圖1給出了噴射H13工具鋼的粒子聚集頻率和累積頻率分布圖。中央塊狀直徑被確定的56微米為插補(bǔ)尺寸的50%的累積頻率。這些面積平均直徑和體積平均直徑是分別被計(jì)算出的53微米和139微米。幾何標(biāo)準(zhǔn)偏差是1.8,sd=(d84/d16)1/2 ,d84和d16是粒子直徑相應(yīng)的84%和16%的累積量。
圖1 噴射H13工具鋼的粒子聚集頻率和累積頻率分布
圖2 氣體和微粒在射流噴嘴里多相流場(chǎng)。(a)速度分布圖 (b)凝固體分?jǐn)?shù)線
表1 H13工具鋼的組成
化學(xué)成分 C Mn Cr Mo V Si Fe
常規(guī)H13鋼 0.41 0.39 5.15 1.41 0.9 1.06 Bal.
噴射成形H13鋼 0.41 0.38 5.10 1.42 0.9 1.08 Bal.
參 考 文 獻(xiàn)
[1] R. G. W. Pye, Injection Mould Design, John Wiley & Sons, NY, p. 14, 1989.
[2] Rapid Prototyping & Tooling State of the Industry - 1998 Worldwide Progress Report, Terry T. Wohlers, Wohlers Associates, Inc., p. 22, 1998.
[3] Kevin M. McHugh, “Fabrication of Tooling Inserts Using RSP Tooling Technology,” Proceedings of Moldmaking ‘99 Conference, Communication Technologies, Inc. Columbus, OH, May, 1999, p. 383.
[4] B. Hewson, J. Folkestad, and K. M. McHugh, “Qualifying Rapid Solidification Process Tooling: Justifying Cutting Edge Technology,” Proceedings of Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing ‘99 Conference, The Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI, April, 1999, p.75.
[5] Master Unit Die Quick-Change Systems, Greenville, MI
[6] Cotronics Corporation, Brooklyn, NY.
[7] E. J. Lavernia and Y. Wu, Spray Atomization and Deposition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, p. 291, 1996.
[8] Tool Materials, ed. J. R. Davis, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, P.139, 1995.
[9] K. M. McHugh, “Microstructure Transformation Of Spray-Formed H13 Tool Steel During Deposition and Heat Treatment,” Solidification 1998, Edited by S. P. Marsh, J. A. Dantzig, R. Trivedi, W. Hofmeister, M. G. Chu, E. J. Lavernia, and J.-H Chun, The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society, P. 427, 1998.
[10] Kyeong Ho Baik, Eon-Sik Lee, Woo-Jin Park, and Sangho Ahn, “Formation of Eutectic Carbides in Spray Cast High Speed Steel,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference On Spray Forming, Cardiff, UK p. 251, (1996).
[11] K. Bhargava and A. N. Tiwari, “Effect of Rapid Solidification and Heat Treatment on D2 Tool Steel,” Internat. J. Rapid Solidification, 7, 51 (1992).
Spray-Formed Tooling
For Injection Molding and Die Casting Applications
Rapid Solidification Process (RSP) Tooling is a spray forming technology tailored for producing molds and dies. The approach combines rapid solidification processing and net-shape materials processing in a single step. The ability of the sprayed deposit to capture features of the tool pattern eliminates costly machining operations in conventional mold making and reduces turnaround time. Moreover, rapid solidification suppresses carbide precipitation and growth, allowing many ferritic tool steels to be artificially aged, an alternative to conventional heat treatment that offers unique benefits. Material properties and microstructure transformation during heat treatment of spray-formed H13 tool steel are described.
Molds, dies, and related tooling are used to shape many of the plastic and metal components we use every day at home or at work. The process involves machining the negative of a desired part shape (core and cavity) from a forged tool steel or a rough metal casting, adding cooling channels, vents, and other mechanical features, followed by grinding. Many molds and dies undergo heat treatment (austenitization/quench/temper) to improve the properties of the steel, followed by final grinding and polishing to achieve the desired finish [1].
Conventional fabrication of molds and dies is very expensive and time consuming because:
? Each is custom made, reflecting the shape and texture of the desired part.
? The materials used to make tooling are difficult to machine and work with. Tool steels are the workhorse of industry for long production runs. Machining tool steels is capital equipment intensive because specialized equipment is often needed for individual machining steps.
? Tooling must be machined accurately. Oftentimes many individual components must fit together correctly for the final product to function properly.
Costs for plastic injection molds vary with size and complexity, ranging from about $10,000 to over $300,000 (U.S.), and have lead times of 3 to 6 months. Tool checking and part qualification may require an additional 3 months. Large die-casting dies for transmissions and sheet metal stamping dies for making automobile body panels may cost more than $1million (U.S.). Lead times are usually greater than 40 weeks. A large automobile company invests about $1 billion (U.S.) in new tooling each year to manufacture the components that go into their new line of cars and trucks.
