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II、畢 業(yè)設計(論文)使用的原始資料(數據)及設計技術要求:
III、畢 業(yè)設計(論文)工作內容及完成時間:
1. 查閱相關資料,外文資料翻譯(6000字符以上),撰寫開題報告。
2. 整體方案設計 第3周—第4周
3. 結構詳細設計 第5周—第8周
4. 繪制裝配圖及其各零件工作圖 第9周—第12周
5. 編制設計說明書 第13周
6. 撰寫畢業(yè)論文 第14周—第16周
7. 答辯準備及畢業(yè)答辯 第17周
Ⅳ 、主 要參考資料:
[1] 機械設計實用手冊編委會編. 機械設計實用手冊. 北京: 機械工業(yè)出版社, 2009
[2] 吳宗澤主編. 機械設計師手冊. 北京: 機械工業(yè)出版社, 2009
[3] 任伯淼,余誠. 機械式立體車庫. 北京:海洋出版社,2001
[4] 劉天亮,張宗倉,潘光榮. 自動機械立體停車庫前景廣泛. 城市規(guī)劃,2002(7)
[5] Mechanical design and systems handbook. New York:?McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1985
航空與機械工程 系 機械設計制造及其自動化 專業(yè)類 0781051 班
填寫日期: 2011 年 01 月 03 日
機械設計制造及其自動化 系主任(簽名):
題目 升降式路邊停車系統(tǒng)機械部分的設計
專 業(yè) 名 稱 機械設計制造及其自動化
班 級 學 號 078105120
學 生 姓 名 王飛翔
指 導 教 師 熊麗娟
二O一一年 三 月
1. 刀具或刀片的種類要恰當。
2. 刀夾的類型要合適。
3. 刀具的切削刃要鋒利。
4. 刀具要安裝或調整到適當的位置和高度。
1. 帶有標準刀夾的刀架
高速工具刀條的標準刀夾有三種常見的形狀:直刀夾,右偏刀夾和左偏刀夾。用手拿住固定螺釘的一端 ,便可判斷刀夾是右偏還是左偏。如果刀把偏向右,就是右偏刀夾。如果刀把偏向左,便是左偏刀夾。
直刀夾可用于大多數加工活兒。當需要接近卡盤或雞心夾卡箍進行切削時,便可使 用左偏夾。右便刀夾是當朝著尾架方向進給時使用的。在這三種刀夾上,刀條均以14到16。5的角度固定。這便是所謂刀夾角度。
2. 開口刀架或稱重型刀架一次可以夾持一把刀,它上面有一個帶T形槽的壓板,一個C型塊,和兩個或多個刀具價緊螺絲。因為這種裝置非常牢靠,它尤其適用于重切削。刀條可以直接裝卡于這種刀架內,也可以使用某種類型的硬質合金刀夾。
3. 轉塔刀架或稱方刀架有一回轉塊,車刀可以裝于其中。常見的轉塔刀架可以裝四把刀。每把刀都能很快地回轉至切削位置并價緊。某些轉塔架具有八個刀位。通常,為了增加一個附加的加工工序,可在橫向流板的后部安裝一開口型刀架。采用這種安排,可裝上5~9把不同類型的刀具,就可以按順序對重復型零件進行車外圓,成形,車端面,滾花和切斷等工序。
4. 速換型刀具系統(tǒng)一次只夾持一把刀具,但它的三個不同的側邊均可以用來裝置刀具。它有一個帶夾緊桿的快速換刀架,可安裝一系列的刀夾作車外圓,車端面,鏜孔,切斷,攻絲,滾花和車螺紋。
1.頂面 是刀條的頂部,它是當切削的一部分從工件上切下時刀條被切下的這一部分切屑所緊貼著的那個表面。
1. 橫向后角是刃磨表面和刀條在刃磨之前的垂直側邊之間的夾角。這個角度以前叫橫向隙角,現在許多機工仍然采用這個術語。橫向后角是工件的切削表面和刀具側面之間的隙角。刀具的磨損會使有效橫向隙角變小,如果這個交度太小,刀具就會摩擦,生熱。如果這個角度太大,切削刃就會變鈍,而刀具就易扎進工件里。
2. 縱向后角是切削刃末端和一垂直線之間的形成的夾角。以前這個角叫前向隙角??v向后角是工件的已加工表面和刀具之間的間隙。如果這個角度太小,刀具將在已加工表面上摩擦從而產生不良的表面光潔度。磨損會使這一角度變小。如果著這一角度太大,刀具可能扎進工件,引起顫動,并由于崩刃而無法切削。對于鋼制刀具,這一角度建議采用8~15度,硬質合金刀具建議用6~8度。如果刀具安裝的高于旋轉中心,就會使有效隙角變小。在選擇合適的角度時,必須考慮到這一點。
3. 端刃角是刀具和工件已加工表面之間的夾角。如果這個角太小,就會造成顫動。然而為了形成光滑的表面光潔度,在精加工時,采用大約6度的小角度是合適的。
4. 側刃角可將切屑從已加工表面卷走。角度最好在5~15渡之間。
