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(統(tǒng)考版)高考英語二輪復習 專題限時集訓18 完形填空之記敘文(Ⅲ)(含解析)-人教版高三全冊英語試題

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(統(tǒng)考版)高考英語二輪復習 專題限時集訓18 完形填空之記敘文(Ⅲ)(含解析)-人教版高三全冊英語試題

專題限時集訓(十八)完形填空之記敘文()A (2020·浙江省名校聯(lián)考)When I got married,I moved from a small town to a big city as I pursued my 1 as a radio broadcaster.We have two sons,both of whom moved with us to Ottawa when they were quite 2 They went to school there, 3 there and then,to chase their own careers,they also moved. One went to Canada's east coast city called Halifax and the other 4 to Vancouver on the west coast.We faced a 5 ;we were left in the middle.The problem wasn't 6 at the time because I was still working.However,as we began to think about 7 ,we wondered where we should 8 our final years.We couldn't be 9 to both of our children.For several reasons we 10 in a small town on Vancouver Island. 11 we were close to one of them.However,he left Vancouver and went south later.Only we 12 in our little west coast town now.We love our little corner but we have 13 a price. We have not been there for some important 14 such as the birth of two of our grandchildren.We have missed 15 each of them grow up;we have missed the normal, 16 household that has young people in it.Our home,though very comfortable,is also very quiet.Every fall we travel to see the children. 17 ,both our boys are doing well and our grandchildren are growing up straight and tall.They 18 come to visit us.The distances are just too great and it is 19 20 has been good for our family but we have all paid a price.【語篇解讀】本文是一篇說理性記敘文。主要講述了作者年輕時為了追逐職業(yè)夢想而搬到大城市,退休后為了離孩子們近一點而定居在西海岸的小鎮(zhèn)上。后來,兒子搬家,作者夫婦就一直居住在小鎮(zhèn)上。雖然生活很舒適,沒有孩子們的吵鬧,但卻為此付出了代價,不能與他們常常相聚,也錯過了許多重要的時刻。1A.career BfreedomCtrack DfaithA根據(jù)空前的內容可知,作者結婚后從小鎮(zhèn)搬到了大城市,為的是追求自己當一名播音員的職業(yè)夢想。career職業(yè);freedom自由;track軌道;faith信心。下文中的“to chase their own careers,they also moved”也提示了作者搬家是為了追尋職業(yè)夢想。2A.naughtyBactiveCbusy DyoungD作者剛結婚就搬了家,由此可以推測那時兩個兒子還很小。3A.turned upBgrew upCkept up Dcame upB根據(jù)空前的句子可知,兩個孩子跟著作者在那個城市上學。按照時間發(fā)展順序可知,此處表示在那里長大。turn up到來;grow up長大;keep up并駕齊驅;come up發(fā)生。4A.changedBspreadCfled DheadedD根據(jù)空前的“One went.Halifax”可知,作者的一個孩子去了加拿大東部沿海城市,再根據(jù)空前的“the other”可知此處表示另一個孩子去了(head to)西海岸的溫哥華。5A.projectBdilemmaCquarrel DmethodB根據(jù)空后的“我們處于兩個孩子中間”可知,作者夫婦陷入了兩難境地。dilemma(進退兩難的)困境。6A.essentialBurgentChuge DbasicB根據(jù)語境可知,作者那時仍然在工作,不能和孩子們住在一起享受天倫之樂這個問題暫時還不緊迫。essential完全必要的;urgent緊急的;huge巨大的;basic基礎的。7A.educationBpossessionCretirement DtreatmentC根據(jù)空前的However可知,此處存在轉折關系。因為空前說的是退休前,故空處應該說的是作者夫婦考慮到“退休”的時候,不知道該去哪里度過余生。education教育;possession擁有;retirement退休;treatment治療。8A.spendBaccomplishCsurvive DdevelopA兩個兒子分別在國家的東西兩端,作者不知道該去哪里“度過”退休后的日子。spend度過;accomplish完成;survive幸存;develop發(fā)展。9A.sorryBfairCcloseDsimilarC根據(jù)上文孩子分處國家兩端可知,作者夫婦不可能和兩個孩子都住得很“近”。故選C。10A.focusedBdepended Cinsisted DsettledD由于種種原因,作者夫婦最終“定居”在了溫哥華島的一個小鎮(zhèn)上。settle in定居。11A.At leastBAt mostCAt times DAt bestA根據(jù)空后的“close to one of them”可知,此處表示“至少我們能靠近一個孩子”。at least至少;at most至多;at times時而;at best充其量。12A.wanderBremainCstay DworkB根據(jù)第二段最后一句話可知,孩子后來又離開了,所以現(xiàn)在仍然只有作者夫婦倆“留”在小鎮(zhèn)上。stay強調(作為客人或游客)短暫居住或停留;而remain則表示逗留,待在同一個地方不離去。wander漫步;work工作;不符合。13A.coveredBreducedCpaid DcheckedC此處表示“我們喜歡這個小角落,但是我們?yōu)榇艘哺冻隽舜鷥r”。根據(jù)文末“paid a price”的提示也可得出答案。14A.partiesBmeetingsCgames DeventsD此處表示“像兩個孫子出生這樣的重要事件,我們未能到場”。event事件。15A.watching BcelebratingCnoticing DsensingA作者夫婦兩人沒有和孩子們住在一起,因此也錯過了看著(watch)孫輩長大的機會。16A.comfortable BsingleCnoisy DprivateC根據(jù)下文講到的沒有孩子的家里很安靜可知,作者夫婦錯過的是普普通通,有年輕人在里面的吵鬧的(noisy)一家人。