Spray forming offers great potential for reducing the cost and lead time for tooling by eliminating many of the machining, grinding, and polishing unit operations. In addition, spray forming provides a powerful means to control segregation of alloying elements during solidification and carbide formation, and the ability to create beneficial metastable phases in many popular ferritic tool steels. As a result, relatively low temperature precipitation hardening heat treatment can be used to tailor properties such as hardness, toughness, thermal fatigue resistance, and strength. This paper describes the application of spray forming technology for producing H13 tooling for injection molding and die casting applications, and the benefits of low temperature heat treatment.
RSP Tooling
Rapid Solidification Process (RSP) Tooling, is a spray forming technology tailored for producing molds and dies [2-4]. The approach combines rapid solidification processing and netshape materials processing in a single step. The general concept involves converting a mold design described by a CAD file to a tooling master using a suitable rapid prototyping (RP) technology such as stereolithography. A pattern transfer is made to a castable ceramic, typically alumina or fused silica. This is followed by spray forming a thick deposit of tool steel (or other alloy) on the pattern to capture the desired shape, surface texture and detail. The resultant metal block is cooled to room temperature and separated from the pattern. Typically, the deposit’s exterior walls are machined square, allowing it to be used as an insert in a holding block such as a MUD frame [5]. The overall turnaround time for tooling is about three days, stating with a master. Molds and dies produced in this way have been used for prototype and production runs in plastic injection molding and die casting.
An important benefit of RSP Tooling is that it allows molds and dies to be made early in the design cycle for a component. True prototype parts can be manufactured to assess form, fit, and function using the same process planned for production. If the part is qualified, the tooling can be run in production as conventional tooling would. Use of a digital database and RP technology allows design modifications to be easily made.
Experimental Procedure
An alumina-base ceramic (Cotronics 780 [6]) was slurry cast using a silicone rubber master die, or freeze cast using a stereolithography master. After setting up, ceramic patterns were demolded, fired in a kiln, and cooled to room temperature. H13 tool steel was induction melted under a nitrogen atmosphere, superheated about 100°C, and pressure-fed into a bench-scale converging/diverging spray nozzle, designed and constructed in-house. An inert gas atmosphere within the spray apparatus minimized in-flight oxidation of the atomized droplets as they deposited onto the tool pattern at a rate of about 200 kg/h. Gas-to-metal mass flow ratio was approximately 0.5.
For tensile property and hardness evaluation, the spray-formed material was sectioned using a wire EDM and surface ground to remove a 0.05 mm thick heat-affected zone. Samples were heat treated in a furnace that was purged with nitrogen. Each sample was coated with BN and placed in a sealed metal foil packet as a precautionary measure to prevent decarburization.Artificially aged samples were soaked for 1 hour at temperatures ranging from 400 to 700°C, and air cooled. Conventionally heat treated H13 was austenitized at 1010°C for 30 min., air quenched, and double tempered (2 hr plus 2 hr) at 538°C.
Microhardness was measured at room temperature using a Shimadzu Type M Vickers Hardness Tester by averaging ten microindentation readings. Microstructure of the etched (3% nital) tool steel was evaluated optically using an Olympus Model PME-3 metallograph and an Amray Model 1830 scanning electron microscope. Phase composition was analyzed via energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The size distribution of overspray powder was analyzed using a Microtrac Full Range Particle Analyzer after powder samples were sieved at 200 μm to remove coarse flakes. Sample density was evaluated by water displacement using Archimedes’ principle and a Mettler balance (Model AE100).
A quasi 1-D computer code developed at INEEL was used to evaluate multiphase flow behavior inside the nozzle and free jet regions. The code's basic numerical technique solves the steadystate gas flow field through an adaptive grid, conservative variables approach and treats the droplet phase in a Lagrangian manner with full aerodynamic and energetic coupling between the droplets and transport gas. The liquid metal injection system is coupled to the throat gas dynamics, and effects of heat transfer and wall friction are included. The code also includes a nonequilibrium solidification model that permits droplet undercooling and recalescence. The code was used to map out the temperature and velocity profile of the gas and atomized droplets within the nozzle and free jet regions.
Results and Discussion
Spray forming is a robust rapid tooling technology that allows tool steel molds and dies to be produced in a straightforward manner. Each was spray formed using a ceramic pattern generated from a RP master.
Particle and Gas Behavior
Particle mass frequency and cumulative mass distribution plots for H13 tool steel sprays are given in Figure 1. The mass median diameter was determined to be 56 μm by interpolation of size corresponding to 50% cumulative mass. The area mean diameter and volume mean diameter were calculated to be 53 μm and 139 μm, respectively. Geometric standard deviation, sd=(d84/d16)? , is 1.8, where d84 and d16 are particle diameters corresponding to 84% and 16% cumulative mass in Figure 1.
Figure1. Cumulative mass and mass frequency plots of particles in H13 tool step sprays.
