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(課標通用)甘肅省2019年中考英語總復習 素養(yǎng)全練16 九全 Unit 3-4試題

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(課標通用)甘肅省2019年中考英語總復習 素養(yǎng)全練16 九全 Unit 3-4試題

素養(yǎng)全練16九年級(全一冊)Unit3Unit4.單項選擇1.(2018山東萊蕪,35)You came back from Beijing yesterday.Could you tell me ? I went there by train.A.how you went thereB.who you went withC.what you think of the tripD.if you enjoy the trip答案A解析本題考查賓語從句的用法。句意:你昨天從北京回來了。你可以告訴我?我乘公共汽車去的那里。選項A意為“你怎么去的那里”;選項B意為“你和誰一塊去的”;選項C意為“你認為這次旅行怎么樣”;選項D意為“你是否喜歡這次旅行”。根據(jù)答語“wenttherebytrain”可知,問句是詢問去北京的交通方式。故選A項。 2.(2018山東菏澤,28)When you visit a foreign country,it is important to know how to ask for help? A.latelyB.widelyC.politelyD.wisely答案C解析考查副詞辨析。句意:你到外國去訪問的時候,如何有禮貌地尋求幫助非常重要。lately“近來”;widely“廣泛地”;politely“禮貌地”。分析句意可推知:應該有禮貌地尋求幫助,故選C項。3.We used to in the evening,but now we are used to early in the morning. A.exercise;exerciseB.exercise;exercisingC.exercised;exerciseD.exercising;exercise答案B解析“usedtodosth.”意為“過去常常做某事”,強調過去;“beusedtodoingsth.”意為“習慣做某事”,強調現(xiàn)在。句意:我們過去在晚上做鍛煉,但是現(xiàn)在我們習慣于在一大早做鍛煉。故選B項。4.(2019預測)Our geography teacher told us that the earth the sun. A.went aroundB.goes aroundC.is going aroundD.was going around答案B解析考查時態(tài)。句意:我們的地理老師告訴我們地球是圍著太陽轉的。賓語從句部分表達客觀真理時,時態(tài)用一般現(xiàn)在時。B項為正確答案。5.(2018遼寧沈陽,3)He look at the stars every night,but now he does not. A.had betterB.used toC.ought toD.had to答案B解析考查固定詞組詞義辨析。由butnow看出前面談論過去,故選B項。句意:他過去常常每晚看星星,但是現(xiàn)在他不看了。6.(2019預測)Who looked after your sick grandmother in hospital?My father did that .He didnt want anybody elses help. A.in factB.in personC.in totalD.in disagreement答案B解析考查介詞短語。infact“實際上”;inperson“親自”;intotal“合計”;indisagreement“不同意”。由答句句意“我爸爸在醫(yī)院親自照顧患病的奶奶。他不想讓其他人幫忙?!笨芍xB項。7.(2018遼寧沈陽,4)Lukes mother will be him if he wins the reading competition. A.proud ofB.tired ofC.worried aboutD.strict with答案A解析考查固定詞組詞義辨析。根據(jù)winthereadingcompetition“贏得閱讀比賽”可推斷,媽媽當然會感到自豪。故選A項,意為“以而自豪”。8.(2018山東萊蕪,25) Nowadays some parents spend more time on mobile phones so that they care for their kids. A.oftenB.seldomC.usuallyD.sometimes答案B解析考查副詞的用法辨析。句意:現(xiàn)在一些家長把更多的時間消磨在手機上,結果他們很少關心孩子。聯(lián)系上文Nowadayssomeparentsspendmoretimeonmobilephones“現(xiàn)在一些家長把更多的時間消磨在手機上”可推測出,他們很少有時間照顧他們的孩子了,所以選B項,意為“很少”,表否定。9.(2019預測)What does your father do?He is a policeman and he his work. A.is prided ofB.take pride inC.is full ofD.takes pride in答案D解析考查動詞短語。beproudof=takepridein“因而自豪”,故選D項。10.(2019預測)Can I try the job?Sorry,Im afraid you cant.Experience for this job. A.will requiredB.is requiredC.has requiredD.can required答案B解析考查語態(tài)。根據(jù)句意,此處需要被動結構,故選B項。.完形填空Billys favorite color was orange.But he couldnt see what orange looked like.A month after he was born,his mother noticed that his eyes werent as 11 as a normal babys.“Billy would 12 be able to see.He is blind,”the doctor said.Even so,with the hope to help Billy learn 13 about the world around him,his mother kept describing everything she saw for him. Not just through his mothers words,Billy saw 14 his ears and hands,too.He had perfect hearing.“In fact,he 15 see many things that normal people dont notice.” 