7下 Unit 1 Dream home教案

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1、漢航教育 備課教師:姜老師七年級下冊 Unit 1 Dream homes一、復習單詞A、拼讀易錯的單詞palace, Canada, France, Japan, Russia, capital, mile, garden, centre, bathroom, beach, zero, hundred, thousand, million, square, area, fork, fridge, shower, video, machine, message, double, field, invite B、重點單詞用法1、country(pl)_ balcony (pl) _ beach

2、(pl.)_foot (pl)_knife (pl)_video (pl)_study (pl)_2、next to (prep.) 緊鄰,在近旁 介詞,后面加賓語,人稱代詞用賓格 She sits next to_(I). His classroom is next to_(I).3、Countriesadj.peoplelanguagecapitalsJapanTokyoThe USAWashington D.C.FranceParisCanadaEnglishFrenchOttawaThe UKLondonRussiaMoscow4、own (adj.) 自己的 用于形容詞性物主代詞或名

3、詞所有格后,加強語氣of ones own 屬于某人自己的I have_(我自己的) bedroom. = I have the bedroom _.When children grow up, they will have families_.A. on their own B. of own C. their own families D. of their own(vt.) 擁有 owner (n.) 物主,所有人 He_(own) a big company in New York. He is the_(own) of a big company in New York.on one

4、s own = by oneself = alone 獨自 The old man lives a_. (on his own)5、square (adj.) 平方的square metre 平方米Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 _in size.莫斯科的紅場面積約九萬一千平方米。France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.法國的面積超過26萬平方英里。(n.)廣場 Tianan men Square 天安門廣場6、over 超過 = more thanFrance has an area of _(

5、超過) 260,000 square miles. 在上方 強調正上方,反義詞under There is a bridge _ the river. A. in B. on C. above D. over強調越過某一高度 The brave eagle flew over the mountains.從一邊到另一邊It moved up _ my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face.A. through B. over C. to D. at在期間 over the years Sunshine Town _(change

6、) a lot over the years.通過 over the radio/telephone 結束 The film _(end) for twenty minutes.go over 復習 knock over 撞翻 (all) over again 再,重新 fall over 摔倒think over 仔細考慮7、shower n. 淋浴器,淋浴 take/have a shower n 陣雨,陣雪 Bees and butterflies play among flowers, then hide from the_ (四月陣雨).8、some day 將來有一天,總有一天 只

7、用來指將來one day 某一天 可以指過去,也可以指將來the other day 幾天前 常用于一般過去時He writes such wonderful stories that he _(make) a good writer some day.I_(happen) to meet him in the street the other day.9、may 表示請求,許可或征詢對方許可??隙ɑ卮鹩谩癥es, you may/can.”或“Yes, please.” 否定回答用“No, you cant.” 或”No, you may not/No, you mustnt.” May I

8、 use your ruler? _. Here you are.A. No, you cant. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I cant D. Yes, you may.表示可能性較小的推測,意為“也許,可能”,通常用于肯定句中。用于否定句時,意為“可能不”。表示“不可能”時用cant。He _(可能會餓) after two hours work.may 的過去式為might,表推測時,可能性低于may.10、study n 書房 復數 studies n 學習 He will go abroad for _(far) study. v 學習,研究 Once a year

9、, the members of our Birdwatching Society go to study the birds in Zhalong.11、stay vt 停留,逗留My friends like to come and _(待在這兒). n 停留,逗留 Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only _(做短暫的停留).During our _ (stay) in Japan, we can also try all kinds of Japanese food. 系動詞,意思是 “保持”

10、 stay healthy = keep healthy12、invite (v.) 邀請 invitation (n) 邀請invite sb to someplace 邀請某人去某地或參加活動invite sb to do sth 邀請某人去做某事 Will you go to Millies birthday party? Ill go if I_(invite).二、重點詞組、句型1、Would you like to live in the palace, Eddie? 埃迪,你想住宮殿里嗎?Would you like sth? 肯定回答: Yes, please.否定回答: No

