南 京 理 工 大 學 紫 金 學 院畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯系: 機械工程系 專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化 姓 名: 學 號: 外文出處: Installation Getting Started 附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。 指導教師評語:原文與課題密切相關,譯文通順流暢,基本表達出了原文意思,個別專業(yè)詞匯的表達上存在些許瑕疵。翻譯的字數(shù)達到規(guī)定要求,格式符合規(guī)范。 簽名: 2010 年3月 21日附件1 外文資料翻譯文譯安裝4.1 移除一個現(xiàn)有的階段為避免在現(xiàn)有的階段拆除損壞光學器件,確保它移動的距離盡可能遠離目標,而冷凝器也是明確的。階段移除通常是一個簡單的程序,在大多數(shù)情況下移動只是由固定螺絲或夾子一樣夾住松動螺絲。4.2 擬合的ProScan階段事先ProScan階段提供了正確的基板,以滿足特定的顯微鏡。顯微鏡是放到安裝階段和提供使用的固定螺絲連接或夾緊螺釘?shù)碾A段。確認ProScan控制器單元是關閉前連接的階段與電纜控制器提供(見圖4.3) 圖4.1 圖4.24.3 電纜連接該電纜連接到ProScan控制器是位于控制盒后面板,如以下圖所示。在作出任何這些連接,確保ProScan控制器關閉。每個連接的標簽,但也應當十分謹慎,不要嘗試將計算機的串行端口連接電纜z中控制器上的軸連接器。從您的計算機RS232連接應該作出的RS232 - 1控制器端口。對于USB連接到電腦上看到這個問題的單獨一節(jié)。 圖4.34.4 USB工作要使用ProScan控制器(H130系列通過USB連接的用戶需要安裝USB連接軟件)。這可以在CD上的USB文件夾中找到。安裝在運行Microsoft Window 98/2000 PC機的USB軟件。1)警告。不要連接在PC ProScan II這一點上。2)插入光盤,打開USB文件夾,運行HidComInst.exe警告。唯一的跡象表明已正確安裝工具是瞬間的外觀。沒有任何消息,表明成功完成。3)連接ProScan II PC使用提供的USB電纜。4)開關電源的ProScan II。5)選擇我的電腦,控制面板,系統(tǒng),硬件,設備管理器。6)展開端口(COM和LPT)看看端口的列表。7)USB-HID-COM n將現(xiàn)在被添加。制作的COM端口號。選擇此端口在編寫應用程序或運行終端仿真應用程序,如超級終端。這將使通過USB接口與PC和ProScan II溝通。如果超級終端使用,默認的設置均不屬于該應用程序,將需要進行修改。安裝USB軟件在Microsoft XP Professional的電腦上運行這并不自動安裝。須注意采取。1)警告。不要連接到PC ProScan II在這一點上。2)插入光盤,打開USB文件夾,運行HidComInst.exe警告。唯一的跡象,它已正確安裝,是瞬間的外觀。沒有任何消息,表明成功完成。3)連接ProScan II PC使用USB電纜提供。4)開關ProScan II。5)選擇我的電腦,控制面板,系統(tǒng),硬件,設備管理器。6)展開端口(COM和LPT)看看端口的列表7)假如USB-HID-COM n為列(其中n是COM端口號),然后安裝已完成。如果不繼續(xù)如下: -8)選擇名單中的USB接口設備,點擊鼠標右鍵,選擇屬性,選擇更新驅(qū)動程序,選擇“安裝”從列表或指定位置。單擊下一步,選擇“不要搜索我要自己選擇要安裝驅(qū)動程序”,單擊下一步,選擇USB- HID-COM設備,點擊下一步。忽略警告消息,單擊繼續(xù),然后選擇完成。9)USB- HID-COM n將現(xiàn)在已被列入名單的端口(COM和LPT)。請注意,這只是個案,如果ProScan II仍然連接到USB和接通。然后用戶可以以書面形式向ProScan II利用指定的連接的COM N(下如串口3)。這可以確認使用諸如超級終端仿真程序。如果超級終端使用,默認的設置均不屬于該應用程序,將需要進行修改。4.5 對焦驅(qū)動器安裝 圖4.4有關安裝程序蔡司Axio系列范圍(H122 X200,H122 AXIO和H122 AXIE),徠卡DML范圍(H122 LB),和直接耦合模型,看到具體的指示表。下面的說明是指標準的分裂套筒安裝。1.放松對重點汽車裝配夾具螺絲和移動焦點適配器焦點電機。 (參見圖4.4)2.放松3插座周圍設置了重點使用2mm的艾倫扳手適配器邊緣,直到焦點套筒螺絲能適應內(nèi)部適配器。請注意,重要的是要插入與唇內(nèi)的適配器最遠的正確方向套(該套倒角邊將被插入第一個)。請注意袖子方向,因為它周圍的外表面,將舉行套筒時setscrews收緊休會。這休會必須排隊同緊定螺絲的提示。 (參見圖4.4)。3.隨著地方套筒,收緊3緊定螺絲的順序,直到他們?nèi)际怯|摸袖子,確保在袖子不符合的緊定螺釘位置分裂的任何行動。不從事任何的SETSCREWS在本階段沒有收緊。4.推首選顯微鏡的粗旋鈕適配器盡可能將到。該控制器在出廠配置為驅(qū)動的正確方向運動時的重點安裝在顯微鏡對一個正直的右側(cè)。如果左手粗控制旋鈕由用戶或集中驅(qū)動器的首選是在倒置顯微鏡上的安裝,電機方向可以扭轉(zhuǎn)使用終端仿真程序,例如超級電腦和不斷變化的ZD系列產(chǎn)品的命令設置(見通過RS232通訊第6節(jié))。內(nèi)部裝修的套筒直徑的設計是略高于粗旋鈕較大,所提供的setscrews沒有收緊,并壓縮套。5.同時舉行的地方適配器,收緊順序只夠定螺絲,以確保到粗焦點旋鈕單位。重點旋鈕就必須輪換所有的螺絲。6.檢查單位已收緊要把它持有和關閉它充分。如果適配器安裝正確,將應附著在粗旋鈕。7.滑入適配器重點電機盡可能將去運用溫和的壓力,同時給電機緊夾緊螺釘。這將在地方的發(fā)動機。關于電機的主軸端面橡膠驅(qū)動器現(xiàn)在應該貼著結(jié)束surfaceof的重點控制旋鈕。這可以通過手動旋轉(zhuǎn)證實暴露的顯微鏡和由步進電機的制動造成的阻力位置感覺對方的焦點,因為它轉(zhuǎn)動旋鈕。這不會造成任何損害發(fā)動機的重點8.確認控制器關閉連接前的9路D對重點電機導致對作為控制器插頭插座后,在圖4.3所示。4.6安裝過濾器建議在安裝前過濾器的過濾輪的顯微鏡安裝。 圖4.51.選擇過濾職位所要求通過檢查裝載在負載位置指示器窗口(一)顯示的數(shù)字(見fig.4.5)。2.移動從裝貨港的(B)磁覆蓋。3.移動鎖定環(huán)(丙)由與工具(?。┏钟腥颂峁┝撕Y選細胞unscrewing 。4.插入所需的過濾器和更換鎖環(huán)。5.重復此過程所需的所有過濾器的立場。6.替換磁覆蓋。4.7 安裝過濾器車輪和快門安裝過濾輪,快門是提供了正確的適配器安裝,指定顯微鏡位置。因此,該設備安裝使用完全相同的程序時使用擬合顯微鏡燈箱。以前的所有車輪和百葉窗過濾器的制造與C接口線程。在除了男C接口適配器(零件號HF207)允許這些單位進行視察,在顯微鏡照相機端口,如果需要的。確認ProScan控制單元切換器連接前車輪與控制器的小康提供線索(見圖4.3)入門開關使用開/關搖桿控制器單元的ProScan開關位于前面板。有三個LED的關于前面板的左下角。在運行的LED照明應以顯示正確運行。如果不是這種情況是指第7條。