2675 覆帶式擋邊帶式輸送機設計
2675 覆帶式擋邊帶式輸送機設計,覆帶式擋,邊帶,輸送,設計
寧XX 大學畢 業(yè) 設 計 (論 文 )覆帶式擋邊帶式輸送機設計所 在 學 院專 業(yè)班 級姓 名學 號指 導 老 師年 月 日畢業(yè)設計(論文)任務書專業(yè) 機械設計制造及其自動化 班級 姓名 下發(fā)日期題目 覆帶式擋邊帶式輸送機設計專題主要內容及要求主要內容:設計覆帶式擋邊帶式輸送機,培養(yǎng)學生的工程設計能力。1) 擋邊帶及覆蓋帶設計;2) 設計輸送機總圖和主要零件;3) 輸送機傳動機構及張緊機構設計;要求:1) 設計一套完整的設備,能用于實際的生產(chǎn)中;2) 圖紙量:2.5 張 0 號圖;3) 設計說明書(字數(shù)不少于 2 萬字) ;4) 翻譯與課題有關的外文資料,譯文字數(shù)不少于 5000 字。主要技術參數(shù)輸送長度 L:53m;輸送高度 :36.615m ;輸送傾角: 90°;輸送物料:石灰石VL等(容重 0.8-3.5t/m3,粒度200V 時,關閉并網(wǎng)控制器,即=0S(4)規(guī)則四二類負載幾:為混合發(fā)電系統(tǒng)中輔助設施所需的電能,當可再生能源輸出電能有多余的能量時,才投入的負載。二類負載未工作情況下,其負載功率檢測較困難,為了避免二類負載的頻繁投徹 ;本文根據(jù)系統(tǒng)的負載配置情況,設二類負載最大功率為 ,當2mLP+ > +WmPV1l把二類負載投入運行,即=12LK(5)規(guī)則五42為了提高系統(tǒng)直流部分電壓的穩(wěn)定性,當吸230V 時,自動把二類負載投入運行,即bcU=12L>240V 時,自動切除所有的可再生能源發(fā)電裝置對直流母線進行供電,即bc= = =0, =1WKPVS2LK針對系統(tǒng)多輸入多輸出、變化復雜的特點,本系統(tǒng)采用智能控制中的模糊控制技術(Fuzzy Control, 簡稱 FC)來實現(xiàn)對系統(tǒng)進行管理和控制;研究并設計了一種基于分級模糊控制(Hierarchical Fuzzy Control,簡稱 HFC)算法的能量管理系統(tǒng)。3.模糊控制模糊集合和模糊控制的概念是由美國加利福尼亞大學著名教授 L.A.Zadeh 在其Fuzzy Sets、 Fuzzy Algorithm 和 Rationale for Fuzzy Control 等著名論著中首先提出一種完全不同于傳統(tǒng)數(shù)學與控制理論的智能理論。它的產(chǎn)生不僅拓廣了經(jīng)典數(shù)學的數(shù)學基礎,而且是使計算機科學向模擬人類思維方面發(fā)展的重大突破。模糊集合將人的判斷、思維過程用比較簡單的語言和數(shù)學形式直接表達出來。使得復雜系統(tǒng)按人類的思維方式進行運作和處理成為可能,為模糊控制器的形成奠定了基礎,并得到世界各國的學者和工程技術人員廣泛的重視和應用。模糊控制通過模糊集合和邏輯推理方法把人的經(jīng)驗形式化,模型化,變成計算機可以接受的控制模型和語言,讓計算機來代替人來進行有效的實時控制。模糊控制器的組成框圖如圖 2-3 所示:43它包括:輸入量模糊化接口,知識庫(數(shù)據(jù)庫和規(guī)則庫) ,推理機和解模糊接口。(1)模糊化接口模糊控制器的輸入通常是確定的量,必須要模糊化后,變?yōu)榭刂破魉J識的語言或變量才能被控制器使用,模糊化接口是將確定的輸入量轉化為模糊量,它也是模糊控制器的輸入接口。(2)知識庫知識庫描述形式主要有兩種:數(shù)據(jù)庫和規(guī)則庫。數(shù)據(jù)庫是存放所有輸入、輸出變量的全部模糊子集的隸屬度關系的矢量值;若論域為連續(xù)域,數(shù)據(jù)庫則為相應的隸屬函數(shù)。規(guī)則庫是基于專家知識和有豐富經(jīng)驗的操作人員根據(jù)長期積累的經(jīng)驗,按人的直覺推理的一種語言表示形式。最常用的為 if-then ,else, also, or 等,如 2 維模糊推理規(guī)則可表示為R:if(偏差 is a;差變化率 is b;)then(控制量 is c;)規(guī)則庫就是用來存放全部模糊控制規(guī)則,在推理時為 “推理機” 提供推理的依據(jù)。(3)推理和解模糊接口推理時,控制器推理機根據(jù)輸入的模糊量,經(jīng)模糊控制規(guī)則來求解模糊關系方程,獲取模糊控制器的模糊控制量。由推理機獲得的控制量是一個模糊矢量,不能直接被用來控制被控對象,還必須轉換成確定的控制量,我們把這一過程稱為解模糊或模糊量的清晰化。通常把推理和輸出端具有把模糊量轉化為清晰值的過程稱為解模糊。444.EMS 的設計本文所設計的風能一太陽能混合發(fā)電系統(tǒng)的結構框圖如圖 2-6 所示:為了提高可再生能源的利用效率,在風能和太陽能能夠滿足負載要求的情況下,負載所需求的能源則由風能和太陽能提供;在風能和太陽能不能滿足負載要求時,在充分利用可再生能源的基礎上,負載所需求的能源由風能、太陽能和電網(wǎng)共同提供。由系統(tǒng)的結構圖可知,系統(tǒng)直流母線電壓的變化直接影響系統(tǒng)給負載提供電能的質量和可靠性,因而穩(wěn)定的直流電壓是系統(tǒng)工作可靠性和性能的一個重要指標。取系統(tǒng)直流母線電壓為被控量,由圖 2-6 可得系統(tǒng)的數(shù)學模型:其中 —直流母線電壓, —風力發(fā)電裝置輸出電流, —太陽能發(fā)電裝置輸dcUwi PVi出電流, —系統(tǒng)輸送到負載得電流, —電網(wǎng)輸送電直流部分得電流,C—直流平波Li Si電容容量。通??稍偕茉窗l(fā)電裝置的投資較大,為了充分發(fā)揮其發(fā)電的效率,縮短系統(tǒng)成本的回收周期,發(fā)電裝置多采用最大功率輸出為控制目標。設每臺風力發(fā)電機和每組太陽能電池陣列都工作在的最大輸出功率狀態(tài),風力發(fā)電和太陽能發(fā)電裝置輸出總功45率分別為 和 ,系統(tǒng)對其利用率分別 和 ,則(2-3)式可改寫為 WmPV WKPV系統(tǒng)的結構圖如圖 2-7 所示:由圖 2-7 可知,系統(tǒng)的輸入量較多,針對風力一太陽能混合發(fā)電系統(tǒng)的特點,在這里我們采用分級模糊控制的策略來對系統(tǒng)進行控制,并設計一個四級的分級模糊控制器來實現(xiàn)對混合發(fā)電系統(tǒng)進行能量管理和控制。系統(tǒng)結構圖如圖 2-8 所示:系統(tǒng)的負荷是由直流電能直接提供和經(jīng)逆變器輸出,直流電壓的穩(wěn)定性成為直接影響是系統(tǒng)輸出交流電能質量、穩(wěn)定性與可靠性的關鍵因素。因而選擇直流部分實際直流電壓 和直流電壓變化量 ,作為系統(tǒng)的第一級輸入,輸出為直流電壓等效值dcUdcu?:1y46是綜合直流電壓 和直流電壓變化量 , 得出 未來的狀態(tài)。實質上,1ydcUdcu?dcU它反映了系統(tǒng)在當前直流電壓基礎上,若不改變控制量,則下一個采樣時刻直流側電壓的預測值即為 ,由于在下一個采用周期到來之前,系統(tǒng)的輸出控制量,經(jīng)模糊推1y理己發(fā)生改變,因而在這里定義 為系統(tǒng)直流部分電壓的等效值。1y第二級以第一級輸出的直流電壓等效值 和負荷 作為該級模糊控制器的輸入,1yLP輸出 取為負載相對系統(tǒng)能量負載強度:2y是綜合負荷 和負載直流電壓等效值 得出的一個參變量。當 大于期望值時,2yLP1y1y系統(tǒng)負荷所需的能量除了由可再生能源提供外,還有一部分需由直流儲能元件電容,才能降低直流側電壓,使直流側電壓 向期望值方向變化,即負荷需由可再生能源提dcU供能量被減弱;當 小于期望值時,可再生能源除了向系統(tǒng)負荷提供能量外,還要向1y直流儲能元件電容補償電能,來提高直流側電壓,從可再生能源角度來看,所需提供能量在負載的基礎上被加強:因而在這里定義輸出 為負載相對系統(tǒng)能量的負載強度。2y第三級以影響次大的風能輸出最大功率 和負載相對系統(tǒng)能量強度 作為第三級4x2y模糊控制器的輸入,輸出 為風能的利用率 ,作為輸出提供給風電機控制器,控3yWK制風電機開啟的臺數(shù),其中 為47太陽能輸入 和風機提供系統(tǒng)相對能量負荷強度不足部分 =75 - 作為第5x 6x2y34x四級模糊控制器的輸入,取輸出為為太陽能發(fā)電的利用率 即 為:PVK4第四級控制器的輸出 和第三級控制器的輸出 作用到發(fā)電控制裝置給負載供電。4y3y當 和 ,不能滿足負荷要求,直流部分電壓低于 192V時,接通電網(wǎng),由電網(wǎng)和風4y3能-太陽能混合發(fā)電系統(tǒng)共同提供電能;當直流部分電壓高于 240V時,則切斷風力發(fā)電機和太陽能發(fā)電裝置向系統(tǒng)供電,直至直流端電壓低于 220V時再重新投入工作。這樣,通過分級結構的逐步求精,逐步逼近目標函數(shù),從而達到理想的控制效果。5.總結本文首先簡單介紹了風力太陽能混合發(fā)電系統(tǒng)的配置,隨后針對該多輸入多數(shù)出變量的分散式風力太陽能混合發(fā)電的能量管理系統(tǒng),研究設計了一個基于遺傳算法分級模糊控制算法,并給出了該系統(tǒng)采用分級模糊控制的詳細設計步驟。最后,借助于仿真,將上述算法應用于風能—太陽能混合發(fā)電的能量管理系統(tǒng)中。