外文翻譯專 業(yè) 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 學 生 姓 名 王 雷 班 級 BD機制042 學 號 0420110207 指 導 教 師 惠學芹 專 業(yè) 系 主 任 吳 祥 外文資料名稱: Multi-purpose aggregate machine-tool time外文資料出處:U.S.A. Michigan university 附 件:1.外文資料翻譯譯文 2外文原文指導教師評語: 簽名: 年 月 日 多功能組合機床時代蒂莫西雅各布斯,丹尼斯阿斯納斯,卓然飛利浦 美國密西根大學 王雷譯摘要:組合機床加工中心可使加工制造業(yè)適應(yīng)不斷變化的需求,有效利用勞動力資源,并在全球范圍的市場上更具競爭力。關(guān)鍵字:組合機床 對于多功能組合機床,工業(yè)領(lǐng)域內(nèi)有很多稱呼來形容它,如 “多任務(wù)處理裝置”、“多功能機床”、“多程序生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)”等,它確實可稱為加工領(lǐng)域的新星,可降低成本,簡化配置,并一直保持在美國本土生產(chǎn)。過去只有使用多機操作才能完成的任務(wù),現(xiàn)在可以集中到一臺機床上加工完成。由于市場需求的不斷變化,產(chǎn)品的生命周期在不斷縮短,今天的市場更加強烈需求多任務(wù)處理裝置概念。在整個生產(chǎn)環(huán)境中推行精益管理時,沒有比把零件加工集中到一臺機器上完成更精一些傳統(tǒng)的制造業(yè)廠商認為多功能組合機床過于復雜,很難找到合適的操作人員也就不足為奇了。在一些勞動力市場,要找到能夠?qū)Χ噍S組合機床加工中心進行手工編程的人是不太可能的事。但資料顯示,解決方案可有兩個,一個是現(xiàn)代多功能組合機床的直覺式技術(shù),另一個是針對金屬加工基本原理及在生產(chǎn)車間現(xiàn)場有關(guān)新機床使用中難題創(chuàng)新解決方面的培訓。直覺式技術(shù)控制設(shè)備采用“帶走熱量”式設(shè)計,有床身、鋼制直線滾動導軌、鋼制轉(zhuǎn)塔刀架、設(shè)備上使用的不同材料,所有這些組合到一起建造成一臺機床。這些都與導熱系數(shù)、體積膨脹相關(guān)。所有不同尺寸的東西都會以不同的速度生長。由于這個原因,需要制造熱友好機床,以便知道發(fā)熱的薄弱點在哪里,可以通過合理的機床設(shè)計來補償。元件是全程運動。機床滑動產(chǎn)生摩擦并轉(zhuǎn)化為熱。切削加工產(chǎn)生的熱屑掉到不同地方,在整個過程中冷卻液會混合在其中。在切削刀具上會持續(xù)出現(xiàn)很多不同的溫度區(qū)域,所以也會有很多東西對熱穩(wěn)定性產(chǎn)生影響。切削刀具技術(shù)把多功能組合機床變成了具備銑削和切削能力的“全能機器”。據(jù)資料介紹,最顯著的特點是這些機床整體上更具直覺性。防撞保護技術(shù)已經(jīng)非常成熟,在某些情況下,即使采用手動操作模式,也能避免碰撞的發(fā)生。由于控制軟件有很好的直覺性,用戶操作友好程度也在不斷提高。相信多功能組合機床會以其生存能力遍布于更多不同的加工現(xiàn)場。離線編程優(yōu)化和NC自動控制系統(tǒng)的形成已經(jīng)使這一技術(shù)更容易接受,因此當將程序用在機床上時,不必花很多時間去調(diào)整程序和確認某一元件沒有問題。如果一個零件需要配備上下兩個轉(zhuǎn)塔刀架同時進行粗加工,這種情況下編程是比較困難的,因為它需要兩個轉(zhuǎn)塔刀架同時進刀。AdMac系統(tǒng)可以實現(xiàn)對這些同時進刀的刀架的自動編程,并能使正確的主軸速度、正確的進給速度等所有參數(shù)實現(xiàn)同步。Okuma公司的防撞系統(tǒng)設(shè)計基于實際加工工況的防撞模擬,因此,如果操作者安裝了錯誤的刀具或設(shè)定了錯誤的參數(shù),控制系統(tǒng)會檢測出來并阻止機床進入加工狀態(tài),通過與西門子公司合作, INDEX公司現(xiàn)在可以提供3D模式的“虛擬機床”,按照某一特定型號的機床定制。結(jié)果表明,模擬加工出來的成品零件不只是與實際成品相似,簡直就是一對一的拷貝。直覺式控制界面、模擬以及其他軟件技術(shù)進步,更多的生產(chǎn)車間向多功能組合機床敞開了大門,但如果沒有相應(yīng)的知識培訓和解決問題的創(chuàng)造力,制造商也很難體會到和充分利用先進機床柔順性方面的優(yōu)勢。對機器所做的工作越多,機器就會越復雜,也相應(yīng)地需要具備更強技能的人才能操縱它。假如一個機械師過去一天操作3臺機床,那么現(xiàn)在他有這樣一臺多功能的機床,就可以生產(chǎn)出更多的零件。更為重要的是,他可以借助軟件的幫助使生產(chǎn)效率更高,對于轉(zhuǎn)換加工零件的準備,也可以編制加工工藝計劃。因為更換零件需要降下3個主軸,因此在更換零件之前,車間應(yīng)加工盡可能多的零件。對于多功能機床,轉(zhuǎn)換零件速度非常快,生產(chǎn)批次間隔時間更短,庫存更低,生產(chǎn)效率更高。能夠充分利用多功能機床的一些車間,很快就會發(fā)現(xiàn)崗位功能的統(tǒng)一?,F(xiàn)在,一個車間可以只用一個操作人員、一個調(diào)整工和一個編程師,將來這3項工作完全可以由一個人來做。傳統(tǒng)崗位描述中機械師將過渡成為一個調(diào)整工程師,如果該工程師還熟悉零件加工編程,那就更理想了。對于這樣的轉(zhuǎn)換,培訓就比較簡單了,只要培訓1個人就行,而不是3個人。從長遠觀點看,這將提供給人們更高的崗位滿意度。當調(diào)整工程師負責加工編程并且親自關(guān)注零件加工的整個過程時,他就完全成了這個零件的主宰者。除此之外,還應(yīng)該在刀具選擇和編程方面做更多的努力,要使任何型號的多功能組合機床都成功,車間需要配備熟練的機械師,有能力并靈活地完成多種操作。因此,橫向培訓比過去任何時候都重要了。把銑削和車削加工視為不同學科的觀點一去不復返了。對于編程人員來說,這是屬于他們的時代。對于會編程的人員,懂機床并控制它,這是他們能力的體現(xiàn)。刀具選擇大多數(shù)人不會將轎車輪胎裝到跑車上,但加工刀具就發(fā)生了這樣的情況。刀具應(yīng)與新機床相匹配,可以想像在新機床上重復使用舊刀具對生產(chǎn)效率的影響。為匹配多功能組合機床,新刀具和刀具適配器技術(shù)已經(jīng)被開發(fā)出來。目前工業(yè)領(lǐng)域正在研制開發(fā)的加工刀具,可以在同一刀架上完成車削、鏜削和鉆削加工,只是加工時相對于工件的角度有所不同而已。加工操作上的差別甚至都混淆不清了。新的加工刀具可以完成銑削和車削。動化技術(shù)(機床)是本世紀以來發(fā)展極迅速和影響極大的科學技術(shù)之一。現(xiàn)代自動化技術(shù)是一種完全新型的生產(chǎn)力,是直接創(chuàng)造社會財富的主要手段之一,對人類的生產(chǎn)活動和物質(zhì)文明起著極大的推動作用。因此,自動化技術(shù)受到世界各國的廣泛重視和越來越多的應(yīng)用。 機械自動化(機床),主要指在機械制造業(yè)中應(yīng)用自動化技術(shù),實現(xiàn)加工對象的連續(xù)自動生產(chǎn),實現(xiàn)優(yōu)化有效的自動生產(chǎn)過程,加快生產(chǎn)投入物的加工變換和流動速度。機械自動化技術(shù)的應(yīng)用與發(fā)展,是機械制造業(yè)技術(shù)改造、技術(shù)進步的主要手段和技術(shù)發(fā)展的主要方向。機械自動化的技術(shù)水準,不僅影響整個機械制造業(yè)的發(fā)展,而且對國民經(jīng)濟各部門的技術(shù)進步有很大的直接影響。因此,發(fā)展我國的機械制造業(yè)自動化技術(shù),符合我國社會主義的基本原則,符合我國現(xiàn)代生產(chǎn)的發(fā)展規(guī)律。如何發(fā)展我國的機械自動化技術(shù)(機床),這里有個技術(shù)政策問題,應(yīng)實事求是,一切從我國的具體國情出發(fā),做好各項基礎(chǔ)工作,走中國的機械自動化技術(shù)發(fā)展之路。國內(nèi)外的工業(yè)發(fā)展史告訴我們,實現(xiàn)機械自動化是一個由低級到高級、由簡單到復雜、由不完善到完善的發(fā)展過程。