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高中英語《Unit 2 Heroes》Section Ⅰ課時跟蹤檢測課下作業(yè) 北師大版必修1

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高中英語《Unit 2 Heroes》Section Ⅰ課時跟蹤檢測課下作業(yè) 北師大版必修1

高一英語課下作業(yè)北師大版必修1Unit 2 HeroesSection 課時跟蹤檢測 .單詞拼寫1What does her handwriting tell you about her (個性)?答案:character2Man is trying his best to (探索) space.答案:explore3His dream of be coming an (宇航員) has come true.答案:astronaut4The (氣氛) at home makes us more comfortable than that in the office.答案:atmosphere5We wont leave the earth easily because of the (重力) of the earth.答案:gravity 6 (航班) 284 was delayed because of the bad weather.答案:Flight7The city is (平靜的) again after yesterdays riots (騷亂)答案:calm8Students were involved in (暴力的) clashes with the police.答案:violent.單項填空1There are several _ in this novel who are different in _.Acharacter; character Bcharacters; charactersCcharacter; characters Dcharacters; character解析:句意:在這部小說里有幾個人物,他們的性格各不相同。character表示“人物,角色”時是可數(shù)名詞,表示“性格,特性”時也是可數(shù)名詞,但多用單數(shù)。故選D。答案:D2Its _ of the company to donate (捐贈) so much money to Yushu.Ahumorous BdangerousCgenerous Dfamous解析:句意:這家公司太慷慨了,它向玉樹捐了很多錢。generous“慷慨的,大方的”,符合題意。humorous“幽默的”;dangerous“危險的”;famous“有名的”。答案:C3She _ her hand to say goodbye to us.Ashook BrockedCtrembled Dwaved解析:句意:她揮手向我們告別。表示“揮手(告別)”要用wave。答案:D4He accidentally _ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks.Alet out Btook careCmade sure Dmade out解析:考查動詞短語辨析。從句子的意思分析,此處應該表示“偶然(accidentally)透露出”的意思,所以用let out。故選A。答案:A5We must learn to keep _ when we are facing danger.Asilent BquietCstill Dcalm解析:考查形容詞詞義。句意:當我們面對危險時,我們必須學會保持冷靜。故選D“鎮(zhèn)靜的,冷靜的”,keep calm“保持冷靜”。silent“沉默的”;quiet“安靜的”;still“不動的”。答案:D6_ his carelessness, his company suffered a great loss and he was dismissed.AOwe to BAs result ofCIn case of DBecause of解析:根據(jù)句意,前后存在因果關系。結合選項,可作“因為,由于”講的有:owing to, as a result of, because of。而 in case of 意為“以防,萬一”。答案:D7It is reported that the floods have left about _ people homeless.Atwo thousand BtwothousandsCtwo thousands Dtwo thousands of解析:考查數(shù)詞的用法。hundred, thousand, million, billion, dozen, score等指具體數(shù)字時,不用復數(shù)形式;指大約數(shù)字時,常用復數(shù)形式,且接of短語。答案:A8He had a wonderful childhood, _ with his mother to all corners of the world.Atravel Bto travelCtraveled Dtraveling解析:句意:他的童年豐富多彩,他跟著他媽媽到世界各地旅行?,F(xiàn)在分詞短語作伴隨狀語。答案:D9With the population _ rapidly, there is a great need to find new resources.Ato increase BincreasedCincreasing Dis increasing解析:句意:隨著人口的急劇增長,十分需要找到新的資源。with復合結構中the population與increase是主動關系,人口增長是正在進行的動作,所以用現(xiàn)在分詞。to increase表示將來的動作;increased表示被動或完成的動作。答案:C10 Nancy is not coming tonight. But she _ !Apromises BpromisedCwill promise Dhad promised解析:由Nancy is not coming tonight和but這些關鍵信息可知,她曾答應過今晚過來的,所以答句中應用一般過去時。答案:B.閱讀理解AA Swiss adventurer flew into the history books Friday by crossing from France to Britain on only a jetpowered wing, describing afterwards how he felt “l(fā)ike a bird” over the English Channel.“I have proved it is possible to fly like a bird,” he said with a big grin, adding: “My aim (was) to realize the dream. You have an idea in your head, and to actually achieve it is the most gratifying thing you can do.”Yves Rossy, 49, touched down in a field on top of the white cliffs of Dover after completing the 35kilometer (22mile) journey over one of the worlds busiest shipping lanes.With the carbon wing strapped to his back, Rossy had leapt out of a small plane at an altitude of 2,500 meters over the French coast before jetting off at speeds of more than 200 kilometers per hour.Against a backdrop of picture perfect blue skies, he ended his adventure around ten minutes later by cutting his engines and deploying (使用) a green and blue parachute at an altitude of some 1,500 meters over the English coast.His trip was broadcast live by two light aircraft and two helicopters which flew alongside him across the Channel.Although it appeared perfect, in fact Rossy did not arrive at the intended landing site apparently after he tricked his support staff.