掌握。原本要通過比較繁瑣的單一的翻轉在這套機構出現以后大大的改進了生產流程,節(jié)約了時間和人力,也給工人們增強了安全保障。電機、減速機提供低速大扭矩的動力,由兩個曲柄連桿機構分別帶動翻板臂和接板臂的旋轉,由此帶動鋼板翻轉。翻轉工程中各桿件和搖臂的載荷、角度的變化迫切需要本文的出現。通過本文的研究分析得出的結論我們有理由相信:隨著我國制造業(yè)的不斷發(fā)展,不同類型的鋼板需求越來越大。這給鋼板生產家也帶來了技術更新的壓力,在結合生產經驗和各廠家場地的不同,曲柄四桿機構翻板機將更加完善。在不久的將來曲柄連桿翻版機構將會廣泛運用于加工和檢測中,人工和維修性都會降低,生產效率將大大提高。參考文獻1秦大同機械傳動科學與技術北京:清華大學出版社,20032紀名鋼. 機械設計.8版.北京:高等教育出版社,20063羅迎社.材料力學.武漢:武漢理工大學出版社,20014吳宗澤.機械設計課程設計手冊.6版.北京:高等教育出版社,20065王勇勤.雙臂曲柄搖桿式翻板機機構設計及改進.冶金設備94年第2期,20046 張錫玉 ,劉建波 ,湯武初. 曲柄搖桿式翻板機的仿真設計及改進. CFHITECHNOLOGY 09年第2期。20097胡堅.幾種中板翻轉機典型結構的運動分析.重鋼技術.重鋼設計院,20088孫桓,葛文杰,陳作模.機械原理,第7版.高等教育出版社,20069 邵勝太,劉少陽. 翻板機曲柄連桿機構的計算機設計及演示,河北冶金01年第3期.200110 于文妍. 翻板機構的分析及其理論計算,內蒙古科技與經濟08年10月.2008致謝這次畢業(yè)設計即將完成的時候,其突然意識到四年的大學生涯即將畫上一個句號。當我在外實習兩個月回來開始畢業(yè)設計時,還不清楚留給我們將來可以還念的四年就要過去。在即將到來的工作崗位上所面臨的就是不同的生活方式,完全不同與之前的16年學生生涯。要是說原來的我們是學怎樣做人、怎樣做事、如何認識和理解社會、如何學會感恩,那么,今后的日子里,我將真正成為一個有用的人,一個能與隊友合作或獨立完成任務的人,一個真正懂得世界、懂得感恩并真正付出的人。在這里首先要感謝我的指導老師胡自化老師,在本次設計開始到結尾過程中,一直跨度將近4個月時間,胡老師給我提供了寶貴的意見和資料。再者感謝我所有的組員,沒有他們的支持和鼓舞,我完成將更加困難。在組長提供的方案中選取曲柄翻轉機構來作為本次的設計方向,這給我來將是種挑戰(zhàn)。我們組6個成員開始就到處查找資料,找到以后資源共享,這給本設計的完成提供了很大的幫助。很慶幸選擇胡老師和我其他的隊友一起走過大學的最后一段時光,我可以肯定這段時光將是我將來無比還念的大學生活。就是這段時光讓我認識的團隊合作的重要,學會了根據事實資料和理論知識來解決問題的方式,懂得了怎樣去查找資料,怎樣一步步的完成一個任務。這次設計真的讓我學到了很多。學無止境,無論每天往返于工廠和住所,還是奔走于圖書館和宿舍之間,作為一個職員或學生,無時無刻不在接受著新的知識、觀點、理念。即使是創(chuàng)造社會價值,也仍需不斷補給養(yǎng)分。于此,作為即將走出校園的人,我將銘記于心。最后,忠誠的希望每一個已經出現在或是即將出現在我不同人生階段卻給我?guī)椭吞崾镜膸熼L、親友、同事們,能夠擁有美好幸福的生活狀態(tài),以及一顆熱衷于探索未知和真理的心,同時也是對自己未來生活的一種期冀。附錄2:三維整體裝配圖 圖1 翻板機三維裝配圖 圖2 火焰清理機總體裝配圖16湘潭大學興湘學院畢業(yè)論文(設計)鑒定意見 學號: 2007964205 姓名: 楊慶 專業(yè): 機械設計制造及其自動化 畢業(yè)論文(設計說明書) 28 頁 圖 表 3 張論文(設計)題目: 鋼坯火焰清理機中的翻版機構設計 內容提要:翻板機是中厚板車間精整工段不可缺少的輔助設備之一。而雙臂曲柄搖桿式 翻板機與其它型式的電動翻板機相比又有其獨特的優(yōu)點。如工作可靠,交接板過程比較平穩(wěn),能實現可逆翻板,一次翻板不需要電機正反轉等等。目前國內幾個大型鋼廠的厚板車間都采用了這一型式,而且?guī)缀醵际且郧皬膰庖M的設備,或者是仿制 國內已有的資料來看,都未給出一種切實可行的設計方法。筆者曾 機械優(yōu)化設計的角度對其進行了分析,得到了一些有益的結論。本文正是根據這些結論,在既保證設計參數最優(yōu)又能簡化設計方法這前提下,給出了這種翻板機的機構參數的確定方法。另外,我們利用此方法對中板車間現行的翻板機進行了分析并提出了改進意見。實踐證明:這種設計方法是可行的得到的結果也是令人滿意的,對于翻板機的設計具有一定的參考價值。指導教師評語 楊慶同學在畢業(yè)設計中,工作態(tài)度端正,能積極努力地學習與鉆研。設計方案合理。說明書中的計算和論述充分、通訊、清晰、正確。圖標及文獻引用較為規(guī)范、文檔結構、編輯都較規(guī)范。反應了該生有一定的設計和分析解決問題的能力,以及一定的文獻資料檢索能力、利用軟件畫圖和外文閱讀翻譯的能力、同意該生參加畢業(yè)設計答辯。指導教師: 年 月 日答辯簡要情況及評語 答辯小組組長: 年 月 日答辯委員會意見答辯委員會主任: 年 月 日遼寧科技大學本科生畢業(yè)設計(論文) 第 14 頁Tipper truck unloading system, the new C70 gondola over the problems and solutions Abstract: In view of the Ministry of Railways C70 new gondola car, a variety of truck dumper system approach to meet the new gondola. Key words: Dumper; Unloading System1 Overview In late 2005, the Ministry of Railways to launch a large number of 70t-class series of goods used to replace the existing truck 60t class. 70t-class vehicles are replacement products, 60t-class vehicle than the truck load to increase 16.7 percent, commercial operating speed by 80km / h to 120km / h, the use of K6 or K5-type bogie, high-strength weathering steel material, 17 chain Coupler, MT-3-type buffer, an increase of derailment, such as automatic braking devices. C70 is a type of gondola car 70t. Dumper truck available for their operating system, there are some problems. In order to protect the railway gondola car, the Ministry of Railways requested Tipper Unloading the existing system to meet the double transformation of C70 gondola car unloading requirements. 