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Module 4《Music》教案3(外研版選修6)

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Module 4《Music》教案3(外研版選修6)

111TitleModule 4MusicTypeComprehensiveTeacherTimeMethods1.Ss-centered2.Cooperative learning approach3.Whole-language teachingAidsmulti-media computer,blackboard,recorderTeachingobjectivesKnowledge and ability (1)To help Ss learn somrthing about The Twelves Gifls Band and make them know more about music. (2)To help Ss use some phrase correctly(3)To improve the students skills of fast reading and oral ability.Process and method To encourage the students to think and talk in English through communicative tasks and provide students with chances of cooperation.Emotion-attitude-value To foster students ability of enjoying music, and make them love musical culture.Key pointsTo understand the main meaning of the passage and can use these phrase correctly.To discuss, talk about some topic and finish writing in class.Difficult pointsTo have a disscussionTo writing a passage in limited timeTeaching procedureSteps ContentsActivitiesTimeI.Lead-in and introduction1.look at the viedo2.Introduce instrumentalistsSs: Watch and speak freely.T: Guide.3ReadingSkimthe passageskim the passage, trying to grasp the main idea. And finished the exercisesSs: Read, and try to answer the questions. T: Direct and check. 5Read following the tapeRead following the tape then choose the best answers and finish the sentencesSs: Listen to the tape and ollowT: Give them task 7Scanthe passageScan the passage to understand it further. And underline some phrases Ss: Discuss and sum up.T: Give necessary help and encourage them.7IVEnjoyingEnjoy the performance of Twelve Girls BandSs: Enjoy the musicT: Guide5VDiscussHave a discussion Ss: DiscussT: Encourage8VIWritingWrite a short passage about a band or a musicanSs: Write the passageT: Give necessary help9VIISumming-up and homeworkFinished the exercises in the workbookSs: Listen.T: Inform.1Writing on the blackboardModule 4 Music- Music from China1.in ones twenties2.it is clear( that)-3.drawing upon4.the moment that-5.skilled multi-instrumentalists, they -Comments 重難點講解:(一)重點單詞:1. interpret動詞  v. 口譯;翻譯  say in one language what someone has said in another language  I couldnt speak Italian so I asked Maria to interpret for me in the shop.  我不會說意大利語,所以在商店里我請瑪麗亞給我翻譯。  Have you got to do any interpreting next week?  下周你有什么口譯任務(wù)嗎?  動詞  v. 了解;抓到意思  understand; take the meaning to be  They interpreted his silence as consent.  他們把他的沉默理解為贊同。  2. combine動詞  v. 使結(jié)合  to(cause to)come together; unite; act together  The acid and alkali are combined into salt.  酸與堿化合成鹽。  We consider it necessary to combine theory with practice.  我們認為理論聯(lián)系實際是必要的。  Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence, using the second as an attributive clause.  把下列各對句子結(jié)合成一個句子,用第二句作為定語從句。  