5. 刀尖半徑可使刀具不致有脆弱的尖角,可以延長刀具的壽命并改進表面光潔度。對于高強度的粗切刀,半徑可大一些,而對于輕量進給則可以小一些。只要沒有顫動產生,刀尖半徑越大,光潔度就越好。對于精加工,刀尖半徑建議采用0。010到0。030英寸或更大,對于粗加工是1/32到1/2英寸。
6. 為了有助于形成切削刃和頂面,必須在刀條上刃磨出兩個前角來。從垂直面或水平面上傾斜就形成前角。當刀條頂面是平的或水平是,它沒有前角。這兩個前角就是縱向前角和橫向前角/
7. 刀尖角是側切刃和端切刃之間的夾角。
1. 粗車刀是一種用來進行重切削,把工件直徑切至接近尺寸的刀具。因為在粗 加工時,表面光潔度是不重要的,這樣的刀條可以刃磨成幾乎是鋒利的到尖。不過,這樣的刀尖通常要稍微磨成圓弧狀以防止崩刀。
2. 精車刀有磨的很鋒利的切削刃,這種切削刃經油石研磨可產生非常光滑的光潔度。精車刀通常具有比粗車刀更大的圓弧尖。
3. 圓頭刀是一種可以用于多種類型的通用刀具。當頂部磨平時,它既能用于右切也能用于左切,還能車削黃銅。它也可以用來在軸肩角處切削半徑。圓頭刀可用來作精車刀具。
4. 方頭刀只用于工件末端的切削。它用來倒角和粗車以加工方形肩。
5. 切斷刀只用于工件末端的切削,可用來切斷裝卡在卡盤上的棒料或工件。
6. 端面偏刀即通常所謂的偏刀,用來把工件的端部精車成與母線成直角的光滑的端面。右切端面偏刀總是用語精車軸的端部。左切端面偏刀可以用來精車軸肩的左側。
1. 使刀具具有銳利的切削刃。
2. 使刀條為特定的工序提供正確的或最好的形狀。
3. 使刀條的前端留有隙角。
4. 使刀條的側面留有隙角。
5. 使切屑能在刀條頂面順利滑過,并脫離切削刃。
1. 檢查砂輪,看砂輪表面是否修整好。再不平的或有溝的砂輪上刃磨出好的切削刃是困難的。應在刃磨切削刀具的專用臺式磨床或立式砂輪機上進行刃磨。在這種砂輪機的一邊應安裝一個氧化鋁粗砂輪另一邊裝一個細砂輪。使用粗砂輪把刀條粗磨成一定的形狀。然后用細砂輪精磨刀條。
2. 刀具砂輪機應具有刃磨支架,把雙手擱在支架上,以控制刀條的運動。握緊刀條,使它不能在砂輪上跳動。但不要握的太緊,以致難于移動刀條。
3. 手握刀條在砂輪上刃磨出橫向后角,以便磨成側刃角。這個角度在切削軟鋼時應大約6度。手握刀條貼在砂輪上,使刀條底部向內傾斜即可得到這種角度。當刃磨時,應將刀條在砂輪面上橫向來回移動,而不改變其位置。這有利于較快的磨好刀條并防止在砂輪上磨出溝槽來。當刀條發(fā)熱時就把它浸在水里使其冷卻。初學者經犯上下移動的錯誤。這會在刀條側面形成許多不同的角度,從而使它變的形狀怪異。要避免出現這種情況,就應該使刀條固定在砂輪的一個位置上。要來回移動而決不要上下移動。
4. 在對側刃磨出橫向后角以把刀條磨成應有的形狀。
5. 刃磨縱向后角,要握著刀使端部向上。成半圓形地擺動刀柄。力圖使端部圓弧與兩側均勻的光滑的連接起來。在刃磨刀片的圓弧時,一定要減輕壓力。不做到這一點,磨出的圓頭刀就會大于所要求的形狀。
6. 刃磨右切刀的橫向前角,應使刀條的頂面即頂部與砂輪的右側成直角。使刀片底部向內傾斜。使刀具保持這一位置,直到砂輪將整個頂面磨到切削刃時為止/刃磨左切刀的橫向前角。要用手握住刀條于砂輪左側。讓刀條底部向內傾斜。讓砂輪將整個頂面磨至切削刃。沒有理由在刀條前端刃磨低于刀柄的頂面。這樣會浪費昂貴的刀條并使刀具外形受到損害。
7. 用油石研磨精加工的刀條是一個很好的習慣。選擇一個中細的油石。再油石上蘸一點煤油或豬油。使切削刃在油石上來回磨動。一定要把刀條拿平,以便不致使它的各種角度有任何改變。
只要稍加實踐,就能夠正確的刃磨刀條。記住,一個磨得很好的刀條應具有恰當的 刀具角度和磨的很勻稱的平整表面。
注意 大部分切屑鋒利如刀,因此決不可以用手去清理。
1. 用一塊干凈的布或棉絲擦拭所有的油漆表面。否則留在油漆表面的油跡會變硬和污染油漆。
2. 用同樣的布或棉絲擦去所有機加工表面的油污和油脂。
3. 刷掉切屑盤里所有的切屑,然后把它擦干凈。
4. 在安裝卡盤以前,先用一鐵絲作成的螺紋清除器將其內螺紋清除干凈。再把主軸螺紋擦拭干凈。滴上一,兩滴油。
5. 把頂尖錐柄裝入主軸孔之前,先把主軸孔和頂尖錐柄擦拭干凈。如果頂尖錐柄上有毛刺或粗糙的疵點,在裝入主軸孔之前,要用挫或油石將毛刺或粗糙疵點除掉。
6. 有時,可用一根繩來擦拭絲杠上的螺紋槽。把繩繞在絲杠上。調整傳動位置,使絲杠以中速轉動。開動車床,隨著絲杠的轉動,當繩子沿著絲杠螺紋往前走時,來回拉動繩子。
7. 當給車床加油時,要擦拭掉任何可能益處和滴在油漆表面上的油。
8. 開始工作前,一定要確保在導軌上保持有一層薄薄的油膜。