2 Problems and solutions 2.1 KFJ Series Tipper Unloading System 2.1.1 Problems KFJ-2 and KFJ-3 series tipper truck system is my company in 1956 and 1993 a large number of market during the tipper truck systems, mainly trucks Tieniu + platform + the ground picking up hook-axis trucks carts ways, etc. Add heavy tipper trucks slipped by Tipper pushed the machine axis of empty carts will move into the empty cars to Taiwan, or empty lines, cars from the platform to move onto the cart axis will empty into the empty line practices. This tipper truck unloading system, the Ministry of Railways in the research and development over the C70 gondola car, the main problem of the existence of the following: (1) C70 chains using coupler 17 (see Figure 1), 17 in vertical direction chain coupling does not allow two companies linked to the coupler are relative motion from top to bottom, so that the platform can not pick picking hook hook, can not be achieved tipper trucks to Running between the operations. (2) C70 uses automatic braking devices, such as derailment of new technologies, pushing empty carts browser push axis position and derail the installation of automatic braking devices to interfere with the location, such as push-axis operation, automatic brake to derail the failure rate of 100%. (3) unilateral push round, cart-axis device on K5, K6 type bogie formed distorted, causing damage to the vehicle bogie. 2.1.2 solution Add slipped on the heavy vehicle roll-over system modification Trucks generally use the following three options Add Tipper away, for three different situations, the use of different rehabilitation programs. (1) the use of the former led led-style Tieniu hook truck + pick + Running separate platform trucks cart device (push the tread-axis or unilateral) in the form of Running System: Cancel picking hook platforms, all heavy vehicles using a push cart device into the dumper truck. Cart cart to re-transform the browser. A new cart device: push the shaft to keep the tread on one side or the carts drive of the device using the new carts (carts can be pushed arms hook or wheel). Heavy vehicles from cars out Tieniu traction devices have been the location of carts, the cart by rope drag devices push into a tipper truck. (2) before using Tieniu led led-style truck + trucks cart device (push the tread-axis or unilateral) in the form of escape the transformation of Vehicle Systems: Of heavy vehicles using the above cart retrofit methods to solve them. (3) before the use of trench-type Tieniu led led truck + removable hook Running separate platform trucks carts + browser (or unilateral push tread-axis) in the form of escape the transformation of Vehicle Systems: Replacement of the former trench-style Tieniu cattle led the neck, in its front-end coupler increases. Tieniu traction when a vehicle to re-position after the neck down Tieniu return, after the rise of the coupler by coupler vehicle will push a heavy vehicle into the dumper. of the cart tipper and Vehicle Location System (1) retaining only the use of reverse two-sided: only block, respectively, the reverse