汽車變速箱三維設(shè)計與仿真【三維PROE+仿真動畫】【三軸式五擋手動變速器 五檔】
汽車變速箱三維設(shè)計與仿真【三維PROE+仿真動畫】【三軸式五擋手動變速器 五檔】,三維PROE+仿真動畫,三軸式五擋手動變速器 五檔,汽車變速箱三維設(shè)計與仿真【三維PROE+仿真動畫】【三軸式五擋手動變速器,五檔】,汽車,變速箱,三維設(shè)計,仿真,三維,PROE,動畫,三軸式五擋,手動
畢業(yè)設(shè)計-翻譯文三段式圓弧凸輪的解析設(shè)計(譯)摘要:本文對三段式圓弧凸輪輪廓進行了理論性描述。提出了凸輪輪廓的解析式并為以之為尺寸參數(shù)討論。例舉了一些數(shù)值樣例來證明本理論描述的正確性并表明恰當(dāng)?shù)娜问綀A弧凸輪在工程上是可行的。1. 序言凸輪是一種通過與從動件的直接表面接觸來傳輸預(yù)定運動的機構(gòu)。一般地,從運動學(xué)1,2:來看,凸輪機構(gòu)由三部分組成:凸輪(主動件);從動件;機架。凸輪機構(gòu)廣泛用于現(xiàn)代機械中,特別是一些自動化機械裝備,內(nèi)燃機與控制系統(tǒng)3。凸輪機構(gòu)簡單而便宜,運動部件少而且結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊。凸輪輪廓設(shè)計主要基于簡單的幾何曲線,比如:拋物線,諧函數(shù)曲線,擺線,梯形曲線2,5以及它們的復(fù)合曲線1,2,6,7。本文主要致力于基于圓弧輪廓的凸輪,即所謂圓弧凸輪。圓弧凸輪制造容易,用于低速機構(gòu)中,也可用于微機械與納米機械中,因為精密加工可以通過利用初等幾何學(xué)準(zhǔn)確地達到。這種凸輪的缺點是:凸輪輪廓上不同半徑圓弧交接處會產(chǎn)生加速度的劇變。5因為通常只有有限數(shù)量的圓弧,所以其設(shè)計,制造以及運動傳輸都不是很復(fù)雜,從而它成為經(jīng)濟與簡單的方案,這正是圓弧凸輪5,8的優(yōu)點8所在。最近,出于設(shè)計目的,有人開始用描述性視圖給予圓弧凸輪注意。本文通過討論其幾何設(shè)計參量描述了三段式圓弧凸輪。我們?yōu)槿⊥馆喬岢隽私馕鍪阶鳛閷σ郧拔墨I12中二弧凸輪解析式的擴充。2. 三段式圓弧凸輪的解析模型三段式圓弧凸輪解析式中設(shè)計參量由圖18,圖2給出。三段式圓弧凸輪設(shè)計重要參量:圖1:推程運動角,休止角,回程運動角,動程角,最大舉升位移。圖1:普通三弧凸輪設(shè)計參量圖2:三弧凸輪特征軌跡 三段式圓弧凸輪特征軌跡如圖2所示:由凸輪上半徑1 輪廓形成的第一圓1,以及圓心 C1;由凸輪上半徑2 輪廓形成的第二圓2,以及圓心 C2;由凸輪上半徑3 輪廓形成的第三圓3,以及圓心 C3;由凸輪上半徑r輪廓形成的基圓4,以及圓心 O;由凸輪上半徑(r+h1)形成的舉升圓5,以及圓心 O;半徑的滾子圓,圓心定于從動件軸上。另外,重要的點有:D (,),C1和C5交匯點; F (,) ,C1 和C3交匯點; G (,),C3 和C2交匯點;A (,),C2和C4交匯點。x 和 y 是與機架OXY坐標(biāo)系相關(guān)的笛卡爾坐標(biāo),機架原點就是凸輪轉(zhuǎn)軸。其他重要軌跡: t13 ,C1 和C3的公切線;t15 ,C1 和 C5的公切線;t23, C2 和 C3的公切線;t24 ,C2 和C4的公切線。由圖1與圖2可以得出式子,這對于表現(xiàn)并設(shè)計三段式圓弧凸輪很有用處。當(dāng)這些圓被以恰當(dāng)?shù)男问奖磉_時,解析描述即可得出:半徑滿足的圓 C1通過F點時滿足: (1)半徑滿足的圓 C2通過A點時滿足: (2)半徑滿足的圓 C3通過G點時滿足: (3)半徑滿足的圓 C4通過F點時滿足: (4)半徑滿足的圓 C5通過G點時滿足: (5)半徑r 的圓 C4滿足 (6)半徑的圓 C5 滿足 (7)其他特殊情況可以表示如下: 圓 C1 與圓 C5在D點有公切線滿足: 基圓 C4 與圓 C2在D點有公切線滿足: 圓 C2 與圓 C3在D點有公切線滿足: 圓 C1 與圓 C2在D點有公切線滿足:由式(1)(11) 可以得到關(guān)于三段式圓弧凸輪的描述并可用于畫出圖2所示的設(shè)計。3解析設(shè)計過程由式(1)(11) 可以推出一系列等式,當(dāng)C1, C2, C3, F 和 G被賦予合適的值時 ,相關(guān)坐標(biāo)即可得出。這樣就可以根據(jù)所舉解析描述來區(qū)分4個不同的設(shè)計情況。第一種情況我們假設(shè)參數(shù)以及A,C1,C2, D和G的坐標(biāo)已知,而點C3, F 坐標(biāo)未知。當(dāng)運動角 時,A點橫坐標(biāo)為0 。由于A點是圓C2和C4的交匯點,故C2圓心處于Y軸上,從而C2圓心橫坐標(biāo)也為0。由等式(1)(11) 可得關(guān)于C3 和 F坐標(biāo)的一系列方程。解析程式表示如下: 通過點F和D的圓 C1表達式: 通過點F和G的圓 C3表達式:圓C1和圓C3在F點公切線表達式:圓C2和圓C3在G點公切線表達式:若,則等式(12)(15) 可表示為: (16)若圓心 C2 未知圓心C1位于直線OD上,我們參考圖2得到第二個問題:即參量 以及點 C2, A, D 和G坐標(biāo)均已知,而點C1, F 和 C3 未知。并再設(shè),而且由上已知,與式(9)聯(lián)立可以得到另外2方程: 通過點G和A的圓 C2表達式: 通過點O和A的圓心 C2的直線的表達式:由等式(17),(18)可解決第2種情況。若圓心C1 處于直線OD上某處,這便是第3種情況:即參量 以及A, D 和G點坐標(biāo)已知。點 C1, C2, F 和 C3 未知。并再設(shè),而且由上已知,與式(16)(18)聯(lián)立可以得到另外2方程: 過點D的圓C1滿足方程: (19) 過點 O, D 和 C1 三點直線滿足:最后我們得到第4種情況:即當(dāng), ,并且 。圖1中角 間于點 A 與 Y 軸。 參量以及點A, D 和 G 坐標(biāo)已知,點 C1, C2, C3 和 F 未知。方程組(16)第4式可表示為: (21)綜上,三段式圓弧凸輪的一般設(shè)計可由式 (12)(14)與(17)(21) 得到解決。一般的設(shè)計過程中的參量計算??捎缮厦娴哪J降玫健_@一模式在運用MAPLE解決未知設(shè)計量時優(yōu)勢更是明顯。4.數(shù)字樣例一些數(shù)字樣例的計算有力地證明了上文模式的正確性與高效率。只有一個方法可以代表固定程式的圓弧凸輪設(shè)計。以圖3中例1作為設(shè)計樣例1。數(shù)據(jù)如下: 圖三顯示了由等式(16)得出的設(shè)計結(jié)果。特別的,圖3(a)顯示的是解析式第一種解決方式的結(jié)果:應(yīng)注意到,對應(yīng)于凸輪輪廓第一,第二圓弧,點 F, C1 和 C3 按 F, C1 和 C3 的順序排列,而點 G, C3 和 C2 按 G, C3 和 C2 的順序排列。