哈爾濱工業(yè)大學華德應用技術學院畢業(yè)設計(論文) 題 目 盤式制動器制動系設計 專 業(yè) 車輛工程 學 號 1079311124 學 生 侯越 指 導 教 師 鄒玉鳳 答 辯 日 期 2010.12.28 哈工大華德學院哈工大華德學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)評語姓名: 侯越 學號: 1079311124 專業(yè): 車輛工程 畢業(yè)設計(論文)題目: 盤式制動器制動系設計 工作起止日期:_2010_年_10_月_11_日起 _2010_ 年_12_月_28_ 日止指導教師對畢業(yè)設計(論文)進行情況,完成質(zhì)量及評分意見:_ 指導教師簽字: 指導教師職稱: 評閱人評閱意見:_ _ _ _ 評閱教師簽字:_ 評閱教師職稱:_答辯委員會評語:_根據(jù)畢業(yè)設計(論文)的材料和學生的答辯情況,答辯委員會作出如下評定:學生 畢業(yè)設計(論文)答辯成績評定為: 對畢業(yè)設計(論文)的特殊評語:_ 答辯委員會主任(簽字): 職稱:_答辯委員會副主任(簽字): 答辯委員會委員(簽字):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _年 月 日哈工大華德學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)任務書 姓 名: 侯越 院 (系):汽車工程系 專 業(yè): 車輛工程 班 號:0793111 任務起至日期: 2010 年 10 月 10日至 2010 年 12 月 28 日 畢業(yè)設計(論文)題目: 盤式制動器制動系設計 立題的目的和意義:制動系的功用是強制行駛中的汽車減速或停車、使下坡行駛的汽車車速保持穩(wěn)定以及使已停駛的汽車在原地(包括在斜坡上)駐留不動的機構(gòu)。隨著高速公路的迅速發(fā)展和車速的提高以及車流密集度的日益增大,為了保證行車安全,汽車制動系的工作可靠性顯得日益重要。制動系至少應有兩套獨立的制動裝置,即行車制動裝置和駐車制動裝置。任何一套制動裝置都由制動器和制動驅(qū)動機構(gòu)兩部分組成。自2009年以來,國內(nèi)乘用車制動器技術應用發(fā)生了較大變化。以往配裝在中高端車型上技術含量較高的盤式制動器,其產(chǎn)品線開始向中低端車型延伸,經(jīng)濟型車在制動安全技術上得到了全面升級。這充分體現(xiàn)了盤式制動器相比鼓式制動器的有點還是很明顯的。另外,盤式制動器可以方便地與ABS系統(tǒng)配合,避免剎車暴死現(xiàn)象發(fā)生。所以前后盤式制動器轎車目前銷量前景呈直線上升趨勢。本文將以奧迪A8為參照完成前通風盤式后盤式轎車制動系的設計 技術要求與主要內(nèi)容:設計內(nèi)容包括汽車制動器的功能與設計要求,結(jié)構(gòu)方案的分析,制動力的分配,制動器主要零件的選擇及主要參數(shù)的選取,制動器各種參數(shù)的計算,主要零件的裝配尺寸鏈的分析計算。方案論證及結(jié)構(gòu)形式的選擇,是本設計的一項主要內(nèi)容,它包括通風盤式與普通盤式兩種應用類型,并詳細分析通風盤式制動器相比實心盤式制動器的優(yōu)點;還包括制動管路分析與選擇。 進度安排:第8周9周 學生組織資料第9周 提交開題報告第13周 中期自檢第14周 系中期檢查完成計算部分第1517周 圖紙第17周 結(jié)題驗收,上交畢業(yè)設計 同組設計者及分工:指導教師簽字_ 年 月 日 系(教研室)主任意見: 系(教研室)主任簽字_ 年 月 日哈爾濱工業(yè)大學華德應用技術學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)附 錄1現(xiàn)代汽車盤式制動器發(fā)展淺析 國內(nèi)汽車盤式制動器應用情況隨著我國汽車工業(yè)技術的發(fā)展,特別是轎車工業(yè)的發(fā)展,合資企業(yè)的引進,國外先進技術的進入,汽車上采應用盤式制動器配置才逐步在我國形成規(guī)模。特別是在提高整車性能、保障安全、提高乘車者的舒適性,滿足人們不斷提高的生活物質(zhì)需求、改善生活環(huán)境等方面都發(fā)揮了很大的作用。1)在轎車、微型車、輕卡、SUV及皮卡方面:在從經(jīng)濟與實用的角度出發(fā),一般采用了混合的制動形式,即前車輪盤式制動,后車輪鼓式制動。因轎車在制動過程中,由于慣性的作用,前輪的負荷通常占汽車全部負荷的70%80%,所以前輪制動力要比后輪大。生產(chǎn)廠家為了節(jié)省成本,就采用了前輪盤式制動,后輪鼓式制動的混合匹配方式。采用前盤后鼓式混合制動器,這主要是出于成本上的考慮,同時也是因為汽車在緊急制動時,軸荷前移,對前輪制動性能的要求比較高,這類前制動器主要以液壓盤式制動器為主流,采用液壓油作傳輸介質(zhì),以液壓總泵為動力源,后制動器以液壓式雙泵雙作用缸制動蹄匹配。目前大部分轎車(中檔類如夏利、吉利、神龍富康、上海華普、捷達)、微型車(長安之星、昌河、豐田海獅、天津華利、江鈴全順)、高端輕卡(東風小霸王、江鈴、瑞風、南京依維柯)、SUV及皮卡(湖南長豐、江鈴皮卡)等采用前盤后鼓式混合制動器。2004年我國共產(chǎn)此類車計110萬輛以上。但隨著高速公路等級的提高,乘車檔次的上升,特別上國家安全法規(guī)的強制實施,前后輪都用盤式制動器是趨勢。2)在大型客車方面:氣壓盤式制動器產(chǎn)品技術先進性明顯,可靠性總體良好,具有創(chuàng)新性和技術標準的集成性。歐美國家自上世紀90年代初開始將盤式制動器用于大型公交車。至2000年,盤式制動器(前后制動均為盤式)已經(jīng)成為歐美國家城市公交車的標準配置。我國從1997年開始在大客車和載重車上推廣盤式制動器及 A BS防抱死系統(tǒng),因進口產(chǎn)品價格太高,主要用于高端產(chǎn)品。2004年7月1日交通部強制在7-12米高型客車上 “必須”配備后,國產(chǎn)盤式制動器得以大行其道。北京公交電車公司、上海公交、武漢公交、長沙公交、深圳公交、廣州公交等公司,都在使用為大客車匹配的氣壓盤式制動器。生產(chǎn)廠家主要有:宇通公司2004年產(chǎn)20000多輛客車,其中使用盤式制動器的客車已占一半多;宇通公司自制底盤部份是由二汽在EQ153前后橋基礎升級更改的,每年有10000多套。二汽東風車橋用EQ153前后橋改型匹配氣壓盤式制動器的前后橋總成約占6000套以上,是宇通公司最大的氣壓盤式制動器橋供應商。宇通公司每年需在一汽采客車底盤3000多臺,一汽客底2004年供了2000多臺,其中帶盤式制動器占一半以上。如一汽客底采用4E前轉(zhuǎn)向系統(tǒng)配置氣壓盤式制動器前橋、11噸420后橋裝在6100(10米)豪華客車上; 7噸盤式前橋與13噸435后橋配裝在6120(12米)豪華客車上等,都是宇通公司市場前景較好,利潤附加值很高的車型。江蘇金龍客車的7-9米高型客車客車采用湖橋供帶盤式制動器的車橋2004年在5500臺左右。廈門金龍客車10-12米高型客車以上客車、丹東黃??