arrangement in the outer orbit, when the wheels have been squeezed to open the wheel after the block on both sides of the spring reset tread wheels. (2) the use of arms empty cart device: replace the original shaft or push cart wheels on one side of the transmission device of the device and cart for both sides to push the wheel tread of the empty cart browser . on the platform cart to move vehicles and vehicle positioning system transformation (1) the use of new double-ended block reverse: reverse only blocked the track layout in the two outside wheels have tread when its pressure, the wheel after the reset of the block on both sides of the wheel tread; when the transfer vehicles arrived in Taiwan after the empty line, by putting drag block will only have to lay down their cars. (2) the use of new devices empty carts: push the shaft or replace the original wheels on one side of the carts drive of the cart and coupling devices for push to empty the empty cart coupler device. Other In order to meet the Ministry of Railways on by pressing power requirements of vehicles can be by mechanical pressure into hydraulic car body control pressure on cars and car bodies. 2.2 FZ1-2A-type C-shaped truck dumper system FZ1-2A-type C-shaped dumper truck is my company in 1993 after the mass production of a tipper truck systems, mainly allocated car tipper machine + Taiwan + car + relocation practices pusher, as a result of The emergence of C70, the tipper truck and do systems must also improve. 2.2.1 Problems (1) vehicles used in 17 # coupler, coupling the two vehicles can not be opened on the decline, there is a lower coupler occasional prominent Taiwan. Taiwan occasional locomotive with hook dial located below the tongue of the hook position detection device interference. (2) as a result of C70 than the existing gondola car (C50 except) are long, according to the original limit the location of the vehicle position in the roll-over machine, the board can not rely on the side columns to hold all the gondola car. (3) C70 for the bogie center distance 9210mm, according to the original limit switch, to move up cars round table can not be a good round up of the C70 to live right. (4) increased as a result of load cycling C70 allocated car may not be sufficient traction machine, causing damage to the dumper. 2.2.2 solution (1) hook extraction platform must be abolished at the scene picked hook platform, the train between each gondola will be picked hook artificial hook pick. (2) The allocation of vehicles machine hook tongue position detection device will be damaged, must be amended, to be used to switch devices on the way to hook the head of the Department to solve this problem (see Figure 3) (due to the limited field spaces may be different, the connection limit switch Dimension Department in accordance with the actual situation of different adjustments at the scene). (3) attention to various adjustments onto the scene, the first allocation of cars drive the high hook position, so that the location of the hook the first trip in the entire work to meet the application requirements. (4) The system must be allocated to car Unloading machine led modify the