11、, thanks.Would you like to do sth? 肯定回答:Yes, Id like/love to.否定回答: Id like/love to, but Would you like to donate your pocket money to the children in poor areas? _. A. I think so.B. Yes, please. C. Yes, Id love to. D. Thats right.2、There are twenty restaurants in town. 鎮(zhèn)上有二十家餐館。There are about 8,000

12、,000 people living in London. 大約有八百萬人住在倫敦。表示某地有,用there be 句型,謂語動詞就近原則。 There _(be) an art room, a music room and two computer rooms in our school.表示有事情要做,用there be sth to do。 There are lots of things _(see) in places of interest.表示有某人做某事,用there be sb doing sth.。 On game shows, there are always famou

13、s people_(talk) about their lives.3、I live in a town 15 miles from London. 我住在離倫敦15英里的一個鎮(zhèn)上。 be far (away) from 離遠,但出現(xiàn)具體距離時,不用farMy home is _from the school.My home is 5 kilometres _from the school.A. away B. far C. close D. next to4、I share a bedroom with my sister. 我和妹妹共享一間臥室。share sth. with sb. 和某

14、人共享我需要一個可以和我分享擔憂的人。I need someone to _.5、We often listen to music in bed. 我們經常躺在床上聽音樂。in bed 意為 (躺)在床上,bed 前無冠詞修飾。 Dont read _. 不要躺在床上看書。on the bed 表示某樣東西在床上。There is a book _. 床上有本書。6、I Love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. 我喜歡坐在那里向外看海灘和海。look out at sth 向外看 look out of 看的外面Its g

15、ood for your eyes to _ the green trees for a minute or two.A. look out of B. look out at C. look out from D. look for at7、Your house is really different from the flats here in our town. 你的房子和我們城鎮(zhèn)里的公寓真的很不一樣。 be different from 和不同,不同于 different 是形容詞,名詞為difference Our classroom is different from_(he ).

16、 There are some _(different) between the four words.8、Each room has a new computer. 每間房間都有臺新電腦。 each 用于兩者及以上的每一個,后面可以直接跟 of。如 each of them/you/usevery 用于三者及以上的每一個,后面不能直接跟 of,如要表示每一個,可用 every one。如every one of them/you/usEach student _(have) a book in his hand.Each of the students_(have) a book in hi

17、s hand.The students each_(have) a book in his hand.三、語法復習(一)基數詞構成及讀法1、1-12為獨立的單詞,有其各自的形式one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve2、13-19都以teen結尾thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen3、20-90之間的“整十”都以ty結尾 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty,

18、 seventy, eighty, ninety4、20-99之間的“幾十幾”,先說“幾十”,再說“幾”,且中間加連詞符。 如:22 twenty-two, 49 forty-nine, 94 ninety-four5、101-999之間的非整百的基數詞讀法為: 百位數和十位數(或個位數)之間用and連接。 如:608 six hundred and eight, 732 seven hundred and thirty-two6、四位數及以上的基數詞讀法為:先將數字從右向左每三位加一個逗號,第一個逗號讀thousand(千),第二個逗號讀million(百萬),第三個逗號讀billion(十

19、億),讀數時從左向右依次讀出來。如:7,003 seven thousand and three80,690 eighty thousand, six hundred and ninety9,911,120nine million, nine hundred and eleven thousand, one hundred and twenty2,100,010,001 two billion, one hundred million, ten thousand and one(二)基數詞的部分用法1、表順序。由單數名詞 + 基數詞,此時名詞和基數詞第一個字母大寫。如:Class One, R

20、oom Five, Lesson Ten, Page 108, No. 9 Middle School2、確數與概數的表達 確數:基數詞+計數單位的單數(hundred, thousand, million, billion)+ 名詞復數 There are six hundred workers in this factory.注意: hundred, thousand, million, billion用單數 several hundred students 幾百個學生概數:計數單位的復數(hundreds, thousands, millions, billions)+ of +名詞的復

21、數Thousands of visitors have come to Hangzhou in the last two weeks.注意:two hundred of the students 學生中的兩百個3、“整十”的基數詞的復數形式可用于表示“幾十年代”或“在某人多少歲時”。In the 1960s 在二十世紀六十年代My father is in his fifties. 我的爸爸五十多歲。4、“another+基數詞+名詞復數”或“基數詞+more+名詞(復數)”表示在已有的基礎上再增加一定的數量,意思是“再、又、還”。He ate another two cakes. = He