17A.Eventually BFortunatelyCUnexpectedly DAdditionallyB根據(jù)下文的孩子和孫子們都很好可知,這是幸運的事。eventually最終;fortunately幸運地;unexpectedly意外地;additionally另外。18A.seldomBoftenCever DonceA根據(jù)空后說的距離太遠可知,孩子和孫子們很少(seldom)來看作者夫婦。19A.affordable BvaluableCunbearableDexpensiveD根據(jù)距離太遠可以推知,探望是昂貴的(expensive)。affordable價格合理的;valuable寶貴的;unbearable無法忍受的。20A.IncomeBEnvironmentCLifeDCreditC生活(life)對我們一家人來說還是很好的,但是我們都付出了代價。B篇 Janet went down the moving stairs,surrounded by people.It made her 21 to go so deep underground,since this was her first time to take the subway.Next she went down a hall to 22 a ticket,which cost her $160.Then a machine took her ticket and she 23 the turnstile(旋轉柵門) with her arms.It made a loud sound as it 24 her into the subway halls.Now she followed the 25 lines painted on the wall.She needed the orange line.There were purple,blue,green,and red lines on the walls,too,but she 26 them.She followed the orange line and came to a platform.There were many 27 where people could have a rest while 28 their subway train.A couple of 29 later,a friendly voice came over the loudspeaker,explaining that a train was 30 ,saying that they should step back and wait for its 31 She watched for the lights of the coming train.Its lights 32 grew closer,and then the train burst out the end of the tunnel(隧道)Soon its doors were 33 ,and a crowd of people exited.With those people 34 ,the new passengers filed onto the train.Janet went with them.Then the 35 voice came over the loudspeaker again inside the train, 36 them to stand back from the doors and to prepare for the 37 Janet held on to the nearest pole, 38 there were no seats for her.She looked around the crowded train and 39 herself as the train began to move along.After a while,she smiled,enjoying the ride. 40 ,it was new to her and full of fun!【語篇解讀】本文是記敘文。文章主要講述了一位女孩第一次乘坐地鐵的經歷。21A.angryBanxiousCproudDshyB根據(jù)該空后的go so deep underground和this was her first time to take the subway可知,這是Janet第一次乘坐地鐵,所以當她坐著電梯來到地面以下很深的地方時感到非?!安话?anxious)”。22A.buyBbookCchooseDdeliverA根據(jù)該空后的which cost her $160可知,她“買(buy)”了一張票。23A.fixed upBjumped overCknocked downDpushed throughD根據(jù)該空后的with her arms可知,她用手臂推動旋轉柵門,然后就通過,故填pushed through。24A.threwBforcedCadmittedDtrickedC根據(jù)上文的a machine took her ticket和It made a loud sound可知,自動檢票機識別車票之后,讓她進入了地鐵大廳,故填admitted。25A.shortBcoloredCsameDbrokenB根據(jù)下文的the orange line和There were purple, blue, green, and red lines on the walls可知,墻上標有“各種顏色的(colored)”路線。26A.neededBmisunderstoodCdiscoveredDignoredD根據(jù)下文的She needed the orange line可知,這里是說:她對墻上其他顏色的路線“不予理睬(ignore)”。27A.bedsBbenchesCsupermarketsDrestaurantsB根據(jù)該空后的where people could have a rest可知,在地鐵站應該有很多“長凳(bench)”供人們“等(wait for)”車時休息使用。28A.getting offBlooking forCwaiting forDwaving atC參見上題解析。29A.minutesBhoursCdaysDmonthsA根據(jù)下文的a friendly voice came over the loudspeaker可知,幾“分鐘(minute)”后,廣播里傳來友好的說話聲音。30A.passing byBpulling inCtaking offDspeeding upB根據(jù)本句中的saying that they should step back and wait可知,一列地鐵就要“進站(pull in)”,人們應該退后,等著列車“到來(approach)”。31A.turnBchangeCprogressDapproachD參見上題解析。32A.frequentlyBusuallyCrapidlyDhardlyC根據(jù)該空后的the train burst out the end of the tunnel可知,列車疾速駛來,車燈“很快(rapidly)”就近在眼前。33A.openBwideCheavyDlockedA根據(jù)該空后的a crowd of people exited可知,列車門都“打開(open)”了。34A.cheered upBcleared outCleft behindDturned downB根據(jù)該空后的the new passengers filed onto the train可知,一些乘客下車后,新來的又上了車,故填cleared out。35A.funnyBweakCsharpDfriendlyD根據(jù)上文的a friendly voice可知填friendly。36A.allowingBinvitingCwarningDpersuadingC列車廣播往往是在乘客上車后警告大家要注意哪些事項,所以填warning。37A.crowdBweekendCinterviewDdepartureD根據(jù)上下文內容可知,列車要“出發(fā)(departure)”了,乘客應該作好準備。