1、國家開放大學電大專科《英語閱讀(2) 2024-2025期末試題及答案(試卷號:2156) Part | Questions I —10 are based on Passage I and Pussuge 2. Ila&sagc 1 This h a short passage about the wildebceu migration. Every yenr nruund April ? many thou^nnds of wildebeest gather together oti the Srrcngeti Plains in Tanzani.i tn prep^ralion
2、 for thrir long journey northwards. Although it is often referred tu ns f I hr Migrationf t thii great movement ol animals is on endless ye at round trek dii t a ted by the nrrtnotift and the search for (reh Krass nnd wtixcr. By nirly July the long straggling columns ol wildebeest along with large
3、numbers ol zebra< begin to reach the Marn Reserve, They can enter anywhere nd oner inside their rnovrnirnt> nre rrrntic according to where (orage is bes<> However? the herd^ do hnvc one ar two frtvonic river crossing places and after the Mara grasses have been gazed ta I hr ground# they une these to
4、 move northwards out of the reserve^ Weak animalft rarely survive the river crossings. Many arc crushrd to death by the sheer weight of numbers and some are eaten by hugr crocodiles. In latr September* the herds begin tu re - form for the journey back to the Serengeti Plains. Phey arrive three mon
5、ths later and begin calvings Reud Passage 1 und decide whether the following filatements ure True ar Fulse. Write T for True and b for False against the number of each of the LalcmcntM on your Answer Sheet L In April the- wildcbvcsi trnvel Ironi the Marn Reserve to rhe Serengeti. 2> Thr rrrt^on f
6、ar 1 The Migration" ts search lor food. 3. In curly Junc< the wildebeest reach the Mara Reserve. 4. Thr wildrbrcst movemrnifi /ire irregular when they go into the Mnrn Reserve. 5. Al thr end of thr ycar< the wildebeest relurn to the Serengeti Plains and give birth to oilve. Passage 2 This ix a
7、short passage about thr munilfr and Frankrnslein . Some nmc Later. Frankenstein received a letter from his father telling him thm his young brother. William? had been murderrd. All the family wn shocked when Justine Moritz< thr boy *5 nanny> was accused of thr enme nnd FrankenMein wa^ horrified whe
8、n she wm executed for the murder bccousc he fch thnt hi、monster hud done it? not Justine. PhrouKhoui the following nionihtt> Frnnkcnstcin bcoimr more and mure depreMKrd, Thrn# onr dny when he rrvrhng in ihr mountAint trying to forget hin traublrji. brAiikenBYrin Ruddrnly mcl thr monntcr. Hr shoute
9、d (unounly at himt accusing him of thr enme. nnd trilinH him io titay ?w/ty from him nnd lii> (aniily. But the nionntcr iniiiAtrd on talking fa hin creator nnd told him thr nnd story of bin life mnee he hnd run nwcy I rum tin Ubotatory where Frankenstein hud made him. 「he monftlrr Mid thnt hr hwd t
10、fird> in Vftin. to Htlnch himnrH to huniMHii hut tiobtxly would hnvr unylhintf to do with him? bccnuMe they faunil him no only and IrightcninK* He told bmnkrfi^triti that cvrn when hr hnd nAvrd a child who was drowning in a river < nobody tlmnkcd him. !n fact? the? fathrr hot him in the nhouldcr bec
11、ause he was afraid a( him. The monnter been me marc and rtiorr lonely nnd more ond more unhappy. Th「n. by chxncr. hr cnnir ftcrosx Williafn plnying in n filed and he decided to CApture the boy and try to niake him became hi* (rirnd. He took hold of William and tried tu embrace him. bui the boy Rcrc
12、Amed nndt in Afi nttemp! tu silence him. the monster held him by the thront ind. icddrntAlly> ^irnn^M him. Wend Puambcc 2 and Ihm try to ghr hort answem to the rollowhig qurftUonSe Write ynur Hn^wm on the Answer Sheets 6. Who was accused of murderinK F^rnnkrnRtriri% brothrr Wilhum? 7. What did Fm
14、rMsful cloning ol a I tolly,? hrc|u hn stunned the world.