22、ate two more cakes. 他又吃了兩塊蛋糕。We need one more hour to finish the work. = We need another hour to finish the work我們還需一小時來完成這項工作。練習(1) The wall is _, thats to say, its a _ wall.A.5 meters tall, 5-meters-tall B.5-meter-tall, 5 meters tall C. 5 meters tall, 5-meter-tall D. 5-meter-tall, 5-meters- tall (

23、2) There are about three _ workers in that factory. Two _them live in it.A. hundreds, hundred of B. hundreds of, hundred C. hundred of ,hundred D. hundred, hundred of(3) How do you say 15,858?A. Fifteen thousands, eight hundred and fifty-eight.B. Fifteen thousand, eight hundreds and fifty-eight.C. F

24、ifteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight.D. Fifteen thousand, and eight hundred and fifty-eight.(4) My elder brother is in his _ (thirty) .(三)序數詞的構成1、第一到第三需逐個記憶first, second, third2、第四到第十九,特殊的是:fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth。其余都由相應的基數詞加th構成。 3、20-90之間“第幾十”的序數詞由相應的基數詞去掉y加 ieth構成。 twentieth, thir

25、tieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth4、21-99之間的“第幾十幾”的序數詞,前面的十位數用基數詞,后面的個位用序數詞,中間用連詞符連接。如:twenty-first, twenty-ninth, seventy-eighth。5、100 hundredth6、對比以下序數的寫法:fourth, fourteenth, fortiethninth, nineteenth, ninetieth11th, 12th, 13th21st, 22nd, 23rd,(四)序數詞的用法:1、序數詞表順序時

26、,前要加定冠詞the,有物主代詞或名詞所有格不需要加the。The second picture is very beautiful. 第二幅圖很漂亮。Today is grandmas_(nine) birthday. He is always the first _ (come) to school in our class.The first ten people _ (finish) the work will receive a prize.2、表示考試或比賽等的名次時,通常不加冠詞。He came _(four) in the drawing competition.3、序數詞前也

27、可以用不定冠詞 a/an, 表示“再一,又一”。Ive tried twice, but Ill try a third time. 我已經試過兩次了,但我將再試一次。4、表日期中的“日”。 2009 年7月6日 July 6th, 2009 5、分數的表達:分子基數詞,分母序數詞,分子大于一,分母加s2/3的學生 two thirds of the students.1/3的學生 one third of the students.練習(1) He lives on _(seven) floor.(2) The _(twenty-nine) Olympic Games took place

28、in Beijing.(3) Fathers Day is the _(three) Sunday in June.(4) Now, everyone, please turn to Page_ and look at the _ picture.A. Twelve, fifth B. Twelfth, fifth C. Twelve, five D. Twelfth, five (5) _(四分之三) of the workers in the factory _(be)_(woman) workers.四、語篇復習A、Reading復習閱讀P8的課文Homes around the wor

29、ld,根據課文內容完成下表。(每空一詞)Homes around the worldownerNeilAnnaStephencountry(1)_(2)_(3)_(4)_ of homehouse(5)_(6)_(7)_The house is big.Its (8)_.It is (9)_.locationI live in a (10)_ 15 miles from London.I live in the (11) _of Moscow. Its on the (12)_ floor.I live in Los Angeles. My home is near the (13) _.fa

30、vourite roomMy favourite room is the (14) _. My family and I often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea.We have a nice (15) _ room. After dinner, we watch and chat there.I like the (16) _ best. I love to sit there and look out at the sea and the beach.Other partsWe have a beautiful garden. I always enjo

31、y (17)_ fun with my dog there.I share a bedroom with my sister. We often listen to (18) _ in bed.I have my own bedroom and bathroom.B、書面表達請以”My dream home”為題寫一篇文章,內容包括以下要點。詞數:80左右。位置在一條安靜街道上。類型20層的公寓,住在第9層。房間1、共七個,餐廳、客廳、廚房、衛(wèi)生間各一個,臥室三個。2、選兩個房間,講述在其中的活動。3、選一個房間,描述其中的設施。感受范文: My dream homeI live in a t