38A.sinceBuntilCthoughDunlessA根據(jù)前后句內容可知,這里表示因果關系,故填since。39A.excusedBintroducedCsteadiedDadvertisedC根據(jù)本句中的the crowded train和the train began to move along可知,這里是說,她試圖使自己站穩(wěn),故填steadied。40A.After allBAs usualCIn returnDFor exampleA聯(lián)系上文內容可知,Janet終于坐上了地鐵,她非常高興。對她來說,剛剛經歷的一切“畢竟(after all)”新鮮又有趣。C篇 I once worked with a group of eighth­and­ninth­grade students who were only reading at the second­to third­grade level.I found it 41 not to experience despair(絕望),trying to tutor kids who had 42 given up on school.I tried to tutor them in small groups,and the results were not 43 One of my problems was that no age­appropriate reading materials were 44 for junior high school students at such a low level.The kids regarded the materials I had as too babyish and 45 them.Unfortunately,more interesting materials were too difficult for them to 46 An idea came into my mind.I found some money for a tutoring program.The 47 wasn't huge,but it was enough for a 48 program for six months.I would “hire” my students to perform some tasks.I 49 my students that the nearby elementary school had students who needed help in 50 I had some money that I could 51 to anyone who'd help me work with these children.The program would 52 during school,replacing our 53 period.All my students were very excited and 54 the chance to be a part of this program.Each was assigned two or three children to work with.And they 55 ,reading to them and having them read aloud.My students enjoyed the experience and the elementary kids were grateful for the help and 56 from these older kids.Six months later,testing showed all of them had 57 in reading!But the most impressive changes were in my students' attitudes and 58 I hadn't expected that they would start to dress better,with more 59 Not had I expected that the number of fights would 60 while their attendance greatly increased.【語篇解讀】本文是一篇記敘文。一群學生參與了一個幫助小學生閱讀的項目,結果自己的學習成績和行為都得到了改善。41A.importantBdifficultCpracticalDcontroversialB教一群只有二、三年級閱讀水平的八、九年級的孩子很“難(difficult)”讓人不失望。這些孩子“基本上(basically)”已經放棄了學習。42A.rarelyBinnocentlyCtraditionallyDbasicallyD參見上題解析。43A.encouragingBconsistentCconclusiveDlastingA根據(jù)下文可知,分小組教學的效果并不“令人鼓舞(encouraging)”。44A.adequateBnecessaryCavailableDcomplexC作者面臨的一個問題是沒有“可利用的(available)”適合這些學生的閱讀材料。45A.beneathBwithoutCbeyondDdespiteA根據(jù)too babyish可知,學生們認為老師給的閱讀材料對他們來說“不夠好(beneath)”。46A.reportBcreateChandleDpurchaseC有趣的材料對這些學生來說太難以至無法“掌握(handle)”。47A.heightBamountCweightDcostB錢的“數(shù)量(amount)”不是很大,但對一個持續(xù)六個月的“試驗性(pilot)”項目足夠了。48A.collegeBnewsCspaceDpilotD參見上題解析。49A.toldBadvisedCpromisedDwarnedA根據(jù)that后的內容可知,這是作者“告訴(tell)”學生們的事。50A.writingBhearingCreadingDspeakingC根據(jù)下段中的reading to them and having them read aloud可知,這些小孩子在“閱讀(read)”方面需要幫助。51A.saveBlendCraiseDpayD根據(jù)上文的hire可知,作者會“付錢( pay)”給那些幫助小孩子的人,而且這項活動會在上學期間“進行(take place)”以代替“課堂(class)”時間,也就是說,去幫助小孩子閱讀就是這些學生上課的內容。52A.make wayBtake placeCput offDslow downB參見上題解析。53A.restBlunchCtestDclassD參見51題解析。54A.jumped atBput forwardCtried outDturned downA根據(jù)very excited可知,所有的學生都“欣然接受(jump at)”了這個機會。每個學生被分配和兩到三個孩子一起工作。55A.livedBworkedChuntedDfinishedB根據(jù)“給孩子們讀書和讓孩子們大聲讀”可知,這是作者的學生們在“工作(work)”。56A.admissionBpermissionCattentionDprotectionC小孩子們很感激大孩子們給予的“照料(attention)”。57A.believedBreflectedCimprovedDstruggledC根據(jù)impressive changes可知,作者的所有學生的閱讀能力都得到了“提高(improve)”。58A.knowledgeBhealthCtasteDbehaviorD根據(jù)dress better和their attendance greatly increased可知,學生們的態(tài)度和“行為(behavior)”都發(fā)生了巨變。學生們穿得更“整潔(neatness)”了,打架次數(shù)“減少(decrease)”而課堂出勤率上升了。59A.patienceBneatnessCcuriosityDchanceB參見上題解析。60A.decreaseBdifferCcontinueDapproachA參見58題解析。


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