圖3(b)顯示了解析式第二種解決方式的結(jié)果。凸輪輪廓無法辨別,點F也不在圓上。重要點F, C1 和 C3 按圖3(a)相同順序排列;而點 G, C2 和 C3 是按照 C2, G 和 C3 的順序排列這與圖3(a)不同,并且也沒有給出凸輪輪廓。圖3(c)顯示了解析式第三種解決方式,類似于圖 3(b)。圖 3(d) 顯示了解析式第三種解決方式。我們注意到D點對應(yīng)一尖點,另外點 F 和 G與圓心 C3 靠得很近,所以正如圖3(d)所示,該處曲率變化特別大。故僅有圖3(a)的方案是切實可行的。各點次序應(yīng)為 F, C1 ,C3 和 G, C3 , C2 相應(yīng)點。圖3-例1與例2:方程(16)與方程(16)(18)設(shè)計方案的圖示僅(a) 為可行方案。圖 3(a)方案由以下值確定:圖3例2,數(shù)據(jù)如下:其中圖 3 表示的也是由方程(16)(18)得到的第2方案。可行數(shù)字方案取值如下在圖4例3中,由設(shè)計情況3,數(shù)據(jù)給定如下:圖4展示了由方程 (16)(20)得到的方案。圖4(a)展示的是第一方案結(jié)果,類似于圖3(d),圖4(b) 展示了解析式第二種解決方案。我們注意到點 F 位于點 D 下方,故點 F, C1 , C3 不可排列。 圖4(c)展示的于圖3(a)一樣,也是解析式的第3方案。圖4例3: 方程組(16)(20)方案的圖形展示。僅圖(c)方案 可行從而僅有圖4(c)方案可行。可行數(shù)字方案由以下值限定:在圖5例4中,由第四設(shè)計方案,可將數(shù)據(jù)給定如下:圖5展示了由方程組 (16)(21)得到的方案。圖5(a)展示了第一方案。類似于圖4(a), 但是點C1方位有異。 點 F, C1 和 C3 以 C3, F 和 C1 的順序排列。圖5(b) 展示了解析式第二方案,類似于圖4(a)。圖5(c)展示了解析式第三方案,類似于圖4(c)。圖5例4:方程組(16)(21)所得方案圖示.僅方案(c) 可行從而可得可行方案為圖5(c)中方案??尚袛?shù)字方案之賦值:5. 應(yīng)用本文旨在提出凸輪輪廓近似設(shè)計新的設(shè)計途徑并滿足其制造需求。由設(shè)計解析式可以獲得高效率的設(shè)計運算法則。緊湊的解析式更可以在凸輪的分析過程及其綜合特性的實現(xiàn)中發(fā)揮作用。由圓弧組成的近似輪廓,在取得任何含近似圓弧輪廓的動力學(xué)特性的分析表達式具有特殊的重要性。的確,由于在小型及微型機械中的應(yīng)用,圓弧形凸輪輪廓已經(jīng)具有了相當(dāng)?shù)闹匾?。事實上,?dāng)構(gòu)造設(shè)計已經(jīng)提升到毫微米級別的時候,多項式曲線輪廓的凸輪的制造變得相當(dāng)困難,要想校驗更如登天。因此,設(shè)計便利的圓弧輪廓凸輪成為首選,而其實驗性測試也是方便。另外,對低成本自動化與日俱增的需求,也賦予這些僅適于特殊用途的近似設(shè)計新的重要性。圓弧凸輪輪廓方案可以方便地用于低速或低精度機械中。6. 綜述本文提出了有關(guān)三段式圓弧凸輪輪廓基本設(shè)計的解析方法。從該法我們推導(dǎo)出了個設(shè)計算法,從而可以高效地解決該方向一些設(shè)計問題。另外還舉出了一些數(shù)字樣例以展示與討論三段式圓弧凸輪的多重設(shè)計以及工程可行性問題。參考文獻1 F.Y. Chen, Mechanics and Design of Cam Mechanisms, Pergamon Press, New York, 1982.2 J. Angeles, C.S. Lopez-Cajun, Optimization of Cam Mechanisms, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, p.1991.3 R. Norton, Cam and cams follower (Chapter 7), in: G.A. Erdman (Ed.), Modern Kinematics: Developments in theLast Forty Years, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1993.4 F.Y. Chen, A survey of the state of the art of cam system dynamics, Mechanism and Machine Theory 12(1977)201224.5 G. Scotto Lavina, in: Sistema (Ed.), Applicazioni di Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine, Roma, 1971.6 H.A. Rothbar, Cams Design, Dynamics and Accuracy, Wiley, New York, 1956.7 J.E. Shigley, J.J. Uicker, Theory of Machine and Mechanisms, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.8 P.L. Magnani, G. Ruggieri, Meccanismi per Macchine Automatiche, UTET, Torino, 1986.9 N.P. Chironis, Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.10 V.F. Krasnikov, Dynamics of cam mechanisms with cams countered by segments of circles, in: Proceedings of theInternational Conference on Mechanical Transmissions and Mechanisms, Tainjin, 1997, pp. 237238.11 J. Oderfeld, A. Pogorzelski, On designing plane cam mechanisms, in: Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress onthe Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Prague, vol. 3, 1991, pp. 703705.12 C. Lanni, M. Ceccarelli, J.C.M. Carvhalo, An analytical design for two circular-arc cams, in: Proceedings of theFourth Iberoamerican Congress on Mechanical Engineering, Santiago de Chile, vol. 2, 1999.924 C. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 9159249An analytical design for three circular-arc camsChiara Lanni, Marco Ceccarelli*, Giorgio FiglioliniDipartimento di Meccanica, Strutture, Ambiente e Territorio, Universit? a a di Cassino, Via Di Biasio 43,03043 Cassino (Fr), ItalyReceived 10 July 2000; accepted 22 January 2002AbstractIn this paper we have presented an analytical description for three circular-arc cam profiles. An ana-lytical formulation for cam profiles has been proposed and discussed as a function of size parameters fordesign purposes. Numerical examples have been reported to prove the soundness of the analytical designprocedure and show the engineering feasibility of suitable three circular-arc cams.? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.1. IntroductionA cam is a mechanical element, which is used to transmit a desired motion to another me-chanical element by direct surface contact.Generally, a cam is a mechanism, which is composed of three different fundamental parts froma kinematic viewpoint 1,2: a cam, which is a driving element; a follower, which is a driven el-ement and a fixed frame. Cam mechanisms are usually implemented in most modern applicationsand in particular in automatic machines and instruments, internal combustion engines andcontrol systems 3.Cam and follower mechanisms can be very cheap, and simple. They have few moving parts andcan be built with very small size.The design of cam profile has been based on simply geometric curves, 4, such as: parabolic,harmonic, cycloidal and trapezoidal curves 2,5 and their combinations 1,2,6,7.In this paper we have addressed attention to cam profiles, which are designed as a collection ofcircular arcs. Therefore they are called circular-arc cams 5,8.*Corresponding author.E-mail address: ceccarelliing.unicas.it (M. Ceccarelli).0094-114X/02/$ - see front matter ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.PII: S0094-114X(02)00032-0Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) cams can be easily machined and can be used in low-speed applications 9. Inaddition, circular-arc cams could be used for micro-mechanisms and nano-mechanisms since verysmall manufacturing can be properly obtained by using elementary geometry.An undesirable characteristic of this type of cam is the sudden change in the acceleration at theprofile points where arcs of different radii are joined 5.A limited number of circular-arcs is usually advisable so that the design, construction andoperation of cam transmission can be not very complicated and they can become a compromisefor simplicity and economic characteristics that are the basic advantages of circular-arc cams 8.Recently new attention has been addressed to circular-arc cams by using descriptive viewpoint10, and for design purposes 11,12.In this paper we have described three circular-arc