procedures to avoid the lead car as a result of increased load caused by faulty equipment. Namely: C70 cycling load increased, leading to speed up the process of traction load increases, the need to accelerate the appropriate time in the original basis to accelerate the extension of time, by adjusting the frequency-related parameters. If you need to ensure that the operating efficiency of truck system, then it is necessary to Allocated car gear machine modification. (5) no C50 gondola car for the scene, to the position of the limit switch to adjust the length to meet the requirements of C70. Namely: as a result of C70 inside the length of long tipper position detection switch in position to be adjusted. C70 should be located in the middle region tipper limit adjustment. (6) Note the location of the pusher, round up to meet the requirements of the position, C70 gondola cars in the transfer will depend on the location of the platform, the locomotive should be noted at this time carts with vehicle hook interference between the coupler. In situ switch pusher positioning principles: C70 wheel vehicle to move next to Taiwan only block, and the pusher head and C70 hook hook gondola is not the first conflict. Limit switch such as the original does not meet the requirements, it would take to change. Such as changing the location of the pusher, the pusher should be attention-driven wheel and pinion of the state, not torn off and the occurrence of rail and rack-oriented phenomenon. (7) tipper truck system is usually the maximum design capacity of 100t, and now has reached the maximum load, the truck tipper tipper system in particular will decrease the life. Of the first tipper, Later Liang, such as replacement of components to meet application requirements.翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)翻卸新型C70敞車的問題及解決方法摘要:針對鐵道部新推出的C70敞車,提出了各種翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)滿足新型敞車的辦法。關鍵詞:翻車機;卸車系統(tǒng)1 概述2005 年末, 鐵道部推出了大量的70t 級系列貨車用于替代現有的60t 級貨車。70t 級貨車是更新?lián)Q代產品, 每輛車比60t 級貨車增加載重16.7%, 商業(yè)運行速度由80km/h 提高到120km/h, 采用K6 或K5型轉向架, 高強度耐候鋼材質, 17 號連鎖車鉤, MT-3 型緩沖器, 增加了脫軌自動制動裝置等。C70 是70t 敞車的一種型式?,F有的翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)對其作業(yè)均存在一些問題。為了保護鐵路敞車, 鐵道部要求對現有的翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)進行改造以滿足翻卸C70 敞車的要求。2 存在的問題及解決方法2.1 KFJ 系列翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)2.1.1 存在問題KFJ- 2 和KFJ- 3 系列翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)是我公司于1956 年1993 年期間大量投放市場的翻車機卸車系統(tǒng), 主要采用重車鐵牛+摘鉤平臺+地面推軸式重車推車器等方式將重車溜放入翻車機, 由翻車機內的機上推軸式空車推車器將空車推入遷車臺或空車線, 由遷車臺上的推軸式推車器將空車推入空車線的作業(yè)方式。這種翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)在翻卸鐵道部研發(fā)的C70敞車時, 主要存在以下問題:( 1) C70 采用17 號連鎖車鉤( 見圖1) , 17 號連鎖車鉤在垂直方向不允許兩個連掛的車鉤有上下相對運動, 使摘鉤平臺無法摘鉤, 無法實現重車到翻車機間的溜放作業(yè)。( 2) C70 采用了脫軌自動制動裝置等新技術, 推軸式空車推車器推送位置與脫軌自動制動裝置安裝位置相干涉, 如推軸作業(yè), 脫軌自動制動裝置的損壞率達100%。( 3) 單側推輪、軸式推車器會對K5、K6 型轉向架形成扭曲, 對車輛轉向架造成損壞。2.1.2 解決辦法2.1.2.1 對重車溜放入翻車機系統(tǒng)進行改造重車一般采用以下三種辦法溜放入翻車機, 針對三種不同的情況, 采用的改造方案不同。( 1) 對“采用前牽式鐵牛牽重車+摘鉤平臺脫鉤溜放+重車推車器( 推軸或單邊踏面) 的形式”溜放系統(tǒng)的改造:取消摘鉤平臺, 全部采用重車推車器推送1節(jié)重車入翻車機。對重車推車器進行改造。采用新型推車器: 保留原推軸或單面踏面的推車器的傳動部分, 采用新型推車裝置( 可采用推車鉤式或雙臂推輪式) 。車列由重車鐵牛牽引, 過推車器位置后, 由鋼絲繩拖動推車器推送一節(jié)重車入翻車機。