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湖南省茶陵縣高中英語 Unit 2 Language Project課件 牛津譯林版必修3

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湖南省茶陵縣高中英語 Unit 2 Language Project課件 牛津譯林版必修3

Look at the following pictures, what do you think they are?萬羊 魚 象 雞 虎 龜 鹿 鳥 馬 Do you think the Chinese characters remain the same for thousands of years? If not, how did the Chinese characters develop? Read the article on Page 38 and answer the questions. 1. When did the Chinese writing begin? Thousands of years ago.2. Who first invented Chinese writing? Cang Jie. 3. How was Chinese writing invented? Cang Jie saw the tracts of animals in the snow and he got the idea that he could use different shapes to stand for different objects.4. When did the Chinese government introduce simplified characters? In the 1950s. Read the passage again and divide the passage into several parts, then give the main idea of each part.Para 1 Brief introduction of Chinese characters Para 2Paras 3-4Para 5 Form and developmentof Chinese charactersSimplified Chinese charactersThe origins of Chinese characters Read the article The story of Braille and answer the questions.1. Who introduced blind people to reading? Louis Braille. 2. At Brailles time, what were the books for blind people like? Were they convenient for use? Books for blind people used paper pressed against metal wire to form letters. They were too heavy and not convenient for use at all. 3. What did the soldier do for students when he visited the school? He showed the students a system for passing messages at night during times for battle. 4. What contributions did Louis Braille make for blind people? His system allows blind people to read and write. It enables them to discover the world around them through they cannot see. Where can you see Braille in our daily life?bus stop elevator underground street menu Read the text (P39) carefully and fill in each blank with one word or phrase. 1. Louis Braille lost his eyesight at three _ an injury.2. The weight of books for blind people was too _ to be inconvenient for use.because of / due toheavy 3. A system for passing messages at night during times of battle _ young Louis Braille to create a system called “Braille”, which is still used today by blind people around the world.4. With the fingers the blind can easily _ Braille and a special typewriter can also help them to _.encouraged /inspiredrecognize write The story of Braille Books for blind people used paper pressed against metal wire to form letters. 1821, a soldier showed them a system used paper with small, raised dots that could be felt with the fingers. Louis Braille created a system with patterns of six raised dots representing each letter. Read the texts carefully again and choose the best answer.1. Cang Jie got the idea of using shapes to represent different objects after _. A. looking at some drawings B. observing different animals C. seeing animals tracks in the snow D. viewing three mountains together 2. How did the students feel about the soldiers system for passing messages? A. Useful. B. Impractical. C. Boring. D. Satisfying 1. The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds. 漢 語 與 西 方 語 言 不 同 , 區(qū) 別 在 于 它 不 使 用 字 母 , 而 是 用 漢 字 表 示 思 想 、 物 體 和 行 為 。 differ vi. 相 異 , 相 區(qū) 別 differ from 和 不 同 , 不 同 于 e.g. China _the USA in politics and culture. = China _the USA in politics and culture. 中 國 和 美 國 在 政 體 和 文 化 方 面 有 很 大 的 不 同 。 differs greatly fromis very different from stand for 代 表 , 象 征 , 擁 護e.g. UN _the United Nations. UN是 聯(lián) 合 國 的 縮 寫 。 John always _what is right. 約 翰 一 貫 支 持 正 確 的 事 情 。stands forstands for 2. Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to represent different objects. 于 是 他 想 到 可 以 用 不 同 的 形 狀 來 代 表 不 同 物 體 。 represent vt. 代 表 , 展 示 e.g. His opinion _that of the majority. 他 代 表 了 大 多 數(shù) 人 的 觀 點 。represents The painting _ the scene of a bumper harvest. 這 幅 畫 描 繪 了 豐 收 的 景 象 。represents 3. Some characters have been simplified and others have been made more difficult over time. 一 些 漢 字 被 簡 化 了 , 而 另 一 些 則 變 得 更 加 復 雜 。 simplify vt. 簡 化 e.g. Try to _ your explanation for the children. 試 著 簡 化 你 對 孩 子 們 所 作 的 解 釋 。simplify For beginners, they can improve their reading skill by reading the _ versions of some masterpieces.對 于 初 學 者 , 讀 些 名 著 (masterpieces) 的 簡 寫 本 可 以 提 高 他 們 的 閱 讀 能 力 。simplified 4. However, as a whole, the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms. 不 過 總 的 來 說 , 漢 字 從 圖 畫 發(fā) 展 成 了 標 準 形 式 。 as a whole 總 的 來 說 , 總 體 上 e.g. _, it is very hot in Nanjing during the summer. 總 的 說 來 , 南 京 的 夏 天 相 當 熱 。