cams by taking into consideration the geo-metrical design parameters. An analytical formulation has been proposed for three circular-arccams as an extension of a formulation for two circular-arc cams that has been presented in aprevious paper 12.2. An analytical model for three circular-arc camsAn analytical formulation can be proposed for three circular-arc cams in agreement with designparameters of the model shown in Figs. 1 and 2.Significant parameters for a mechanical design of a three circular-arc cam are: Fig. 1 8; the riseangle as, the dwell angle ar, the return angle ad, the action angle aa as ar ad, the maximumlift h1.Fig. 1. Design parameters for general three circular-arc cams.916C. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 915924The characteristic loci of a three circular-arc cams are shown in Fig. 2 as: the first circle C1ofthe cam profile with q1radius and centre C1; the second circle C2of the cam profile with q2radiusand centre C2; the third circle C3of the cam profile with q3radius and centre C3; the base circle C4with radius r and the centre is O; the lift circle C5of the cam profile with (r h1) radius and centreO; the roller circle with radius q centred on the follower axis. In addition significant points are:D ? xD;yD which is the point joining C1with C5; F ? xF;yF which is the point joining C1withC3; G ? xG;yG which is the point joining C3with C2; A ? xA;yA) which is the point joining C2with C4. x and y are Cartesian co-ordinates of points with respect to the fixed frame OXY, whoseorigin O is a point of the cam rotation axis. Additional significant loci are: t13which is the co-incident tangential vector between C1and C3; t15which is the coincident tangential vector betweenC1and C5; t23which is the coincident tangential vector between C2and C3; t24which is the co-incident tangential vector between C2and C4.The model shown in Figs. 1 and 2 can be used to deduce a formulation, which can be usefulboth for characterizing and designing three circular-arc cams. Analytical description can beproposed when the circles are formulated in the suitable form: circle C1with radius q21 x1? xF2 y1? yF2passing through point F asx2 y2? 2xx1? 2yy1? x2F? y2F 2x1xF 2y1yF 01 circle C2with radius q22 x2? xA2 y2? yA2passing through point A asx2 y2? 2xx2? 2yy2? x2A? y2A 2x2xA 2y2yA 02 circle C2with radius q22 x2? xG2 y2? yG2passing through point G asx2 y2? 2xx2? 2yy2? x2G? y2G 2x2xG 2y2yG 03Fig. 2. Characteristic loci for three circular-arc cams.C. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 915924917 circle C3with radius q23 x3? xF2 y3? yF2passing through point F asx2 y2? 2xx3? 2yy3? x2F? y2F 2x3xF 2y3yF 04 circle C3with radius q23 x3? xG2 y3? yG2passing through point G asx2 y2? 2xx3? 