在TX(傳輸)的LED閃光燈迅速將數(shù)據(jù)時是由控制器和收發(fā)(接收和傳播)LED閃爍時,迅速從計算機接收RS232數(shù)據(jù)。ProScan系統(tǒng)的計算機控制,可通過RS232串口或單獨使用提供了可選的配件。該ProScan控制器提供了一個既插即用的設施,這意味著所有正確連接的外圍設備將被自動使用該系統(tǒng)時配置上電。舊ProScan階段不是既插即用兼容。如果您要升級的新ProScan控制器,您可能需要升級,以確保即插即用的兼容性舞臺現(xiàn)有階段制度。請聯(lián)系當?shù)亟?jīng)銷商之前的進一步意見。通過RS232控制將進一步考慮在第6。通過其他系統(tǒng)配件,包括操縱桿,Z軸數(shù)字電位器,過濾輪鍵盤和觸摸屏鍵盤控制將這里描述的。5.1使用游戲桿四操縱桿可作為ProScan系統(tǒng)的一部分;兩軸操縱桿(CS152V2)和三軸操縱桿(CS152V3,CS152DP,CS152EF)。桿單位用來控制機動階段,重點電機。只有三個軸系統(tǒng)將同時控制階段,重點電機。 圖5.15.2 標準功能所有的操縱桿功能的X,Y操縱桿,兩個滑動裝置和兩個熱鍵。確?;瑒訌埦o完全和鎖存游戲桿垂直的小康的立場。在這個位置上,沒有舞臺電機功率和舞臺不動。偏轉(zhuǎn)游戲桿左或右的中心位置,將導致階段朝著X軸。偏轉(zhuǎn)操縱桿向后,或從中心位置,前鋒將導致移動舞臺在Y軸。偏轉(zhuǎn)角的操縱桿將導致2軸為載體的階段提供相應的對角線運動。游戲桿規(guī)定比例控制。進一步偏離游戲桿是從中央位置,速度就越快階段行動。偏轉(zhuǎn)的單位提供的極限運動速度最快的階段。該CS152V3游戲桿配有一個扭曲的行動,為側(cè)重于操縱桿軸頂端控制比例控制旋鈕。在熱鍵向?qū)Ш芥I左,可用于快速調(diào)整階段最高速度。這會影響X和Y軸平等。到了操縱桿右鍵為重點電機(3軸操縱桿只)相同的功能。按下這些按鈕的速度一旦降低到25的上限。第二次按下的速度增加至50,最高和對第三次按下按鈕返回到100的最高速度??梢岳^續(xù)按按鈕重復這種循環(huán)。在熱鍵可重新利用RS232命令(見第行動6)。CS152DP和CS152EF除了標準的功能如前所述,CS152DP和CS152EF控制提供了數(shù)字電位器安裝在操縱桿單位的一面。這個裝置控制在3軸電機系統(tǒng)的重點。它不是比例,但其設計密切配合的優(yōu)良重點旋鈕在顯微鏡上的正常反應。該CS152EF還配備了一對操縱桿軸頂端自動對焦按鈕。 圖5.25.3 使用Z軸數(shù)字電位器(CS152Z)此設備通常是必須用于重點ProScan機動系統(tǒng)中的,但機動階段則不是。它提供了唯一的電機控制的重點。該數(shù)字電位器控制驅(qū)動電機直接焦點。旋轉(zhuǎn)方向相反這一設備將扭轉(zhuǎn)了汽車運動的重點方向。速度控制按鈕可以被用來改變最大的焦點時,電機的速度控制了數(shù)字電位器。按一次降低車速的50,最高為25,最高和第三次第二次回到100的上限??梢岳^續(xù)按按鈕重復這種循環(huán)。另外兩個按鈕允許提供的重點汽車駛上或下通過按住相應的按鈕。此功能允許較大的距離,快速定位。5.4 使用的過濾器輪鍵盤(CS100K)圖5.3該過濾器輪鍵盤(CS100K)控制提供了在按下一個按鈕2和第3輪篩選百葉窗。它傳達(見圖4.3)與通過RS232 ProScan控制器- 2端口后面板上的位置。確??刂破麝P閉連接前鍵盤??刂破魃系拈_關自動啟動一個尋例行要么FW1或幻想武士的綠色LED將被點亮。過濾輪位置在鍵盤上一將被激活,一個紅色的LED顯示。三個按鈕提供給最多可控制3快門。 14個按鈕控制提供高達2輪篩選。標記的P是為今后的發(fā)展,目前,沒有功能的按鈕。該ProScan系統(tǒng)最多可控制3快門。當系統(tǒng)上電連接到控制器的所有百葉窗將會封閉。鈕中一,S2和S3可以用來打開和關閉百葉窗中一,S2和S3分別。閃閃發(fā)亮的紅色按鈕上的發(fā)光二極管顯示快門是打開的。例如,當系統(tǒng)處于開機狀態(tài),快門S1將被關閉,按鈕上的中一LED關閉。按下按鈕S1將打開快門和LED將照亮。中一按下按鈕,再次將關閉快門和LED將熄滅。該ProScan系統(tǒng)可控制多達2輪篩選。如前所述,當開關上的過濾輪系統(tǒng)會自動初始化通過轉(zhuǎn)移到自己的家庭地位(1傳感器,該系統(tǒng)使用,以確保準確對齊),然后移動到位置1。該按鈕標記輪是用來選擇有源濾波器輪,這是表示由一個綠色的LED。紅色LED也將照亮的按鈕中的一個標簽1月10日,以表明該輪的當前位置。要更改過濾器的車輪位置按相應的按鈕1-10。該過濾器輪將移到新的位置和相應的LED將照亮。按鈕標下一個和昨日可以用來移動車輪下(當前位置+1)和一個(當前位置-1)職位分別。該按鈕標記家庭可以用來重新駕駛它的起始位置,然后位置1初始化系統(tǒng)。5.5 觸摸屏鍵盤(CS152KB)圖5.4觸摸屏鍵盤提供了一個可編程的終端,可用于控制整個ProScan制度。詳細的操作說明中提供了一個單獨的專用操作手冊(零件編號W2518)所包含的單位提供。附件2 外文原文Installation4.1 Removing an Existing StageTo avoid damage to the optics when removing an existing stage, ensure that it is moved as far away from the objectives as possible and that the condenser is also clear.Removal of the stage is normally a straightforward procedure, in most cases just by the removal of fixing screws or the loosening of a clamp screw.4.2 Fitting the ProScan StageThe Prior ProScan stage is supplied with the correct base plate to suit the microscope specified. Place the stage onto the microscope stage mount and attach using the fixing screws or clamping screw supplied. Confirm that the ProScan controller unit is switched off before connecting the stage to the controller with the cable provided (see fig.4.3).4.3 Cable ConnectionsThe cable connections to the ProScan controller are located on the rear panel of the control box, as shown in the illustration below. Before making any of these connections, ensure that the ProScan controller is switched off. Each connection