Mechanical processing is introduced
1. Lathe
The lathe is mainly for the car round face and boring, car and so on a work and design of machine tools. Turning in rarely on other kinds of machine tools, and any other machine tools are not like lathe so easily turning processing. Because of the lathe can also be used to drilling and reaming, lathe versatility can make the work piece in an installation of complete several processing. Consequently, more lathes of various types are used in manufacturing than any other machine tool.
Lathe basic parts are: lathe bed、spindle box components、the tailstock components、slip board components and screw and light poles.
The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It can often is by after a full normalizing or aging treatment of ductile iron of grey or into. It is a strong rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Usually in bed body have two set of parallel rails inside. Some manufacturers are using to all four guide rails the triangle guide pointed (i.e. prefecture, and some factory guide) in a group or is in both groups are using a triangle guide and a rectangular guide. Guide to machine to guarantee their straightness precision. In order to resist wear and scratches, most modern tools of guide is through the surface hardening, but during operation should also be careful to avoid damage guide. Guide rail, any error means the whole machine precision often undermined.
Spindle box installed in the fixed position medial guide, usually left end of the bed. It provides power, and can make the work piece under various speed in turn. It basically consists of a installed in the hollow shaft and precision bearing a series of change gear (similar to the truck gearbox) together. Through the sliding gears, spindle can swim in the many kinds of rotating speed. Most of the lathe have 8 ~ 12 kinds of speed, general form. According to arrange series But in the modern machine just pull (2 ~ 4 handle, can get full speed. A growing trend is through the electrical or mechanical device speed.
Due to the accuracy of machine tool depends largely on spindle, spindle structure size is larger, normally installed in pre-tightening after the heavy tapered roller bearings or ball bearings. Axis in a full-length through-hole throughout, long bar stock through the hole can be feeding. The size of the Lord when an important dimension is lathe, so when the work-piece must be through the main when material feeding, it confirms that can process the maximum size of the blank bar feeders.
The tailstock component mainly consists of three parts. The inside of the motherboard and lathe bed rails, can be in guide with the mobile longitudinally. Floor has a can make whole the tailstock component clamping device at any position. The tailstock bodies are installed at the bottom, along some type of the keyway in floor , make the tailstock the spindle with spindle box for positive. The tailstock third part is the tailstock sleeve. It is a diameter usually at about 51 ~ 76mm (2 ~ 3 inches) between steel hollow cylinder. Through the spindle and screw, the tailstock sleeve can in the tailstock body and move the longitudinal a few inches move.
The lathe with two dimensions specifications said. The first called lathe bed surface the largest machining diameter. This is able to rotate in lathe of the biggest diameter work piece. It is about two top attachment and guide rail of the distance of the nearest point two times. The second size is the maximum distance between the two top. Lathe bed surface in the largest machining diameter says the biggest to turning lathe, and two top diameter work piece is the maximum distance between two top means in between the work piece can be installed the maximum length.
Ordinary lathe is in the production of the most frequently used lathes type. They have all those in front of Syracuse, and heavy machine parts, all except for small knife tools outside the sport has motor feed. Their specifications are usually: lathe bed face biggest process diameter for 305 ~ 610mm (12 to 24 inches); But, the bed surface to the largest machining diameter 1270mm (50 inches) and the distance between the two top 3658mm lathe is not to unusual. Most of these lathes are installed in the plate and a scraps internal cooling fluid circulation system. Small plain lathe bed face biggest - lathe machining diameter usually less than 330mm (13 inches) is designed, and its bench-type lathe bed installed in a table or on the cabinet.
Although there are many USES, ordinary lathe is very useful, but the machine tool and replacement and adjust to measure the work piece spending a lot of time, so they are not suitable for mass production application. Usually, their actual processing time is less than 30% of its total processing time. In addition, need skilled workers to operate ordinary lathe, the worker's salary high and difficult to hire. However, most of the time but operating workers spend on simply repeating adjustment and observation on scraps process. Therefore, in order to reduce or totally not to hire this kind of skilled workers, hex lathe, threaded processing lathe and other types of semi-automatic and automatic lathe has well developed, and has been widely applied in production.
2. Digital control
One of the advanced manufacturing technologies, the basic concept is numerical control (NC). In the numerical control technology there before all of the machine tool is artificially manipulation and control. With artificially controlled machine tools in many of the limitations on the skills, the operator is probably the most prominent problem. Using artificial control is directly with the product, the quality of the skills related. Operator Digital control from artificially controlled machine tool represents the first step came out.
Digital control means that USES preliminary recording, storage of symbolic instruction to control machine tools and other manufacturing system. A nc technician job is not to manipulate tools, but that produces a machine manipulation instructions written the program. For a NC machine tool, it must Ann have a known as reading machine interface device used to accept and interpret the programming instructions.
Development of numerical control technology is in order to overcome the limitations of human operator, and it really finished the work. Digital control machine than artificially manipulated the machine precision higher, produce parts consistency better, faster, and long-term production technology and equipment costs less. CNC technology development led to the manufacturing process several other new inventions in the generation:
Electrical discharge machining technology, laser cutting, electron beam welding digital control also makes machines used artificially exercise than their predecessors' use of more widely.
A numerical control machine tool can automatic production many kind of parts, each parts can have different and complicated process. NC can make manufacturers undertake those for the artificially controlled machine tools and technology, it is not economically cost-effective products production tasks.
As with many advanced technology, CNC was born in MIT lab. NC this concept is in early 1950s under a grant from the United States air force brought out. In its initial price section, NC machine tools can economic and efficient straight-line cutting.