16 Billy lived in the dark,he always believed a dream would light up his life.He found that he was 17 in computer science.So he began learning it at seven years old.As a young boy,he 18 going to Stanford University some day.And for years of efforts,he finally achieved his dream. Many people wanted to find out the secret of his 19.Billy explained,“Just move forward!Dont let any difficulty 20 your dream from coming true.” You cannot choose what you are given,but you can choose how you make use of it.11.A.bigB.biggerC.biggestD.the biggest答案A解析句意:他的母親發(fā)現(xiàn)他的眼睛不如一個正常的孩子的大。在notas.as結構中形容詞要用原級,所以選A項。12.A.noB.oftenC.neverD.usually答案C解析句意:比利將不可能看到。根據(jù)下文“Heisblind”可知選C項。13.A.allB.noneC.neitherD.both答案A解析句意:即便如此,懷著幫助比利了解他周圍的世界的希望,他的母親給他描述她看到的一切。根據(jù)“hismotherkeptdescribingeverythingshesawforhim”,再結合語境可知選A項。14.A.betweenB.withoutC.amongD.with答案D解析句意:不僅僅是通過他母親的話,比利也用他的耳朵和手去觀看。表示用耳朵和手常用介詞with,所以選D項。15.A.needB.canC.mustD.should答案B解析句意:事實上,他能看到許多正常的人沒有注意到的事情。根據(jù)句意,再結合語境可知應選B項。16.A.OrB.IfC.AlthoughD.Before答案C解析句意:盡管比利生活在黑暗中,但他始終相信夢想會照亮他的生命。由句意可知選C項。17.A.boredB.worriedC.kindD.interested答案D解析句意:他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己對計算機科學感興趣。beinterestedin“對感興趣”。由后句可知選D項。18.A.looked throughB.looked forC.looked forward toD.looked up答案C解析句意:作為一個年輕的男孩,他期盼著有一天能去斯坦福大學。lookthrough“瀏覽”;lookfor“尋找”;lookforwardto“期盼”;lookup“向上看”。根據(jù)句意,再結合語境可知選C項。19.A.successB.smileC.troubleD.eyes答案A解析句意:許多人想找出他成功的秘訣。success“成功”;smile“微笑”;trouble“麻煩”;eye“眼睛”。根據(jù)句意,再結合語境可知應選A項。20.A.wakeB.preventC.leaveD.throw答案B解析句意:不要讓任何困難阻止你的夢想成真。wake“喚醒”;prevent“阻止”;leave“離開”;throw“扔”。prevent.from是一個固定搭配,所以選B項。.閱讀理解(2018廣西百色)SuggestionsfortravellingDosDontsTalk politely to strangers.Wash your hands before eating,and eat quietly.Remember to wear comfortable shoes.Try to take public transport.Try to speak some of the local language even if you can only say “Hello” and “Thank you”.Visit local sights,taste local food and try to understand other peoples lives in new places.Spit(吐痰) or drop litter everywhere.Talk loudly on your mobile phone.Take off your shoes on planes,trains or buses.Smoke in public places.Cut in line.Cross the street when the red light is on.Write graffiti(亂涂亂畫) anywhere.Just go shopping.根據(jù)短文內容,判斷下列句子意思與原文是否相符,相符的寫A,不相符的寫B(tài)。21.We are supposed to eat quietly and talk politely.答案A解析根據(jù)表格左邊第一條建議“有禮貌地和陌生人交談”和第二條建議“在吃東西之前洗手,靜靜地吃”可知題干所表達意思和原文相符。22.Its possible to talk loudly on mobile phone.答案A解析根據(jù)表格右邊第二條建議“不要用手機大聲交談”可知有些人做的不好,存在這種現(xiàn)象。故題干“用手機大聲交談是可能的”與原文相符。23.Cutting in line and littering are not allowed.答案A解析根據(jù)表格右邊第一條建議“不要到處吐痰或亂扔垃圾”和第五條建議“不要插隊”可知題干所表達的意思和原文相符。24.You can take off your shoes on buses.答案B解析根據(jù)表格右邊第三條建議“不要在飛機、火車、公交車上脫鞋子”可知題干所表達意思和原文不相符。25.These suggestions are for kids only.答案B解析文中沒有表明這些建議僅僅適用于孩子。事實上,旅行期間有時候成年人也做的不夠好,所以這些建議適合任何人。故題干所表達意思和原文不相符。.