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四 川 大 學期 考 試 試 題(A)(200 200 學年第 2 學期)課程號:30306230 課序號:0 3 課程名稱:計算機網(wǎng)絡與通信 任課教師: 等 成績:適用專業(yè)年級: 學生人數(shù): 印題份數(shù): 學號: 姓名:考 試 須 知四川大學學生參加由學校組織或由學校承辦的各級各類考試,必須嚴格執(zhí)行四川大學考試工作管理辦法和四川大學考場規(guī)則。有考試違紀作弊行為的,一律按照四川大學學生考試違紀作弊處罰條例進行處理。四川大學各級各類考試的監(jiān)考人員,必須嚴格執(zhí)行四川大學考試工作管理辦法、四川大學考場規(guī)則和四川大學監(jiān)考人員職責。有違反學校有關規(guī)定的,嚴格按照四川大學教學事故認定及處理辦法進行處理。第一題第二題第三題第四題第五題總分一、英譯漢(10分)1. TCP 2. SMTP 3.ISP 4.ICMP 5.OSPF6. CRC 7. CSMA/CD 8. ARP 9. DHCP 10.MTU 二、單項選擇題 (每小題l分,共30分)1. The physical layer is concerned with the transmission of over the physical medium.A. Program; B. dialogs; C: protocols; D. bits2. As a data packet moves from the lower to the upper layers, headers are .A. Added; B. subtracted; C. rearranged; D. modified3. What is the main function of the transport layer?A. node-to-node delivery; B. process-to-process message deliveryC synchronization; D.updating and maintenance of routing tables4. Which of the following is the default mask for the address; B.; C.; D. A router reads the address on a packet to determine the next hop.A. IP ; B. MAC; C. source; D.ARP6 . Bridges function is in the layer.A. physical; B. data link; C. network; D. A and B7. UDP needs the address to deliver the user datagram to the correct application program.A. port; B. application; C. internet; D. physical8. The definition of reliable delivery includes .A. Error-free delivery; B. Receipt of the complete messageC In-order delivery; D. All of the above9. At 100BASE-T,“T”is A. Fiber Optics B. baseband Coaxial cable C. broadband Coaxial cable D. Twisted-pair注:1試題字跡務必清晰,書寫工整。 本題 4 頁,本頁為第 1 頁 2 題間不留空,一般應題卷分開 教務處試題編號: 3務必用A4紙打印 10. is not element of a protocol。A. words B. Syntax C. Semantics D. Timing 11. There are two broad classes of packet-switched networks: datagram networks and virtual-circuit networks. The virtual-circuit networks forward packets in their switches use _. A) MAC addresses B) IP addresses C) e-mail addresses D) virtual-circuit numbers12 TCP service model doesnt provide _service. A) reliable transport service B) flow control service C) congestion-control service D) guarantee a minimum transmission rate service.13. The purpose of TCP port number is _ A)provide flow control B) provide congestion control C) identify the receiving process D) identify destination host . 14. A user who uses a user agent on his local PC receives his mail sited in a mail server by using _ protocol.A)SMTP B) POP3C)SNMP D)FTP15. Considering sliding-window protocol, if the size of the transmitted window is 1 and the size of the receiving window is 1,the protocol is A) stop-and-wait protocol B) Go-Back-N protocol C) selective Repeat protocol D) alternating-bit protocol16. which IP address is ineffective_.A) B) D) if IP address is, subnet mask is,then subnet prefix is_ A) B) C) D) traceroute is implemented with _messagesA) DNS B) ICMPC) ARP D) RIP19. Which layer-function is mostly implemented in an adapter(NIC)? _A) physical layer and link layer B) network layer and transport layerC)physical layer and network layer D) transport layer and application layer20. If a user brings his computer from chengdu to beijing, and accesses Internet again. Now, _ of his computer needs to be changed. A) MAC address B) IP addressC) e-mail address D) user address三、填空題 (每空1分,共20分 )1.The Internet provides two services to its distributed applications: a connection-oriented service and a unreliable service.a. connectionless; b. reliable2. please fill in the types of delay in a router.注:1試題字跡務必清晰,書寫工整。 本題 4 頁,本頁為第 2 頁 2 題間不留空,一般應題卷分開 教務處試題編號: 3務必用A4紙打印 A routerprocessingBA) processing delayB) queuingdelayC) transmissiondelayD) propagation delay3. please fill in encapsulate unit and internet protocol stackencapsulate unitMMMHtHtHnMHtHnHlmessage567 Application layer4In the layered architecture of computer networking, ( ) layer is the user of ( ) layer and the service provider of ( ) layer.A) nB) n+3C) n+1D) n-15.Among the Internet application protocols, ( ) protocol supports the Web service, ( ) protocol supports the Electronic mail, ( ) protocol supports the Internets directory service, ( ) protocol supports the remote file transfer.A) SMTPB) PPPC) TCPD) DNSE) FTPF) DHCPG) HTTP四、判斷題(每小題1分,共10分)1. The size of the TCP RcvWindow never changes throughout the duration of the connection. ( ) 2. Any protocol that performs handshaking between the communication entities before transferring data is a connection-oriented service.3. A browser is a user agent for the Web.4. Socket is the programming interface between the application and the network5. FTP sends control information ”in-of-band”.6. It isnt possible for an application to enjoy reliable data transfer even when the application runs over UDP. 7. An ARP query is sent to all over the Internet. 8. MSS is the limit for the size of IP packet. 9. UDP is a kind of unreliable transmission layer protocol, so there is not any checksum field in UDP datagram header. 10 .Forwarding table is configured by both Intra and Inter-AS routing algorithm 五、計算題 (30 points) 1.Consider the following network. With the indicated link costs, use Dijkstras shortest-path algorithm to compute the shortest path from S to all network nodes.注:1試題字跡務必清晰,書寫工整。 本題 4 頁,本頁為第 3 頁 2 題間不留空,一般應題卷分開 教務處試題編號: 3務必用A4紙打印 2tz 144y91162sv131x4u13wStepND(t),p(t)D(U),p(u)D(v),p(v)D(w),p(w)D(x),p(x)D(y),p(y)D(z),p(z)1s234567892. Suppose a ISP has been allocated the address block, now if the ISP wants to divide its address block into 6 equal-sized subnet address blocks, and each subnet could include 25 hosts.1) Please utilize CIDRized addresses, determine the length of subnet portion of address.(namely, how many bits should be extend?(2 分 )2) Please write out the subnet 2#s network prefix(2分) and subnet mask.(2分)3) Please write out the subnet 2#s broadcast address.(2分)4) Please write out the subnet 2#s range of host address.(2分)3. 1)Suppose Host A is sending a large file over a TCP connection. As shown below. What is put in the sequence number and acknowledgment fields of the segments? 2)A few seconds after the user sending a large file, the user types the letter T. After typing the letter T, how many segments are sent, and what is put in the sequence number and acknowledgment fields of the segments? Please continue to draw the diagram. Note that write the sequence number and acknowledgment number. A Seq=100,ACK=500,20bytes dataSeq =,ACK=,注:1試題字跡務必清晰,書寫工整。 本題 4 頁,本頁為第 4 頁 2 題間不留空,一般應題卷分開 教務處試題編號: 3務必用A4紙打印 5試題和教育


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