2 I wns rxeited tiboui the idrn of having ■ clone ol my^rlf in the Ix^inninKi I might
15、ed 50 many people for so long< as evidenced by numerous popular sCTrnrc fiction stories fcaturinR thi theme and countless literary works on the alter-ego. 4 For one tlunR* Eve is said to have been mudc from one of Adam 1 s ribs. Thr Itgend of her beginning might br regarded ax the earlier example o
16、l cloning* So I am somewhat surpnspd tu sec governments worldwide reacting so ncgiitivrly when 5cienti>t! announced thnl they have made Mubstantiai progress in this Geld of soencr, 5 Dur to many brriitarionst the iechnH|ijc canf t be widely upphrd in the near luturc# hut under ihc influence of canf
17、uMion and fenr# people are nlrc^dy spreuirttmg about clonings hir rtraching consequences And taking precautionary measures the jK>ssible misuses of the new technological breakthrough. 6 ?people fenr that lhe world would be ui u cness if human I>ring5 rv cloned Mime days mk! ZhBi Zhonghet a well-
18、known hiologist &nd acadcmiciAn at the Chinan Academy of Sciences 7 Ian Wilmut< the embryologist who led the Ro^Hn Institute team in Britain that successfully cloned f Dolly f from a single cell on another ewe e 3 udder> announced that cloning hunwns was aprobablyf possible. 8 1A single tcrrninnl
19、cell is sufficient for duplicating the whole animal, thatf 5 something new. said Zhai. Genetically, the reprcxiuction from fl single cell is h cumplctr copy of the tiswue donor. 9 Meanwhile> US scientht^ have declared that they have succestifuDy cloned a monkey, ujiing an cighl-cell rrnbryo> marki
20、ng the first time that an /mtmai closely resembling hunmns ha$ ever been cloned, 10 Many governments in the world in a show of moral responsibilityr have moved quickly to discourage this new development. 11 The United States banned the federal funding of clonings and Orrmnny cjillcd (ar a world-wi
21、de ban on cloning human brings. 12 Danish snentists said they were halting experiments pending a full debate on rhe iwe The Italian government said human cloning should be outlawed and Announced a temporary bnn in Italy on all forms of human or animnl experrments linked with cloning. In China? many
22、 legislators attending the Eighth Nniional Peopled Congress were soliciting opinion* from scientists. 13 Chinese denti*l> suggested that legisUfion is nrresnary to control potential danger、 that may ari$r (ram the newly developed cloning technology and many have proposed fhnt laws be approved to co
23、ntrol the use of the technology. [( revhnoluHicjil brr^kthruuuhh nlwity* ctHatr nrw fnboo> and give pn tnRighl into nrw dirnrnMionn of hurnnti brings< yet Mjmvhaw human living nttr nbl^ to drlju^t (heir minrkcv to new rrnltfy ftrr an inttiH) wave of panic. jut they huv( conic io ivrnt% with roiifrn
24、crption nnd artilicwl fcriiliixtian.
13 If the new technalony cnn he widely npplictle it could br uxd io twvc cnflnnHrTfrd anirnulsf ruhiv^tr brtrrr,世nnd rephenfr irnn^^nic animnln cd mribrAl mid sctcntiltc value.
Krud Pnvuaitr 3 and thrfi chfxnv thv best un%wer thnt may c 25、trmcnt% below uccordirifi to the pitMuw. Write) 26、ap realize hi> wikIi (ot a lunRcr life
C. he cun go bark into the pant
l>. he wantM to br involved in thr CMpcnrnrnt
13. Fhr example nboui Arlntn nnd Eve (pAntKrAph O ?how、tliAt .
A? cloning i an old technolo|(y which hnn hern rrvivnl r 27、logy in Hhnviit limrn
(L c loning in in occardnncc with the doctrines of (^hriAliafiity
D. clnninx Iimr l>rrn I he dreArn of humnn beingM mner thr Anvirtit puMl
I t. PrtJpIrS gcnrrnl rrwrtjon to clnnrng ih thnf
A? It mny hive tirgntivr ruiiHrquencr^ un the human Micicly
B. it in 0 grr.it develo 28、pment ol modrm lerhnuloKy
C? I he technology should be quickly applied to thr cure u( ni/iny grnrtir dihruM^
