職稱英語考試 理工類B級 完形填空 押題形Why India Needs

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職稱英語考試 理工類B級 完形填空 押題形Why India Needs_第1頁
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《職稱英語考試 理工類B級 完形填空 押題形Why India Needs》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《職稱英語考試 理工類B級 完形填空 押題形Why India Needs(4頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、第八篇 Why India Needs Its Dying Vultures印度為什么需要瀕臨滅亡的禿鷹The vultures(禿鷹) in question(表示討論中的,注意in和名詞question) may look ugly and threatening, but the sudden sharp _1_ in three species of Indias vultures is producing alarm(名詞,表示警告) rather than celebration, and it presents the world with a new kind of envir

2、onmental _2_ The dramatic decline in vulture numbers is causing widespread disruption to people living in the same areas as the _3_ . It is also causing serious public health problems _4_ the Indian sub-continent.譯文:人們談論的禿鷹可能看起來既丑又危險,但是印度三種禿鷹瀕臨滅亡對我們是一種警告,而不是一件值得慶賀的事。它向世人明示了一個新的環(huán)境問題。禿鷹數(shù)量的急劇減少不僅是這些鳥類的

3、災難對當?shù)鼐用裢瑯右彩侨绱?,它同時給整個印度次大陸帶來了公共衛(wèi)生問題。While their reputation and appearance may be unpleasant to many Indians,vultures have _5_played a very important role in(固定搭配,play a role in doing sth.,表示扮演角色) keeping towns and villages all over India clean. It is _6_they feed on(詞組,表示以為生) dead cows. In India, cow

4、s are sacred animals and are _7_ left in the open when they die in their thousands upon thousands every year.譯文:雖然禿鷹的名聲不好,許多印度人也討厭其長相,但是長久以來,禿鷹在維護全印度的城鎮(zhèn)和鄉(xiāng)村的清潔方面扮演了非常重要的角色。因為禿鷹是以死牛為生。在印度,每年都有成千上萬的牛死去,而牛是神圣的動物,死后露尸戶外,任其腐爛。The disappearance of the vultures has _8_(固定搭配,表示導致,表達一種因果關(guān)系) an explosion in th

5、e numbers of wild dogs feeding on the remains of these dead animals. There are fears that rabies may _9_ as a result. And this terrifying disease may ultimately affect humans in the region, since wild dogs are its main carriers. Rabies could also spread to(表示傳播到) other animal species, causing an eve

6、n greater problem in the _10_(詞組,表示在未來).譯文:禿鷹的消失使得以牛尸為生的野狗數(shù)量暴增,因此,人們擔心罹患狂犬病的病人會增加。由于野狗是狂犬病的主要攜帶者,這種可怕的疾病最終會影響當?shù)氐木用瘛?袢∫部赡軅鞑サ狡渌?,未來會導致更大的問題。The need for action is _11_, so an emergency project has been launched to _12_ a solution to this serious vulture problem. Scientists are trying to identify(動詞,

7、表示確認) the disease causing the birds,deaths and, if possible, develop a cure.譯文:采取行動刻不容緩。所以,一個危機處理項目已經(jīng)啟動,目的是找到解決禿鷹問題的方法??茖W家們正試圖確認導致禿鷹死亡的疾病,如果可能的話,找到治愈該病的方法。Large-scale vulture _13_ were first noticed at the end of(固定搭配,注意at) the 1980s in India. A population survey at that time showed that the three s

8、pecies of vultures had declined _14_ (介詞,by有“到(某事物)的程度”的意思)over 90 per cent. All three species are now listed as(動詞,這里為被動語態(tài),表示被列為) “critically endangered”. As most vultures lay only single eggs and _15_(“花費或用多少時間”英語的常用的表達法是“take. days/months, etc. ”) about five years to reach maturity, reversing the

9、ir population decline will be a long and difficult exercise.譯文:在印度,人們注意到禿鷹的大批死亡最早是在20世紀80年代末。根據(jù)當時的物種調(diào)查顯示,三種禿鷹的數(shù)量減少了90%以上。目前,這三種禿鷹都被列為“極度瀕危動物 由于大部分禿鷹每次只產(chǎn)一只蛋,幼鷹需要大約5年的時間才能成熟,因此,若想遏制住禿鷹數(shù)量的下降會是一項長期的、艱巨的任務。練習:1. A. decline B. rise C. teeth D. eyes2. A. benefit B. debate C. problem D. solution3. A. plants

10、 B. birds C. humans D. cows4. A. over B. with C. through D. across5. A. sometimes B. long C. suddenly D. hardly6. A. who B. when C. because D. where7. A. traditionally B. occasionally C. possibly D. finally8. A. came from B. adjusted to C. resulted from D. led to9. A. drop B. increase C. disappear D