當機器的操作采用自動控制器后,生產(chǎn)方式才從機械化逐步過渡到機械控制(傳統(tǒng))自動化、數(shù)字控制自動化、計算機控制自動化。只有建立了自動化工廠后,生產(chǎn)過程才能全盤自動化,才能使生產(chǎn)率全面提高,達到自動化的高級理想階段。 機械自動化技術(shù)從本世紀20年代首先在機械制造冷加工大批量生產(chǎn)過程中開始發(fā)展應(yīng)用,60年代后為適應(yīng)市場的需求和變化,為增強機械制造業(yè)對市場靈活快速反應(yīng)的能力,開始建立可變性自動化生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng),即圍繞計算機技術(shù)的柔性自動化。它是在制造系統(tǒng)不變或變化較小的情況下,機器設(shè)備或生產(chǎn)管理過程通過自動檢測、信息處理、分析判斷自動地實現(xiàn)預(yù)期的操作或某種過程,并能夠自動地從制造一種零件轉(zhuǎn)換到制造另一種不同的零件。社會實踐證明,這種定義下的制造系統(tǒng)自動化與當代大多數(shù)企業(yè)的實際不相容。當代社會還沒有在科學技術(shù)、物質(zhì)和人員方面準備好實現(xiàn)這一自動化的條件,硬要這么做只會事倍功半。這種情況對于離散生產(chǎn)方式的機械制造業(yè)也不例外,難度會更大些。 80年代國際上出現(xiàn)了開始采用計算機集成制造系統(tǒng)CIMS(Computer Integrated Manufacturing),柔性自動化生產(chǎn)模式也有這種情況。初期犆犐犕犛以信息集成為重點,以較高的自動化程度為特征,但在實現(xiàn)過程中遇到了困難。鑒于實現(xiàn)計算機集成制造系統(tǒng)的全盤自動化所需的巨額投入(一個全盤自動化工廠耗資數(shù)百億美元,柔性制造系統(tǒng)一般價格為6002500萬美元),所承擔的巨大風險,加之技術(shù)上的難度與可靠性等問題,世界工業(yè)發(fā)達國家已開始“碰壁轉(zhuǎn)產(chǎn)”,轉(zhuǎn)而注重信息集成的效果,追求低成本自動化LCA(Low Cost Automation)的企業(yè)組織結(jié)構(gòu)和運行方式。 組合機床未來的發(fā)展將更多的采用調(diào)速電動機和滾珠絲杠等傳動,以簡化結(jié)構(gòu)、縮短生產(chǎn)節(jié)拍;采用數(shù)字控制系統(tǒng)和主軸箱、夾具自動更換系統(tǒng),以提高工藝可調(diào)性;以及納入柔性制造系據(jù)資料介紹,最顯著的特點。 Multi-purpose aggregate machine-tool time Timothy and Jacobs, Denis A receives then then, outstanding Philip U.S.A. Michigan university Summary:The aggregate machine-tool machining center may cause the demand which the processing manufacturing industry adapts changes unceasingly, uses the pool of labor power effectively, and has the competitive power in global scales market.Key word: Make the lathe upRegarding the multi-purpose aggregate machine-tools, in the industrial field has many names to describe it, like “the multitasking installment”, “the multi-purpose engine beds”, “the multi-procedure production system” and so on, it may be called the processing domain truly the nova, may reduce the cost, the simplified disposition, and has maintained in the US territory produces. In the past only then used the duty which many machine operations could complete, now may concentrate to an engine bed on processes completes. As a result of market demands unceasing change, the product life cycle is reducing unceasingly, todays market more intense demand multitasking installment concept. Carries out the fine profit management when the entire production environment, compared to having not concentrated the components processing to a machine on completes a finer profit. Some traditions manufacturing industry manufacturer thought that the multi-purpose aggregate machine-tools are too complex, very difficult to find the appropriate operators also the difficult problem innovates on the spot on the insufficiency for the metal working basic principle and in the Production workshop related new engine bed use solution aspect training. Intuition type technical controlThe equipment use “carries off the quantity of heat” the type design, has different material which the lathe bed, the steeliness straight line rolling guide, on the steeliness revolving tool box saddle, the equipment uses, all these combine make an engine bed together. These with the thermal conductivity, the volume expansion are related. All different sizes thing can by the different speed growth. As a result of this reason, needs to make the hot friendly engine bed, with the aim of knowing gives off heat the weak point in where, can compensate through the reasonable engine bed design. The part is the entire journey movement. The engine bed glide produces rubs and transform hotly. The machining produces the hot filings fall to the different place, the refrigerant can mix in the entire process in which. Will present the different temperature province continually on the cutting