However, the curve track becomes a problem of the machine tool should be used when programming, in a series of horizontal and vertical steps to generate curve. Each of the steps counting constitutes the shorter and more smooth curve. Each of the steps line must pass calculation.
For this problem, in 1959 automatic programming tools (born APT) language has born. This is a special suitable for CNC programming languages, use similar to English sentences to define parts geometric shape, describe the shape and provisions cutting tools necessary movements. APT language research and development is in the numerical control technology further development in a big improvement. Initial CNC system and application of the numerical control system is today, there was a big difference between. At the time of machine tools, only have hard line logic circuit. Instruction program written in perforated tape (it was later replaced by plastic band), adopt take reading machine will be written on paper tape or tape on instructions to machine translation. All these together constitute a digital control machine have the great progress. However, in this stage of the numerical control development still have many problems.
A major problem is the easy attaint sex punched paper tape. In machining process, carrying programming instructions information tape fracture and were ripped is common things. In every processing a parts on the machine, all needs will carrying programming instructions tape into reading machine to run again. Therefore, the problem becomes very serious. If needs to make 100 some parts, it should be a tape by reading machine 100 times respectively. Easy attaint tape obviously cannot withstand severe worthy workshop environment and the repeated use.
This led to a kind of special plastic tape development. By adopting a series on the tape to produce holes in carrying programming instructions, and by using a series of plastic with magnetic point narrowed carrying programming instructions. The strength of the plastic belt than the intensity of paper tape is much higher, this can solve common torn and fracture problem. However, it still has two problems.
One of the most important questions is, with instructions to input to the amendment is very difficult, or is simply impossible. Even the most minor procedure to commands the adjustment, also must interrupt processing, making a new band. And by using reading machine with The Times must also and need the same number of parts processing. Fortunately, the practical application of computer technology in the numerical control technology resolved soon with perforated tape and plastic belt pertinent questions.
In form the direct numerical control (DNC) this concept later, can no longer using paper tape or plastic zone as the carrier of programming instructions, thus solved the related problems. In direct numerical control, a few tool machine through the data transmission on receiving a chromatic main computer. Manipulating these machines need procedures are stored in this one host computer. When required, through the data transmission lines provide each machine tool. Direct numerical control is in perforated tape and plastic belt on the basis of a big improvement. However, it is trust in the Lord with other with the limitations of computer technologies like. The main computer malfunction by the control of all machines will stop working. This problem prompted computer numerical control technology production. The development of the microprocessor for programmable logic controller and microcomputer development prepared well. These two kinds of technology for computer numerical control (CNC) hair and lay the foundation. After using CNC technology, each machine has a programmable logic controller or the digital control microcomputer. This allows the program is input and stored in every tool machine inside. It can still outside the machine, and the program downloaded to each machine tool. Computer numerical control solved the main computer failure brought about by the problem, but it has another called data management problem. The same program may be individually in polythene ten mutual communication was not the microcomputer. This problem is the currently solution, it is through using among local area network will link up with each microcomputer, to better data management.
3. Turning processing
Ordinary lathe as the first metal cutting machine, and is still a kind of known and has many useful properties and characteristics of needed for people. Now, these machine mainly USES in the factory in a small, small batch production, rather than volume production.
In the modern production workshops, ordinary lathe has been a wide variety of automatic lathes, such as automatic copy replaced fractal lathe, hex lathe and automatic screw lathe. Now, design personnel already knows how to make a single blade knives of metal removal, and by using the molding tool headroom get surface finish and precision of the processing method advantages. The processing method production speed and now used in the fastest factory of machining equipment speed equal.
Ordinary lathe with deviation mainly depends on the degree of the skilled operator. The design engineer should seriously by skilled workers is determined on the plain lathe machining test pieces of tolerance. In the test "for production parts design again, should choose economic tolerances.
Hex lathe: production and processing equipment, it to more attention than the past now whether it has to evaluate its precise and rapid repeat processing ability. Application of this standard to evaluate concrete processing methods, hex lathe can obtain higher quality evaluation. For small batch in the parts (100 to 200 pieces), the design and machining method is the most economical hex lathe. In order to obtain the lathe as small as possible with the tolerance values, designers should as far as possible the number of processes will be minimized.
Automatic screw lathe: automatic screw lathe is usually divided into the following several types: screw automatically, the single-spindle automatic and automatic clamping lathe. Automatic screw lathe was originally used to with threaded screw and similar parts for automation and rapid tooling. However, this lathe purposes would have more than the narrow scope. Now, it is in many kinds of precision components of mass production of plays an important role. The number of work piece to adopt the automatic screw lathe machining parts of the economy that have a major influence. If the number of work piece in 1000 pieces, hex lathes than in automatic screw lathe machining much want economy in processing. If the calculated minimum economic batch, and choose correct for work piece batch machine, can reduce parts processing cost.
Automatic copy form lathe: because parts surface roughness depends largely on whether the work piece material, tools, feeding and cutting speed, adopts automatic copy form lathe processing get minimum tolerance must be the most economic tolerances.
In some cases, in the continuous production process, only when a cutting the tolerance can reach 0.05 mm. For some parts, groove wider tolerance can achieve 0.125 mm. Boring and Hugh single blade knives with precision, tolerance can achieve premium mm. Hoping to gain the maximum principal amount in the mass production, diameter and length of turning the minimum for tolerance values of 0.125 mm is economic.