is well labelled but great care should be taken not to try and connect your computers serial port cable to the Z axis connector on the controller.The RS232 connection from your computer should be made to the RS232-1 port on the controller. For USB connection to your computer see separate section on this subject.4.4 USB OperationTo use the ProScan II controller (H130 series) via the USB connection the user will need to install the USB connection software. This can be found in the USB folder on the CD.Installing USB software on a PC running Microsoft Window98/2000.1) WARNING. Do not connect ProScan II to PC at this point.2) Insert CD, open USB folder and run HidComInst.exeWARNING. The only indication that the utility has installed correctly is themomentary appearance of the hourglass. There is no message indicating successful completion.3) Connect ProScan II to PC using supplied USB cable.4) Switch power to ProScan II on.5) Select My Computer, Control panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager.6) Expand Ports (COM & LPT) to see list of ports.7) USB-HID-COM n will now be added. Make a note of the COM port number.Select this port when writing applications or running a terminal emulationapplication, such as HyperTerminal. This will enable communication between thePC and ProScan II via the USB port.If HyperTerminal is used, none of the default settings within this application will need to bemodified.Installing USB software on PC running Microsoft XP ProfessionalThis does not install automatically. Extra care must be taken.1) WARNING. Do not connect ProScan II to PC at this point.2) Insert CD, Open USB folder and run HidComInst.exeWARNING. The only indication that it has installed correctly is the momentaryappearance of the hourglass. There is no message indicating successful completion.3) Connect ProScan II to PC using USB cable provided.4) Switch ProScan II on.5) Select My Computer, Control panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager.6) Expand Ports(COM &LPT) to see list of ports7) If USB-HID-COM n is listed (where n is number of COM port), then installationis complete. If not continue as follows:-8) Select Human Interface Device in USB list, right click, select Properties, selectupdate driver, select “Install” from a list or specific location. Click Next, select“Dont search I will choose the driver to install”, Click Next, Select Cyprus USBHID- COM device, Click Next. Ignore warning message and click continue then select Finish.9) Cyprus USB-HID-COM n will now have been added to the list of Ports (COMand LPT). Note; this will only be the case if the ProScan II is still connected to USB and switched on.User will then be able to communicate to the ProScan II using designated connection COM n (e.g. COM3). This can be confirmed using a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal.If HyperTerminal is used, none of the default settings within this application will need to bemodified.4.5 Focus Drive InstallationFor installation procedure for Zeiss Axio range (H122X200, H122AXIO and H122AXIE), Leica DML range (H122LB), and direct coupling models, see specific instruction sheets.The following instructions refer to the standard split sleeve mounting.1. Loosen