tool, will therefore also have many things to have the influence to the thermostability. The cutting tool technology turned the multi-purpose aggregate machine-tools has had the milling and cutting power “the versatile machine”. According to the material introduced that the most remarkable characteristic is in these engine bed whole has the intuition. The anti-collision preservation technology was already mature, in certain circumstances, even if uses the manual operation pattern, can also avoid the occurrence which collides. Because the control software has the very good intuition, the user operation friendly degree unceasingly is also enhancing. Believe the multi-purpose aggregate machine-tools by its survivability world-wide in the more different processing scenes. The off-line programming optimization and the NC automatic control systems formation already made this technology to be easier to accept, when therefore uses the procedure when the engine bed, does not need to spend many time tune-up procedure and confirmed that some part does not have the question. If components need to provide the high and low two revolving tool box saddle simultaneously to carry on the rough machining, in this kind of situation the programming is quite difficult, because it needs two revolving tool box saddles also to feed. The AdMac system may realize tool rests automatic programming which simultaneously feeds to these, and can cause the correct main axle speed, the correct feed rate and so on all parameters to realize the synchronization. Okuma Corporations collision avoidance system design based on actual processing operating mode anti-collision simulation, therefore, if the operator has installed the wrong cutting tool or has established the wrong parameter, the control system will examine and prevents the engine bed to enter the processing condition. Through cooperates with the Siemens, INDEX Corporation may provide the 3D pattern now “the hypothesized engine bed”, has custom-made according to some specific models engine bed. The result indicated that the simulation processes not only the fabricated parts and the actual end product is similar, is the one-to-one copy simply. The intuition type control interface, the simulation as well as other software technique are progressive, the more Production workshops have opened wide the front door to the multi-purpose aggregate machine-tools, but if does not have the corresponding knowledge to train and to solve the question creativity, the manufacturer is also very difficult to realize and the full use advanced engine bed flexibility aspect superiority. The work which does to the machine are more, the machine will be more complex, also needs to have the stronger skill person correspondingly to be able to operate it. If machinist past one day operated 3 engine beds, then he has this kind of multi-purpose engine bed now, might produce more components. More importantly, he may draw support from softwares help to cause the production efficiency to be higher, regarding transformation processing components preparation, may also establish the processing craft plan. Because the replacement components need to lower 3 main axles, therefore before replacing the components, the workshop should process as far as possible many components. Regarding the multi-purpose engine beds, the transformation components speed is quick, the production batch of time interval is shorter, the stock is lower, the production efficiency is higher. Can use multi-purpose engine beds some workshops fully, very quick will discover the post function the unification. Now, a workshop may only use an operator, an adjuster and a programming teacher, in