目錄第1章 引言31.1目的和現(xiàn)實意義31.2國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀31.3課題研究意義51.4研究方法51.5本設(shè)計的主要內(nèi)容7第2章 隨動架及桅頂工作原理分析72.1隨動架原理72.2桅頂原理8第3章 隨動架回轉(zhuǎn)支承型號,鋼絲繩的選取93.1隨動架旋轉(zhuǎn)支承型號選取93.2鋼絲繩型號選取93.3鋼絲繩直徑選取9第4章 隨動架及桅頂?shù)慕Y(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計104.1隨動架結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計104.2滑輪尺寸及結(jié)構(gòu)的確定114.3支架形狀等強度設(shè)計計算124.4軸承的設(shè)計計算13第5章 非標準零件附圖155.1上蓋板155.2防滑塊165.3支架165.4保護架17參考文獻18結(jié)束語19附錄1 外文翻譯附錄2 二維、三維打印圖45T旋挖鉆機隨動架及桅頂設(shè)計摘要:近幾年來各類建筑和工程施工的數(shù)量和工程難度日益增加,質(zhì)量要求也越來越高,尤其是人們對環(huán)保的意識不斷提高,傳統(tǒng)的灌注樁成孔工藝已經(jīng)不能適應(yīng)新施工技術(shù)要求,旋挖鉆機則以其優(yōu)于其他同類產(chǎn)品的性能而成為此類工程中鉆孔灌注樁施工的首選設(shè)備。本設(shè)計主要對旋挖鉆機隨動架進行分析與設(shè)計。通過鉆桿的尺寸選擇回轉(zhuǎn)支承的型號,然后根據(jù)回轉(zhuǎn)支承的各尺寸對隨動架的各個零件進行分析和結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計。最后完成其CAD平面繪圖和PRO/E三維建模,再進行組裝。關(guān)鍵詞:CAD;旋挖鉆機;隨動架45T rotary drilling rig with servo frame and masthead designAbstract: In recent years various types of building and engineering construction and engineering difficulty of increasing the number of,Quality requirements have become more sophisticated, In particular, peoples awareness of environmental protection continue to increase, Traditional Pile Drilling technology has been unable to meet the technical requirements of new construction,Rotary drilling rig is better than other similar products in its performance of such projects become the first choice for construction of bored piles. The design of the rotary drilling rig with the servo framework for dynamic analysis and design. Through the drill pipe size selection slewing bearing model, Then according to the various dimensions of the slewing frame with all parts moving analysis and structural design. Finalize its CAD dimensional drawings and PRO / E 3D modeling, and then assembled.Keywords: CAD; Rotary drilling rig; servo frame 第1章 引言1.1目的和現(xiàn)實意義最近幾年來,隨著一批大型工程相繼開工和我國基礎(chǔ)工程行業(yè)的投資不斷加大,推動了我國基礎(chǔ)工程施工行業(yè)的發(fā)展。各類建筑和工程施工的數(shù)量和工程難度日益加大,質(zhì)量要求也越來越高,尤其是人們環(huán)保意識的不斷提高,對施工環(huán)保要求也越來越高。傳統(tǒng)的沖擊、回轉(zhuǎn)、反循環(huán)鉆等灌注樁成孔工藝因其效率低下,污染嚴重,已經(jīng)不能適應(yīng)新施工技術(shù)的要求。旋挖鉆機則以其優(yōu)于其它同類產(chǎn)品的性能而成為此類工程中鉆孔灌注樁施工的首選設(shè)備。目前我國處于一個大發(fā)展時期,正在進行大規(guī)模城市化建設(shè)及大量基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè),據(jù)國家統(tǒng)計局的統(tǒng)計資料顯示,我國目前共有城市660余個,其中人口在100萬以上的大城市有170余個。隨著國民經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,城市化進程還將加快,老城市改造和新城市建設(shè)中新增的樁基礎(chǔ)工程將大幅度增加,按每個城市平均僅占據(jù)23臺的市場需求量來保守地估算,旋挖鉆機在國內(nèi)的總量近幾年即可達到2000臺以上,為我國旋挖鉆機行業(yè)帶來了非常好的市場機遇。而這僅僅才是城市化帶來的市場空間。但現(xiàn)在的情況是,進口產(chǎn)品大量涌入我國市場,而我國同類產(chǎn)品的開發(fā)尚處于初始階段,因此要在消化吸收國外同類產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)基礎(chǔ)上,結(jié)合中國國情,在業(yè)已取得的開發(fā)成果基礎(chǔ)上,盡快將產(chǎn)品系列化,以達到替代進口產(chǎn)品、加速設(shè)備更新?lián)Q代的目的,并為該產(chǎn)品早日打入國際市場打下堅實的基礎(chǔ)。1.2國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀 (1)國外鉆桅垂直度控制系統(tǒng)研究現(xiàn)狀旋挖鉆機在二戰(zhàn)之前美國卡維爾特公司問世,二戰(zhàn)之后在歐洲得到發(fā)展。1984年意大利邁特公司首先開始研制,接著在意大利、德國開始發(fā)展,到了7080年代在日本得到快速發(fā)展。目前國外旋挖鉆機主要生產(chǎn)廠家為:德國:寶峨、利勃海爾、Delmag、WIRTH、MGF;意大利:土力、SoilMec、MAlT、CMV、CASAG必DE、IMT、ENTEGO;西班牙:LLAMADA;日本:日車車輛、日立、住友、加藤;芬蘭:JUNTTAN、TAMROCK;美國:CALWELD、APE、IngersollRand;英國:BSP等I州到。目前,國外的旋挖鉆機的控制技術(shù)已逐步實現(xiàn)智能化,機電液一體化高度集中、結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊、操縱靈活,其鉆桅垂直度控制系統(tǒng)普遍應(yīng)用負荷傳感、壓力補償與電液比例閉環(huán)控制技術(shù)。負荷傳感與壓力補償技術(shù)自20世紀80年代初在國外液壓挖掘機上開始得到應(yīng)用,經(jīng)過多年的發(fā)展已為一種先進的液壓技術(shù)?,F(xiàn)在,負荷傳感技術(shù)因其節(jié)能、效率高、控制特性好、動靜特性好和壽命長的顯著優(yōu)點在現(xiàn)代液壓工程機械中獲得了廣泛應(yīng)用。例如BoschReXroth的A10VSO DFEE變量柱塞泵及LUDV系統(tǒng)、Parker的電液比例壓力流量控制的變量泵、油研的A系列04型和A系列04E型變量柱塞泵等都應(yīng)用了負荷傳感原理。目前,國外旋挖鉆機普遍應(yīng)用現(xiàn)代控制理論進行電子控制系統(tǒng)的設(shè)計,如狀態(tài)空間分析方法、系統(tǒng)辨識、線性二次型最優(yōu)控制和自適應(yīng)控制等。系統(tǒng)辨識是對控制對象施加一定的試驗信號,測量系統(tǒng)的輸入輸出數(shù)據(jù),然后進行分析計算,建立系統(tǒng)的數(shù)學(xué)模型。就鉆桅垂直度控制系統(tǒng)而言,系統(tǒng)辨識的內(nèi)容包括:試驗設(shè)計、模型結(jié)構(gòu)確定、參數(shù)估計和模型驗證。運用系統(tǒng)辨識的理論和方法確定旋挖鉆機鉆桅垂直度系統(tǒng)的數(shù)學(xué)模型,為設(shè)計精確的控制器奠定基礎(chǔ)??刂破魇钦麄€控制系統(tǒng)的核心,國內(nèi)絕大多數(shù)旋挖鉆機控制器在設(shè)計時還是采用傳統(tǒng)的PID控制方法,英國學(xué)者Young等人提出一種新型的比例積分控制器方法PIP(proportionalIntegralPlus)控制,該方法采用現(xiàn)代控制理論中的_狀態(tài)空間表達式來描述系統(tǒng)內(nèi)部模型,并且基于非最小狀態(tài)空間(Non-MinimalState Space)模型進行反饋設(shè)計。PIP控制可視為常規(guī)Pl控制和PID控制的自然發(fā)展,對于一階系統(tǒng)PIP控制等價于PI控制;對于高階系統(tǒng)PIP控制中的附加控制項能有效地提供隱式的高階微分,從而獲得比PI和PID更好的控制效果。運用PIP控制理論設(shè)計旋挖鉆機控制器有許多優(yōu)點:所有狀態(tài)向量用可測變量組成,易于用數(shù)字控制器存儲;系統(tǒng)包括內(nèi)在的解耦功能,能夠消除變量I日J的相互干涉,因此閉環(huán)系統(tǒng)穩(wěn)定性較好;系統(tǒng)具有快速的響應(yīng)特性和較高的控制精度。