the clamp screw on the focus motor assembly and remove the focus motor from the focus adapter. (See fig.4.4)2. Loosen the 3 socket set screws around the periphery of the focus adapter using a 2mm Allen wrench until the focus sleeve is able to fit inside the adapter. Note that it is important to insert the sleeve in the correct orientation with the lip furthest inside the adapter (the chamfered edge of the sleeve will be inserted first). Note the orientation of the sleeve as it has a recess around its outer surface, which will hold the sleeve in when the setscrews are tightened. This recess must line up with the tips of the socket set screws. (See fig.4.4).3. With the sleeve in place, tighten the 3 socket set screws in sequence until they all just touch the sleeve, ensuring that the split in the sleeve does not line up with any of the set screw positions. DO NOT TIGHTEN UP ANY OF THE SETSCREWS AT THIS STAGE.4. Push the adapter onto the preferred coarse knob of the microscope as far as it will go.The controller is factory configured to drive the focus motor in the correct direction when mounted to the right hand side of an upright microscope. If the left hand coarse control knob is preferred by the user or the focus drive is to be mounted on an inverted microscope, the motor direction can be reversed by using a PC with a terminal emulation program e.g. HyperTerminal and changing the settings of the ZD command (see section 6) via RS232 communication.The inside fitting diameter of the sleeve is designed to be slightly larger than the coarse knob, provided the setscrews have not been tightened and are compressing the sleeve.5. While holding the adapter in place, tighten the set screws in sequence only enough to secure the unit onto the coarse focus knob. The focus knob will have to be rotated to gain access to all of the screws.6. Check that the unit has been tightened sufficiently by taking hold of it and turning it. If the adapter is correctly fitted it will stay attached to the coarse knob.7. Slide the focus motor into the adapter as far as it will go and while applying gentle pressure to the motor tighten the clamp screw. This will hold the motor in place. The rubber drive bush on the end of the motor spindle should now be pressing against the end surface of the fine focus control knob. This can be confirmed by manually rotating the exposed fine focus knob on the opposite side of the microscope and feeling for the resistance caused by the detent positions of the stepper motor as it rotates. This will not cause any damage to the focus motor8. Confirm that the controller is switched off before connecting the 9 way D type plug on the focus motor lead to the socket on the rear of the controller as shown in fig. Installing FiltersIt is recommended that filters be installed before mounting the filter wheel to a microscope.1. Select filter position required for loading, by checking the number displayed in the load position indicator window (A) (see fig.4.5).2. Remove the magnetic covers (B) from the load port.3. Remove lock ring (C) by unscrewing from the filter holder cell with the tool (D) provided.4. Insert desired filter and replace lock ring.5. Repeat this process for all the desired filter