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1、心理學導論第三課 上堂課我們探討了大腦及其功能The last class we talked about the brain. 接下來我們將進一步學習一些基礎理論Now were going to talk a little bit about some foundations. 所以在今天和星期一So today and Monday 我們將學習兩大心理理論were going to talk about two very big ideas 其代表人物分別是and these ideas are associated with 西格蒙特弗洛伊德和Sigmund

2、 Freud and 伯爾赫斯弗雷德里克斯金納B. F. Skinner 這兩個理論便是精神分析理論and are psychoanalysis 和行為主義理論and behaviorism. 今天我們先來講講精神分析理論And I want to talk about psychoanalysis today 下周再談行為主義理論and behaviorism next week. 這些理論廣闊的適用范圍Now, one of these things-- one of the things 則是它們能夠吸引大家關注的原因之一that makes these theories

3、 so interesting is their scope. 本課程中所學習的大部分理論Most of the work were going to talk about 大部分學術觀點in this class-- 它們的應用范圍都是狹隘的most of the ideas are narrow. 我們會談到某人所提出的So, were going to talk about somebodys idea 關于種族偏見的理論about racial prejudice, 但它卻并不是語言獲得的理論but thats not a theory of language acquis

4、ition. 我們會講到關于精神分裂癥的理論Well talk about theories of schizophrenia 但它們卻并不能用來解釋性吸引but theyre not explanations of sexual attractiveness. 大多數(shù)理論的適用范圍都是有所限定的Most theories are specialized theories, 但這兩個理論則是大理論but these two views are grand theories. 它們試圖對世間的一切做出解釋Theyre theories of everything, 包括了日常生活e

5、ncompassing just about everything that matters, day-to-day life, 兒童發(fā)展 心理疾病child development, mental illness, 宗教 戰(zhàn)爭及愛情religion, war, love. 弗洛伊德和斯金納的理論解釋了上述一切Freud and Skinner had explanations of all of these. 當然 這里并不是歷史課堂Now, this is not a history course. 給你們介紹這兩位心理學泰斗I have zero interest in

6、describing historical figures in psychology 并不只是想讓大家了解心理學史just for the sake of telling you about the history of the field. 我想要向你們講述的 是他們的理論What I want to tell you about though is— I want to talk about these ideas 因為它們是眾多理論的基石because so much rests on them and, 更重要的是even more importantly, 其中的很多

7、觀點對于我們如何理解當下a lot of these ideas have critical influence on 具有決定性的影響how we think about the present. 就是這張And thats there. 無論如何Now, for better or worse, 弗洛伊德都深深的影響著我們的生活we live in a world profoundly affected by Sigmund Freud. 如果我讓大家選出一位If I had to ask you to choose a-- 不 是說出一位著名心理學家的名字no, name

8、 a famous psychologist, 你們大家多數(shù)人會回答 弗洛伊德the answer of most of you would be Freud. 他是史上最著名的心理學家Hes the most famous psychologist ever and 對20世紀與21世紀hes had a profound influence 的心理學界都有著深遠的影響on the twentieth and twenty-first century. 據(jù)其傳記記載Some biographical information: 他生于19世紀50年代He was born i

9、n the 1850s. 他的大半生都是居住在奧地利的維也納He spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria, 卻在倫敦去世but he died in London 二戰(zhàn)伊始 隨著納粹侵占其家鄉(xiāng)and he escaped to London soon after retreating there 他被迫背井離鄉(xiāng)at the beginning of World War II 后來逃到倫敦 在那里終其余生as the Nazis began to occupy where he lived. 他也是史上最著名的學者之一Hes on

10、e of the most famous scholars ever 但他不是因為某一項發(fā)現(xiàn)而名揚四海but hes not known for any single discovery. 相反 他卻因為提出了極具包容性的Instead, hes known for the development of 心理理論而聞名天下an encompassing theory of mind, 這個理論是他通過數(shù)十年的研究才提出的one that he developed over the span of many decades. 弗洛伊德在世時 遠近聞名He was in his t

11、ime extremely well known, 是個家喻戶曉的名人a celebrity recognized on the street, 縱觀他的一生and throughout his life, 他還是一個精力充沛的高產學者he was a man of extraordinary energy and productivity, 部分原因是 他是個十足的癮君子in part because he was a very serious cocaine addict. 但總體而言But also just in general, 他是一個精力旺盛的人he was j