11、. change10. A. future B. past C. villages D. mountains11. A. recent B. urgent C. frequent D. rare12. A. neglect B. use C. remove D. find13. A. cures B. arrivals C. deaths D. journeys14. A. along B. on C. in D. by15. A. take B. adopt C. consume D. waste答案與題解:1. A通篇文章都在敘述禿鷹瀕臨滅種對印度環(huán)境的負面影響,而且文章的標題中的“dyi

12、ng vultures”也提供了線索。decline符合上下文的意思,是答案。rise與上下文的意思相反。sharp teeth和sharp eyes是禿鷹的特點,但文章并未提及。2. C禿鷹瀕臨滅亡,給環(huán)境帶來問題。上一句的“alarm rather than celebration”提供了解題的線索,禿鷹瀕臨滅亡對我們是一種警告,而不是一件值得慶賀的事。選problem是合適的。至于debate和solution,文章并未涉及。3. B禿鷹數(shù)量的減少對當?shù)鼐用袷且环N災難。此外,對誰也是一種災難呢?as引出的對象是誰呢? 這個對象不會是humans, plants或cows。答案是birds

13、。4. D作者原來的用詞一定是across the Indian sub-continent(整個印度次大陸),不可能是 over the Indian sub-continent(在印度次大陸上空),with the Indian sub-continent(與印度次大陸一起)或 through the Indian sub-continent(穿越印度次大陸)。5. B本段前面的句子描述了禿鷹在保護該地區(qū)的環(huán)境上作用很大,所以禿鷹不會是時有時無(sometimes)地起作用,或突然地(suddenly)起作用,或幾乎不(hardly)起作用。只有選long(長期以來一直)起作用才合乎上下文

14、的意思。6. C為什么禿鷹會起保護環(huán)境的作用呢?本段的下半段說出了其中的原因。牛在印度被視為神物,死后露尸戶外,任其腐爛。禿鷹以食牛的尸體為生,同時也清除了污染源,保護了城鎮(zhèn)和鄉(xiāng)村的環(huán)境。這些句子講的是原因,所以選擇because是對的。7. A文章說每年有成千上萬頭牛死亡并露尸城鎮(zhèn)和鄉(xiāng)村。既然是這樣,就不會是偶爾(occasionally)或可能(possibly)或最終(finally)露尸在城鎮(zhèn)和鄉(xiāng)村。露尸戶外是印度的傳統(tǒng),所以traditionally是答案。8. D 本段第一句表達的是因果關(guān)系。The disappearance of the vultures 是因,an explo

15、sion in the numbers of wild dogs feeding on the remains of these dead animals 是果。四個選項中只有l(wèi)ed to (導致)能表達這種因果關(guān)系,所以led to是答案。9. B野狗是狂犬病菌的主要攜帶者,野狗大量的出現(xiàn)當然會增加狂犬病擴散的危險性,而不是相反。所以選increase是正確的,而drop是increase的反義詞,不會是答案。change或disappear都脫離了上下文的意思,所以不是答案。10. A狂犬病從野狗傳到人身上已經(jīng)非??膳拢绻賯鞯狡渌麆游锷砩蠁栴}就更嚴重了。 四個選項中,選future構(gòu)成

16、詞組in the future(在未來)符合上下文的意思。11. B從后面的“an emergency project has been launched(啟動了應急項目)”可以推斷出要選的形容詞是urgent(緊迫的)。12. D啟動應急項目是為了找到一個解決的辦法。neglect a solution, use a solution或remove a solution顯然不符合上下文的意思。find是答案。13. C本段說禿鷹的數(shù)量急劇減少,已被列為瀕危物種。本題的選項cures(治療法)、 arrivals(到達)或 journeys(旅程)與本段后面一句 “All three spec

17、ies are now listed as critically endangered”所表達的意思接不上。選deaths, 全段的意思就連貫了。因此, deaths是答案。14. D在四個選項中,along, on,in明顯不合適。by有“到(某事物)的程度”的意思?!?the three species of vultures had declined by over 90 per cent” 的意思是“三種秀鷹的數(shù)量減少了90%以上。15. A “花費或用多少時間”英語的常用的表達法是“take. days/months, etc. ”。選take是正確的。其他三個選項都不合適。詞匯:v

18、ulture n.禿鷹ultimately adv.最終地species n.物種,種類endanger v.危及,瀕危disruption n.破壞,毀壞maturity n.成熟期rabies n.狂犬癥注釋:1. The vulture in question: 討論中的秀鷹(問題)。in question意為“討論中的,考慮中的”。2. rather than:而不是。例:Your proposal is positive rather than negative. (你的提議是積極的,而不是消極的。)3. the Indian sub-continent: 印度次大陸4. while: 雖然。例:While he has published many papers, he is modest. (雖然他發(fā)表了多篇論文,他還是很謙虛。)5. thousands upon thousands:成千上萬的6. in the open:在戶外,在野外7. as a result:結(jié)果8. listed as “critically endangered”:被列為極度瀕危動物

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