【機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯】Endshortcut menu 事件【word英文974字7頁(yè)word中文翻譯915字6頁(yè)】
【機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯】Endshortcut menu 事件【word英文974字7頁(yè)word中文翻譯915字6頁(yè)】,機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯,word英文974字7頁(yè),word中文翻譯915字6頁(yè),【機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯】Endshortcut,menu,事件【word英文974字7頁(yè),word中文翻譯915字6頁(yè)】,機(jī)械類
EndShortcutMenu event
Triggered after the shortcut menu appears.
See Also | Example
object.EndShortcutMenu (Shortcut Menu)
Document object
an object expression that evaluates to a valid container object. In this case, the only valid container is a document.
Shortcut Menu
PopupMenu object; input/output from the handler
the shortcut menu that has been displayed.
Use this event to perform any cleanup work on the shortcut menu.
No events will be fired while a modal dialog is being displayed.
?See Also
Methods, Properties, and Events:
ActiveX and VBA Developer's Guide:
"Use Events"
Private Sub AcadDocument_EndShortcutMenu (Shortcut Menu as AutoCAD.IAcadPopupMenu)
‘This example intercepts a drawing EndShortcutMenu event.
‘This event is triggered when the user closes a drawing shortcut menu.
‘To trigger this example event: Right click the mouse in the working area of a drawing,
‘Wait for the shortcut menu to be displayed and then dismiss the shortcut menu
MsgBox "A shortcut menu was just closed!"
End Sub
LayoutSwitched event
?Triggered after the user switches to a different layout.
See Also | Example
object.LayoutSwitched (Layout Name)
Document object
an object expression that evaluates to a valid container object. In this case, the only valid container is a document.
Layout Name
String; input to the handler
the name of the layout the user has switched to.
No events will be fired while a modal dialog is being displayed.
?See Also
Methods, Properties, and Events:
ActiveX and VBA Developer's Guide:
"Use Events"
Private Sub AcadDocument_LayoutSwitched (By Val Layout Name as String)
‘This example intercepts a drawing Layout Switched event.
‘This event is triggered when the user switches to a different
‘Drawing layout view.
‘To trigger this example event: Open a drawing and change its layout view
‘For example: Switch the drawing from Model view to Layout1 view
‘Use the "Layout Name" variable to determine the which layout view we changed to
MsgBox "The drawing layout was just changed to: " & Layout Name
End Sub
LISPCancelled event
Triggered when the evaluation of a LISP expression is cancelled.
See Also | Example
object.LISPCancelled ()
Application object, Document object
an object expression that evaluates to a valid container object. In this case, the only valid containers are the application and a document.
No events will be fired while a modal dialog is being displayed.
?See Also
Methods, Properties, and Events:
ActiveX and VBA Developer's Guide:
"Use Events
Private Sub AcadDocument_LispCancelled ()
‘This example intercepts a drawing Lisp Cancelled event.
‘This event is triggered when the evaluation of a LISP expression is cancelled.
‘To trigger this example event: Run a LISP expression and
‘Cancel the LISP evaluation before it finishes
MsgBox "A LISP evaluation was just cancelled."
End Sub
Modified event
?Triggered when an object or collection in the drawing has been modified.
See Also | Example
Object. Modified (Entity)
All Drawing objects, Block, Blocks, Dictionary, Dictionaries, DimStyle, DimStyles, Group, Groups, Hyperlink, Hyperlinks, Layer, Layers, Layout, Layouts, Linetype, Linetypes, ModelSpace, PaperSpace, PlotConfiguration, PlotConfigurations, RegisteredApplication, RegisteredApplications, SelectionSet, SelectionSets, TextStyle, TextStyles, UCS, UCSs, View, Views, Viewport, Viewports, XRecord
An object expression that evaluates to a valid container object.
A Drawing Object
The object in the drawing that is modified can be any one of the drawing objects.
This event will be triggered whenever the object is modified. Modification includes whenever the value of a property is set, even if the new value is equal to the current value.
When coding in VBA, you must provide an event handler for all objects enabled for the Modified event. If you do not provide a handler, VBA may terminate unexpectedly.
No events will be fired while a modal dialog is being displayed.
See Also
Methods, Properties, and Events:
ActiveX and VBA Developer's Guide:
"Use Events"
Public with Events Plane as AcadLWPolyline ' Use with Modified Event Example
Sub Example Modified ()
‘This example creates a lightweight plotline in model space and
‘References the Plotline using the public variable (Plane) which
‘Is set up to intercept Modified events.
‘This example then modifies the new object, triggering the code
‘In the Modified event.
Dim points (0 To 9) As Double
‘Define the 2D plotline points
Points (0) = 1: points (1) = 1
Points (2) = 1: points (3) = 2
Points (4) = 2: points (5) = 2
Points (6) = 3: points (7) = 2
Points (8) = 4: points (9) = 4
‘Create a lightweight Plotline object in model space
‘* Note: We are returning the new Plotline object into a Module
‘Level variable. This allows us to intercept events associated
‘With that particular object.
Set Plane = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline (points)
‘Modify object to trigger event.
‘* Note: The event code for the Plotline modification will be triggered
‘Before we move forward and refresh the view, so the line will not
‘Appear blue when the event message box is displayed.
Dim color As AcadAcCmColor
Set color = AcadApplication.GetInterfaceObject ("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.16")
Call color.SetRGB (80, 100, and 244)
PLine.TrueColor = color
ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports
End Sub
Private Sub PLine_Modified (ByVal pObject As AutoCAD.IAcadObject)
‘This example intercepts an object's Modified event.
‘This event is triggered when an object supporting this event is modified.
‘To trigger this code: Modify an object connected to this event
‘* Note: By connected, we mean the object set up to intercept events using
‘The VBA with Events statement
‘Use the "object" variable to determine which object was modified
Skybox "You just modified an object with an ID of: " & pObject.ObjectID
End Sub