D? h hat to be eontrolled because there ate Mlrendy loo mtmy puuplr In ihr world
15. The (act lhT n monkey waw clonrd by US ncirtiBniji nhown thut .
A. human bcinfta will br cloned immed 29、imdy
H. an *nifnnl closely resembling humuns ho been clonrd
(二 rluning m a very ulmplr tr<:hno)()Hy
「)? AnirricHn cloning technology in the bn in I hr wurhl
16. Which KovcrnTncnt intended to ban cloning rxpcnmrrns?
A. The American governincni The British ROvernrnKnt
C. The Chinese government D 30、. The kalinn government
17. Thr author mentioned conrrHcrption and artificial fertiliMiion ?
A. to argue that cloning should br given n new name
B> tr> prove that cloning equally chngrrous and should Iw 5)pp>ed C> to predict that cloning will br accepted by thr human SbOcieiy as well [>.to sugne 31、At new ways of birth control instrad of human cloning
18. Whnt benefits could the new technology hrinx(o the human society? according io the author?
A. To save endangered animals
B. To cuhivair better speeim
C Ta reproduce transgenic untm^ls of medical and scientific value
Fl AU of rhe above
1 32、9. Which of fhc following mameem is TRUE according to the pannage?
A. Govcrnmcrnlft worldwide react |x>sitively to the cloning technology
匹 The cloning technology is welcomed by cd! people
C ?Dully was cloned Irom a single cell on another cwefs udder
D, Thr ( hinese government nlw banned the fun 33、ding of cloning
20. Thr pa^AHge indicates that the author the rloninc technology^
A. support B. dislikes
C doubts (X develops
Part IQ True or False
Qnnthxis 21—30 art based nn Passage
Pavcage 4
When I Wks In America
For most people the holiday sen son t< a time of joy and family rrunioru For 34、 me# it is a ttmr of mixed emotions fur 1 have been awny from my family in Iran while studying in the Unnrti Stolen Rnthrr tlwn lock rny^rlf in my landmesst 1 have tried each Christmus tu learn more about the culture ul the country and know more nbout my /Xmericon fnends.
A tir-claKp 1 tiiill wear 35、reminds me repeatedly ol rhe memorable Christmas of 1989. All my cla59mateM hnd eagrrly looked forward fo the holiday. 1 had no money for thr vacations My check from home hnd not nr rived on schedule bcrauAt? of the crush of holiday niaiL
One day I walked To the campu> to pick up my mAil at the Int 36、emnttnnal Students office. The nil important check Mill had not arrivctL Maria# a Mexican American student working
temporary secretary tn the dcparimcnl muil hnvc wren me as I left rlw mwlbox with disappointnient ■howing on my face. She invited me to p 37、l icx> gUdlya
MariA1# lAmdy wnw not rich. I hry lived in a modest 5曲1 hotixr. MariA tnirodured mr to her p/irmtA> her aunt and her MUirrt who welcomed me WArmly. Maru 1 s faithrr could only ^pcak Spanish ? su he talked to me while MariA1 a sister act rd as an interpreter. The kind look in hin rycn 38、and his rrlnxcd behavior mndc me fcrl right a! home.
I hr dinner wan very elaborate^ Kiirh dish hnd * special frMturv* ^uiicc and blend u( srasonmgse Mnnn#s aunt ale while sunding /it ? corner ai thr small? aid table. I felt b littk uncomfonablct knowing thnt I wg occupying hrr plmt. but her gestur 39、e cxprc5scd the sincere hoitpiuiliry with which Morines whole family received me. Alter dinner* Maria chour < am" package from under rhe Chriatmo trre and handed ir to me* Inside I found the ne clasp I still ujic to thia day.
Looking l the tic ? clasp> I knew I would iilways regard it ns a rnrmenlo 40、 of nn unforgetlable evening of good friendihip during a h/ird and timely peod of my life.
Re?d Passage 4 and decide whether the following utatefnenK arc True or Falc< Write T for True ■nd F for Fnlsc against the number of each of the statements on your Answer Shrcl.
21. 1 he author of the passage 41、 an overseas acudcnt in Amcrwu.
22. The author usundly had a r(o ward to thr holiday as he dtdn t hnvr 42、nioncy to cn|i>y it.
26. Hi5 check w5 probably drUyed beenuw □} the cru^h of holiday mniL
27. Mun* was a tenchrr ay the university when the nufhnr studird there.
28? There was only ennugh room fur hvr at lhe table in ManaFn home.
29. Mann "s Father did not talk becaUBc hr rouldn9i npcak EnM^h.
43、30. The author apprenated the tie-clftsp beat use it conveyed thr kindnesA of Madm 9 n family.
