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山東省滕州市大塢鎮(zhèn)大塢中學八年級英語上冊Unit 2 What should I do教案 北師大版Unit 2 What should I do ? 第一課時: New words and phrases Teaching and Learning Goals: Learn the new words of Unit 2 in one class. Memorize the words by reading and using them. Learn the use of them and try to spell the words in this unit. Students try to learn how to read and remember the words and phrases, and how to learn individually and collectively.Teaching and learning steps Step 1Learn to read the words on P104 1. Read after the tape.2. Then read with their partners in groups.3. Get some individual students to read and correct their pronunciations.4. Follow the teacher because they can hear the teacher pronounce the word clearly and correctly.5. Read aloud and the teacher walk around to see if they have any question. Get some individual students to read again to see if everyone can read correctly. (設計意圖:首先讓學生跟錄音讀,讓學生熟悉單詞的讀音。接著兩人一組或以小組為單位相互檢查,相互糾正錯音。然后找單個同學讀單詞,教師及時更正錯音,幫助學生正音。之后老師領讀,讓學生再次明確單詞的讀音。最后讓學生大聲朗讀,老師隨機抽取學生檢查發(fā)音是否準確。如此幾步的學習,大多數(shù)學生可以正確讀出單詞。單詞的學習堅持從個體同伴小組整體的原則,培養(yǎng)學生自主學習和小組互助學習的能力。)Step 2 Learn to remember words on P104 一. Remember the words by looking at pictures. Every player has a “play” button.Tom argued with his wife yesterday. Wudi Lins clothes are out of style. (in style流行的) My car has something wrong. Maybe I should call Tom up. ( call sb. up 打電話給某人) You should give him a ticket to the football game. (give sb. sth.=give sth to sb 把某物給某人) Sorry, I really dont want to surprise Ann, I just want to give her a big surprise.I think I should get a part-time job, because I need to get some money to pay for my sons tutor. My friend wears the clothes and has the same haircut as I do. ( the same as 與相同) Im very upset just because my best friend invited everyone else in my class except me to his birthday party. Now I dont know how to get on with him. Doctors say many children are under too much pressure. Teachers complain about teaching tired kids in the classroom. Most children take part in after-school clubs. Activities include language learning , music , and math classes.Pushy parents are nothing new , they push their children from activity to activity , and try to fit as much as possible into their kids lives. ( fitinto找到時間) Mothers are crazy about sending their kids to all kinds of classes, and they are always comparing them with other children. ( all kinds of 各種各樣的) On the one hand, children will organize activities by themselves when they are adults. On the other hand, they also need time and freedom to relax. He worked hard but he still failed in the final exam. Either of twins wants to have a bake sale. The dress is original, but it cant fit you. The picture means “Keep Out”. Li Ming didnt return my book until last Friday.Stept 3 Remember the phrases by matching itself with its meaning.whats wrong 怎么了whats the matter 怎么了out of style 過時的,不時髦的in style 時髦的,流行的call sb. up 打電話給on the phone 在通話,用電話交談get on 相處,進展pay for 付賬,付買的錢part-time job 兼職工作bake sale 面包或糕餅的售賣活動all kinds of 各種各樣的on the one hand 一方面on the other hand 另一方面the same as 與同樣的fit into 找到時間做某事as as possible 盡可能Stept 3Remember the words by conversion(轉換) 、complex words (合成)and derivative(派生)1. play v. 播放,玩耍 n.戲劇,玩耍 player n.播放器,游戲的人,演奏者2. argue v.爭吵,爭論 arguer n.爭論者3. sur(前綴,超過)+ prise(獎品)= surprise v.使驚奇,使意外 n.驚奇,驚喜sur (前綴,超過) + pass (通過)= surpass v.超越,勝過4. part(部分)+ time(時間)= part-time adj.兼職的,部分時間的5. hair(頭發(fā))+ cut(剪,切,割) = haircut n.理發(fā),發(fā)型 6. ex(前綴,出,外,除去)+ cept(詞根,拿,接受) = except prep. 把除外 ex + port = export n.出口 ac + cept = accept v.接受 7. press v.按,壓 pressure n. 壓力 8. complain v. 抱怨,發(fā)牢騷 complaint n. 抱怨,訴苦,投訴9. in (在里面) + clude = include v. 包含,包括 ex + clude = exclude v. 排除10. push v. 推,推動,督促 pull v. 拉,拖,拔11. organize v. 組織,安排 organized adj. 有組織的 organization n. 組織,機構(設計意圖:記憶單詞的方法很多,例如:通過圖畫配合簡單的句子,學生易于接受,印象深刻;通過重點短語對比和漢意的方式全面的加深對詞匯的理解;用一詞多義,合成,派生等方法使學生舉一反三,擴充詞匯量;多種手段和相識相繼呈現(xiàn)給學生,以此吸引學生的興趣,降低記憶難度,快速擴大學生的詞匯量。)