In proteins, atoms of nitrogen are combined with carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.  在蛋自質(zhì)中,氮原子與碳、氫、氧原子相化合。 動詞  v. 聯(lián)合;混合  unite; mix  Oil and water will not combine.  油和水混合不到一塊兒。  Two parties will combine to defeat the third.   兩黨派將聯(lián)合一起以擊敗第三黨。  What chemicals combine together to form water?  什么化學元素化合成水?  The two teams combined and did very well in the sports meet.  在運動會上這兩個隊合并成一個隊,成績很好。  Efforts and confidence combine to make a full man.  努力與信心結(jié)合造就完人。  3. compose及物動詞  vt. 創(chuàng)作(樂曲、詩歌等)  make up a poem, song, etc.  Bazet composed an opera called “Carmen”.  比塞特創(chuàng)作了一部名叫“卡門”的歌劇。  The music was composed by him.  這樂曲由他譜寫而成。  及物動詞  vt. 組成;構(gòu)成(通常用被動式)  make up(usu. in the passive)The class is composed of twelve boys and eight girls.  這個班由十二個男孩和八個女孩組成。  Japanese houses are chiefly composed of wood.  日本人的房子主要由木頭造成。  The song was composed extempore.  這個曲子是即席做成的。  The exhibition is composed of three parts.  展覽會由三個部分組成。  The jury is composed of men.  陪審團由男人組成。  及物動詞  vt. 控制;使鎮(zhèn)定;使安靜  get under control; calm  Compose yourself before we enter.  在我們進去之前你要先鎮(zhèn)靜下來。  Compose your mind!  鎮(zhèn)定下來!  4. regulate及物動詞  vt. 有系統(tǒng)地管理  control by rule, principle, or system  Accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families.  即使在管理最好的家庭,意處事故也會發(fā)生。  to regulate the traffic  管理交通  及物動詞  vt. 調(diào)整  put in order; make to work properly and accurately  The prices are regulated by demand and supply.  價格隨著需要和供應(yīng)而調(diào)整。  to regulate a clock  把鐘對準 5. shrink動詞  v. 縮?。蛔冃?;縮短  to become smaller or shorter after washing or heating  My shirt has shrunk so much after washing that I cant wear it any more.  我的襯衫洗過之后縮了很多,不能穿了。  Woolen clothes shrink in hot water.  毛料衣服在熱水中會收縮的。  In bright light , the pupil shrinks.  在太亮的光線里(看東西),瞳孔會收縮。  shrink back: move back, withdraw out of fear , sensitivity, etc.  退縮;畏縮  A snail shrinks back at a touch.  蝸牛一碰就縮回去了。  shrink from : withdraw from to avoid encounter, flinch from; recoil from  退避;在面前畏縮或退縮  The child shrinks from meeting strangers.  這孩子怕見陌生人。  It is a formidable task , but we are determined not to shrink from it.  這是一個非常艱巨的任務(wù),但是我們決不退縮。  shrink up : try to make oneself small and inconspicuous out of shyness , etc.  由于羞怯等畏縮   He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him.  每當人們的注意力集中在他身上時,他往往畏縮不前。  6. handle 名詞  n. 柄;把手  the part of a thing that you hold  I cant carry the bucket if the handle is broken.  提手要是壞了我就提不動這桶了。 Pick up the cup by the handle.  捏著杯柄把杯子拿起來。  They took these things by the handles.  他們握住把手把這些東西拿了起來。  His faults gave a handle to others.  他的毛病給了別人以把柄。  及物動詞  vt. 觸;摸;拿  touch something with the hands  Dont handle that book until you wash your hands.  在拿那本書前,請先洗手。  You must be careful when you handle glass.  拿玻璃時必須小心。  及物動詞  vt. 管理;處理 look after something  The director handles his staff well.   董事長善管人事。  The clerk handles all letters.  