仿真結果表明,基于分級模糊控制器能夠對分散式風力太陽能混合發(fā)電系統(tǒng)實施較好的管理和控制,并可取得良好的效果。這也為多種可再生能源混合發(fā)電系統(tǒng)的管理和控制,提供了一條有效的解決途徑。48附件 2外文資料49Energy Management System of Admixture Electricity-generating1.One prefaceThe admixture that wind force and solar cells generate electricity to constitute generates electricity the system and is called the breeze/ light to repair the system with each other, all having some common weakness because of the breeze and solar energies, such as the energy density low, the stability is bad and is subjected to the weather influence not to continue, have the strong weak conjugation, solar energy of seasonal to interrupted etc. day and night. Be generate electricity by the wind force and solar energy respectively to the power supply, the credibility of its power supply lowers consumedly.The wind energy, solar energy has to repair sex with each other certainly, if the sun light of daytime is strong, the night breeze is many, the summer sunshine good, the breeze is weak; The spring stanza breeze of winter is strong but the sunlight is opposite weaker. Develop the wind force a solar energy to supply again to give or get an electric shock the system with each other, take into wind force and the solar energy techniques to synthesize the exploitation, thus constitute a kind of repair with each other of can scatter the new energy that cloth order, will is a new growth to order in this energy structure of century. Have the condition pass the storage battery of match the appropriate capacity or connect into the city to give or get an electric shock the conduct and actions back up power supply, can make circulate the expenses to lower consumedly, huge exaltation of the credibility of the power supply.Local mainly generate electricity to independent wind power, the light currently and the breeze a light supplies again the research of the electricity control system with each other more. In design the breeze a light generate electricity system, the design way of thinking of the widespread adoption according to load everyday total to consume the electricity quantity, and radiate the quantity from the day that the local weather data get to the capacity of the certain solar cell array, the wind power machine, then come certain can the renewable energy generate electricity the power and the storage battery capacities of control the devices, but at mix with the movement of generate electricity the system control and excellent turn the 50research of manage the method less.Because the exportation power and the burden powers of the breeze electrical engineering set, the solar cell array is affect by the outside factor, changing the scope to compare greatly, as a result turned the energy of generate electricity the system management to also put forward the higher request towards control and excellently. This text aims at the movement efficiency and credibility’s that the characteristics of the system movement designs one energy management system( energy management system, brief name EMS) to raise the system.2.Composing of the systemsThis text with the south science and engineering university dispersion type wind force a solar energy of the new energy center admixture generates electricity the system for study the view, the structure diagram of the system, such as 2 -1 of figure 1 show:May known by the chart 2-1, the system includes following several parties:The wind power machine and its controller: Total 15KW / sets of the biggest exportation power of the breeze machine, the wind force machine generates electricity the controller to make the wind force machine been placed in the biggest power to output the appearance always.Solar cell and its electricity generation controller: The altogether 5 groups, solar cell 51each group of peaks tile 3 k W, the solar energy electricity generation controller causes the solar cell array throughout to be at the maximum work rate output condition.The data collects the system:( the data acquires the system, the brief name DAS)Used for the electric voltage, the load power that collects to examine the solar cell exportation