Figure2 gives computational results for the multiphase velocity flow field (Figure 2a), and H13 tool steel solid fraction (Figure2b), inside the nozzle and free jet regions. Gas velocity increases until reaching the location of the shock front, at which point it precipitously decreases, eventually decaying exponentially outside the nozzle. Small droplets are easily perturbed by the velocity field, accelerating inside the nozzle and decelerating outside. After reaching their terminal velocity, larger droplets (?150 μm) are less perturbed by the flow field due to their greater momentum.
It is well known that high particle cooling rates in the spray jet (103-106 K/s) and bulk deposit (1-100 K/min) are present during spray forming [7]. Most of the particles in the spray have undergone recalescence, resulting in a solid fraction of about 0.75. Calculated solid fraction profiles of small (?30 μm) and large (?150 μm) droplets with distance from the nozzle inlet, are shown in Figure 2b.
Spray-Formed Deposits
This high heat extraction rate reduces erosion effects at the surface of the tool pattern. This allows relatively soft, castable ceramic pattern materials to be used that would not be satisfactory candidates for conventional metal casting processes. With suitable processing conditions, fine surface detail can be successfully transferred from the pattern to spray-formed mold. Surface roughness at the molding surface is pattern dependent. Slurry-cast commercial ceramics yield a surface roughness of about 1 μm Ra, suitable for many molding applications. Deposition of tool steel onto glass plates has yielded a specular surface finish of about 0.076 μm Ra. At the current state of development, dimensional repeatability of spray-formed molds, starting with a common master, is about ±0.2%.
Figure 2. Calculated particle and gas behavior in nozzle and free jet regions.
(a) Velocity profile.(b) Solid fraction.
The chemistry of H13 tool steel is designed to allow the material to withstand the temperature, pressure, abrasion, and thermal cycling associated with demanding applications such as die casting. It is the most popular die casting alloy worldwide and second most popular tool steel for plastic injection molding. The steel has low carbon content (0.4 wt.%) to promote toughness, medium chromium content (5 wt.%) to provide good resistance to high temperature softening, 1 wt% Si to improve high temperature oxidation resistance, and small molybdenum and vanadium additions (about 1%) that form stable carbides to increase resistance to erosive wear[8]. Composition analysis was performed on H13 tool steel before and after spray forming.Results, summarized in Table 1, indicate no significant variation in alloy additions.
Table 1. Composition of H13 tool steel
Element C Mn Cr Mo V Si Fe
Stock H13 0.41 0.39 5.15 1.41 0.9 1.06 Bal.
Spray Formed H13 0.41 0.38 5.10 1.42 0.9 1.08 Bal.
The size, shape, type, and distribution of carbides found in H13 tool steel is dictated by the processing method and heat treatment. Normally the commercial steel is machined in the mill annealed condition and heat treated (austenitized/quenched/tempered) prior to use. It is typically austenitized at about 1010°C, quenched in air or oil, and carefully tempered two or three times at 540 to 650°C to obtain the required combination of hardness, thermal fatigue resistance, and
Commercial, forged, ferritic tool steels cannot be precipitation hardened because after electroslag remelting at the steel mill, ingots are cast that cool slowly and form coarse carbides. In contrast, rapid solidification of H13 tool steel causes alloying additions to remain largely in solution and to be more uniformly distributed in the matrix [9-11]. Properties can be tailored by artificial aging or conventional heat treatment.
A benefit of artificial aging is that it bypasses the specific volume changes that occur during conventional heat treatment that can lead to tool distortion. These specific volume changes occur as the matrix phase transforms from ferrite to austenite to tempered martensite and must be accounted for in the original mold design. However, they cannot always be reliably predicted. Thin sections in the insert, which may be desirable from a design and production standpoint, are oftentimes not included as the material has a tendency to slump during austenitization or distort during quenching. Tool distortion is not observed during artificial aging of spray-formed tool steels because there is no phase transformation.
[1] R. G. W. Pye, Injection Mould Design, John Wiley & Sons, NY, p. 14, 1989.
[2] Rapid Prototyping & Tooling State of the Industry - 1998 Worldwide Progress Report, Terry T. Wohlers, Wohlers Associates, Inc., p. 22, 1998.
[3] Kevin M. McHugh, “Fabrication of Tooling Inserts Using RSP Tooling Technology,” Proceedings of Moldmaking ‘99 Conference, Communication Technologies, Inc. Columbus, OH, May, 1999, p. 383.
[4] B. Hewson, J. Folkestad, and K. M. McHugh, “Qualifying Rapid Solidification Process Tooling: Justifying Cutting Edge Technology,” Proceedings of Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing ‘99 Conference, The Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI, April, 1999, p.75.
[5] Master Unit Die Quick-Change Systems, Greenville, MI
[6] Cotronics Corporation, Brooklyn, NY.
[7] E. J. Lavernia and Y. Wu, Spray Atomization and Deposition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, p. 291, 1996.
[8] Tool Materials, ed. J. R. Davis, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, P.139, 1995.
[9] K. M. McHugh, “Microstructure Transformation Of Spray-Formed H13 Tool Steel During Deposition and Heat Treatment,” Solidi