秘書處理所有的信件。  A child cant handle that big dog.  小孩子管不了那只大狗。  及物動詞  vt. (商業(yè))經(jīng)銷;買賣  buy and sell;deal in  This shop handles meat and eggs.  這家商店經(jīng)銷肉和蛋。  及物動詞  vt. 操縱;駕馭  control a person or animal  He knows how to handle a horse.  他懂得如何駕馭馬。  7. signify及物動詞  vt. 意味著,表示  The wrinkles on his face signified that he had lived a hard life.  他臉上的皺紋表示他飽受人間的辛酸。  及物動詞  vt. <人>表示,告知 <意向等> with, by  signify ones satisfaction(with a nod)(點頭)表明滿意的意思  She signified her consent by raising her hand.  她舉手表示同意。  及物動詞  vt. 表示,表明  She signified that she consented by raising her hand.  她舉手表示同意。  及物動詞  vt. 成為的前兆 預告  A red sunset signifies fine weather.  紅紅的晚霞是晴天的預兆。  及物動詞  vt. 有的重要性  What does it signify?  那有多重要?  不及物動詞  vi. 重要,重大  That does not signify.  那不重要;那沒有什么關(guān)系。  It signifies little.= It doesnt signify much.  那沒什么大不了;那沒有什么關(guān)系。  8. present形容詞  adj. 在場的;在的;出席的  being here; being there  Every member of the club was present.  俱樂部的每個會員都出席了。  Is all the class present?  全班人都到了嗎?  形容詞  adj. 存在的   (be present)be or exist  Oxygen is present in the air.  氧存在于空氣中。  形容詞  adj. 現(xiàn)存的;正發(fā)生的  being or happening now  He is ever present in my thoughts.  我始終惦記著他。  my present job  我現(xiàn)在的工作  名詞  n. 現(xiàn)在  the time now  He is at present away on his holidays.  目前他去休假了。  Im rather busy for the present.  眼下我相當忙。  Ive got enough money for the present, but I must go to the bank tomorrow.  我的錢暫時還夠用,但我明天必須去銀行取款。  present prices  市價  at the present moment  此刻  at the present time  現(xiàn)在  名詞  n. 禮物;贈品   gift , something that you give to someone  Im going to buy Mother a present for her birthday.  我要去給母親買件生日禮物。 We made a present of a giant panda to Japan.  我們把一只大熊貓送給日本作為禮物。 a birthday present  一件生日禮物  a Christmas present  圣誕禮品  及物動詞  vt. 贈;送;給  give something  Our class presented the school with a picture.  我們班把一幅圖畫贈予學校。  This watch was presented to me on that occasion. 這只表是在那個時候(作為禮品)贈送給我的。  及物動詞  vt. 介紹;引見(人等)  introduce , bring(a person, etc.)before somebody  Allow me to present Mr. Brown to you.  請允許我把布朗先生介紹給你。  及物動詞  vt. 寄來;送呈  to send in  The dentist presented his bill for filling my teeth.  牙醫(yī)寄來了給我補牙的賬單。  He presented the prizes.  他頒發(fā)了獎品。  及物動詞  vt. 上演;演出  to put before the public  They presented 15 lively songs, dances and ballads.  他們演出了十五個生動的歌舞曲藝節(jié)目。  及物動詞  vt. 呈現(xiàn);有 to show; to have  The teacher presented a neat appearance.  那個教師儀表堂堂。  及物動詞  vt. 提出思考  to offer; to bring up for consideration  May I present a suggestion?  我可以提個建議嗎?   (二)語法:現(xiàn)在完成進行時:1. 表示動作從過去某一時間開始一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,現(xiàn)在這個動作可能已經(jīng)終止,也可能仍然在進行著。He has been doing his homework all this morning.常與表示一段時間的狀語,如:all this time, this week, this month, all night, for , all the morning, since 2. 表示一直到說話時為止的一段時間內(nèi)一再重復的動作。I have been meeting her at the library.現(xiàn)在完成時的一般式與進行式的比較(1)在表達一個在過去開始而現(xiàn)在仍在繼續(xù)或剛剛結(jié)束的動作時,某些動詞既可以用現(xiàn)在完成時,也可以用現(xiàn)在完成進行時。