9. 調整橫向進給和復合流板的鑲條螺釘,以消除部件之間的松動狀態(tài)即間隙。如果用手握住刀架并來回晃動就能使橫向進給移動,這就說明。鑲條螺釘太松了。調整每個鑲條螺釘,直到橫向進給手柄得到平滑運動為止。當螺釘調整好以后,推拉倒架就不可能使橫向進給移動。
10. 決不要把刀具或工件放在車床導軌上。這樣做就會損壞經過精密刮研的表面精度/可把工具放在車床的木板上。
11. 當使用刀架磨頭時,一定要保護車床的機加工表面,要把它們覆蓋起來。如果在磨削加工時這些表面沒有覆蓋好,從砂輪上掉下來的沙礫就會嵌入支撐面,從而很快破壞車床的精度。
12. 每星期一次,用蘸有煤油的干凈布,把車床整個擦拭一遍。先擦干凈油漆表面,然后擦機加工表面。擦干后就在所有的加工表面薄薄的涂上一層清潔的油。
To machine a workpiece successfully you must have :
1. the correct kind of cutting tool or tool bit
2. the right type of toolholder
3. a tool with a sharp cutting-edge
4. the cutting tool set or adjusted to the correct height and position.
Cutting-tool materials
Tool bits used on the lathe are made form one of six basic materials: water-hardening steels,high-speed steels,hard-cast,nonferrous alloys,sintered (cemented) carbides,ceramics,and diamonds. The selection of the material used depends upon many factors including:tool cost,size and design of tool ,metal-removal rate ,length of run ,finish and tolerance of part,and condition and capability of the machine tool . Because of these factors ,material selection is more often based on general experience than on precise evaluation . There are, however ,certain general characteristics of the different cutting-tool materials you should understand.
Water-hardening Steels.These include the high-carbon tool steels (either plain carbon or those with minor additions of chromium , vanadium,or tungsten) .The different grades of water-hardening tool steels are classed as W steels in American Iron and Steel Institute’s system of classification . Tools made from these materials have very sharp ,smooth cutting-edges when properly heat-treated. They are adequate for limited turning at a relatively low cutting speed or when old ,low-speed equipment ,such as a flat-belt lathe , is used .
The main limitation of tools made form water-hardening steels is that they soften if the cutting-edge temperature exceeds approximately 300-400F during sharpening or cutting .A second disadvantage is low resistance to edge wear .
