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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科【高級英語閱讀(2)2023-2024期末試題及答案(試卷代號:1354)X Mutch each vocabulary word on I he left with the correct definition on the right (3 pointseach)LuniversalA ncetissily2. povertyH takr aitention away3. requirementC make less4. livelihood11 n -nnilv3; distractfcL conunur to livr or rxisl6. surviveFa pe

2、ople who ftcll things7. reduceCt. the altility 10 remember& grinH. workt job* profession9.merchantsL available to everyone10. memoryJ being poorFill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each)cumpcihivt? ed|cenihusiasucexpensiveinfluencedinveslprnfiu slangsuddenlysurvivetrendThe pop

3、ularity of tattoos did not1into the 20th century; it flowed down andconiinuvd only among soldiers and sa)lors Thew? men 12_ each other to get mtiooed to show how strong thry were. As a resulti tin* general pub!ict began io think of people withlattoas hs frnni lhe lower clrisses the trend has begun t

4、o slow down, and soon it may be n thing of rhe pas!w nml mlvnncr in a nrw orunnunhnn?H /X* ihrsrcorm in rnincl. thry honhl try to figun out ihv niiBwcrs W)ihry cin tr-/n h n (IrciMon. Ahliungh th rt 誼 n high uii nf tinrniploynirtii in nornr coiin!rir!ict ihrrr nrr untuilly jolz Inr skilled wnrk*rs w

5、ho r/iri unr compuirr* or nthrr rqt|iprnrnt Tho?r who hnv wpcwilixrtl trnininn in thre nnuia cun K(jnraUy fiv)d n poxilion without loo murh effort.C Huof whrlhrr fbi. y *11 like /itmthrr (ivltl more ihnn thru cut rent nuc 卜 nho n t ninnl onr- Whilt* it nirr in clrrnm nboul hnvtriK another join die r

6、ruhty may be thoi they nrrrri uiicd lor its For rxomplr. if nn nrrhilcct likra to rook bul no irlrn about how tu tun it biminm it mny be riky for hi!ti to npt n 劣 r Hr cam rook for hi(rirnds- on wcckimh Mtnl snnly Inti drciirnh nf brmw n chef m lht wuy.I) AdoiIht wny Inr n peerm in iimi nui if aIii

7、will br muccckIuI in new fiehl 1、10 try if out an,|Mrt nine iob Bciuk nti rvriH plnnm r sounds uUnioron%t but hrlpinu (rirudN will) prinir or svrcldingfc mihl hnw her ihnf it1 h Im)very uUrtsfiil llowvvcrt if he hnr ih rmiiviiy jiihI orunriixntlon nm vnftnry (or uch a pojitiim.can caniinuti io plan

8、foi Itiemlti uinil she build4 tip n rrpntniinn- Then nhc cn hm hvr rurrrnt)nh to look nr n |! in rvrriiphiniiitiK knuwnij4 I Ini I hc *11hr wceMuI inthin nrmE imllynhnut(ivry nr II div ruovr Ims bwn (tarn ant conipnnyio itiuuhrr. ihr|jrrMoi should Rtny untilif isrliMr he i doing a good |pb and cun m

9、lvnnvf? in n higher pomliojl EollowinR thin nilvicv will niukr the irrtnHion uionthcr nnl lh rnrv.i rhniiKc 5tH-ri duhFor each questionv cboosv lhe best answer based on the raiding passage. Write t B9 C or D on your Answer Sheet.2L Acmrchng io lhAi M n go rnnenreer25. You nhonld sUy in a nrw cnrecr

10、nt five yenr5 beeouA. n f* ynur rtpecinhyIL ynu rnoveil (rorn one cnni|uiny in nnot herC you C4H do n good jnh nnil mlvnnrr in ihnt time11 the ttansiition will be smootherB Ibuid the (HISSUK 12 mzur I he q ursthn Ihnt billow, |3 points r:ich) rckcomniulinuA A、r ur ( linniriu trchnnlojty m/ikr5 ickco

11、mnuitinK incrcHHiniily r/uy nnl pciiiulnr. Sennr irlmwninHlvri* wnk hi liornr full iinir# whilr others go nuo thr offirr onr nr two days unci work nl home ihc of thv wvrk. It 】,thnl l)rt ween 16 nnd 23 million pct)|)lr iclrconiintnc in the t nurd SiMicMt mid brt wern L 6 und 2 inilhori prnpli trlri

12、onitnuir tn hath ,hr IL K. nrul (irniiAtiy. And the niinibrift urc rowit)M Why nrr nn nuiny p oplc irIvcornmiitifi? WhiH nr ilwami do they outwt ih thrdi5Alvnnt/iRrM?H I elvcomniuiin hus rn/iny mlvsnldgra hi Hdiluion topeoplr from I heSlr ,I , :川甲 roniinuiis H /iho allows for ih M ihility in ih work

13、place. I rle0ninnnjirr!i nn pion flirir own fichnnrii/r thrir work rnvirunrnfiili .itid ihry inn work (rorn nnywhrrr. O(h ri. pt opb with hililrcn hki- ro ivlcconirnutr brcaiv h mrnf hulhhnH n work schedule around Intnily tlcrnunrh mihI rnriirnHnirtitR. Addiiinfinllyt home officii c/in provide ocxl