power, the wind power machine to output the power, the system direct current part, and circulate the relevant information to the system that collect, providing the energy management system to carry on the analytical processing.The energy manages the system: collect each function of system unit movement parameter that system provide according to the data, carry out the valid management to the system and controls.Buffer electric capacity: carry out parts of electric voltages of the system direct current steady.Load and inversion: The new energy center load classification, a kind of load is a load which the energy center work and the experiment must guarantee; Two kind of loads are the electrical energies which energy center ancillary facilities and so on greenhouse control needs, when the renewable energy output electrical energy has the unnecessary energy, only then invests load. The system load and the direct component connection is, the direct current side which realizes through the inversion after PWM inversion, transforms for the voltage is constant, the profile good exchange electrical energy, provides for the load.The city gives or get an electric shock the controller: When can the electricity that renewable energy provide can satisfy a load of system need, giving or get an electric shock from the city to make the complement; namely chase the city to give or get an electric shock the conduct and actions back up power supply, pass combine the net controller to control the devotion and the excision of the city electricity.In the wind power, the solar energy and the load constitution electricity generation, uses electricity in the system, as a result of the wind speed, the sunshine intensity and other climatic conditions changes, the wind electrical machinery, the solar cell array output and the load power all has comparatively wide range the undulation, thus set the very high request to the energy management system management system.This article in view of is being constructed a South China technical University new 52energy center disperser -like wind power solar energy mix generating system, has designed an energy management system management system, according to the system electricity generation, the load uses electricity the condition, the management system management system power supply pattern, nimbly adjusts each part to supply the electric quantity the proportion. The energy management system management system is bigger than the load demand when the renewable energy, shuts off the partial solar energies, the wind electrical machinery; When the renewable energy cannot satisfy the basic load request, in fully uses the renewable energy under the premise, is insufficient partially carries on the suitable supplement by the city electricity, takes the system the biggest load is 750 kW.In the power supply system, the system electricity generation and the load active power balance, is the system safe stable movement essential condition. Because the system load is provides by the Divulgate after the inversion, the DC voltage stable direct influence system provides the electrical energy to the load the quality, takes the system direct current voltage in here to control for the system the quantity, and takes its operating region dcUis 192 V - 240V, chooses 216 V for the direct component rated voltage. In order to does not make the system the structure too to be complex, processing did not consider in here to the accumulator cell. Namely energy management system management system structure drawing like chart 2 – 2 show:, , , and difference for female line electric voltage, exportable and dcUWmPV1L2LPbiggest power in the wind force machine, exportable and biggest power, system in the solar cell array of the direct current of the system a the type load the power and two loads needed 53need of power;and output to make use of the coefficient and the solar cell arrays to output the WKPVutilization for the wind force machine of the system with respectively, namely count to amount it with the wind force machine for the set that the wind force machine