the future these 3 work definitely may do by a person. In the traditional post description the machinist will transit becomes one to adjust engineer, if this engineer the familiar components processing programming, that were also more ideal. Regarding such transformation, training has been simple, so long as trains 1 individual line, but is not 3 individuals. Looking from the long views, this will provide to the people the higher post degree of satisfaction. When adjusts engineer to be responsible to process the programming, and pays attention to the components processing personally time the entire process, he completely has become this components control. In addition, but should also makes more effort in the cutting tool choice and the programming aspect, must make any model the multi-purpose aggregate machine-tool to succeed, the workshop needs to provide the skilled machinist, has ability and completes many kinds of operations nimbly. Therefore, crosswise training was at any time in the past more important. Regarded as the milling and the lathe work the different discipline the viewpoint never to return. Regarding the programmers, this belongs to their time. Regarding personnel who will program, will understand the engine bed and controls it, this will be their ability manifestation. The cutting tool will choose most people not to install the passenger vehicle tire to the race car on, but processed the cutting tool to have such situation. The cutting tool should match with the new engine bed, is conceivably redundant on the new engine bed uses the old cutting tool to the production efficiency influence. In order to match the multi-purpose aggregate machine-tools, the new cutting tool and the cutting tool adapter technology was already developed. At present the industrial field is developing the development the processing cutting tool, may complete the turning on the identical tool rest, boring and drills truncates the processing, is only processes the phase to differ from regarding the work piece angle. The processing operates the difference even confuses is unclear. The new processing cutting tool may complete the milling and the turning. Since has moved the technology (engine bed) is this century develops is extremely rapid and one of influence enormous science and technology. The modern automation technology is one kind of completely new productive forces, is one of direct creation public wealth principal means that is playing the enormous promotion effect to humanitys production activity and the material civilization. Therefore, the automated technology receives various countries widely to take seriously with more and more applications. The machinery automation (engine bed), mainly refers to the machine-building industry applies the automated technology, realizes the processing object continuously the automatic production, realizes the optimized effective automatic production process, the increase production investment processing transformation and the flow rate. The machinery automation technologys application and the development, are the machine-building industry technological transformations, the technology advancement principal means and the technological development main direction. Machinery automation technical standards, not only affects the entire machine-building industry the development, and has the very tremendous immediate influence to the national economy various departments technology advancement. Therefore, develops our countrys machine-building industry automation technology, conforms to our country socialism basic principle, conforms to our country modern production law of development. How to develop our countrys machinery