positions.6. Replace magnetic covers.4.7 Mounting Filter Wheels and ShuttersPrior Filter Wheels and Shutters are supplied with the correct adapter flanges fitted, for the specified microscope stand. Therefore the mounting of this equipment uses exactly the same procedure used when fitting the microscopes lamphouse. All Prior Filter Wheels and Shutters are manufactured with C mount threads. The addition of a male to male C mount adapter (Part No. HF207) allows these units to be mounted to a microscope camera port, if required. Confirm that the ProScan controller unit is switched off before connecting filter wheels to the controller with leads provided (see fig.4.3)Getting StartedSwitch the ProScan controller unit on using the on/off rocker switch located on the front panel. There are three LEDs on the bottom left of the front panel. The running LED should be illuminated to indicate correct operation. If this is not the case refer to section 7. The TX (transmit) LED will flash rapidly when data is being transmitted by the controller and RX (receive) LED flashes rapidly when receiving data from computer RS232.The ProScan system can be computer controlled via the RS232 serial port or stand alone using the optional accessories available. The ProScan controller provides a plug and play facility meaning that all correctly connected peripheral devices will be automatically configured for use when the system is powered up.Older ProScan stages are not plug and play compatible. If you are upgrading an existing stage system with a new ProScan controller you may need to have the stage upgraded to ensure plug and play compatibility. Contact your local Prior dealer for further advice.Control via RS232 will be considered further in Section 6. Control via other system accessories including joysticks, Z axis digipot, filter wheel keypad and touch screen keypad will be described here.5.1 Using JoysticksFour joysticks are available as part of the ProScan system; a two axis joystick (CS152V2) and three axis joysticks (CS152V3, CS152DP, CS152EF). The joystick units are used to control the motorized stage and the focus motor. Only three axis systems will control both the stage and the focus motor.5.2 Standard FeaturesAll the joysticks feature an X,Y joystick, two sliding tensioners and two Hot Keys. Ensure the sliding tensioners are fully home and latched to hold the joystick vertically inthe off position. In this position there is no power to the stage motors and the stage does not move. Deflecting the joystick left or right from the central position will cause the stage to move in the X axis. Deflecting the joystick backwards or forwards from the central position will cause the stage to move in the Y axis. Deflecting the joystick diagonally will cause the stage to vector in 2 axes providing a corresponding diagonal movement.The joystick provides proportional control. The further the joystick is deflected from the central position, the faster the stage will move. Deflecting the unit to its extreme limit provides the fastest stage movement.The CS152V3 joystick is equipped with a twist action, proportional control knob for focus control on top of the joystick shaft.The Hot Key to the left of the joystick can be used to