High-speed Steels. High-speed steels offer great improvement in cutting efficiency over water-hardening tool steels .Tools made from high-speed steels retain enough hardness to machine at rapid rates even when the tool temperature reaches 1050F . They can be used even though they become dull red with heat . Upon cooling to room temperature , the original hardness of these steels does not change .
Wear resistance of high-speed steels is much better than that of the carbon or alloy steels . This is due to the high carbide content ,especially in the higher-alloy types of high-speed steel . Fully hardened , high-speed steels have greater resistance to shock than carbides or hard-cast alloys .
There are two main types of high-speed steels designated in the American Iron and Steels Institute system , M steels (molybdenum base and T steels tungsten base . Tool bits made from these materials can be purchased already ground to various shapes . Unground tool bits called tool-bit blanks can also be purchased . These tool-bit blanks are made in standard size to fit the commonly used lathes . The common sizes are 3/16in square by 1 in long ,1/4in square by 2in long ,5/16in square by 2-1/2in long ,and 3/8in square by 3in long . High-speed steel tool bits are the type most used in the school machine shop .
Hard-cast Alloy . These materials do not contain sufficient iron to be classed as steels . Rather , they are mainly alloys of cobalt , chromium , and tungsten with other elements added for special purpose . They reach full hardness in the as-cast condition , without heat treatment . The must be ground to size after casting . In terms of resistance to heat , wear ,shock ,and initial cost , cast alloys rank between high-speed steels and carbides .
Hard-cast alloys are weaker in tension and more brittle than high-speed steels and thus are not suitable for severe shock loads . They are known by such commercial names as stellite , Rex alloy ,and tantung .
Sintered Carbides . For efficient and high-speed machining ,best results can be obtained with sintered carbide tools . Carbide tools are available in solid form and as inserts which are either brazed or clamped in toolholders . Clamped inserts are usually round , square , or triangular in shape and have all edge is always available . These inserts can be rotated so that a sharp edge is always available . With modern machine tools and the proper grade of cemented carbide , it is possible to use cutting speeds 10 to 30 time faster than those feasible with high-speed steels .
Carbides are suitable for most machining operations such as single-point turning , drilling ,milling , thread cutting, and reaming . Carbides should be used only when they can be supported rigidly and when the machine tool has adequate power and speed to enable their efficient use .
Ceramic . With the exception of industrial diamonds , ceramic inserts are the hardest and strongest inserts available . They resist abrasive wear , chipping , and breakage . These inserts work best on very rigid machine tools and on well-supported workpieces . For most operations , cutting fluids are not needed .
Diamonds . Industrial diamonds that have either circular or faceted cutting-edges are used for light finishing cuts when an extremely high-quality surface finish required . Although a very smooth finish can be achieved using other cutting-tool materials , diamond turning can provide even smoother finishes with very small tolerances .
The toolholder holds the cutting tool rigid during cutting operations . Four types of toolholders are in general use .
1 . The tool post with standard toolholders . The tool too post is comprised of the post , screw , washer , collar , and rocker . The washer fits the top slidee piece slot . The collar and the rocker elevate or lower the point of too . The screw clamps the toolholder in place .
The standard toolholder for high-speed steel cutter bits comes in three common shapes : straight , right-hand offset or shank , and left-hand offset or shank . You can identify right-hand and left-hand offset holders by holding the setscrew end in your hand . If the shank bends to the right , it is a left-hand offset holder .
The straight toolholder is fused for most work . The left-hand toolholder is used when you need to cut close to the chuck or lathe dog . The right-hand holder is used when feeding toward the tailstock of the lathe . The cutting-tool bit is held in each of these toolholders at an angle of 14 to 16.5 degrees . This is called the toolholder angle .
Carbide toolholders also come in three styles and are similar in appearance to those mentioned above . The hole for the cutter bit , however , is parallel to the bottom edge of the holder .
2. The open-side or heavy-duty tool block holds one tool at a time and consists of a T-slot clamp , a C-shaped block , and two or more tool clamping screws . Because this unit is very rigid , it is especially useful for heavy cuts . A tool bit can be mounted directly in the tool block or some type of carbide tooolholder can be used .
3. The turret tool block or four-way toolholder consists of a swiveling block in which the tools are clamped Common turret block hold four tools . Each can be quickly swiveled into cutting position and clamped in place . Some turret blocks have eight tool stations . Frequently ,an open-side-type tool block is also mounted on the rear of the cross slide to add one additional cutting operation . With this arrangement , anywhere form five to nine different kinds of tools can be mounted and operated in sequence for turning , forming ,facing ,knurling , and cutting off duplicate parts .