12、ust a high-energy sort of person. 他曾獲得過諾貝爾醫(yī)學獎和文學獎的提名He was up for the Nobel Prize in medicine and in literature; 但卻都未能最終獲獎didnt get either one of them; 沒能獲得諾貝爾醫(yī)學獎則是因為愛因斯坦didnt get the prize in medicine because Albert Einstein-- 大家都喜歡愛因斯坦Everybody loves Albert Einstein. 當時愛因斯坦確實寫過一封信Well, Albe

13、rt Einstein really wrote a letter 因為大會曾征求其他獲獎者的意見because they asked for opinions of other Nobel Prizes. 愛因斯坦在信中寫到He wrote a letter saying, "請別把獎項頒發(fā)給弗洛伊德"Dont give the prize to Freud. 他不配獲得諾貝爾獎He doesnt deserve a Nobel Prize. 他不過是個心理學家"Hes just a psychologist." 事情就是這個樣子Well, yes. 好了Okay. 他被

14、公認為While hes almost universally acclaimed 極為重要的知識分子as a profoundly important intellectual figure, 但同時 他也成為了別人唾棄的對象hes also the object of considerable dislike. 這在一定程度上是由他的性格造成的This is in part because of his character. 他的許多做法都有失妥當He was not a very nice man in many ways. 他雄心勃勃He was deeply ambiti

15、ous 想要壯大精神分析to the cause of promoting psychoanalysis, 想要向世人展示他的觀點to the cause of presenting his view 想要為其觀點進行辯護and defending it, 他還經(jīng)常說謊and he was often dishonest, 對朋友蠻不講理extremely brutal to his friends, 對競爭對手也毫不留情and terrible to his enemies. 他這人很有意思He was an interesting character. 我最喜歡的關于弗洛

16、伊德的故事是這樣的My favorite Freud story was 他在納粹興起之際逃離歐洲as he was leaving Europe during the rise of the Nazis, 他正準備逃到英格蘭去as he was ready to go to England 我想應該是從德國或者是奧地利出發(fā)from, I think, either Germany or Austria, 蓋世太保逼迫他簽署了一份文件he had to sign a letter from the Gestapo. 蓋世太保們攔住了他Gestapo agents intercep

17、ted him 要求他簽署一份文件 上面寫著and demanded he sign a letter saying that 他絕沒有受到蓋世太保的威脅或騷擾at no point had he been threatened or harassed by the Gestapo. 他簽署了文件 并在下面寫到So he signs the letter and then he writes underneath it, "蓋世太保從不曾傷害我"The Gestapo has not harmed me in any way. 實際上 我要向大家強烈推薦他們"In fact

18、, I highly recommend the Gestapo to everybody." 這里他表現(xiàn)出了一定的攻擊性Its--He had a certain aggression to him. 他還因其觀點而遭到唾棄 受到憎恨He was also--Hes also disliked, often hated, because of his views. 他被認為是支持性本能論的He was seen as a sexual renegade out 其觀點試圖毀掉to destroy the conception of 人是善良理性而又純粹的這一概念people as

19、 good and rational and pure beings. 上世紀30年代 納粹勢力崛起時And when the Nazis rose to power in the 1930s 他被認為是一個he was identified as a Jew 致力于摧毀基督教之中who was devoted to destroying 最神圣的觀念的猶太人the most sacred notions of Christianity, 在某種程度上 這是很多人對他的看法and to many, to some extent, many people see him thi

20、s way. 而這一指責在某程度上And to some extent, 也的確是有幾分道理的this accusation has some truth to it. 弗洛伊德發(fā)表了許多關于人性的言論Freud made claims about people 很多人都并不愿相信他的這些言論that many of us, maybe most of us, would rather not know. 那他究竟說了些什么呢?Well, okay. What did he say? 如果你去詢問某個厭惡弗洛伊德言論的人Well, if you ask somebody who

21、doesnt like Freud what he said, 他們定會告訴你一些弗洛伊德說過的蠢話theyll describe some of the stupider things he said 而事實上 弗洛伊德發(fā)表過很多言論and, in fact, Freud said a lot of things, 只是其中的部分言論不太合理而已some of which were not very rational. 比如For instance, 他因對性器表征的解釋而為人熟知hes well known for his account of phallic symbo

22、ls, 他認為某些建筑紀念碑arguing certain architectural monuments are 是潛意識中陰莖表征的展現(xiàn)subconsciously developed as penile representations. 與此有關的是 他提出了And related to this, he developed 臭名昭著的陰莖嫉妒論the notorious theory of penis envy. 根據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論And penis envy is an account of a developmental state 陰莖嫉妒是對女性所經(jīng)歷的tha