be in use than, for the number and the solar energy array set total amount that the solar energy array be in use than. Take 、 [0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1] , and mean the number that the WKPV?WKPVset number and the solar cell arrays that the wind force machine be in use be in use respectively;和 give or get an electric shock the switch control to change the quantity for the S2Lcity respectively and two the types load of provide the rate, this text define 、 for the SK2Lswitch function, take the value "0" or "1"; When =1mean that the charged barbed wire SKnet connects into the admixture to generate electricity the system, =0 mean that the Scharged barbed wire net generates electricity the system from the admixture to cut off; =1 mean that two loads connect into the admixture to generate electricity the system 2LKdevotion work, = 0 mean that two loads generate electricity the system excision from the 2Ladmixture.Aim at the characteristics of the system movement, draw up the following design rule:(1)Rule aA power of the breeze electrical engineering capacity that constitutes to mix with to generate electricity the system is more and greatly, as a result the choice regard a power supply of the breeze electrical engineering as principle, the solar cell array is the energy tiny adjust the part.(2)Rule twoAccording to the system work characteristic, takes the direct current side terminal voltage expected value is 216 V, when the renewable energy may output the maximum dcUwork rate is bigger than the load request, the renewable energy to the electrical network does not transport the electrical energy.54(3)Rule threeTakes when here the direct current generator voltage is lower than 192 V, through incorporates the controller to put through the electrical network, by the city electricity supplemented the load needs the short partial electrical energies, and the incorporation controller which the chapter introduced by this article behind causes the direct current generator voltage to maintain 192 V, namely =1SKWhen attracts > 200 V, closure incorporation controller, then= 0S(4)Rule fourTwo loads are several: Generate electricity the system for the admixture in the electric power that the assistance facilities need, when can the renewable energy exportation electric power contain surplus of energy, the load that just throw in.In two kind of loads working condition, its load power examination has not been more difficult, in order to avoid two kind of loads frequently throwing ; This article according to the system the load disposition situation, supposes two kind of loads maximum works reties , 2mLPwhen+ > +WmPV1l2mLPCirculate two load devotions, namely=12LK(5)Rule fiveIn order to enhance the system direct component voltage the stability, when attracts 230 V, automatically two kind of loads investments movement, namelybcU=12LWhen > 240 V, the automatic excision all renewable energy electric power facility bc55carries on the power supply to the direct current generator, namely= = =0, =1WKPVS2LKInputs the multi- outputs, the change complex characteristic in view of the system, this system uses in the intelligent control the fuzzy control technology (Fuzzy Control, is called FC) to realize to the system carries on the management and the control; Studied and has designed one kind based on the graduation fuzzy control (Hierarchical Fuzzy Control, was called HFC) the algorithm energy management system management system.3.Misty controlsThe fuzzy set with the fuzzy control concept is by American University of California famous Professor L. A. Z a d e h in it Fuzzy Sets,F(xiàn)uzzy Algorithm and Rationale for Fuzzy Control and so on famously discusses center first was proposing one kind is completely different with the traditional mathematics and the control theory intelligent theory. Its production not only developed the broad classical mathematics foundation, moreover was causes the computer science to simulate the significant breakthrough which the human thought aspect developed.The faintness gather to come out the person's judgment, the