4. The quick-change-type tool system holds only one tool at a time , but three different sides can be used to position the tool . It consists of a quick-change tool post with a clamping lever and a series of toolholders for turning , facing , boring , cutting off , threading , knurling , and thread cutting .
Single-point Cutting Tools
Tool Parts . Before you can grind a tool bit , you must become acquainted with some of the terms used to describe the various parts of the cutting tool .
1 . The face is the top of the tool bit . It is the surface on which a part of the chip attaches as it is cut away form the workpiece .
2. The cutting-edge is that part of the cutter bit which actually does the cutting .
3. The nose is the corner or are formed by the side and end cutting-edge .
4. The flank is the surface below the cutting-edge .
5. The point is the part of the tool bit which is shaped to form the cutting-edge and face .
Tool Angles .The following are important tool angles used for all single-point cutting tools .
1. The side relief angle is the angle between the ground surface and the vertical side of the tool bit before it is ground . This angle was formerly called side clearance , and many machinists still use this term .The side relief angle provides clearance between the cut surface of the work and the flank of tool . Tool wear reduces the effective side clearance angle .If the angle is too small, the cutter will rub and heat . If the angle is too large , the cutting-edge will be weak and the tool will have a tendency to dig into the workpiece.
2. The end relief angle is the angle formed between the end of the cutting-edge and a vertical line. It was formerly called front clearance. The end relief angle provides clearance between the finished surface of the work and the tool. If this angle is too small, the tool will rub on the finished surface and produce a poor finish. Wear tends to reduce this angle. If the angle is too large , the tool may dig into the work , chatter, and fail through chipping . An angle of 8 to 15 is recommened for steel tools and 6 to 8 for carbide tools .If the tool is set above the center of rotation , the effective clearance angle is reduce . This must be considered in choosing the proper angle .
3. The end cutting-edge angle provides clearance between the cutter and the finished surface of the work .If this angle is too small, it may cause chatter. A small angle of about 6 is desirable on light finishing cuts, however, in order to produce a smooth finish .
4. The side cutting-edge angle turns the chip away form the finished surface .Recommended angles are between 5 and 15 .
5. The nose radius removes the fragile corner of the tool , prolongs tool life , and improves finish . The radius may be large for maximum-strength rough-cutting tools and may be reduced for light feeds . The larger the nose radius ,the better the finish as long as chatter dose not occur .Recommended nose radii are 0.010 to 0.030 in . or more for finishing cuts , and 1/30 to 1/2 in for roughing cuts .
6. To help shape the cutting-edge and face , it is necessary to grind rake angles on a tool bit .Rake is an inclination form the vertical or horizontal .The two rake angles are back rake and side rake .
Back rake , in a single-point feeding to the side , turns the chip away form the finished work and gives the tool a slicing action .A zero back rack tends to make a spiral chip , and a back rake angle greater than zero tends to stretch the spiral chip out into a helix . A back-rake angle of form 5 to 15 is used to keep chips form scratching the workpiece . High-speed steel tool bits are always ground with a positive rake .However , cemented carbide tools may have either a positive or negative rake .Negative rake increases the shear angle at which the chip is formed , providing for a good chip and a good surface finish .Negative rake tools are generally used on a heavy-duty lathe that is operated at high speed with a heavy feed .
Side rake refers to the angle between the face of the tool and a line that would represent the top of the unground tool bit as viewed form the end . Side rake controls the type of chip produced during machining as well as the direction in which the chip will travel .A tool with a small side-rake angle will produce shorter chips than one with a large rake angle .
7 .The nose angle is the angle between the side-cutting edge and the end-cutting edge .
Classes of Single-point Tools
Different shapes of tool bits are needed to do certain machining operations . Most tool bits are ground to cut in one direction only .The two common types are referred to as right cut and left cut .These were formerly called right-hand and left-hand tool bits .
A right-cut single-point tool is one that , when viewed form the point end with the face up , has its cutting-edge on the right side .When the tool bits is placed in the lathe , the cutting-edge is on the left side .This tool bit cuts form the right to the left , or form the tailstock end toward the headstock of the lathe .
A left-cut tool bit has the cutting-edge on the left when viewed form the point end with the face up . This tool bit is ground to cut form the left to the right or toward the tailstock of the lathe .
Commonly used types of tool bits include the following:
1. A roughing tool is a tool bit designed to take heavy roughing cuts to reduce the diameter of a workpiece to approximate size . Because finish is not important w