23、t every one of you who is female has gone through, 某一發(fā)展狀態(tài)的解釋according to Freud. 這個觀點認為And the idea is 女性會在發(fā)育的某個時期that you discovered at some point in your development 發(fā)現(xiàn)自身缺少陰莖that you lacked a penis. 這無疑是一場災難This is not--This is a catastrophe. 因此 這個時候And so, each of you inferred at that point

24、 女性便猜測自己是被閹割了that you had been castrated. 她們本來是擁有陰莖的You had once had a penis 但卻被某人奪去了but somebody had taken it from you. 隨后她們開始關注父親 You then turn to your father 并愛上自己的父親and love your father 因為父親擁有陰莖because your father has a penis, 從此他成為了陰莖的替代品so hes a sort of penis substitute. 同時女性會排斥母親You

25、 reject your mother, 原因是母親沒有陰莖 所以也是卑賤的whos equally unworthy due to her penis lack, 女性的性心理發(fā)展隨之成形and that shapes your psychosexual development. 如果大家對于弗洛伊德的了解僅限于此Now, if thats the sort of thing you know about Freud, 一定不會對他及其學說給予太高的評價you are not going to have a very high opinion of him or of his w

26、ork, 不過弗洛伊德理論的核心but at the core of Freuds declamation, 也是更有價值的觀點the more interesting ideas, 是一系列關于人類理性的主張is a set of claims of a mans intellectual importance. 其中的兩個主要觀點如圖所示And the two main ones are this. 這兩個觀點涉及了無意識動機的存在The two main ones involve the existence of 以及導致心理疾病 夢境an unconscious, un

27、conscious motivation, 口誤等心理過程的and the notion of unconscious dynamics or unconscious conflict 無意識動力或無意識沖突的概念which lead to mental illnesses, dreams, slips of the tongue and so on. 第一個觀點 即關于無意識動機的觀點The first idea – the idea of unconscious motivation 拒絕承認人類行為受到意識的支配involves rejecting the claim tha

28、t you know what youre doing. 假設你愛上了某人So, suppose you fall in love with somebody 想要與對方一同步入婚姻的殿堂and you decide you want to marry them 要是有人問你為什么想要與對方共度余生and then somebody was asked to ask you why 你大概會說and youd say something like, "現(xiàn)在我已準備好要開始婚姻生活了""Well, Im ready to get married this stage of my li

29、fe; 或"我真心的愛著他"I really love the person; 或"他聰明有魅力"the person is smart and attractive; "我想要小孩了" 等等I want to have kids" whatever. 或許這是你的心里話And maybe this is true. 但精神分析的支持者會說But a Freudian might say that 即使你是如實作答even if this is your honest answer. 并未向他人撒謊youre not lying to anybody else 但卻依然

30、存在著支配你行為的欲望和動機\N–still, there are desires and motivations that govern your behavior 只是你沒有意識到罷了that you may not be aware of. 所以 事實上你想與約翰結婚So, in fact, you might want to marry John 可能是因為他讓你想起了你的父親because he reminds you of your father 或是因為你想要報復曾經(jīng)背叛了你的人or because you want to get back at somebody f

31、or betraying you. 如果有人這樣對你說If somebody was to tell you this, 你定會說 "一派胡言"youd say, "Thats total nonsense," 但精神分析的支持者并不會就此打住but that wouldnt deter a Freudian. 他會說 這些心理過程都是無意識的The Freudian would say that these processes are unconscious 所以你當然意識不到so of course you just dont know whats happening.

32、 由此引出的一個偏激的觀點So, the radical idea here is 你根本不知道自己為何要這么去做you might not know what--why you do what you do 這有點像我們獲得視覺感知的過程and this is something we accept for things like visual perception. 當我們環(huán)顧四周 便會產生感知覺We accept that you look around the world and you get sensations 明白這是一輛車and you figure out th

33、ere is a car, 那是一棵樹 那邊有一個人there is a tree, there is a person. 你根本沒有意識到知覺過程是如何發(fā)生的And youre just unconscious of how this happens 但當你將無意識概念應用到很多事情中時but its unpleasant and kind of frightening 你便會感到不悅和恐懼that this could happen, that this could apply to things 比如 你為什么會來耶魯求學like why youre now studyin