這樣的動詞有expect,hope,learn,lie,live,look,rain,sleep,sit,snow,stand,stay,study,teach,wait,want,work等:How long have you learnt English?你學習英語多久了?How long have you been learning English?(譯文同上。)He has slept for ten hours .他已經(jīng)睡了十個小時了。He has been sleeping for ten hours.(譯文同上。)It has snowed for a long time.雪下了好長時間了。It has been snowing for a long time.(譯文同上。)沒有進行式的動詞不可能有這樣的用法,即現(xiàn)在完成進行時不能代替以下例句中的現(xiàn)在完成時:Theyve always had a big garden . 他們一直有一座大花園。How long have you known that?你知道這事多久了?Hes been in hospital since his accident .他從發(fā)生事故之后,一直在醫(yī)院里。注意:現(xiàn)在完成進行時可以和時間短語連用,也可以不連用,這一點就有別于現(xiàn)在完成時,因為后者與像for six days,since June,never等一些時間短語連用才能表示這類動作。不用這些時間狀語時,現(xiàn)在完成時指的是完成了的一個動作。(2)用現(xiàn)在完成時表示的反復的動作,有時可以作為連續(xù)的動作用現(xiàn)在完成進行時表示:Ive written six letters since breakfast . 早飯后我已經(jīng)寫了六封信。Ive been writing letters since breakfast . 早飯后我一直在寫信。I have knocked five times . I dont think anyones in . 我敲了五次門。我想屋里沒有人。Ive been knocking . I dont think anybodys in . 我一直在敲門。我想屋里沒有人。注意:現(xiàn)在完成進行時表示一種看來似乎是不間斷的動作,所以提到做一件事的次數(shù)或一共做了多少事情時,不能用現(xiàn)在完成進行時。(3)用現(xiàn)在完成時表達的單一動作和用現(xiàn)在完成進行時表達的動作是有區(qū)別的:(a)Ive polished the car . 我擦了車。意指這件事已經(jīng)結(jié)束了。(b)Ive been polishing the car . 我在擦車來著。意指過去一小時我就是這樣度過的,而不一定指動作已結(jié)束。注意:用現(xiàn)在完成進行時表示單一動作時,這一動作持續(xù)到說話的時間或者接近這一時間為止:Hes been taking photos . 他一直在拍照。(他大概手里正拿著照相機。)He has taken photos . 他拍過相片。(這件事可能是也可能不是最近發(fā)生的。) (三)重點詞語辨析:daily; everyday; every day daily用作名詞意為“日報”如:China Daily中國日報用作形容詞,意同everyday;用作副詞意同everyday。everyday意為“每日的、日常的”,在句中作定語。everyday Englishdaily English日常英語;everyday lifedaily life日常生活。 Ø every day(分開寫)意為“每天”,在句中作狀語。如: He comes here every day . He comes here daily . 他每天來這兒。 damage; destroy; ruin這三個詞都有“破壞;損壞”的意思,區(qū)別如下:damage意為“損壞、破壞”。它可用于表示損壞或破壞具體的物品,一般暗示損壞后價值或效益會降低,這種損壞是部分性的,通常指損壞的程度不那么嚴重,還可以修復再用。也可用于表示損壞抽象的東西,有時該詞也用于借喻。如: The car was not damaged badly in the accident, but five people were seriously hurt .  汽車在事故中損壞不嚴重,但卻有五個人受了重傷。 Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of her long illness . 長期生病使她的心臟受到輕度損傷。 What they said and did damaged the relations between the two countries . 他們的言行損害了這兩個國家之間的關(guān)系。Smoking has damaged his health badly . 吸煙嚴重地損害了他的健康。 Ø  damage還可用作可數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞。如: The earthquake did a lot of damages to the city . 這場地震給這座城市帶來了巨大的破壞。 destroy意為“破壞;摧毀;消滅;毀滅”,通常指程度非常嚴重的“毀壞”,一般情況下不可以修復再用。另外,它既可表示毀壞具體的物品,也可表示毀壞抽象的東西。如: The big fire destroyed the whole house .  這場大火把整座房子都燒毀了。 The Nazi wanted to destroy peoples hopes, but in the end what was destroyed was the Nazis dream by the power of people . 納粹想摧毀人民的希望,最終是納粹的夢想被人民的力量所摧毀。ruin多用于借喻之中,有時泛指一般性的破壞,指把某物損壞到了不能再使用的程度。如: My new coat is ruined . 我的外套不能再穿了。 The rain will ruin the crops . 這雨會把莊稼毀掉的。 I was ruined by that law case; Im a ruined man我被那場官司毀了,我破產(chǎn)了。111


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