(2)國內(nèi)鉆桅垂直度控制系統(tǒng)研究現(xiàn)狀我國在80年代初從日本引進過工作裝置,配裝在KH125型履帶起起重機上。1984年,天津探礦機械廠引進美國RDI公司的旋挖鉆機并進行消化吸收。1988年北京城建機械廠根據(jù)土力公司(SOILMEC)的樣機開發(fā)了15m直徑的履帶起重機附著式旋挖鉆機。1994年鄭州勘察機械廠引進英國BSP公司附著式旋挖鉆機,1998年上海金泰股份有限公司與寶峨合作組裝BGl5。最近幾年我國旋挖鉆機取得了快速發(fā)展,國內(nèi)的旋挖鉆機主要生產(chǎn)廠家為:湖南山河智能、湖南三一、徐工、中聯(lián)重科、徐州東明、北京巨力、天津?qū)毝?、石家莊煤機、連云港黃海、哈爾濱四海、內(nèi)蒙古北方重汽、宇通重工、南車時代、山東鑫國、鄭州勘察等。雖然國內(nèi)的旋挖鉆機產(chǎn)品已經(jīng)有了很大的發(fā)展,但從整體上看,與發(fā)達國家的同類產(chǎn)品相比還有一定的差距,主要表現(xiàn)在自動控制和智能化方面。目前國內(nèi)旋挖鉆機鉆桅垂直度控制系統(tǒng)的技術(shù)水平基本已接近或達到國際同類產(chǎn)品技術(shù)水平,但大部分是進口國外配套設(shè)備,產(chǎn)品模仿甚至抄襲現(xiàn)象嚴重,自主創(chuàng)新不足,普遍缺少核心技術(shù),導(dǎo)致產(chǎn)品在可靠性、使用方便性等方面有較大的不足。國內(nèi)鉆桅垂直度控制液壓系統(tǒng)也都應(yīng)用了負荷傳感原理,但是液壓泵、液壓閥、傳感器等關(guān)鍵零部件大都是國際進口,如徐工集團的的RDl5、RDl8、RD22三種旋挖鉆機。三一重機的SYR220C220型旋挖鉆機,液壓系統(tǒng)關(guān)鍵部分采用卡特彼勒液壓系統(tǒng)主控回路,先導(dǎo)控制回路,使用了先進的負載反饋技術(shù),可使流量按需分配到種個工作裝置,實現(xiàn)不同工況下的最佳匹配,但關(guān)鍵零部件也是采用了國際知名品牌產(chǎn)品,如德國的力士樂液壓元件、日本高精度密封軸承,美國專業(yè)油管接頭和優(yōu)質(zhì)鉆桿。宇通重工的YTR2301 50260型旋挖鉆機,主液壓系統(tǒng)中的主控制閥、主泵由CAT330底盤提供,系統(tǒng)壓力達32MPa,為大功率馬達提供動力;輔助泵、輔助閥采用力士樂負載反饋恒壓變量系統(tǒng),系統(tǒng)壓力達28MPa,為各工作液壓缸提供動力;所有液壓元件、液壓附件也都采用國際知名品牌產(chǎn)品來保證系統(tǒng)的高可靠性。山河智能SWDM20型多功能旋挖鉆機1201,采用比例控制的液壓先導(dǎo)系統(tǒng)和負荷傳感的主泵液壓系統(tǒng),負載敏感和壓力補償?shù)母北靡簤合到y(tǒng),均采用國際品牌力士樂液壓元件。國內(nèi)鉆桅垂直度控制系統(tǒng)的電子控制系統(tǒng)大部分也是采用進口設(shè)備,如宇通重工和徐工集團旋挖鉆機電控部分均采用力士樂公司自動及手動調(diào)平系統(tǒng),控制器、傳感器等主要電氣元件也都采用進口件,而且大部分控制器的設(shè)計采用了傳統(tǒng)的PID方法,控制精度及動態(tài)響應(yīng)方面與國際先進水平還存在差距。山河智能SWDM20型多功能旋挖鉆機,自主研發(fā)了SUNWARD EDSARSR電子控制系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)集成度高,功能強大,反應(yīng)快,精度高,采用二級分布控制結(jié)構(gòu),應(yīng)用CAN BUS技術(shù)和虛擬儀表技術(shù),在基于嵌入式系統(tǒng)的工程機械控制器和真彩LCD顯示屏上編程實現(xiàn)。1.3課題研究意義 最近幾年來,隨著一批大型工程相繼開工和我國基礎(chǔ)工程行業(yè)的投資不斷加大,推動了我國基礎(chǔ)工程施工行業(yè)的發(fā)展。各類建筑和工程施工的數(shù)量和工程難度日益加大,質(zhì)量要求也越來越高,尤其是人們環(huán)保意識的不斷提高,對施工環(huán)保要求也越來越高。傳統(tǒng)的沖擊、回轉(zhuǎn)、反循環(huán)鉆等灌注樁成孔工藝因其效率低下,污染嚴重,已經(jīng)不能適應(yīng)新施工技術(shù)的要求。旋挖鉆機則以其優(yōu)于其它同類產(chǎn)品的性能而成為此類工程中鉆孔灌注樁施工的首選設(shè)備。目前我國處于一個大發(fā)展時期,正在進行大規(guī)模城市化建設(shè)及大量基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施建設(shè),據(jù)國家統(tǒng)計局的統(tǒng)計資料顯示,我國目前共有城市660余個,其中人口在100萬以上的大城市有170余個。隨著國民經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,城市化進程還將加快,老城市改造和新城市建設(shè)中新增的樁基礎(chǔ)工程將大幅度增加,按每個城市平均僅占據(jù)23臺的市場需求量來保守地估算,旋挖鉆機在國內(nèi)的總量近幾年即可達到2000臺以上,為我國旋挖鉆機行業(yè)帶來了非常好的市場機遇。而這僅僅才是城市化帶來的市場空間。但現(xiàn)在的情況是,進口產(chǎn)品大量涌入我國市場,而我國同類產(chǎn)品的開發(fā)尚處于初始階段,因此要在消化吸收國外同類產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)基礎(chǔ)上,結(jié)合中國國情,在業(yè)已取得的開發(fā)成果基礎(chǔ)上,盡快將產(chǎn)品系列化,以達到替代進口產(chǎn)品、加速設(shè)備更新?lián)Q代的目的,并為該產(chǎn)品早日打入國際市場打下堅實的基礎(chǔ)。1.4研究特點(1)特點及其性能介紹:旋挖鉆主要用來對地基基礎(chǔ)樁基成孔,廣泛用于市政建設(shè)、公路橋梁、高層建筑等地基礎(chǔ)施工工程,配合不同鉆具,適應(yīng)于干式(短螺旋),或濕式(回轉(zhuǎn)斗)及巖層(巖心鉆)的成孔作業(yè),旋挖鉆機具有裝機功率大、輸出扭矩大、軸向壓力大、機動靈活,施工效率高及多功能特點。目前,旋挖鉆機已被廣泛推廣于各種鉆孔灌注樁工程。旋挖鉆機主要分為小型機,中型機和大型機。其中小型機參數(shù)要求為:鉆機扭矩 100kN.m, 發(fā)動機功率 170kW, 鉆孔直徑 5001000mm、深約 40m, 整機重量約 40t。小型機的應(yīng)用市場定位如下: 各種樓房的護坡樁; 樓房部分承重結(jié)構(gòu)樁; 城市改造市政項目中各種樁徑小于 1m 的樁; 適用于其它用途的樁。小型機的市場覆蓋率達 30%以上。(2)工藝原理:主要是其成孔工藝與其它樁基不同, 旋挖鉆機的鉆進工藝旋挖鉆機(當然也有干土直接取土工藝,視工地現(xiàn)場地層條件而定),是一種無沖洗介質(zhì)循環(huán)的鉆進方法,但鉆進時為保護孔壁穩(wěn)定,孔內(nèi)要注滿優(yōu)質(zhì)泥漿(穩(wěn)定液)。旋挖鉆機工作時能原地作整體回轉(zhuǎn)運動。 旋挖鉆機鉆孔取土?xí)r,依靠鉆桿和鉆頭自重切入土層,斜向斗齒在鉆斗回轉(zhuǎn)時切下土塊向斗內(nèi)推進而完成鉆取土;遇硬土?xí)r, 自重力不足以使斗齒切入土層,此時可通過加壓油缸對鉆桿加壓,強行將斗齒切入土中,完成鉆孔取土。鉆斗內(nèi)裝滿土后,由起重機提升鉆桿及鉆斗至地面,拉動鉆 斗上的開關(guān)即打開底門,鉆斗內(nèi)的土依靠自重作用自動排出.鉆桿向下放關(guān)好斗門,再回轉(zhuǎn)到孔內(nèi)進行下一斗的挖掘。旋挖鉆機行走機動,靈活,終孔后能快速的移位或至下一樁位施工。(3)質(zhì)量控制措施: 樁位放樣在進行場地整平后, 組織有資格的測量放樣人員將所有樁位放出, 釘好十字保護樁, 做好測量復(fù)核, 并記錄放樣數(shù)據(jù)備案。 埋設(shè)護筒用拉線法檢查樁位偏差, 應(yīng)滿足規(guī)范要求。成孔采用鉆頭鉆進, 根據(jù)不同層次的土質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu)選擇不同的轉(zhuǎn)盤轉(zhuǎn)速和進尺進行控制。在砂層鉆進和進入強風化層后, 因土層太硬會引起鉆錐跳動及偏斜、加大鉆桿擺動, 故應(yīng)選擇低檔慢速, 轉(zhuǎn)盤轉(zhuǎn)速參數(shù)取值 1340v/ min, 成孔深度按設(shè)計要求進行控制。 鋼筋籠制安旋挖機挖土清渣達到設(shè)計要求后, 開始下放鋼筋籠, 其制安必須嚴格按照設(shè)計圖紙進行, 主筋、箍筋應(yīng)焊接均勻, 搭接長度及焊縫應(yīng)符合規(guī)范要求, 安裝時應(yīng)安裝護塊, 以確保周正及保護層厚度, 鋼筋籠的制作偏差應(yīng)符合設(shè)計及規(guī)范要求。 混凝土澆筑在導(dǎo)管接駁完畢后, 將混凝土隔水栓吊放在臨近泥漿面的位置, 導(dǎo)管底端到孔底距離控制在 0.4m左右, 以便能順利排出混凝土隔水栓。開始灌注前儲料斗內(nèi)儲備的混凝土量應(yīng)不少于 1.0m3, 以便在混凝土隔水栓被擠出導(dǎo)管后能將導(dǎo)管底端一次性埋入水下混凝土中 0.8m 以上, 適時提升或拆卸導(dǎo)管, 確保導(dǎo)管底端埋入混凝土面以下 14m, 灌注應(yīng)連續(xù)進行。一旦發(fā)生機具故障或停電停水及導(dǎo)管堵塞或進水等事故時, 應(yīng)采取有效措施進行處理, 以便盡快恢復(fù)灌注混凝土, 同時做好記錄。 孔內(nèi)事故預(yù)防措施選擇有經(jīng)驗、責任心強的施工隊伍, 保證操作人員的素質(zhì);加強鉆具檢查, 對加工不良的鉆具嚴禁使用;對孔內(nèi)水頭高度, 泥漿的相對密度和粘度經(jīng)常觀察和檢測,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時解決,尤其在鉆孔排渣、提錐除土或因故停鉆時應(yīng)保持孔內(nèi)規(guī)定水位和規(guī)定的泥漿性能指標, 以防坍孔;鉆孔作業(yè)應(yīng)分班連續(xù)進行, 在土層變化處撈取渣樣判明土層, 并與地質(zhì)資料核對, 根據(jù)土層情況采取相應(yīng)措施,保證施工質(zhì)量;升降鉆錐須平穩(wěn),鉆錐提出井口應(yīng)防止碰撞護筒或孔壁,防止鉤掛護筒底部, 鉆桿的拆裝應(yīng)迅速。