六年級下冊英語試題12單元測試 人教
六年級英語單元測試題. Read and choose.選出不同類的一項。(10分)( )1. A. dinosaur B. giraffe C. elephant D. hall( )2. A. taller B. more C. longer D. small( )3. A. drank B. cleaned C. talked D. buy( )4. A. have B. sleep C. did D. watch( )5. A. old B. stronger C. heavy D. young. Look, choose and write. 將正確的選項寫到相應的四線格中。(10分) ( washed my clothes, shorter, stayed at home, heavier, played football). Read and choose.單項選擇。(20分)( )1.- How _are you? -Im 46kilograms.A. short B. heavy C. old( )2.My shoes are size 37. Linglings shoes are size 39.My shoes are_ than Linglings.A. smaller B. bigger C. big( )3.Thats the _ dinosaur in this hall. A. tall B. taller C. tallest( )4.-How _ is Zhang Peng? -He is 1.65metres. A. tall B. small C. heavy( )5. Im _ than you. A. strong B. thin C. thinner( )6. What _ you _ yesterday?A. does, do B. do, did C. did, do( )7.- _ was your weekend? -It was fine. A. What B. Where C. How( )8.-What did John do yesterday? -He _ to music. A. listen B. listens C. listened( )9.I played the pipa_?A. tomorrow B. last night C. every day( )10._you _ a film last weekend?A. Did , see B. Did , saw C. Do, see. Read and choose. 看圖片,選句子。(10分)A. Mikes shoes are bigger than Wu Yifans. B. We saw a film last weekend.C. I had a cold last night.D. She stayed at home and read a book.E. He cleaned his room last Monday.5.( )4.( )3.( )2.( )1.( ). Read and fill in the blanks.用所給單詞的適當形式填空。(20分)1. Peter is _( tall ) than Chen Jie.2. The red ruler is _( long ) than the blue one.3. Your feet are_( big ) than _( I ).4. The duck is _ (small ) than the elephant.5. We_ ( drink )tea and _( watch ) TV last weekend.6. I want _( buy ) a new film magazine.7. I _( have ) a cold last night.8.My English teacher is _( young ) than my art teacher.A. She usually goes shopping.B. I stayed at home all day.C. No, I didnt. D. Size 7. E. Yes, it was. Read and choose.選出正確的選項。(10分)( )1.What did you do yesterday?( )2.What size are your shoes?( )3.Did you listen to music last night?( )4.Was it interesting?( )5.What does your mother do on Sunday?. Read and judge.閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。(10分)Hi, Im an English girl. Im Mary. Im 1.45 metres and 40 kilograms. I studied in Beijing last year. I had many Chinese friends. My best friend is Gao Li. She is 1.60 metres and 50 kilograms. Last weekend we went to a park. We went boating, then we saw a film. We were very happy. I like Beijing very much. ( ) 1. Mary is an English girl.( ) 2. Mary studied in Beijing last year.( ) 3. Mary is taller than Gao Li.( ) 4. Gao Li is heavier than Mary. ( ) 5. They were very happy.Think and write.寫作。(10分)觀察內容的選擇,我本著先靜后動,由近及遠的原則,有目的、有計劃的先安排與幼兒生活接近的,能理解的觀察內容。隨機觀察也是不可少的,是相當有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛蟲等,孩子一邊觀察,一邊提問,興趣很濃。我提供的觀察對象,注意形象逼真,色彩鮮明,大小適中,引導幼兒多角度多層面地進行觀察,保證每個幼兒看得到,看得清。看得清才能說得正確。在觀察過程中指導。我注意幫助幼兒學習正確的觀察方法,即按順序觀察和抓住事物的不同特征重點觀察,觀察與說話相結合,在觀察中積累詞匯,理解詞匯,如一次我抓住時機,引導幼兒觀察雷雨,雷雨前天空急劇變化,烏云密布,我問幼兒烏云是什么樣子的,有的孩子說:烏云像大海的波浪。有的孩子說“烏云跑得飛快。”我加以肯定說“這是烏云滾滾?!碑斢變嚎吹介W電時,我告訴他“這叫電光閃閃?!苯又變郝牭嚼茁曮@叫起來,我抓住時機說:“這就是雷聲隆隆。”一會兒下起了大雨,我問:“雨下得怎樣?”幼兒說大極了,我就舀一盆水往下一倒,作比較觀察,讓幼兒掌握“傾盆大雨”這個詞。雨后,我又帶幼兒觀察晴朗的天空,朗誦自編的一首兒歌:“藍天高,白云飄,鳥兒飛,樹兒搖,太陽公公咪咪笑。”這樣抓住特征見景生情,幼兒不僅印象深刻,對雷雨前后氣象變化的詞語學得快,記得牢,而且會應用。我還在觀察的基礎上,引導幼兒聯想,讓他們與以往學的詞語、生活經驗聯系起來,在發(fā)展想象力中發(fā)展語言。如啄木鳥的嘴是長長的,尖尖的,硬硬的,像醫(yī)生用的手術刀樣,給大樹開刀治病。通過聯想,幼兒能夠生動形象地描述觀察對象。孩子們,相信你們一定度過了一個充實而又有意義的周末。以“My weekend”為主題,寫一下你的周末活動。(不少于四句話)其實,任何一門學科都離不開死記硬背,關鍵是記憶有技巧,“死記”之后會“活用”。不記住那些基礎知識,怎么會向高層次進軍?尤其是語文學科涉獵的范圍很廣,要真正提高學生的寫作水平,單靠分析文章的寫作技巧是遠遠不夠的,必須從基礎知識抓起,每天擠一點時間讓學生“死記”名篇佳句、名言警句,以及豐富的詞語、新穎的材料等。這樣,就會在有限的時間、空間里給學生的腦海里注入無限的內容。日積月累,積少成多,從而收到水滴石穿,繩鋸木斷的功效。My weekend一般說來,“教師”概念之形成經歷了十分漫長的歷史。楊士勛(唐初學者,四門博士)春秋谷梁傳疏曰:“師者教人以不及,故謂師為師資也”。這兒的“師資”,其實就是先秦而后歷代對教師的別稱之一。韓非子也有云:“今有不才之子師長教之弗為變”其“師長”當然也指教師。這兒的“師資”和“師長”可稱為“教師”概念的雛形,但仍說不上是名副其實的“教師”,因為“教師”必須要有明確的傳授知識的對象和本身明確的職責。_