2yy3? x2G? y2G 2x3xG 2y3yG 05 circle C4with radius r asx2 y2 r26 circle C5with radius (r h1) asx2 y2 r h127Additional characteristic conditions can be expressed in the form as thefirstcircleC1andliftcircleC5musthavethesametangentialvectort15atpointDexpressedasxx1 yy1? x1xD? y1yD 08 the base circle C4and second circle C2must have the same tangential vector t24at point A ex-pressed asxx2 yy2? x2xA? y2yA 09 the second circle C2and third circle C3must have the same tangential vector t23at point G ex-pressed asxx3? x2 yy3? y2 x3xG y3yG? x1xG? y1yG 010 the first circle C1and the second circle C2must have the same tangential vector t12at point Fexpressed asxx1? x3 yy1? y3 x3xF y3yF? x1xF? y1yF 011Eqs. (1)(11) may describe a general model for three circular-arc cams and can be used to drawthe mechanical design as shown in Fig. 2.3. An analytical design procedureEqs. (1)(11) can be used to deduce a suitable system of equations, which allows solving the co-ordinates of the points C1, C2, C3, F and G when suitable data are assumed.It is possible to distinguish four different design cases by using the proposed analytical de-scription.In a first case we can consider that the numeric value of the parameters h1, r, as, ar, ad, q1, q2,and co-ordinates of the points A, C1, C2, D and G are given, and the co-ordinates of points C3, Fare the unknowns. When the action angle aais equal to 180?, the co-ordinate xAof point A is equalto zero. Since A is the point joining C2and C4then the centre C2of the second circle C2lies on theY axis and therefore the co-ordinate x2of the centre C2is equal to zero. By using Eqs. (1)(11) it is918C. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 915924possible to deduce a suitable system of equations which allows to solve the co-ordinates of thepoints C3and F. Analytical formulation can be expressed by means of the following conditions: the first circle C1passing across points F and D in the formxF? x12 yF? y12 xD? x12 yD? y1212 the third circle C3passing across points F and G in the formxF? x32 yF? y32 xG? x32 yG? y3213 coincident tangents to C1and C3at the point F in the formx3? x1y3? y1xF? x3yF? y314 coincident tangents to C2and C3at the point G in the formx2? x3y2? y3xG? x2yG? y215When x2 xA 0 are assumed, Eqs. (12)(15) can be expressed asx2F y2F? 2x1xF? 2y1yF? x2D? y2D 2x1xD 2y1yD 0 x2F y2F? 2x3xF? 2y3yF? x2G? y2G 2x3xG 2y3yG 0 xF? x3y3? y1 ? x3? x1yF? y3 0 xGy2? y3 ? x3yG? y2 016If the position of the centre C2is unknown and the direction of the centre C1lies on the ODstraight line, we can approach referring to Fig. 2 a second problem: namely the value of theparameters h1, r, as, ar, ad, q1, and the co-ordinates of the points C2, A, D and G are known andthe co-ordinates of the points C1, F and C3are unknown. Again we may assume aa 180? andconsequently xA x2 0. Two additional conditions are necessary to have a solvable systemtogether with Eq. (9). They are the second circle C2passing across points G and A in the formxG? x22 yG? y22 xA? x22 yA? y2217 straight-line containing points O, A and C2in the formx2yA? xAy2 018Thus, the second case can be solved by Eqs. (16)(18).If the position of the centre C1is unknown but we know that it lies on the OD straight line, wecan approach a third design problem: namely the value of the parameters h1, r, as, ar, ad, q1, andthe co-ordinates of the points A, D and G are known and the co-ordinates of the points C1, C2, Fand C3are unknown. Again we may assume aa 180? and consequently xA x2 0. Two ad-ditional conditions are necessary to have a solvable system together with Eqs. (16)(18). They areC. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 915924919 the first circle C1passing across point D in the formxD? x12 yD? y12 q2119 straight-line containing points O, D and C1in the formxDy1? x1yD 020Finally we may approach the fourth case when aa 180? and xA6 0 and also x26 0. Referringto Fig. 1, in which aais the angle between the general position of the point A and the Y axis, thevalue of the parameters h1, r, as, ar, ad, q1, and the co-ordinates of the points A, D and G areknown and the co-ordinates of the points C1, C2, C3and F are unknown. The fourth of Eq. (16)can be expressed asx2? x3yG? y2 ? y2? y3xG? x2 021Thus, the general design case can be solved by using Eqs. (12)(14) and Eqs. (17)(21).A design procedure can be obtained by using the above-mentioned formulation in order tocompute the design parameters. In particular, the proposed formulation has been useful for adesign procedure which makes use of MAPLE to solve for the design unknowns.4. Numerical examplesSeveral numeric examples have been successfully computed in order to prove the soundness andnumerical efficiency of the proposed design formulation. It has been found that only one solutioncan represent a significant circular-arc cam design for any of the formulated design cases.In the Example 1 of Fig. 3 referring to the first design case, the data are given as h1 15 mm,r 40 mm, ar 40?, as ad 70?, q1 17 mm, A ? 0;40 mm, D ? 51:68 mm; 18:81 mmC1? 35:71 mm; 13:00 mm, C2? 0 mm; ?75:64 mm and G ? 22:24 mm; 37:84 mm. Fig.3 shows results for the design case, which has been formulated by Eq. (16). In particular, Fig. 3(a)shows the first solution of the analytical formulation. We can note that points F, C1and C3arealigned in the order F, C1and C3and points G, C3and C2in the order G, C3and C2respectively tothe first and second arcs cam profile. Fig. 3(b) shows the second solution of the analytical for-mulation. A cam profile cannot be identified since F point does not lie also on circle C1. Significantpoints F, C1and C3are aligned in the same order with respect to the case in Fig. 3(a); points G, C2and C3are aligned in the C2, G and C3sequential order which is different respect to the case in Fig.3(a) and do not give a cam profile. Fig. 3(c) shows the third solution of analytical formulation thatis similar to the case of Fig. 3(b). Fig. 3(d) shows the fourth solution of analytical formulation. Wecan note that in correspondence of point D there is a cusp. In addition, points F and G are verynear to centre C3so that a sudden change of curvature is obtained in the cam profile as shown inFig. 