“He didnt land where he was supposed to because at the last minute he played a trick on me,” said JeanMarc Colomb, the pilot of the plane which dropped Rossy over the French coast and then tailed him across the Channel.語篇解讀:瑞士一名冒險家僅靠一對噴氣式飛行翼就成功飛越了英吉利海峽,成為史上完成這一壯舉的第一人。1.Where is the destination of Rossys adventure this time?AThe English Channel. BSwiss.CFrance. DBritain.解析:細節(jié)理解題。由文章第一句A Swiss adventurer flew into the history books Friday by crossing from France to Britain .可知,這次他的目的地是英國,故選D項。答案:D2In general, Rossy is _ at this adventure.Afamous BsuccessfulCunsuccessful Dinexperienced解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)第五段可知在降落過程中,他先關閉翅膀的引擎,然后在距海面約1 500米的藍天中打開了黃綠相間的降落傘,不久便順利著陸。整個飛行用時約十分鐘??傊?,這次冒險是成功的。答案:B3What do you think of Rossy? He is_.Ahumorous BoptimisticCaggressive Dcritical解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后兩段可知,雖然整個飛行過程看上去很完美,但他并沒有降落在指定地點,他跟工作人員開了個玩笑。由此判斷他是幽默的。答案:A4Which of the following is the best title?AWork hard to realize your dreamBA Swisss flying is successfulCA Swiss adventurer flew into the history booksDA Swiss adventurer flies “l(fā)ike a bird” across English Channel解析:主旨大意題。D項,瑞士冒險家“插翅”飛越英吉利海峽,既形象又生動地概括了整篇文章的內容,為最佳題目。A項為文中的細節(jié),不全面;B和C項不具體。答案:DBTo switch or not to switch, that is the question. Googles announcement of its Nexus One smartphone (智能手機) happened over a week ago and Im still receiving lots of emails from readers asking the same question: Should they give up their iPhone for the Nexus One?Some people with iPhones, disappointed by American Telephone & Telegraphs inadequate service and the high monthly cost, are wondering if they have really got something to replace it. Does the Nexus One offer the functions that Apple has led them to expect?Im on the fence myself, even though I never thought Id be interested in anything but the iPhone. From my experience using the Nexus One, and from talking to people who have made the change, its not necessarily about the differences between the iPhone and the Nexus One. The phones are extremely similar in design and general feel. Instead, the decision can be made based on the software (軟件) services you use on your desktop.My friend Chad Dickerson received a prelaunch Nexus One from Google three weeks ago. He said Googles phone feels connected to certain services on the Web in a way the iPhone doesnt. “Compared to the iPhone, the Google phone feels like its part of the Internet to me,” he said. “If you live in a Google world, you have that world in your pocket in a way thats cleaner and more connected than the iPhone.”Personally, the phones work perfectly with their own software, but both of them dont make an effort to play well with other services.語篇解讀:Nexus One是谷歌公司最新推出的一部3G智能手機,本機也是谷歌推出的第一部自有品牌手機。文章客觀地介紹了Nexus One與iPhone之間的競爭。5Why are some iPhone users expecting a new type of phone?ABecause their old ones are out of date.BBecause they accept Googles announcement.CBecause of the limited service and high cost.DBecause of the terrible software they can use.解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段第一句可知,iPhone手機用戶希望擁有一款新型手機,因為iPhone的服務功能有限而且費用較高。答案:C6Whats the authors attitude towards the new phones in the third paragraph?ANegative. BNeutral.CIndifferent. DPositive.解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)第三段內容,特別是第一句Im on the fence myself可知,作者對新款手機的態(tài)度是客觀中立的。答案:B7In Chad Dickersons opinion, the Nexus One is _ the iPhone.Abetter than Bworse thanCas good as Das bad as解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段內容可知,作者的朋友Chad Dickerson對谷歌公司推出的Nexus One這款3G智能手機大加贊揚,認為它比iPhone好多了。答案:A8The best title of the passage might be _.AApples new smartphoneBCompetition between two phonesCGood services matterDGoogles new smartphone解析:主旨大意題。通讀全文可知,文章主要介紹了iPhone和Nexus One兩款智能手機之間的競爭,因此B作標題最具概括性。答案:B- 6 -


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