thinking process with the direct expression of more simple language and mathematics forms. The mode of thinking that makes complicated system press mankind carry on operation and processing’s' make possible, lay the foundation for the formation of the misty controller, and get the scholar of the international community and the engineering technical personnel's extensive value and applications.The fuzzy control through the fuzzy set with the logical inference method person's experience formalization, the simulation, turns the control model and the language which the computer may accept, lets the computer replace the person to carry on the effective real-time control. Fuzzy controller composition diagram like chart 2 - 3 show56It include: The importation quantity faintness turns to connect, knowledge base( database and the rule database), reason logically the machine to reach agreement the faintness to connect.(1)The faintness turns to connectThe importation of the misty controller is usually certain quantity, must after faintness turn change into the language that controller know or change the quantity then can be use by the controller, the faintness turns to connect is to convert the certain importation quantity as the faintness to measure, it is also the importation of the misty controller to connect.(2)Knowledge baseThe knowledge base description form mainly has two kinds of: Database and rule database.Database is deposits all importations and output to change to measure of all misty son gather of belong to one degree relation of vector value; If in order to continue the area, the theory area database then for belong to the function correspond.The regular storehouse is the operator which and has the rich experience based on the expert knowledge acts according to the long-term accumulation the experience, according to person's intuition inference one language expression form. Most commonly used is if -then, else, also, or and so on, like 2 Uyghur fuzzy inference rule maybe represented asR: If (deviation is a; Bad rate of change is b;) Then (control measures is c;)The rule database is to is use to deposit all misty control rules, while reason logically provide the inferential basis for" reason logically the machine".(3)Reason logically to reach agreement the faintness to connect57While reason logically, the controller reasons logically the machine according to the misty quantity that input, controlling the rule through the faintness to solve the faintness to relate to the square distance, obtaining the misty control quantity of the misty controller.From reason logically the amount of control that machine acquire and is a misty vector, can't be use directly to control to be control object, must still convert the certain control measure, we be called this process to solve the faintness or faintnesses to measure clear to turn. Usually reason logically and the exportation carries to have to convert the misty quantity as clear value of process be called the solution faintness.4.Designs of the EMS This article designs the wind can a solar energy mix generating system structure diagram like chart 2 - 6 showFor the sake of the exaltation can the exploitation efficiency of the renewable energy, under the condition that wind energy and solar energies can satisfy to load the request, the load then is provide by the wind energy and solar energy the demanding energy; At the wind energy and solar energies can't satisfy the load request, at making use of well can the foundation of the renewable energy up, the load is provided together by the wind energy, solar energy and charged barbed wire nets the demanding energy.58May know by the system structure drawing, the system direct current generator voltage change direct influence system provides the electrical energy to the load the quality and the reliability, thus the stable DC voltage is the system operational reliability and a performance important target. Takes the system direct current generator voltage for to control the quantity, 2 - 6 may result in the system by chart 2 the mathematical model:Am