3(d). Thus a practical feasible design is represented only by Fig. 3(a) that can be characterisedby the proper order F, C1and C3and G, C3and C2of the meaningful points.The feasible numerical solution in Fig. 3(a) is characterised by the values: xF 46:78 mm,yF 25:91 mm, x3 11:99 mm, y3 ?14:47 mm.920C. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 915924In the Example 2 of Fig. 3 the data are given as h1 15 mm, r 40 mm, ar 40?,as ad 70?, q1 17 mm, A ? 0; 40 mm, D ? 51:68 mm; 18:81 mm, C1? 35:71 mm;13:00 mm and G ? 22:24 mm; 37:84 mm.In this case Fig. 3 represents also the design solution which has been obtained by using Eqs.(16)(18) for the second design case.The feasible numerical solution is characterised by the values: xF 46:78 mm, yF 25:91 mm,x3 11:99 mm, y3 ?14:47 mm, x2 0 mm, y2 ?75:64 mm.In the Example 3 of Fig. 4 referring to the third design case the data are given as h1 15 mm,r 40 mm, ar 40?, as ad 70?, q1 17 mm, A ? 0; 40 mm, D ? 51:68 mm; 18:81 mmand G ? 22:24 mm; 37.84 mm).Fig. 4 shows results for the design case, which has been formulated by Eqs. (16)(20). Fig. 4(a)shows the first solution of analytical formulation. This case is similar to the solution representedin Fig. 3(d). Fig. 4(b) shows the second solution of analytical formulation. We can note that pointF is located below point D so that points F, C1and C3are not aligned. Fig. 3(c) shows the thirdFig. 3. Examples 1 and 2: graphical representation of design solutions for Eq. (16) and design solutions for Eqs. (16)(18). Only case (a) is a practical feasible design.C. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 915924921solution of analytical formulation, which is the same of the case reported in Fig. 3(a). Thus apractical feasible design is represented only by Fig. 4(c).The feasible numerical solution is characterised by the values: xF 46:78 mm, yF 25:91 mm,x3 11:99 mm, y3 ?14:47 mm, x2 0 mm, y2 ?75:64 mm, x1 35:71 mm, y1 13:00 mm.In the Example 4 of Fig. 5 referring to the fourth design case, the data are given as h1 15 mm,r 40 mm, ar 40?, as ad 70?, q1 17 mm, A ? 3:48 mm; 39.84 mm), D ? 51:68 mm;18.81 mm) and G ? 22:24 mm; 37.84 mm).Fig. 5 shows results for the design case, which has been formulated by Eqs. (16)(21). Fig. 5(a)shows the first solution of the analytical formulation. This design is similar to the case reported inFig. 4(a), but the location of point C1is different. Points F, C1and C3are aligned in the C3, F andC1order. Fig. 5(b) shows the second solution of analytical formulation, which is similar to thecase in Fig. 4(a). Fig. 5(c) shows the third solution of analytical formulation. This case shows aFig. 4. Example 3: graphical representation of design solutions for Eqs. (16)(20). Only case (c) is a practical feasibledesign.922C. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 915924solution, which is similar to the case reported in Fig. 4(c). Thus a practical feasible design isrepresented only by Fig. 5(c).The feasible numerical solution is characterised by the values: xF 48:15 mm, yF 24:58 mm,x3 16:92 mm, y3 ?4:50 mm, x2 ?40:01 mm, y2 ?457:26 mm, x1 35:71 mm, y1 13:00mm.5. ApplicationsA novel interest can be addressed to approximate design of cam profiles for both new designpurposes and manufacturing needs.Analytical design formulation is required to obtain efficient design algorithms. In addition,closed-form formulation can be also useful to characterise cam profiles in both analysis proce-dures and synthesis criteria. The approximated profiles with circular-arcs can be of particularinterest also to obtain analytical expressions for kinematic characteristics of any profiles that canbe approximated by segments of proper circular arcs.Fig. 5. Example 4: graphical representation of design solutions for Eqs. (16)(21). Only case (c) is a practical feasibledesign.C. Lanni et al. / Mechanism and Machine Theory 37 (2002) 915924923Indeed, the circular-arc cam profiles have become of current interest because of applications inmini-mechanisms and micro-mechanisms. In fact, when the size of a mechanical design is reducedto the scale of millimeters (mini-mechanisms) and even micron (micro-mechanisms) the manu-facturing of polynomial cam profile becomes difficult and even more complicated is a way toverify it. Therefore, it can be convenient to design circular-arc cam profiles that can be also easilytested experimentally.In addition, stronger and stronger demand of low-cost automation is giving new interest toapproximate designs, which can be used only for specific tasks. This is the case of circular-arc camprofiles that can be conveniently used in low speed machinery or in low-precision applications.6. ConclusionsIn this paper we have proposed an analytical formulation which describes the basic designcharacteristics of three circular-arc cams. A design algorithm has been deduced from the for-mulation, which solves design problems with great numerical efficiency. Numerical examples havebeen reported in the paper to show and discuss the multiple design solutions and the engineeringfeasibility of three circular-arc cams.References1 F.Y. Chen, Mechanics and Design of Cam Mechanisms, Pergamon Press, New York, 1982.2 J. Angeles, C.S. Lopez-Cajun, Optimization of Cam Mechanisms, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, p.1991.3 R. Norton, Cam and cams follower (Chapter 7), in: G.A. Erdman (Ed.), Modern Kinematics: Developments in theLast Forty Years, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1993.4 F.Y. Chen, A survey of the state of the art of cam system dynamics, Mechanism and Machine Theory 12 (1977)201224.5 G. Scotto Lavina, in: Sistema (Ed.), Applicazioni di Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine, Roma, 1971.6 H.A. Rothbar, Cams Design, Dynamics and Accuracy, Wiley, New York, 1956.7 J.E. Shigley, J.J. Uicker, Theory of Machine and Mechanisms, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.8 P.L. Magnani, G. Ruggieri, Meccanismi per Macchine Automatiche, UTET, Torino, 1986.9 N.P. 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