Step 4 Read the story and translate into Chinese:1. Get the students to read the story, and underline the new words.2. Translate the story into Chinese in groups of three.3. Read the story fluently by themselves.The story took place in Saturday afternoon, children were playing in the street. Girls were complaining about their pushy parents, on the one hand, their mothers send them to all kinds of activities as much as possible, on the other hand, parents were crazy about comparing them with other children. Some boys were arguing about how to get a part-time job to pay for the tickets of Teen Talk. Tom and his friends were upset, because they kicked football hard and it broke the window of a house and fell inside. A lady in original haircut came to the door and shouted at them, so they all ran away, but they still wanted their football back. They called their tutor up, the tutor told them a good idea on the phone. A few minutes later Tom returned and knocked at the door of the house, and the lady answered it, Tom said,“My father is going to repair your window very soon.”After a few minutes a man came to the door with tools in his hand, so the lady let Tom have football back. When the man finished the window, he said to the lady,“That will cost you ten dollars.” “But arent you the father of that little boy?” the woman asked, looking very surprised. “No,” he answered looking surprised, also.“Arent you his mother?” 故事發(fā)生在星期六的下午,孩子們正在街上玩耍。女孩們在抱怨她們固執(zhí)的父母,一方面,她們的媽媽盡可能多的送她們去參加各種各樣的活動,另一方面,她們的父母癡迷于把她們和其他的孩子作比較。一些男孩子正在爭吵,如何得到一份兼職工作去付錄制青少年論壇的入場券。湯姆和他的朋友卻十分沮喪,因為他們踢足球太用力從而把一戶人家的窗戶打破了,足球落進了那戶人家的院子里。一個留著新穎發(fā)型的女士站在門口向他們叫喊,他們嚇得逃跑了,但是他們依然想把足球要回來。他們給他們的家庭教師打電話,那位老師在電話里告訴他們一個好主意。幾分鐘后湯姆回來敲那位女士家的門,女人給他開了門,湯姆說:“我爸爸一會兒就過來給你修理窗戶?!辈灰粫阂粋€男人拿著工具來到女人家,所以女人讓湯姆把足球拿回去。當男人修理完窗戶,他對女人說“請付十美元。”“難道你不是那個男孩的父親”女人驚奇地問道?!安皇恰蹦腥艘彩煮@訝地回答“難道你不是他的媽媽?”Step 5 Mind map 1. Get the students to read the mind map and fill in the mind map according to the story , they can discuss in groups. 2. Get the students to retell the story using the mind map. returnorginal haircutthe tickets of Teen talkall kinds of activitiescomparecrazyplaying in the streetcomplain aboutpushy parentsfootballpay forupsetasas possiblesend topart-time jodeithersurprisecall their tutor upon the phoneargue about 設計意圖:把故事和思維導圖結合起來,讓學生加深對本單元詞匯和短語的理解,使學生對詞匯從邏輯范疇上進一步鞏固記憶。Step 6 課堂檢測一根據(jù)句子中所給的單詞首字母或中文提示填入正確的單詞。1. All of the students are having sports _ (除了) Tom.2. "I come from Canada." Tom said in _ (大聲的)voice.3. Whats Janes part-time job? A _(家庭教師).4. If you _(比較)British football with American football, youll find many differences.5. His sister was sad because she f_in the English exam last Monday.6. This skirt is out of s_ . She doesnt want to take it.7. The writing materials(文具)i_ pens, pencils and erasers .8. Some of us often watch the f_ games on TV.9. He is s_ an e-mail to his boss.10. The sweater is too large. It doesnt f_ me.二、根據(jù)提示寫出下列單詞或短語。同樣地,(兩方中的)每一方(的)_ 組織_ 自由_ 錯誤的,有毛病的_ 風格,款式 _ 票,入場券_ 可以,應該_ 使驚奇,使意外_ 怎么了_ 不時髦的,過時的_ 打電話給_ 同某人爭吵_ 三、根據(jù)句子意思,從方框中選出適當?shù)脑~,并用其正確形式填空。每空填一詞,每詞僅用一次。in style pressure as much as possible all kinds of pay for complain about keep out crazy until themselves 1. You can read _books in the library.2. We have nothing to_.3. This kind of dress was _ last year . But few people wear it this year.4. You should practice English_.5. He is worried because he has no money to _ the tuition(學費).6. There was a sign _!" on the door. Uncle Li wanted nobody to bother him.7. Do you feel under much _?8. They might find it difficult to plan things for_ .9. They are _ about dancing and singing.10. He didnt go to bed _ his mother came back.亮點: 本單元的單詞課堂設計涵蓋了本單元的全部單詞及詞組。尤其是圖片和故事編寫不僅讓學生對單詞有了大致理解,更是展開了豐富的想象讓學生感興趣。單詞的拼讀注重了學生自學能力和小組合作能力的培養(yǎng),同時通過各種形式的單詞記憶既加深了單詞的識記,又理解了部分單詞的大致用法。當堂檢測的設計更是有效地補充與鞏固了詞匯的用法。不足之處:本節(jié)課內容設計的有些多,客容量較大,部分環(huán)節(jié)可能不能很好的招式與訓練。但是如果合理的利用,還是能充分完成的。使用建議:首先要對單元內容達到熟練掌握,能夠基本明確單詞在單元中的位置及其用法,同時必須準備完善的多媒體課件,而且不一定每一步都詳細的進行??梢杂嗅槍π缘娜∩幔行У卦黾诱n堂效率。答案一1. except 2.loud 3.tutor pare 5.failed 6.style7. include 8.football 9.sending 10.fit二either, organize, freedom, wrong, style ticket, could, surprise, whats wrong=whats the matterout of the style, call sb up, argue about三1. all kinds of plain about 3. in style4. as much as possible 5. pay for 6.keep out7. pressure 8. themselves9. crazy 10. until12


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