蛙?0-12米高型客車、安徽凱斯鮑爾等等國內(nèi)知名的大型廠家均已在批量生產(chǎn)帶盤式制動器的高檔客車。3)重型汽車方面:作為重型汽車行業(yè)應用型新技術,氣壓盤式制動器的已經(jīng)屬成熟產(chǎn)品,目前具有廣泛應用的前景。2004年3月紅巖公司率先在國內(nèi)重卡行業(yè)中完成了對氣壓盤式制動器總成的開發(fā)。2005年元月份中國重汽卡車事業(yè)部在提升和改進卡車底盤的過程中,在橋箱事業(yè)部配合下,將22.5英寸氣壓盤式制動器成功“嫁接”到了重汽斯太爾重卡車前橋上。氣壓盤式制動器在重汽斯太爾卡車前橋上的成功“嫁接”,解決了令整車廠及用戶困擾已久的傳統(tǒng)鼓式制動器制動嘯叫、頻繁制動時制動蹄片易磨損、雨天制動效能降低等一系列問題。氣壓盤式制動器首次在斯太爾卡車前橋上的應用,也為今后開發(fā)重汽高速卡車提供了經(jīng)驗和技術儲備。與此同時陜西重汽、北汽福田、一汽解放、東風公司、江淮汽車等國內(nèi)大型汽車廠均完成了盤式制動器在重型汽車方面的前期型試試驗及技術貯備工作,盤式制動器在某些方面可以說成為未來重卡制動系統(tǒng)匹配發(fā)展的新趨勢。附 錄2The development of modern Motor disc brake The application of the domestic auto disc brake As Chinas automobile industry and technology, especially the car industry, the introduction of the joint venture, the entry of foreign advanced technology, applications automobile disc brake configuration was adopted to gradually scale in China. Particularly in improving vehicle performance, safety, enhance the cars comfort, meet the increasing material needs of life, improve the living environment played a significant role. 1) In car, micro car, light truck, SUV and pickup areas: the economic and practical point of view, the general form of the mixed braking, the former wheel disc brakes, drum brake rear wheels. By car during braking, due to the role of inertia, the load front load typically accounts for 70% of all vehicles -80%, so a large front-wheel braking force than the rear wheels. Manufacturers to save costs, on the use of front wheel disc brakes, rear drum brakes of the mix and match approach. By Qianpanhougu hybrid brake, mainly because of cost considerations, but also because the car in an emergency braking, axle load forward on the front brake performance requirements are relatively high, these front brakes major hydraulic disc brake to the mainstream, the use of hydraulic oil for the transmission medium to the hydraulic master cylinder as the power source, after the brake in order to double-pump double acting hydraulic cylinder brake shoes match. Currently, most cars (mid-range category, such as Xiali, Geely, Citroen, Shanghai Maple, Jetta), mini trucks (Changan Star, Changhe, Toyota Hiace, Tianjin, Beverly, JMC Transit), high light Card (DF Sundance Kid, JMC, Refine, Nanjing Iveco), SUV and pickup (Hunan Changfeng, JMC pickup), and other uses Qianpanhougu hybrid brake. Communist China in 2004 more than 1.1 million dollars of such vehicles. But with the improvement of highway grade, the rise in car quality, especially on national security, enforcement of regulations, front and rear disc brakes are used is the trend. 2) the Bus: the air disc brake products significantly advanced technology, reliability is generally good, innovative and technical standards of integration. Europe and the United States since the early 90s of last century to disc brakes for large bus. To 2000, disc brakes (both front and rear disc brake) Europe and the United States has become the standard city bus. China since 1997 to promote the bus and load the car anti-lock disc brakes, and A BS system, due to high prices of imported goods, mainly for high-end products. 