Part N Short Answer Qoesli(m 31—35 arc based on Passaic 5.
Paxsagr 5
World AIDS Day
December hrt m World AIDS l)ny. The meeiMge al events thia year is wLivr und lx?f Live " Vhr aim is to end improper t 44、reiitmrnf of people with HIV nnd AIDS Experts 5 mich discnmmjitian remains a barrier to prevenhun and trentment. Thr United Nntionii reported last week iha the spread of AIDS shows no 禰ru of easing, h says an cstimaied 40 ml||inn people arr living with the HIV vitua. Ths include 2.5 million children 45、. Wurldwirfc, the report said thnt 6 million people became infected with HIV and □ mHh" died in 2010 — the moirt even
\)qCxqt Peter PifH heads the United Nanons AIDS program. Hr *mvji AIDS re spn^ding fastest in Eastern Europe. cs^cinlly Russiii. The Caribbean continue to c^penence high levels of i 46、nfection. And. he 皿ys there could be major increases in China and India.
One oui of five adults in ^>uchcrn Africa 認 living with HIV ar AIDS. Southern Alnca remains the worst affected part of the world. But Doctor Pioi 而ys there is Marp mcreosc in paris of WrMcrn Alncn. such as ni Cnmeroan nnd Nig 47、eria, and in parts of Southern Am/i "d Southeast Auia such as India and Thailand^
Sexual contact > infected blood nnd the bharing of injection needles cnti all aprend the AIDS virus. A1!>S was first discovered in the I980m< Now# more women than men become infected with IHV. And Doctor Pint wzirns t 48、hat the ability o( cauntriej to provide services hns dropped m many he/ilth workers brrome infected.
The UN *ays South Africa had more people with HIV at the end of laict year than any uthrr country, h had an esttmuted 5. 3 million cases, about eleven percent of the population. Last month South Afr 49、ica announcer! a plan to provide anti - retrovirul niedictnc^ for free. Tlie^e drug^ restrain the sprrJtd of the virus.
South Afnca ays it hupc^ to have antr AIDS centers open in every hvnlth ilistrict within h year and in every Incal area within five years. I hr plan aUo includes money for public 50、education and training far health care workers.
Until nowt the governnirnt hn% said :hr drugM cost too much and 5“ cause harm. However> the com of three /\H)S drugs taken as a combination will be cut by almoil one* third> This will hnpprn under an agrrcmcni ncROtifltcd Ly the Clinton Foundation< Fo 51、rmer Anirrican President Uill Clinton Uy that if the South African progrnm is successful? other nntion* could follow th
Read Piisnge 5 und then try to give Miort nnswers to Questions 31—35,Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.
3L What the mm of the message nr rvrntK af World AIDS Day this year?
32. How many people infected with AIDS died in 2010?
33. What d眼5 thr word tn the necond paragraph menn?
34. What can spread the AIDS virus?
35. Which cuunfry is the worst AIDS - aHeeted part o( the world according to the pass"?
P?r1 1 (30 poiniBe 3 points rch)
l? F 2. T 3. 53、F 4. T &. T
6. Juntinc Morita
7. Frttnkrn^lrin Mhoutcd furiously /H him, nccuning him oi the crime? .md trlling htm to ly wy from him imd hh birni版
& HcCAUMt nobody liked him.
9. rhe tnonsiicr wanted to cupturr him and mnkc him heromc hm Irirnd.
10. The rnunnirr >trnglcd thr boy nccidcntally by 54、 holding him by the thrunt tn utop him MrrcnminK.
PuH || ( 30 points. 3 points meh)
11, C 12. B
13. I>
U. A
15. H
16, D 17, C
18. D
19. C
20. A
Part 111 ( 20 points, 2 points each)
2L T U. F
23. T
21. T
25. T
26. T 27. F
28. T
29. V
30. T
Port h ( 20 potau, 4 polnu each)
31 55、. The mm al the ir Io end improprr treatment of people with HIV ond AIDS.
32. 5 million people infected with AIDS died in 2010.
33. The word Mhrad" nicunK * lc4dfu or Min in ebargr olM.
34. SrxnnI confnct ? inlcctril bkxxl nnd rhr nlinririK ol injection nerdlcn cun sprrnd lhe
AIDS virun.
35. South Africa^
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