( 2) 對“ 采用前牽式鐵牛牽重車+重車推車器( 推軸或單邊踏面) 的形式”溜車系統(tǒng)的改造:可采用上述對重車推車器改造的方法加以解決。( 3) 對“采用地溝前牽式鐵牛牽重車+摘鉤平臺脫鉤溜放+重車推車器( 推軸或單邊踏面) 的形式”溜車系統(tǒng)的改造:更換地溝前牽式鐵牛的牛脖子, 在其前端加車鉤。當鐵牛牽引一節(jié)重車至定位后, 鐵牛落脖返回,抬頭后由其上的車鉤推送車輛車鉤將一節(jié)重車入翻車機。 對翻車機上推車及車輛定位系統(tǒng)的改造( 1) 采用雙面反向止擋: 反向止擋分別布置于軌道外側, 過車時車輪將其擠開, 車輪過后, 靠彈簧復位擋住兩邊車輪的踏面。( 2) 采用雙臂空車推車器: 換掉原推軸或單面車輪的推車器的傳動部分, 并將推車器換為推送雙面車輪踏面的空車推車器。 對遷車臺上的推車及車輛定位系統(tǒng)的改造( 1) 采用新型雙面反向止擋: 反向止擋布置于軌道的兩個外側, 過車時車輪踏面將其壓下, 車輪過后, 復位擋住兩邊車輪的踏面; 當遷車臺到達空車線后, 由推桿拖動, 將止擋放下過車。( 2) 采用新型空車推車器: 換掉原推軸或單面車輪的推車器的傳動部分, 并將推車器換為車鉤推送空車車鉤的空車推車器。 其它為了滿足鐵道部對靠、壓車力的要求, 可以將機械靠、壓車機構改造為液壓控制的靠車及壓車機構。2.2 FZ1- 2A 型“C”形翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)FZ1- 2A 型“C”形翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)是我公司于1993 年后大量生產的一種翻車機卸車系統(tǒng), 主要采用撥車機+翻車機+遷車臺+推車機的作業(yè)方式,由于C70 的出現, 該翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)也必須做相應改進。2.2.1 存在的問題( 1) 車輛采用的17# 車鉤, 兩節(jié)車輛的車鉤不能上下滑開, 車鉤下部有一個突出的托臺。托臺同位于撥車機車鉤下面的鉤舌位置檢測裝置干涉。( 2) 由于C70 比現有的敞車( C50 除外) 都長, 按原限位位置, 車輛在翻車機內定位時, 靠板不能托住所有敞車側柱。( 3) C70 的轉向架中心距為9210mm, 按原限位開關, 遷車臺上的漲輪器不能較好地漲住C70 的輪對。( 4) 由于C70 單車載重增加, 撥車機的牽引力可能不足, 對翻車機造成損壞。2.2.2 解決辦法( 1) 有摘鉤平臺的現場必須取消摘鉤平臺, 列車每節(jié)敞車之間的摘鉤一律采用人工摘鉤。( 2) 由于撥車機的鉤舌位置其檢測裝置會被撞壞, 必須加以修改, 可采用將開關裝置放到鉤頭上部的辦法解決這一問題( 見圖3)( 由于各現場的限位可能不同, 限位開關處的連接尺寸可根據不同現場的實際情況調整) 。( 3) 注意調整各個現場推、撥車機鉤頭的高度位置, 使各鉤頭的位置在整個工作行程中滿足使用要求。( 4) 必須對卸車系統(tǒng)的撥車機牽車程序進行修改,避免由于牽車載荷增大而引起設備損壞。即:C70單車載重增加, 導致加速過程牽引載荷增大, 需適當地在原加速時間的基礎上延長加速時間, 通過調整變頻相關參數實現。如果需要保證卸車系統(tǒng)的作業(yè)效率, 則有必要對撥車機的傳動裝置進行改造。( 5) 對于沒有C50 敞車的現場, 要對各限位開關位置進行調整, 滿足C70 的長度要求。即: 由于C70 車廂長度長, 翻車機內定位檢測開關位置需調整。應按C70 定位于翻車機中間區(qū)域進行限位調整。( 6) 注意推車機的位置, 為了滿足漲輪器的位置要求, C70 敞車在遷車臺上的位置將會靠后, 要注意此時推車機車鉤同車輛車鉤間的干涉問題。推車機原位開關定位的原則為: C70 車輪緊挨遷車臺止擋器, 推車機鉤頭與C70 敞車鉤頭不發(fā)生沖突。如原限位開關不符合要求, 則需更改。如更改推車機的位置, 則應注意推車機導向輪及小齒輪的狀態(tài), 不要發(fā)生脫開導向軌及齒條的現象。( 7) 通常翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)的最大設計能力為100t,而現在的載荷已達到最大值, 因此, 翻車機卸車系統(tǒng)尤其是翻車機的使用壽命將下降。可對翻車機的前、后梁等部件進行更換, 以滿足使用要求。Tipper truck unloading system, the new C70 gondola over the problems and solutions Abstract: In view of the Ministry of Railways C70 new gondola car, a variety of truck dumper system approach to meet the new gondola. Key words: Dumper; Unloading System1 Overview In late 2005, the Ministry of Railways to launch a large number of 70t-class series of goods used to replace the existing truck 60t class. 70t-class vehicles are replacement products, 60t-class vehicle than the truck load to increase 16.7 percent, commercial operating speed by 80km / h to 120km / h, the use of K6 or K5-type bogie, high-strength weathering steel material, 17 chain Coupler, MT-3-type buffer, an increase of derailment, such as automatic braking devices. C70 is a type of gondola car 70t. Dumper truck available for their operating system, there are some problems. In order to protect the railway gondola car, the Ministry of Railways requested Tipper Unloading the existing system to meet the double transformation of C70 gondola car unloading requirements. 