quickly adjust the maximum speed of the stage. This affects both X and Y axes equally. The key to the right of the joystick provides an identical function for the focus motor (3 axis joystick only).Pressing these buttons once reduces the speed to 25% of maximum. Pressing a second time increases the speed to 50% of maximum and a third press of the button returns to 100% of maximum speed. This cycle can be repeated by continuing to press the buttons.The action of the Hot Keys can be reprogrammed using RS232 commands (See Section6).CS152DP and CS152EFIn addition to the standard features described earlier, the CS152DP and the CS152EF provide a digipot control mounted to the side of the joystick unit. This device controls the focus motor on a 3 axis system. It is not proportional, but is designed to closely match the normal response of the fine focus knob on a microscope.The CS152EF is also equipped with an autofocus button on top of the joystick shaft.5.3 Using the Z Axis Digipot (CS152Z)This device is normally used for ProScan systems where motorized focus is required but a motorized stage is not. It provides control of the focus motor only.The digipot control drives the focus motor directly. Rotating this device in opposite directions will reverse the direction of movement of the focus motor.The speed control button can be used to change the maximumspeed of the focus motor when controlled from the digipot. Press once to reduce the speed to 50% of maximum, a second time for 25% of maximum and a third time to return to100% of maximum. This cycle can be repeated by continuing to press the button.Two other buttons are provided which allow the focus motor to be driven Up or Down by pressing and holding the appropriate button. This feature allows for rapid positioning over larger distances.5.4 Using the Filter Wheel Keypad (CS100K)The Filter Wheel Keypad (CS100K) provides control of up to 2 filter wheels and 3 shutters at the press of a button.It communicates with the ProScan controller via the RS232-2 port located on the rear panel (see fig.4.3). Ensure that the controller is switched offbefore connecting the keypad.Switching on the controller automaticallyinitiates a homing routine and either the FW1 orFW2 green LED will be illuminated. Filter wheel position 1 on the keypad will be activated, indicated by a red LED.Three buttons are provided to control up to 3 shutters. Fourteen buttons are provided to control up to 2 filter wheels.The button labelled P is for future developments and currently has no function.The ProScan system can control up to 3 shutters. When the system is powered up all shutters connected to the controller will be closed. Buttons S1, S2 and S3 can be used to open and close shutters S1, S2 and S3 respectively. An illuminated red LED on the button indicates that the shutter is open.For example, when the system is switched on, shutter S1 will be closed and the LED on the button S1 will be off. Pressing the button S1 will open the shutter and the LED will illuminate. Pressing button S1 again will close the shutter and the LED will go out.The ProScan system can control up to 2 filter wheels. As previously mentioned, when switching the system on the filter wheel will automatically i