(4)旋挖鉆成孔施工中應(yīng)注意的問題: 土層中成孔與鋼護筒安設(shè)的垂直度對樁體垂直度影響巨大; 定位用的混凝土護筒與鋼護筒合理配套使用, 能有效縮短鉆機定位時間, 提高施工效率;軟巖及土層中使用旋挖斗一次成孔; 硬巖中先用螺旋鉆頭成小孔, 然后用旋挖斗進行擴挖成孔。1.5 本設(shè)計的主要內(nèi)容本次設(shè)計主要針對45T旋挖鉆機隨動架及桅頂設(shè)計行討論,著重于對桅頂滑輪鋼絲繩的選取和桅頂結(jié)構(gòu)的設(shè)計。其設(shè)計主要內(nèi)容如下:第2章 介紹隨動架及桅頂?shù)墓ぷ髟?;?章 隨動架回轉(zhuǎn)支承型號和鋼絲繩的選擇;第4章 隨動架及桅頂結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計第2章 隨動架及桅頂工作原理分析2.1隨動架原理隨動架是鉆桿上的輔助設(shè)置,能起到固定和導(dǎo)向作用,主要功能是落桅時支承鉆桿。一般前落桅,箱式伸縮,桁架式結(jié)構(gòu)桅桿沒有隨動架。用連接裝置滑耳可相對隨動架體旋轉(zhuǎn),使得隨動架既能保證鉆桿運轉(zhuǎn)過程的平穩(wěn)性要求,又實現(xiàn)了拆裝隨動架過程的簡單化和合理化,提高了拆裝的安全性和拆裝速度,其整體結(jié)構(gòu)簡單、實用,可廣泛適用于各種旋挖鉆機的桅桿上。腳架結(jié)構(gòu)如下:圖1 腳架示意圖2.2桅頂原理當旋挖鉆機鉆頭工作完成,需要由桅頂?shù)幕啂愉摻z繩提起鉆頭、鉆桿、桅桿以及鉆頭上所帶泥土。桅頂由兩組滑輪構(gòu)成,一組滑輪用于提升鉆桿和鉆頭,一邊連接桅桿另一邊連接主卷揚;另外一組滑輪用于在使用前組裝好桅桿,連接副卷揚?;喗Y(jié)構(gòu)如下:圖2 滑輪示意圖第3章 隨動架回轉(zhuǎn)支承型號,鋼絲繩的選取3.1隨動架回轉(zhuǎn)支承型號的選取45T旋挖鉆機屬于中小型挖掘機工程機械,根據(jù)鉆桿的尺寸,回轉(zhuǎn)支承內(nèi)圈通孔圓心距中心距離必須與鉆桿外套圈通孔距中心距離相同,查表,選用單排四點接觸球式回轉(zhuǎn)支承,型號為無齒式010.50.630,其截面圖如下:圖3 回轉(zhuǎn)支承截面圖3.2鋼絲繩類型的選取旋挖鉆機屬于桅頂滑輪在工作中起到提升重物作用且需要繞過滑輪,查表,選用起升變幅用鋼絲繩,選取e=D/d20,三角股鋼絲繩,選用鋼絲繩型號6V21,GB8918-88.其截面如下圖:圖4 鋼絲繩截面圖3.3鋼絲繩直徑的選取 (1)鋼絲繩1(連接主卷揚和桅桿):承受最大載荷為78KN即最大工作拉力為78KN,鋼絲繩直徑的選取需要考慮安全系數(shù)和最大工作拉力。F0=nSmax。F0為整根鋼絲繩的破裂拉力,n鋼絲繩的安全系數(shù),Smax鋼絲繩的最大工作拉力。 因為是起升類起重機,用于起升用的起重機安全系數(shù)不得小于5,這里選取5級精度,經(jīng)查表得即選取安全系數(shù)n=5,計算F0=785=390KN,查表選取鋼絲繩直徑d=28mm。(2)鋼絲繩2(連接副卷揚) :承受最大載荷為62KN即最大工作拉力為60KN,F0=nSmax=562=310KN,考慮實際情況,查表得d=20mm。第4章 隨動架及桅頂結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計4.1隨動架結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計 結(jié)構(gòu)如下: 圖5 隨動架示意圖立體圖如下圖6 隨動架立體圖4.2滑輪尺寸的確定(ZBJ80006.1-87)(1)第一組滑輪直徑:第一組滑輪連接主卷揚和桅桿,該組鋼絲繩直徑為28mm,滑輪卷揚直徑D0e2d,旋挖鉆機為中級起升起重機,查表得,5級精度,選取推薦值e 2=18,所以計算D0=1828=494,這里我們選取500mm。這里D350mm,一般要鑄成福板上帶孔和筋的結(jié)構(gòu),材料選取QT450-10.查表得鋼絲繩直徑d=28mm的滑輪關(guān)尺寸如下:D1=500,R=15, H=40, B1=75,E=53, R1=22,4060R2=18,R3=4,R4=6,M=16,N=3.0,S=16.(2)第二組滑輪直徑:該組鋼絲繩直徑d=20mm,計算得De2d=1820=360,取D2=400.查表得:R=11,H=35,B1=60, E=44,R3=3.0 ,R4=5.0 ,S=14滑輪結(jié)構(gòu)如下:圖7 滑輪相關(guān)尺寸示意圖滑輪的結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計采用有輪輻的結(jié)構(gòu),其結(jié)構(gòu)圖如下:圖8滑輪示意圖結(jié)構(gòu)圖4.3 支架形狀等強度設(shè)計計算(等強度計算)將滑輪支架兩邊當作一個整體,因為支架厚30mm,所以簡支梁寬度b=60mm,而高度h在滿足等強度要求下是變化的。 滿足max=M(x)/W(x)= ,或者W(x)= M(x) /=Fx/=bh2(x)/6,得出 h(x)=(3Fx/b)1/2,對于連接鉆桿的一端:分別取x1=606,x2=100,計算得h1=635.37mm,h2=258mm。對于連接卷揚的一端:分別取x1=344,x2=100,計算得h1=595.37mm,h2=321mm。設(shè)計尺寸示意圖如下:圖9 桅頂尺寸設(shè)計圖4.4 軸承的設(shè)計計算 (1) 軸承分析與選擇因為旋挖鉆機桅頂滑輪較簡單,選用滑動軸承?;瑒虞S承特點:滑動軸承結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,成本低廉,運動平穩(wěn),壽命長,抗振動性能好,可以在強沖擊和重載下工作。旋挖鉆機桅頂對軸承的工作要求不高,并且作低速間隙回轉(zhuǎn),所有選擇類型:低速重載軸承、非液體摩擦軸承、徑向軸承。同時,桅頂軸承只受徑向載荷,所以選擇徑向滑動軸承。(2) 滑動軸承結(jié)構(gòu)形式因為旋挖鉆機桅頂滑輪工作特性是:低速、重載、間隙運動,所以選用整體式結(jié)構(gòu)。(3) 滑動軸承材料的選擇與桅頂滑輪連接的主副卷揚的提升速度為70m/min,拉力分別為78KN和60KN,所以屬于中速重載,查表得,選用軸承材料為ZCuSn10P1(10-1錫青銅)。(4) 滑動軸承的潤滑旋挖鉆機桅頂難以經(jīng)常供油,選用脂潤滑,中速重載,軸頸周轉(zhuǎn)速度為70m/min=1.17m/s1m/s,工作溫度范圍為-2001200查表得,潤滑材料為:2號通用鋰基潤滑脂。(5) 軸瓦及其軸套尺寸確定選擇整體式徑向軸瓦,卷制軸套式。前面選了軸瓦材料為ZCuSn10P1(10-1錫青銅),查表得,許用值為:p=15MPa,v=10m/s,pv=15 MPa. m/s 銷軸1(主卷揚對應(yīng))直徑為d1=60mm,查軸瓦表得:軸瓦壁厚eT=2mm,軸瓦外經(jīng)為DL=62mm。(GB12613-90)查軸套表得:軸套外經(jīng)D=67mm,壁厚t=3mm,C=1.2,C1=0.6。(GB12613-90)查表得,起重機中B/d取1.02.0,據(jù)表得B=70mm。(GB2931-82) 銷軸2(對應(yīng)副卷揚)直徑d2=50mm,查軸瓦表得,軸瓦壁厚eT=2mm,軸瓦外經(jīng)為DL=52mm。(GB12613-90)查軸套表得,軸套外經(jīng)為D=56mm,軸瓦壁厚t=3mm,C=1.2,C1=0.6 (GB12613-90)查表得,起重機中B/d取1.02.0,據(jù)表得B=60mm。(GB2931-82)(6) 軸承驗算許用值為:p=15MPa,v=10m/s,pv=15 MPa. m/s 壓強p驗算Pmax=Fmax/dBpMPa式中: Fmax-軸承所受的最大徑向載荷 N, d-軸頸的直徑 mm, B-軸頸的工作寬度 mm, p-壓強的許用值MPa 。對軸承1(主卷揚對應(yīng)):Pmax= Fmax/dB=78000/(6770)=14.3115對軸承2(副卷揚對應(yīng)):Pmax= Fmax/dB=60000/(5660)=14.5715 滑動速度V驗算V=dn/(601000)v式中:d-軸頸的直徑 mm, n-軸頸轉(zhuǎn)速 r/min, v-許用滑動速度 m/s, 對軸承1:V=dn/(601000)=3.1467 2300/(601000)=8.0610 對軸承2:V=dn/(601000)=3.1456 2300/(601000)=6.7410 Pv值驗算Pv=Fn/19100BpvF-軸所受到的平均徑向載荷 N,n-軸頸轉(zhuǎn)速 r/min ,B-軸頸的平均工作寬度,pv-pv許用值 MPa。對軸承1:Pv=Fn/19100B=78000230/(1910070)=13.415對軸承2:Pv=Fn/19100B=60000230/(1910060)=12.015(7) 軸頸與軸瓦配合 軸頸與軸承之間必須有必要的間隙,平均間隙為0.001d,所以對軸承1(與主卷揚對應(yīng))與銷軸1的間隙為0.00160=0.06mm;軸承2(與副卷揚對應(yīng))與銷軸2之間的0.00150=0.05mm。配合選用選用8級精度,H8/e7。第5章 非標準零件圖5.1上蓋板圖10 上蓋板5.2防滑塊圖11 防滑塊5.3支架圖12 支架5.4保護架圖13 保護架參考文獻1孔德文等.液壓挖掘機M. 北京:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社. 2007.12趙克利等.底盤結(jié)構(gòu)與設(shè)計M. 北京:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社.2007.13濮良貴,紀名剛.機械設(shè)計(第七版)M.北京:西北工業(yè)大學(xué)機械原理及機械零件教研室,高等教育出版社,20004哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)理論力學(xué)教研室.理論力學(xué)M. 北京:高等教育出版,2002.5朱張校.工程材料(第三版)M.北京:清華大學(xué)出版社,20016朱冬梅.