2 Problems and solutions 2.1 KFJ Series Tipper Unloading System 2.1.1 Problems KFJ-2 and KFJ-3 series tipper truck system is my company in 1956 and 1993 a large number of market during the tipper truck systems, mainly trucks Tieniu + platform + the ground picking up hook-axis trucks carts ways, etc. Add heavy tipper trucks slipped by Tipper pushed the machine axis of empty carts will move into the empty cars to Taiwan, or empty lines, cars from the platform to move onto the cart axis will empty into the empty line practices. This tipper truck unloading system, the Ministry of Railways in the research and development over the C70 gondola car, the main problem of the existence of the following: (1) C70 chains using coupler 17 (see Figure 1), 17 in vertical direction chain coupling does not allow two companies linked to the coupler are relative motion from top to bottom, so that the platform can not pick picking hook hook, can not be achieved tipper trucks to Running between the operations. (2) C70 uses automatic braking devices, such as derailment of new technologies, pushing empty carts browser push axis position and derail the installation of automatic braking devices to interfere with the location, such as push-axis operation, automatic brake to derail the failure rate of 100%. (3) unilateral push round, cart-axis device on K5, K6 type bogie formed distorted, causing damage to the vehicle bogie. 2.1.2 solution Add slipped on the heavy vehicle roll-over system modification Trucks generally use the following three options Add Tipper away, for three different situations, the use of different rehabilitation programs. (1) the use of the former led led-style Tieniu hook truck + pick + Running separate platform trucks cart device (push the tread-axis or unilateral) in the form of Running System: Cancel picking hook platforms, all heavy vehicles using a push cart device into the dumper truck. Cart cart to re-transform the browser. A new cart device: push the shaft to keep the tread on one side or the carts drive of the device using the new carts (carts can be pushed arms hook or wheel). Heavy vehicles from cars out Tieniu traction devices have been the location of carts, the cart by rope drag devices push into a tipper truck. (2) before using Tieniu led led-style truck + trucks cart device (push the tread-axis or unilateral) in the form of escape the transformation of Vehicle Systems: Of heavy vehicles using the above cart retrofit methods to solve them. (3) before the use of trench-type Tieniu led led truck + removable hook Running separate platform trucks carts + browser (or unilateral push tread-axis) in the form of escape the transformation of Vehicle Systems: Replacement of the former trench-style Tieniu cattle led the neck, in its front-end coupler increases. Tieniu traction when a vehicle to re-position after the neck down Tieniu return, after the rise of the coupler by coupler vehicle will push a heavy vehicle into the dumper. of the cart tipper and Vehicle Location System (1) retaining only the use of reverse two-sided: only block, respectively, the reverse arrangement in the outer orbit, when the wheels have been squeezed to open the wheel after the block on both sides of the spring reset tread wheels. (2) the use of arms empty cart device: replace the original shaft or push cart wheels on one side of the transmission device