任務型閱讀理解What are magic words?Words like“thank you”,“please” and “sorry” can work wonders in our daily life.These polite expressions are used every day in Americaamong strangers,between friends or with family.People with good manners always communicate with others well by using these magic words. What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday?Youd better down and write a letter of thanks.The words “thank you” are very important and used very often.We say them when someone hands us a letter,passes us a book,offers us a drink,or lends us an umbrella. “Please” is another important word,but many people forget to use it.It is not polite to ask for someone without saying “please”.We are supposed to use it when we ask for something too.It may be a book,a pen,or more milk.It may be in the classroom,at home,or at the bus stop.We can use “please” to make a request(請求).我們也應該知道怎樣說“對不起”。If we have hurt someones feelings,we have to say “sorry”.When we have told a lie and regretted it,the same word should be used.Sometimes we have forgotten something or broken a promise,so we need to explain with the word as a beginning.“Sorry” is such a word that can make people forget wrongs.“Thank you!”“Please!”“Sorry!”these words are simple but useful.Man said them long ago.We use them now.So will our kids.26.請將文中處句子翻譯為漢語。 答案有禮貌的人總是會用有魔力的語言跟別人交流得很好。27.在文中處橫線上填寫一個詞,使文意通順、正確。 答案sit28.將文中處畫線句子翻譯為英語。 答案We should also know how to say “sorry”.29.What word can we use when we ask for something according to the passage? 答案Please.30.What is probably the title of the passage? 答案Magic Words (答案符合此意即可酌情給分).口語交際Mr.Brown:Good morning.My name is Edward Brown.31. Mrs.Smith:Good morning,Mr.Brown.May I help you?Mr.Brown:Im trying to do some work now.32. Mrs.Smith:Oh,Im sorry,Mr.Brown.33. Mr.Brown:But I cant stand it any more.34. Mrs.Smith:Im very,very sorry.Ill do my best to keep them quiet.But Im not sure itll work.Mr.Brown:Well,it seems I have to put up with it now.Mrs.Smith:35. My husband will come back from business tonight.And the boys always listen to him. A.I couldnt work and I couldnt sleep at all last night.B.My daughter is really quiet.C.Im your new neighbor,and I moved in yesterday.D.But Im afraid your children are making too much noise.E.Dont worry.F.But you know its hard to keep little boys quiet.G.I cant believe that!答案3135 CDFAE.詞匯36.I often send lots of (postcard) on New Years Day. 答案postcards37.Sues getting everything ready tonight so she wont have to (rush) around in the morning. 答案rush38.I found there was a tear in the corner of (she) eye. 答案her39.When we heard what he said,we wanted (laugh) but didnt dare. 答案to laugh40.At work he was always very serious,but in his (person) life,he was actually very funny and relaxed. 答案personal.書面表達(2019預測)在我們的學習和生活中,肯定會遇到很多問題或困惑,如考試成績不理想、父母不理解或與同學產生矛盾等。你會遇到什么樣的問題呢?請你以李華的名義,就自己遇到的問題寫一封電子郵件,向某英文報紙“回音壁”欄目的編輯Mr.Help尋求幫助。要求:1.選取學習和生活中遇到的具體問題進行闡述;2.語句通順、意思連貫、書寫規(guī)范;3.80詞左右。電子郵件的開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Dear Mr.Help,        Yours,Li Hua參考范文Dear Mr.Help, I feel upset these days.I have a problem with my friend,Linda.I lent her one of my favorite CDs two weeks ago,but she hasnt returned it to me.I felt very disappointed because I trusted her.Perhaps she lost the CD and was afraid to tell me about it,or she might just forget to return it to me.But it really makes me sad.Does this mean that I cant trust her any more?I really dont know what I should do.Could you give me some advice?Im looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,Li Hua 8


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