34、g at Yale, 你為什么會覺得應當這樣why you feel the way you do towards your friends, 去對待你的朋友和家人towards your family. 婚姻是一個極端的例子Now, the marriage case is extreme 但弗洛伊德還舉了很多簡單點的例子but Freud gives a lot of simpler examples 來闡釋無意識動機是如何發(fā)揮作用的where this sort of unconscious motivation might play a role. 例如 你是否曾經(jīng)毫

35、無理由地So, have you ever liked somebody 喜歡或厭惡過某個人or disliked them and not known why? 你是否曾發(fā)現(xiàn)自己Have you ever found yourself in a situation 在沒有充分的理由的情況下做出某事where youre doing something or youre arguing for something 為某事爭論 或是做出了某個決定or making a decision for reasons that you cant fully articulate? 你

36、是否曾在最不應該的時候Have you ever forgotten somebodys name 忘掉了某人的姓名at exactly the wrong time? 你是否曾在與愛人激情時喊錯了名字Have you ever called out the wrong name in the throes of passion? 這全都屬于精神分析中的無意識范疇This is all the Freudian unconscious. 所以這些事情可以通過The idea is that we do these things— 我們無法覺察到的認知系統(tǒng)these things

37、are explained in terms of cognitive systems 予以解釋that were not aware of. 如果無意識是臺理智的計算機Now, all of this would be fine 它非常聰明if your unconscious was a reasonable, rational computer, 總在為你尋求最佳利益if your unconscious was really smart 那其實也倒沒什么and looking out for your best interest. 但弗洛伊德告訴我們 事實并非如此But

38、, according to Freud, thats not the way it works. 根據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論According to Freud, 在你的頭腦中存在著there are three distinct processes 三種截然不同的人格結構going on in your head 它們之間存在著強烈的內部沖突and these are in violent internal conflict. 你的行為模式與你的思維方式And the way you act and the way you think are products, 并不是單一理性存在的產

39、物not of a singular rational being, 而是一系列沖突事件的產物but of a set of conflicting creatures. 這三種結構分別是本我 自我And these three parts are the id, the ego, 和超我and the superego 它們隨著個體的發(fā)展而逐漸出現(xiàn)and they emerge developmentally. 弗洛伊德認為 本我是與生俱來的The id, according to Freud, is present at birth. 是自性中生物性的一面Its the

40、 animal part of the self. 本我追求吃喝拉撒 保暖It wants to eat, drink, pee, poop, get warm, 和性欲的滿足and have sexual satisfaction. 它是盲目的It is outrageously stupid. 遵循弗洛伊德所說的"快樂原則"It works on what Freud called, "The Pleasure Principle.” 本我追求快樂的即時滿足It wants pleasure and it wants it now. 根據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論And thats,

41、according to Freud, 剛出生的嬰兒就是這個樣子how a human begins, 也就是說嬰兒只有本我pure id. 弗洛伊德美其名曰"多形性反常"Freud had this wonderful phrase, "polymorphous perversity," 即追求純粹的快樂this pure desire for pleasure. 但不幸的是 現(xiàn)實是殘酷的Now, unfortunately, life doesnt work like that. 世事總難以盡如人意What you want isnt always what you get

42、 快樂并不總是在你想要的時候得到滿足and this leads to a set of reactions to cope with 你只能通過設法滿足欲望the fact that pleasure isnt always there when you want it 或設法抑制欲望either by planning how to satisfy your desires 來應對這樣的事實or planning how to suppress them. 這個結構被稱為自我 或是自性And this system is known as the ego, or the se

43、lf. 它所遵循的是"現(xiàn)實原則"And it works on the "Reality Principle." 它試圖在現(xiàn)實中找到And it works on the principle of trying to figure out 滿足本我要求的方法how to make your way through the world, 找到追求快樂的方法how to satisfy your pleasures 有時是去找尋放棄的方法or, in some cases, how to give up on them. 因而在弗洛伊德的理論中And the ego -- the em

44、ergence of the ego for Freud -- 自我的出現(xiàn)象征著意識的起源symbolizes the origin of consciousness. 最后 如果只存在自我和本我 Finally, if this was all there 那么事情會簡單得多it might be a simpler world, 但弗洛伊德又提出了第三種結構 超我but Freud had a third component, that of the superego. 超我是社會家庭規(guī)范的內化And the superego is the internalized ru