畫法幾何及機械制圖第五版M.北京:高等教育出版社,2000.127同濟大學(xué).液壓挖掘機M北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社,1986.8JB/T59-1999,液壓挖掘機支重輪. 北京:中國標準出版社.2009.49孫恒,陳作模.機械原理(第六版)M.北京:高等教育出版社,20結(jié)束語在即將畢業(yè)的這一時期終于完成了畢業(yè)設(shè)計,最后時間很緊,做的東西不能達到理想和完美,但心里比以前做課程設(shè)計都踏實,因為這次自己真是自學(xué),真正思考過,同時現(xiàn)學(xué)PROE,做錯了再改,改了再做。因此,我覺得,這次畢業(yè)設(shè)計有如下收獲和意義。首先,在大四學(xué)習(xí)很輕松和懶散中喚起了我們對專業(yè)知識的復(fù)習(xí)和不斷思考應(yīng)用的迫切需要。其次,鍛煉了自學(xué)能力,以前沒學(xué)過PROE,CAD也忘記了的情況下,迫使我們重新?lián)炱鹨郧暗闹R和學(xué)習(xí)新的知識。最后,不管我們以后是繼續(xù)讀研還是走向工作崗位,大學(xué)里每一次的課程設(shè)計都很重要,對實踐能力的鍛煉和專業(yè)素養(yǎng)的培養(yǎng)非常關(guān)鍵,因此做完了這次畢業(yè)設(shè)計,我們又對專業(yè)更加了解了一步。 方鑫 2010-5-3119湘潭大學(xué)興湘學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)任務(wù)書論文(設(shè)計)題目: 45T旋挖鉆機隨動架設(shè)計 學(xué)號:2006183808 姓名: 方鑫 專業(yè): 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 指導(dǎo)教師: 周友行 系主任: 一、主要內(nèi)容及基本要求 1.熟悉車架結(jié)構(gòu)和原理 2.設(shè)計和計算隨動架相關(guān)參數(shù) 3.提交完整具體的CAD圖紙,用PROE建立隨動架的三維模型 二、重點研究的問題 1.對隨動架回轉(zhuǎn)支承型號的選擇 2.用CAD軟件畫出完整的隨動架平面圖 3.用PROE畫出隨動架各零件三維圖,并完成其裝配 三、進度安排序號各階段完成的內(nèi)容完成時間1文獻資料查閱第1周2主要設(shè)計參數(shù)計算第2周3設(shè)計參數(shù)校核第3,4周4CAD圖紙繪制第5,6周5PROE模型繪制第7,8周6寫設(shè)計說明書第9,10周7英文翻譯第11周8答辯第12周四、應(yīng)收集的資料及主要參考文獻 1孔德文等.液壓挖掘機M. 北京: 化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社, 2007.1 2趙克利等.底盤結(jié)構(gòu)與設(shè)計M. 北京: 化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社, 2007.1 3蒲良貴, 紀明剛.機械設(shè)計(第七版)M. 北京: 西北工業(yè)大學(xué)機械原理及機械零件教研室,高等教育出版社, 2000 4周良德, 朱泗芳等.現(xiàn)代工程圖學(xué)M. 湖南科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社, 2002.9 5哈爾濱工業(yè)大學(xué)理論力學(xué)教研室.理論力學(xué)M. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2002 6孫恒, 陳作模.機械原理(第六版)M. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2001 湘潭大學(xué)興湘學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書題 目: 45T旋挖鉆機隨動架設(shè)計 專 業(yè): 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 學(xué) 號: 2006183808 姓 名: 方鑫 指導(dǎo)教師: 周友行 完成日期: 2010年5月31日 湘潭大學(xué)興湘學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)評閱表學(xué)號 2006183808 姓名 方鑫 專業(yè) 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)題目: 45T旋挖鉆機隨動架設(shè)計 評價項目評 價 內(nèi) 容選題1.是否符合培養(yǎng)目標,體現(xiàn)學(xué)科、專業(yè)特點和教學(xué)計劃的基本要求,達到綜合訓(xùn)練的目的;2.難度、份量是否適當;3.是否與生產(chǎn)、科研、社會等實際相結(jié)合。能力1.是否有查閱文獻、綜合歸納資料的能力;2.是否有綜合運用知識的能力;3.是否具備研究方案的設(shè)計能力、研究方法和手段的運用能力;4.是否具備一定的外文與計算機應(yīng)用能力;5.工科是否有經(jīng)濟分析能力。論文(設(shè)計)質(zhì)量1.立論是否正確,論述是否充分,結(jié)構(gòu)是否嚴謹合理;實驗是否正確,設(shè)計、計算、分析處理是否科學(xué);技術(shù)用語是否準確,符號是否統(tǒng)一,圖表圖紙是否完備、整潔、正確,引文是否規(guī)范;2.文字是否通順,有無觀點提煉,綜合概括能力如何;3.有無理論價值或?qū)嶋H應(yīng)用價值,有無創(chuàng)新之處。綜合評 價評閱人: 2010年5月 日 湘潭大學(xué)興湘學(xué)院 畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)鑒定意見 學(xué)號: 2006183808 姓名: 方鑫 專業(yè): 機械設(shè)計制造及其自動化 畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計說明書) 20 頁 圖 表 1 張論文(設(shè)計)題目: 45T旋挖鉆機隨動架設(shè)計 內(nèi)容提要: 本設(shè)計主要對旋挖鉆機隨動架進行分析與設(shè)計。通過鉆桿的尺寸選擇回轉(zhuǎn)支承的型號,然后根據(jù)回轉(zhuǎn)支承的各尺寸對隨動架的各個零件進行分析和結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計。最后完成其CAD平面繪圖和PRO/E三維建模,再進行組裝。指導(dǎo)教師評語 該生在畢業(yè)設(shè)計中態(tài)度認真誠懇,有時間投入,在對隨動架的CAD平面圖繪制比較完整,各結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計正確,積極認真的完成了指導(dǎo)老師布置的任務(wù),成績建議評定為良。指導(dǎo)教師: 年 月 日答辯簡要情況及評語答辯小組組長: 年 月 日答辯委員會意見答辯委員會主任: 年 月 日MDL-50A型錨固鉆機使用說明書MDL-50A Drilling Rig OperationChina is the worlds first national machinery development. Chinese mechanical engineering technology not only has a long history and splendid achievements in Chinese is not only the material culture and social economic development plays an important role in the world, and has made great contribution to promote the progress of technology civilization . Machine in the traditional,our country within a long period are leading in the word. In modern times, especially from the early 18th century, to the 19century40s, due to the economic and social and many other reasons, the machinery industry of Chinese was stagnation, but the 100 years is western bourgeois political revolution and industrial revolution time, mechanical science and technology is developing rapidly, and far more than the level of China. So, China mechanical development level and the western gap widens, to the 19th century middle, our country already behind western more than one hundred years. Over the past 40 years, roof bolter of China are developing from nothing, in some places roof bolter were also called anchor rig, the varieties from the original single to variety, from single power to multiple power. Our country successively has developed a mechanical support leg type electric roof bolter, drill roof