of the device and cart for both sides to push the wheel tread of the empty cart browser . on the platform cart to move vehicles and vehicle positioning system transformation (1) the use of new double-ended block reverse: reverse only blocked the track layout in the two outside wheels have tread when its pressure, the wheel after the reset of the block on both sides of the wheel tread; when the transfer vehicles arrived in Taiwan after the empty line, by putting drag block will only have to lay down their cars. (2) the use of new devices empty carts: push the shaft or replace the original wheels on one side of the carts drive of the cart and coupling devices for push to empty the empty cart coupler device. Other In order to meet the Ministry of Railways on by pressing power requirements of vehicles can be by mechanical pressure into hydraulic car body control pressure on cars and car bodies. 2.2 FZ1-2A-type C-shaped truck dumper system FZ1-2A-type C-shaped dumper truck is my company in 1993 after the mass production of a tipper truck systems, mainly allocated car tipper machine + Taiwan + car + relocation practices pusher, as a result of The emergence of C70, the tipper truck and do systems must also improve. 2.2.1 Problems (1) vehicles used in 17 # coupler, coupling the two vehicles can not be opened on the decline, there is a lower coupler occasional prominent Taiwan. Taiwan occasional locomotive with hook dial located below the tongue of the hook position detection device interference. (2) as a result of C70 than the existing gondola car (C50 except) are long, according to the original limit the location of the vehicle position in the roll-over machine, the board can not rely on the side columns to hold all the gondola car. (3) C70 for the bogie center distance 9210mm, according to the original limit switch, to move up cars round table can not be a good round up of the C70 to live right. (4) increased as a result of load cycling C70 allocated car may not be sufficient traction machine, causing damage to the dumper. 2.2.2 solution (1) hook extraction platform must be abolished at the scene picked hook platform, the train between each gondola will be picked hook artificial hook pick. (2) The allocation of vehicles machine hook tongue position detection device will be damaged, must be amended, to be used to switch devices on the way to hook the head of the Department to solve this problem (see Figure 3) (due to the limited field spaces may be different, the connection limit switch Dimension Department in accordance with the actual situation of different adjustments at the scene). (3) attention to various adjustments onto the scene, the first allocation of cars drive the high hook position, so that the location of the hook the first trip in the entire work to meet the application requirements. (4) The system must be allocated to car Unloading machine led modify the procedures to avoid the lead car as a result of increased load caused by faulty equipment. Namely: C70 cycling load increased, leading to speed up the process of traction load increases, the need to accelerate the appropriate time in the original basis to accelerate the exte