32、all building on a quiet street. There are twenty floors in it. I live on the ninth floor.My home is very big. There are seven rooms in my home. One of them is a dining room. Three of the others are bedrooms. There is a living room and a kitchen. We have a big bathroom too. We have meals in the dinin

33、g room. In the afternoon, my family and I enjoy a cup of tea in the kitchen. We often watch TV and read books in the living room. I have my own bedroom. There is a shower, a sink and a toilet in the bathroom.I like inviting my friends to my home. We often have a party at home, and we read books and

34、watch TV together. Its great fun.五、四會內容A、詞組1、dream homes 理想之家 2、live in a palace住在宮殿里3、next to a restaurant 在飯店隔壁4、the biggest one 最大的一個5、the capital of Japan 日本首都 6、enjoy a cup of tea 享受一杯茶 7、in the center of在的中心 8、on the seventh floor在第七層9、have a nice living room 有一個漂亮的客廳10、share a bedroom with my

35、 sister 與我的妹妹合住臥室 11、listen to music in bed躺著床上聽音樂 12、have my own bedroom有我自己的臥室13、like the balcony best最喜歡陽臺 14、look out at the beach and sea朝外看著海灘和大海 look out of the window 看窗戶的外面15、the best place to chat and watch TV聊天和看電視最好的地方 16、in most homes 在大多數家庭里 17、cook meals 做飯 18、people from 180 countrie

36、s and areas 來自180個國家和地區(qū)的人 19、1815 feet tall 1815英尺高 20、91,000 square meters in size 91,000平方米的面積 21、have an area of over 260,000 square miles占地260,000多平方英里22、Womens Day婦女節(jié) 23、on the eighth of March在三月八日 24、be different from 與不同 25、be full of = be filled with 裝滿26、look big and comfortable看起來既大又舒適 27、

37、of ones own屬于某人自己的28、take a message 傳個話,捎個口信29、call sb back給某人回電話 30、washing machine 洗衣機 31、at the foot of a hill 在山腳下 32、football field 足球場 33、swimming pool游泳池 34、home cinema家庭影院 35、more than enough food 超多的食物 36、invite my friends to watch films邀請我的朋友來看電影 37、on the ground floor 在一樓 B、句子1、Would you

38、like to live in a palace? 埃迪,你想住在宮殿里嗎?2、I live in a town 15 miles from London. 我住在離倫敦15英里的鎮(zhèn)上。3、I always have fun with my dogs there.我總是和我的狗在那玩得很愉快。4、love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. 我喜歡坐在那向外看海灘和海。5、The living room is the best place to chat and watch TV. 客廳是聊天和看電視最好的地方。6、There

39、 are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 大約有八百萬人住在倫敦。7、He is always the first to come to school in our class. 他總是我們班第一個到校的。8、Your house is really different from the flats here in our town. 你的房子和我們城鎮(zhèn)里的公寓真的很不一樣。9、Your garden is full of flowers. 你的花園里種滿了花。10、I also have a bedroom of my own. =I als

40、o have my own bedroom. 我也有自己的房間。11、I hope to visit your home some day. 我希望有天能參觀你家。12、May I speak to Daniel, please? 我可以找丹尼爾接電話嗎?13、 Whos speaking, please? 請問是哪位?(電話用語)This is Simon. 我是西蒙。14、Can I take a message? 我能捎口信嗎?15、Can you ask him to call me back? 你能讓他給我會電話嗎?16、What kind of home do you live i

41、n?你住在哪種類型的房子里?Which floor do you live on? 你住在第幾層?17、My dream home is at the foot of a hill. 我理想的家在山腳下。18、There is a kitchen and a home cinema on the ground floor. 一樓有廚房和家庭影院。19、I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend. 周末,我想邀請朋友來看電影。20、Each room has a new computer and all the beds are comfortable. 每個房間有臺新電腦并且所有的床都很舒服。- 9 -

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