automation technology (engine bed), here has the technical policy question, should be realistic, all embark from our countrys concrete national condition, do each foundation work, takes the Chinas road of machinery automation technological development. The domestic and foreign industry history tells us, realizes the machinery automation is from to high-level, from simply to complex, from is preliminarily imperfect the consummation the developing process. After machines operation uses the automatic regulator, the production method only then gradually transits from the mechanization to the mechanism control (tradition) automated, the numerical control automation, the computer control automation. Only then after having established the Automated factory, the production process can overall automate, can make the productivity to enhance comprehensively, achieves automated the high-level ideal stage. The machinery automation technology first starts from the 1920s in the machine manufacture cold finishing production in enormous quantities process to develop the application, after in the 60s, to adapt the market demand and the change, for the enhancement machine-building industry to the market nimble rapid reactions ability, starts to establish the variable automation production system, namely revolves the computer technology the flexible automation. It is in the manufacture system invariable or in the change small situation, the machinery equipment either production management process through the automatic detection, the information processing, the analysis judgment realizes the anticipated operation or some kind of process automatically, and can from make one kind of components to transform automatically to makes another kind of different components. The social practice proved that under this kind of definitions manufacture system automation and the contemporary majority enterprises are not actually accommodating. The contemporary society also not in the science and technology, the material and the personnel aspect prepares to realize this automated condition, insists such to do only meets the wasted effort. This kind of situation is not exceptional regarding the separate production methods machine-building industry, the difficulty can bigger. In the 80s internationally appeared started to use computer integration manufacture system CIMS (Computer Integrated Manufacturing), the flexible automation production pattern also had this kind of situation. The initial period take the information integration as a key point, take the high automaticity as the characteristic, but in realized in the process to encounter the difficulty. In view of the fact that realizes the large amount investment which the computer integration manufacture systems automation overall needs (an overall Automated factory to spend several hundred hundred million US dollars, flexible manufacture system regular price is 600 25,000,000 US dollars), undertakes the huge risk, in addition questions and so on technical difficulty and reliability, the world industrially advanced country started “to run into a wall produces a different product”, transfers pays great attention the information integration the effect, pursues low cost automation LCA (Low Cost Automation) enterprise organizational structure and movement way. The aggregate machine-tool future development more use transmissions and so on variable speed motor and ball bearing guide screw, will simplify structure, the reduction production metre; Uses the numerical control system and the headstock, the jig automatic replacement system, enhances the craft controllability; As well as integrates the flexible manufacture system and so on.11