45、les of parents in society. 因此 在成長過程中So, what happens in the course of development is, 你試圖在現(xiàn)實中滿足本我的要求youre just trying to make your way through the world 滿足自己的欲望and satisfy your desires, 但有時也會因此而受到懲罰but sometimes youre punished for them. 有些欲望是不適當?shù)腟ome desires are inappropriate, 有些行為是錯的 你會因此而

46、受到懲罰some actions are wrong, and youre punished for it. 因為在你的腦海里會閃現(xiàn)出超我The idea is that you come out; 一種道德良知you get in your head a superego, a conscience. 就像是電影里那些盤旋在頭上的小天使In these movies, thered be a little angel above your head 告訴你什么是不應該做的that tells you when things are wrong. 而基本上 自性 或者說自我An

47、d basically your self, the ego, 是介于本我與超我之間的is in between the id and the superego. 需要注意的是One thing to realize, 我之前說過本我是盲目的I told you the id is outrageously stupid. 它只知道 "餓要吃飯 性欲要滿足It just says, "Oh, hungry, food, sex, 冷了要穿衣服"oh, lets get warm, oh.” 但其實超我也是盲目的The superego is also stupid. 超我

48、并不是一位能夠教你明辨是非的The superego, point to point, is not some brilliant moral philosopher 偉大的道德哲學家telling you about right and wrong. 它只懂得說"你該為自己感到羞恥"The superego would say, "You should be ashamed of yourself. "你真惡心"Thats disgusting. "別再那樣做了"Stop doing that. "天啊"Oh. 在這兩個爭執(zhí)的聲音之間的結構And in between these

49、 two screaming creatures, one of you; 一種聲音要你去滿足欲望one of them telling you to seek out your desires, 另一種聲音卻說"你應該感到羞恥"the other one telling you, "you should be ashamed of yourself," 就是你 就是自我is you, is the ego. 根據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論Now, according to Freud, 人格結構的大部分是無意識的most of this is unconscious. 我們可以看到S

50、o, we see bubbling up 上面的部分是我們的感受to the top, we feel, 我們的經(jīng)歷we experience ourselves. 本我的驅力And the driving of the id, 本我和超我的力量the forces of the id and the forces of the superego, 都存在于我們無法覺察的無意識之中are unconscious in that we cannot access them. 這就像是我們無法察覺We dont know what--Its like the workings 腎和

51、胃的活動一樣of our kidneys or our stomachs. 你無法通過自省而感受到它們的存在You cant introspect and find them. 相反 它們的活動都是無意識的Rather, they do their work without conscious knowledge. 這就是弗洛伊德提出的理論Now, Freud developed this. 這就是弗洛伊德理論的大體框架This is the Freudian theory in broad outline. 他在此基礎上擴展并提出了He extended it and devel

52、oped it into a theory 性心理發(fā)展理論of psychosexual development. 所以 正如之前所說And so, Freuds theory is, 弗洛伊德的理論不僅解釋了日常生活as I said before, a theory of everyday life, 決策 失誤以及戀愛等現(xiàn)象of decisions, of errors, of falling in love, 還解釋了兒童的發(fā)展but its also a theory of child development. 弗洛伊德認為人格發(fā)展So, Freud believe

53、d there were five stages 分為五個階段of personality development, 且每個階段都與特定的動欲區(qū)有關and each is associated with a particular erogenous zone. 弗洛伊德還認為And Freud believed, as well, 如果你在某一階段遇到了阻礙that if you have a problem at a certain stage, 沒能得到滿足 你就會停留在這個階段if something goes wrong, youll be stuck there.

54、所以根據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論So, according to Freud, 在座各位之所以展示出不同的人格there are people in this room who are what they are 是因為你們停留在了口腔期或肛門期because they got stuck in the oral stage or the anal stage. 這可不是什么好事And thats not good. 第一階段是口腔期So, the oral stage is when you start off. 快樂來源于口腔的動作The mouth is associated with

55、pleasure. 包括吮吸 咀嚼等活動Everything is sucking and chewing and so on. 在弗洛伊德看來And the problem for Freud 問題就出在孩子過早斷奶上面is premature weaning of a child. 過早斷奶Depriving him of the breast, 會對他的人格發(fā)展造成嚴重影響could lead to serious problems in his personality development. 會使孩子形成所謂的口腔期人格It could make him, as th