bolter, supporting leg and the guide rail type hydraulic pressure roof bolter, supporting leg type pneumatic roof bolter, non-mechanical transmission support leg electric roof bolter, airborne roof bolter and double-stage Air-leg drill etc. According to the main power source, roof bolter has two kinds - Pneumatic and hydraulic. But electro-hydraulic combination will be the trend of its development. Over the past 40 years, roof bolter of China are developing from nothing, in some places roof bolter were also called anchor rig, the varieties from the original single to variety, from single power to multiple power. Our country successively has developed a mechanical support leg type electric roof bolter, drill roof bolter, supporting leg and the guide rail type hydraulic pressure roof bolter, supporting leg type pneumatic roof bolter, non-mechanical transmission support leg electric roof bolter, airborne roof bolter and double-stage Air-leg drill etc. According to the main power source, roof bolter has two kinds - Pneumatic and hydraulic. Hydraulic roof bolter is mainly component of the medium of hydraulic oil and the drive actuator witch is including cylinder and motor. Pointing from the walking in the domestic the hydraulic roof bolter mainly has two kinds skid and crawler. Structure of skid hydraulic Roof bolter is simple, but the strength is higher, operation is simple, manufacturing cost is relatively low. Such as Wuxi dual-fan production of YG-80, Chengdu Hamma production of YXZ-70, Chongqing prospecting plant production of MGJ-50 etc Holing main technology is double eccentric, commonly used in drill pipe is73, 89, according to different design of jacket tube drill pipe commonly use108, 127, 146 etc specifications. They need to be equipped with proper air compressor to driven impact power, because the bottom of impact always role in the hole, so often be called as blow. Anti-floating anchor, excavation, soil nail wall support are widely used in workers of the construction process. But they are moving heavy, function single, and increased with the processing costs, much higher and higher buildings, this kind of type has been unable to meet the needs of the market. So anchor bolt drill and tracked automatically walking got quickly development. In the domestic there are many types of the crawler roof bolter, which features in the main power head adopts the high torque motor drive, speed range usually is variable speed. They are greatly improving the rig performance. The track is driven by a hydraulic motor, which made the drilling machine more flexibility and reduces the complex of the artificial joint. This type of drill also adopted the attack mode, such as the Oriental industrial production of DF-3000, Xuanhua Ingersoll-Rand production of CM-351. This type of drill same with the slide drill on the pulling sleeve also need be equipped with auxiliary equipment and other auxiliary equipment. In China there is a kind of double anchor rig power head roof bolter, characteristic of this kind of drill rig is drill pipe and casing are driven rotation by each power head, and do not influence each other, pull casing can be done automatically by the machine.Every rig all have they own operation manual. The follow is MDL-50A Drilling Rig operation manual. 1. PrefaceThe company has adopted its latest assembling technology for all main parts and components of this product. And the rig is completed with chassis for pretrial and pipe wrench and other accessories, which the re-designed fully new hydraulic system incorporates into one entity. Key elements are all renowned brands either local or imported, and are fully hydraulically controlled and displayed through instruments. The drilling rig is easy and flexible of operation and has high working efficiency and so well meets the requirements by the customer.MDL-50A Drilling Rig is a new type fully hydraulic long-stroke anchored drilling-rig for engineering purposes developed and manufactured by Jiangsu Wuxi Mineral Exploration Machinery General Factory Co. LTD (formerly Jiangsu Wuxi Mineral Exploration Machinery General Factory). MDL-50A Drilling Rig is a hydraulically controlled, anchored power head engineering drill. Its overall weight is under 4000kg, is mainly for the anchoring engineering of coast and dangerous rock/cliff mass for geological disaster prevention activity, and the anchoring engineering of rock body etc to control displacement of buildings, and also for supporting of deep-foundation pit and groundwork reinforcing engineering in urban construction