14、tnx(nr uJe nnirnun#r* Finally, (or Iiomc who don1 like I hr of her MtmONplwrce office rnding rnrrtiiH:5.trlreonitnuting edit provide n rclcac rclrconwriuting n(l only provitloro ihewoikrr il Im nrfits th lrrrnhrdntl jnb urowth in rurnl mv% iIiaI mihl not othcrwlrMRr cmployrnrn! njnions.( FflrcortHnH

15、iitig hnw nnntr wnrkcrji may nut out ol huirr hui bcrntiM* tin- vruployrr (lor%u f 1 wi- h to pmviih: office fipnri . n wnrkor ih bmrliiH nn oilc rtiiplayrr* rrrrivir Afintht-r ilrnwhnrk 1, that nut rvrrynnc enn tclernnirninv- ( rrtnm ehpu Riirh 時 rnfilui /mil |jiihhhing cnnuhingt zhr n4 irlrniHrkvt

16、hi Irnd thrmsrlwt hrttfr to (rlrrornrniilitM thnn others Shim penph?I)ri4 it very ihlfimli Hi w(nk ni Imiiiiv. I hr TV. iht rc(iigrniior t 1 hr ht(L v rnniL utul I In htlrpluiiic cun he Iiik ilibif irrion far trh vonifniiirr )11 I hr (iihvr ImiiiI *6rni? haln urnniuirr* rmt1 IWork Irniu hrum hh! h.i

17、vr n imIvih y tu overwork. Otherilishilv/ititiiKcn uf it liutiHnuhiiM itirludc ihr uby nf olhrc rrlnh(inHhip! Sdtnrhenr-. il n worker .ph 煩 Iii5 m h r lurif hr tween home otul iht- ollirr ic wurki r- wlm 山中、hwvc the opportunny tn work m horm tuihi krl rr% nifuL MnrinvrM miuhl (rrl powvrh in conirnl

18、ctiiployvPh wliri nren a I nn mhs bi mil lye i( workiun from hornr rnnkrh ynu f Jrlf nrnl Nrtticy luiiHil n wy to nsr trlci rinirnuiinw io chriDRc their livrs. N(h only dn we hnvr c brnrr lilrwtylt wr hii r n better lift .HMuncy# I y/ir、卜口 thecouple snlrl thMt Vhinluitlari rtpnrtmrni aiu bouhi uhorn

19、c. When ihry nrv notirnveliriK nroutid I hr United ShUcH# they hvr in ihrir lobr Imrialow in Sunfii bri New Mexiuru But befnrr celling mir Nrw ork upmtmrntt w,“ei I hr ycr m/tking vniinrrticm nnd rcMCnrrhinM chh optKHm lor work lhal Wi coiihl 1o# nrjry d【)g work lor a piiblnhcr nnd .|r(f warkn nn in

20、ci pemlrtn ronulbinu Umh nivt tfil in InpInpH .tini mv iIimi tMywe It 心Wb Mun,,and(II(ihnn - help iheni when hrya n on I hr roud. Riucinly Nnney wrnir acookbook for catnppenfthy cnlloR5 nrl Web sites. MThruuh telccDmrnutnu w nrt? ;di!r nittkrnjoucy !n Mirvivc wilhnui illppirij: inhimr rirt ;md wv hn

21、v 1 clccmnmuling is oik Itvclihood| ArrurdinH Ethe mnnbiT nl h In tninuirtb in th 頑by 3 million briwien 1999 nml 2000. Will the numbvr cotninuv io ri nc quickly/ VS ill ickcornniuiinR i nnunut to -rew? If ivrlinolnKy convuuvs ro irnprnvi t pt-rhAp* t rrvotir will R working in Mvmuij|titul thr irddmn

22、hiil ciffic* wJI di nppeur. enuImsure, but vr enn h err lain ihnt idectmimuting h not a hid. h m i pniciicnl nlrrnnuvr in ih* irndnintuil oilier joht tn*miiiivf which i、hrrn tn,靜y.Decide whether (he r(ilhiv*int! xlatcnwnls nrr true or Write M l M fur 1 rue and MKn for Eulsr on the Answer Sheet26. Pr

23、nplr who like working in an nfficr will probnbly like trlrcoiJunutinR.27. Telecommutifig tn possible lot people in nil |。1心心28. relrcommutiriK h心 helped |rf( .ind Nuncy rhmy llnir hfriityle.29. Telrcnmniuting i、mon- llexiblc ihon trnlihonnl nlluc wotk.30 rclcconimnhng is n (nd ihm will probably diMi

24、ppcwr oon.試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):囚 Match wh %)cnbilary woni m the left with the conrvt definition on tiw right (3 points each)3. A7.C8. D9. F10;Ib| Till in the blanks with wonh fnim the boxbclw (3 poinK each)1 L surviveinfluenced13. trend】4.suddenly15. invest】petitive edgeslnng19. rnthasiastic20.rxpenMvrSection II Rending ( omprchcrision |A) For each question, choose the best answer based on the rending passage.(5 points each)2LB22. D2L A25. C1| Dcchlc whether the following tutcinente hfc Inir or false. Write I for I rtie und MFH forFnhc on the Answer Sheet. (3 points cnch)2& F27f E28. T29. T30. E

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