56、e phrase goes, into an oral person. 口唇期人格有一些具體的表現(xiàn)And his orality could be described literally. 弗洛伊德用口腔期人格Freud uses it as an explanation 來解釋為什么會有人暴飲暴食for why somebody might eat too much 嚼口香糖或是抽煙or chew gum or smoke. 他們想通過這種口腔運動Theyre trying to achieve satisfaction through their mouth 來獲得本該在口腔期

57、獲得的滿足感of a sort they didnt get in this very early stage of development. 口腔期人格也有一些抽象的表現(xiàn)But it can also be more abstract. 如果你的室友很依賴他人 很粘人If your roommate is dependent and needy, 你可以去告訴他you could then go to your roommate and say, "你具有口腔期人格"You are an oral person. 你在出生的第一年里過的并不好"The first year of

58、 your life did not go well." 更為人所熟知的一個階段則是肛門期A phrase even more popular is the anal stage 它出現(xiàn)在口腔期之后and that happens after the oral stage. 如果沒能正確掌握如廁訓練And problems can emerge if toilet training 那么問題便出現(xiàn)了is not handled correctly. 據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論If you have problems 如果你在那幾年里你出了問題during those years of li

59、fe, 那么你就會形成肛門期人格 you could become an anal personality, according to Freud, 你的室友會說"你就是肛門期人格"and your roommate could say, "Your problem is youre too anal.” 根據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論And, according to Freud, 這就表示literally, 你不愿意排泄糞便it meant you are unwilling to part with your own feces. 書上就是這么寫的Its written down

60、here. 也確實就是這樣的I know its true. 這種人格表現(xiàn)為 And the way it manifests itself, 強迫 有潔癖和吝嗇as you know from just how people talk, 這些都可從人們談話方式看出is youre compulsive, youre clean, youre stingy. 這就是肛門期人格This is the anal personality. 接下來的階段就稍微復雜點了Then it gets a little bit more complicated. 下一個階段是性器官期The n

61、ext stage is the phallic stage. 實際上 這個階段也并不是非常復雜Actually, this is not much more complicated. 性器官成為了快樂的主要來源The focus of pleasure shifts to the genitals 固著在此階段 會導致女性或男性and fixation can lead to excessive masculinity 過分男性化in females or in males, 或是導致女性產生對于關注或控制的欲求or, if youre female, need for at

62、tention or domination. 這個時期會出現(xiàn)一個有趣的現(xiàn)象Now, at this point something really interesting happens 叫做"俄狄浦斯情結" [戀母情結]called the "Oedipus Complex." 名字來自于一個故事And this is based on the story, 一則國王弒父娶母的希臘神話the mythical story of a king who killed his father and married his mother. 據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論And, according

63、to Freud, 我們所有人都會產生這個情結this happens to all of us in this way. 所有人Well, all of us. 不過弗洛伊德指的是所有的男人By "all of us," Freud meant "men." 俄狄浦斯情結是這樣的So, heres the idea. 你到了三四歲的年齡Youre three or four years old. 處于性器官期Youre in the phallic stage. 你會對什么感興趣呢So, what are you interested in? 你會對自己的性器官產生興趣We

64、ll, youre interested in your penis 之后 你會去尋求外部客體and then you seek an external object. 弗洛伊德對此描述的有些模糊 Freuds sort of vague about this, 但其實你是在尋求某種滿足but you know, you seek some sort of satisfaction. 但全世界又有誰But who is out there, 是溫柔體貼而又慈愛美麗的呢whod be sweet and kind and loving and wonderful? 媽媽Wel

65、l, Mom. 所以小男孩會推斷So the child infers, "媽媽很好 我愛媽媽""Mom is nice, I love Mom." 到目前為止 一切尚算正常So far so--And so this is not crazy; 小男孩愛上了他的母親a little boy falling in love with his mother. 問題是 父親妨礙了他Problem: Dads in the way. 現(xiàn)在 事情變得越來越詭異Now, this is going to get progressively weirder 但我要說but I w

66、ill have to say, 我是兩個兒子的父親as the father of two sons, 我的兩個兒子在性器官期時both sons went through a phase 都曾明確地說過要娶他們的媽媽where they explicitly said they wanted to marry Mommy. 對我來說 如果真有什么不幸And me – if something bad happened to me 也沒有比兒子們弒父娶母更糟糕的事情了that wouldnt be the worst thing in the world. 就是這樣So, theres this. 但這時會出現(xiàn)一些攻擊性But now it gets a little bit aggressive. 男孩決心要去殺掉父親So, the idea is the child determines

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