1 July 2004 to force the Ministry of Communications 7 - 12-meter bus with type must with, the disc brake can be made popular. Beijing Public Transport Tramways Company, Shanghai Bus, Bus, Wuhan, Changsha bus, bus in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, public transportation and other companies are using the bus match the air disc brake. Manufacturers are: Yutong buses in 2004 with an annual output of more than 20,000, which accounted for using the disc brake of the bus more than half; Yutong made chassis are made by the steam front and rear axles based on the EQ153 upgrade changes, and each year more than 10,000 sets. Dongfeng Axle steam modified front and rear axles with EQ153 match the front and rear air disc brake assembly of about 6,000 over the bridge, is Yutongs largest supplier of air disc brake bridge. FAW Yutong collected in each year more than 3,000 bus chassis, FAW-off for the end of 2004, more than 2,000, of which more than half with disc brakes. Such as FAW-off before the end of steering system configuration using 4E air disc brake front axle, rear axle loading 11 tons of 420 in 6100 (10 m) luxury passenger cars; 7 tons and 13 tons of disc front axle rear axle equipped with 435 in 6120 ( 12 m) luxury bus fine, Yutong market prospects are good, high added value and profit models. 7-9 meters in Jiangsu Golden Dragon Bus Bus Bus type Lake bridge for the use of the axle with disc brakes at the 5,500 or so in 2004. Xiamen Golden Dragon Bus Type 10-12 meters above the passenger bus, Dandong Yellow Bus Bus type 10-12 meters high, Anhui, Keith Powell, etc. are well-known large-scale manufacturers with a disc brake in the mass production of high-grade bus. 3) heavy-duty motor vehicles: heavy-duty automotive industry as a new type of technology, have air disc brakes are mature products, currently has a wide application prospect. March 2004 Red Rock took the lead in the domestic heavy truck industry, completed the development of air disc brake assembly. January 2005 Division of China National Heavy Duty Truck Truck truck chassis in upgrading and improving the process of division in cooperation with the bridge case, the 22.5 inches air disc brake successfully grafted to the heavy truck steyr truck before the bridge re- . Air disc brakes in the heavy truck Steyr truck on the bridge before the successful grafting to solve the problems so that OEMs and users of long-standing tradition of drum brake whistle, frequent brake brake shoe wear , rain brake performance degradation and other issues. Steyr air disc brakes for the first time in the application of the truck before the bridge, but also for the future development of high-speed trucks, heavy truck experience and technology to provide a reserve. At the same time, Shaanxi Heavy Duty Truck, Foton, FAW, Dongfeng, JAC and other major domestic auto plants were completed disc brake in the early stage of heavy-duty automotive-type reserve pilot test and technical work in a disc brake These aspects can be said that the future development of heavy truck braking system to match the new trend. -5-