As a whole 5. Sometimes to express ideas, some characters were made by combining two or more characters together. 有 時 為 了 表 達 概 念 , 某 些 漢 字 由 兩 個 或 多 個 漢 字 組 合 而 成 。 combine vt./vi. 組 合 ; (使 )聯(lián) 合 e.g. The two countries _together against their enemy. 這 兩 個 國 家 聯(lián) 合 起 來 對 抗 他 們 的 敵 人 。combined The two old schools _to form one big new school. 這 兩 個 舊 學 校 將 合 并 為 一 個 新 的 大 學 。 _ Chinese traditional medicine with Western medicine. 把 中 國 傳 統(tǒng) 醫(yī) 學 和 西 方 醫(yī) 學 結(jié) 合 起 來 。are to combineCombine 6. Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings, one of their shortcomings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced. 雖 然 這 幾 種 類 型 的 漢 字 能 夠 表 意 , 但 是 它 們 的 缺 點 之 一 是 其 字 形 不 具 有 表 音 的 功 能 。 indicate vt. 顯 示 , 暗 示 , 象 征 e.g. The sign at the entrance _ that there are bears in the mountains, so visitors should be careful. 入 口 處 的 指 示 牌 標 明 山 中 有 熊 , 所 以 游 客 需 要 當 心 。 indicates Researches _ that the wide use of computers has changed the way of life of many young people.研 究 表 明 , 電 腦 的 廣 泛 使 用 改 變 了許 多 年 輕 人 的 生 活 方 式 。indicate 1. The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds. 難 句 解 析 這 是 一 個 _, 主 句 為 The Chinese language differs from Western languages。 that引 導 一 個 _,作 in的 _, 其 中 含 有 一 個 定 語 從 句which stand for ideas, objects or deeds,修 飾 先 行 詞 characters。主 從 復 合 句 名 詞 性 從 句賓 語 2. Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings, one of their shortcomings is that they do not show how they should be pronounced. 句 首 though 引 導 _從 句 , 主句 that 引 導 一 個 表 語 從 句 , 該 表 語 從句 中 show后 接 一 個 由 how引 導 的 _從 句 。 讓 步 定 語 賓 語 3. His system used paper with small, raised dots that could be felt with the fingers. 句 中 that 引 導 一 個 _從 句 , 修 飾 先 行詞 dots。 動 詞 feel在 這 里 的 含 義 是 “ ( 用手 、 足 等 ) 摸 索 ”e.g. John felt in his bag for the key, but it was nowhere to be found. 約 翰 在 袋 子 里 摸 來 摸 去 去 找 鑰 匙 , 但 哪 兒 也 找 不 到 。 定 語 4. While the students found the soldiers idea interesting, the system was too difficult to be of practical use. 本 句 是 _, 其 中 while的 意 思 是“ 雖 然 ” , 引 導 一 個 _從 句 。 句尾 of practical use 意 為 “ 實 用 的 ” 。 一般 來 說 , “ of + 抽 象 名 詞 ” 相 當 于_, 常 用 作 _, 意 為 “ 具 有 ,擁 有 ”。主 從 復 合 句 讓 步 狀 語 形 容 詞表 語 e.g. Todays meeting will be of great importance. 今 天 的 會 議 將 很 重 要 。 Your advice is of great value to me. 你 的 建 議 對 我 很 有 價 值 。 Complete the sentences according to the initials or Chinese.1. It makes no d_ to me whether he goes or not.2. The country was r_ at the conference by the Foreign Minister. ifferenceepresented 3. They should c_ their efforts to finish the work in time.4. As a Math teacher, you should try to s_ your explanation for the students.implify ombine 5. More and more tall buildings have been built, which _ (反 映 ) the development of the city.6. These are the _ (角 色 ) in the novels of the famous writer.7. What is the _ (象 征 ) of “good luck” in this country?symbolreflectscharacters Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets.1. 你 知 道 大 學 與 高 中 有 什 么 不 同 嗎 ? (differ) Do you know how college differs from high school? 2. 字 母 表 中 的 字 母 代 表 讀 音 。 (represent) Letters of the alphabet represent sounds.3. 這 封 信 反 映 出 了 她 的 痛 苦 。 (reflect) The letter reflects her sorrow. 4. 鴿 子 是 和 平 的 象 征 。 (symbol) The dove is the symbol of peace. 5. 整 體 來 看 , 這 本 書 值 得 一 讀 。 (as a whole) As a whole, the book is worth reading.6. 這 個 故 事 被 簡 寫 了 , 以 便 于 更 容 易 理 解 。(simplify) The story has been simplified to make it easier to understand. 7. 我 認 為 電 影 應 該 集 教 育 與 娛 樂 于 一 體 。(combine . with) I think films should combine education with recreation.8. 二 十 世 紀 五 十 年 代 , 中 國 政 府 采 用 了 漢語 拼 音 。 (introduce) In the 1950s the Chinese government introduced Chinese Pinyin. Project Designing a bookletPlanningPreparingProducingPresenting Planning Work in small groups and discuss and choose what characters the group would like to research. Discuss the layout of the booklet. Divide the work each group member will do. Collect the information needed. PreparingLook for information as many sources as you can find. Tips (organizing information)1. Introduction2. Method3. Findings4. Conclusion ProducingEveryone writes a section of the booklet. Then put what has been written together. Add photos or illustrations where necessary. Proofread the draft to correct mistakes if there are any. New ideas can be added. Now the booklet is finished. PresentingPresent the booklet to the whole class by taking turns to talk about each section of their booklet. 1. Do Parts B on Page 39.2. Do Parts D1 and D2 on Page 101 of the Workbook.3. Review words and phrases in this unit.


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