site, for blowing up engineering or blowing up hole etc. But the Drilling Rig isnt suitable for anchoring engineering of high-edge slope or dangerous rock body. MDL-50A Drilling Rig possesses the characteristics of stable performance, high working efficiency, multiply usage, as well as the capability of drilling sophisticated stratum and handling accidents etc. This drilling rig, deployed by common alloy drill tools or other drill tools, can perform revolving-and-drilling. In the rigid rock stratum, the drilling rig deploys the spheroid drill bit to perform striking and revolving and drilling to have high-speed-bored hole; if deployed with air-compressor and pneumatic in-the-hole hammer, and accepted the cannula-followed drill tools, the drilling rig can drill the hole with cannula together in those unstable stratum such as conglomerate stratum.Following are the main features of the drilling rig:1) Compact in structure, fully hydraulically controlled, easy and flexible of operation and easy to move, good mobility, time- saving and energy-saving.2) Fitted with exclusive drilling follow-up devices (drill rod, thimble, and eccentric drill bit etc). When drilling in unstable stratum thimble can be used at collaring and the hole can be finished with conventional ball teeth bit to achieve good drilling efficiency and good quality holes.3) Optimized heat diffusion system in the light of customers plant conditions to ensure that the max temperature in the hydraulic system does not exceed 70 when outdoors temperature reaches 50.4) Power head of the drilling rig has big torque and long stroke with high drilling efficiency, which greatly enhances working efficiency. Fitted with devices for mechanically mounting/dismounting drilling rod to reduce the operators labor intensity.2. Technical SpecificationMain drilling mode of this product is: conventional drilling, alloy bit drilling, and spiral drilling1) Hole dia.(mm):85-1602) Hole depth(m):40-604) Boring angle(): -15-905) Rated speed(r/min):12、25、45、60、90、1256) Rated lift capacity(kN):42.5kN7) Rated pull down capacity(kN):25kN8) Feed stroke(mm):18009) Dynamic:Motor,18.5kw+11kw+1.5kw10) Weight(kg):400011) Shape (LWH,mm) :42002000720012) Plumb condition:38001800360013) Transport state:3800180020003. Structure of the Drilling RigMDL-50A drilling rig comprises of the following main components:(1)The power assemblyThe power module is made up of three electric motors which respectively drive three sets of pumps. Among them, one group is a double gear pump. The big one is responsible for drilling quickly of the drill; and the small one is responsible for the movement and the support of one side of crutch as well as the medium-speed, low-speed drilling. One set of pump is responsible for the movement and the support of another side of crutch and the medium-speed drilling as well as the quickly lift of the power head. The last set of pump is responsible for the rise of the tower. When you start operating the drill, you should notice the rotated direction of three electric motors, its turning should be identical with the red arrow on the pump or the back shell of the motors, or the drill cant work normally.(2)The power head assemblyPower head of MDL-50A type drilling rig is driven by Double hydraulic motor through gear box transmission and speed regulating, and it drives the main shaft and fore end drilling rod connection to turn in positive/reverse directions, thereby driving the drilling bits below.In the power head box is stored gear oil. When in operation be sure to check the oil level from time to time to see there is sufficient oil. On the side of the box is fitted an oil level threaded plug. Just by raising the mast to vertical position and loosening the oil level screw you can check the oil level.The up/down motion of the power head is effected by the roller assembly beneath it, which is driven by the chains. After the drilling rig has worked for a period of time there will be a certain amount of rocking motion because the roller assembly will have worn. Now is the time to loosen the locking nut and turn the fixing screw of the roller assembly to adjust the sliding clearance between the bottom and the side, then re-tighten the nut. Only be sure you do not tighten the wear- resistant plate excessively.(3)The propelling rack assemblyThis assembly is part of the orifice-supporting device, power head assembly and pressurizing elevation assembly.(4)The pretrial chassisWith the pretrial fitted on it is possible to effect the drilling rigs forward/ backward movement and turning and leveling through controlling the proportional pump. and that is why the drilling rig can move easily, has good mobility and is time- saving and energy- saving.(5)The hydraulic systemWorking oil pumps, valves, execution elements and pipe- fittings of the hydraulic system of MDL-50 drilling rig are mostly imported fine quality parts, ensuring a good working performance.(6)The electrical systemAs the drilling rig is not equipped with power generator an external three-phase AC power supply has to be connected to the control cabinet. The motor is started in the planetary triangle mode for the sake of reducing starting current. Total input power of the electrical cabinet is 45 kW. The cabinet is fitted with leakage protection switch as safety device, which also serves as excessive voltage protection for the hydraulic system and for various kinds of warning signals for user to be aware of the rigs instant status. Before starting be sure to check the cabinets earth connection to see it is securely done. Unqualified personnel are not allowed to do any checkup or maintenance, failing that the person will have to bear the consequences.4. OperationPoints for attention in the preparation before starting the rig1.1 The drill should be installed on the flat ground.1.2 Be sure to tighten all the connections. In case of any loosening be sure to tighten up and make proper adjustments.1.3 Checking each part if it get stuck or not, checking each shield and oil pipe whether it is installed correctly.1.4 Checking whether the joy stick is on the close position, make sure it is not on working to prevent any accident.1.5 Checking whether each connection of vitta is fast, if it is loose, adjusting it.1.6 Checking the oil if it is enough to achieve the settled level, and making sure that inlet valve and outlet valve is on.1.7 Clean up the surfaces of all parts and components of the rig. Apply lubricants (oil/grease) to all lubrication nozzles and sliding parts. 1.8 While using the electromotor, paying attention to its turning, its turning should be identical with the escutcheon, and reversion is forbidden.1.9 Make sure that there is enough oil in the oil box. There is a liquid temperature meter and liquid position meter on the side of oil box. The choice of liquid presses oil: When environment temperature is-10 40 , you can use L- HM 46(GB 11118.1- 1994) or YB-N 46(GB2512-81); When environment temperature is 40 -10, you can change it to use L-HV 46( GB11118.1-1994) or the other low temperature liquid press the oil. If drill lasts working several days, oil box should be cleaned every month and remove from impurity. The filter in the absorb mouth of the oil pump should be replaced and cleaned each half month.1.10 Checking whether the oil of the drill is leak or not. And before it is clear, dont drive drill. 1.11 In the cold condition, pump should be open and close by spells for some times. In the heat condition, there should be a shield on top of oil box. (You should settle it by yourself.)1.12 If drill doesnt work for a long time, oil pump should work without loading for 10 minutes after driving drill. In the moment, the handle is on the middle position, then checking whether the handle is identical to the escutcheon.1.13 It is forbidden that two joysticks are opposite when power head is rotating after the drill drove.1.14 Erect the propelling rack assembly. Then fix the longer supporting rod of the supporting assembly together with the supporting base of the propelling rack.1.15 Try start the drill and checking if the fast add press is in gear. Since the parameter in the escutcheon is confirmed by hydraulic press element in normal condition and also the efficiency of the system is unsure. So the error between the real and the grade parameter in 15% is in gear when the drill is in trial run.1.16 The drilling Rig can on working after the above movement is in gear.Points for attention when operating the drilling rig2.1 Before leaving factory the drilling rig has had its hydraulic system pressure adjusted. So do not change it without approval of the manufacturer. For the sake of safety and prevention of accidents be sure to use your greatest discretion when using excessive system pressure. 2.2 After the propelling rack is erected the ideal thing to do is to remove the rig erecting operation handle in order to prevent mistaken operation.2.3 Before starting drilling, check the cylinders of the rigs supporting legs to see they are properly supported.2.4 While drilling is going on it is not allowed to pull the handle of the supporting legs oil cylinders in order to prevent any accidental change to the angle of drilling.2.5 When power head is close to either extreme position near the end it is not allowed to have any quick motion. Any great impact is to be avoided.2.6 The drilling rig is fitted with protection against overload pressure and with overload warning. When hydraulic system is overloaded the rig will automatically cut off power to motor and issue warning. Now you will have to find out the cause of overload and remove it before starting the drilling rig again.Warning:1)The power head function of quick feed-in and elevation can only be used when operating and coordinating have become really skilled; otherwise accident may happen.2)When operating simultaneously the power head feed-in and elevation handles, there must not be simultaneous working in opposite directions, which may cause damage to the system5. Normal Failure & Its Shooting Method1)Normal faults and remedies of the hydraulic pumpPhenomenonAnalysisRemedyNo oil, The oil measure is Insufficient, the pressure is not enough1. The electromotor turnaround worry1. Check the electromotor turnaround2. Suction pipe or filter blocked2. Dredge pipe, clean filter, replace oil3. Too large clearance between shafts or radials3. Check and replace relevant parts4.Leakage in joints, air interfused4. Screw down bolts on joints,remove the leakage, prevent air into5. High viscosity of the hydraulic oil or too high oil temperature of hydraulic oil5. Select the correct hydraulic oil,and control oil temperatureThe noise is serious, the pressure wave is severe1. Suction pipe or filter blocked, or too small with filter contentClean filter for the suction pipe smooth, select the correct filter2. The seal of suction pipe blow by or there is air bubble in the oilAdd oil in the conjunction part or seal place, if the noise let up, can screw down conjunction part or replace to seal ring; Return pipe nozzle should be below the oil, and have the certain distance with suction pipe.3. Pump and the joint cardo is not concentricAdjust concentric4. Insufficient oilAdd oil5. High viscosity of the hydraulic oil or low oil temperature of hydraulic oilHeat oil to the appropriate temperature6. Pump bearings mangleCheck the temperature of pump bearings(Use hands to feel that)2)Normal faults and remedies of hydraulic cylindersPhenomenonAnalysisRemedyCrawlAir incursion1. Increase vent-pipes; If there is no exhaust, can run the hydraulic system with the longest journey to make the work parts fast run, force releasing air.The seal ring of hydraulic cylinders end cover press too tight or too loose.2. Adjust the seal ring, make it not loose and not tight, and the piston pole can be ensured to placidly draw it by hand but no leakage( Mostly admit to leak tiny oil)The piston pole and the piston have not concentric3. Correct concentricity between the piston pole and the pistonThe span or part of piston pole bend4. Alignment the piston poleThe installation position of hydraulic cylinders move5. Check and correct the parallel between the hydraulic cylinder and the lead rail The linearity of the hydraulic cylinder inner hole is bad( The drum taper etc.)6. Renovate the hydraulic cylinder with milling and boring, and match piston again.7. Canker the cylinder ,or wear away the cylinder wall7. It removes rust and burr that it is slight, it must bore and mill that it is serious.8. Both sides screw caps of double piston poles are tweaked too tight, and make its concentricity be bad8. The screw caps should not be tweaked too tight, can tweak them with hand generally, then keep the piston to be placed in nature.ImpingementToo large clearance between pistons and hydraulic cylinders that used clearance seal, the throttle lose the effect of throttle.The clearance between pistons and hydraulic cylinders should be matched with the provision, and reduce the leakage phenomenon.The cushion check valve of the end is failure, and can not react the cushion.Revise and match the check valve with the valve holderhe thrust lack or the work speed gradually descend even to stopToo large the coordination clearance between the hydraulic cylinder and the piston or O seal ring damage, and result the high and low-pressure cavity to connect with each other1. Match the clearance between the piston and the hydraulic cylinder or replace the O seal ringBecause a certain section of the work journey was used usually on the working hours, and result in the linearity of the hydraulic cylinder hole bad( Have the drum form p