1、最新國家開放大學電大本科高級英語聽說(2)期末試題標準題庫及答案(試卷號:1356)高級英語聽說(2)題庫一Section One (20 pointse 2 points each)Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill In the blanks with the word you hear. Write thewords on the Answer Sheet.Jeff t Come in!Mari t Am 1 interrupting?Jef Ji It99 OK. I w5 just catching up on my blo
2、g.Mari i Oh yeah? Whins it (1?Je/jMostly itrs about hip-hop. Like here1 s a comment from a guy named Hasan talking aboutv lets sec hip-hop in IstnnbuLMari i In Turkey? Turkish hip-hop?Jrf f t Sure. And here1 s one from my friend Hiroshi rhe drummer in Tokyo.Mari t Hmm. Maybe (2) should start a blog
3、about learning English-Jcffi WelL its a great way io meet (3)people, thats for sure A lot of people dan11 even(6) a computerJeffi ItS amazing what you can do with cell phones these days. Talk, take pictures# sendemail . Atari :Ycah its s technology called Voice over Internet. 1 use it all the8)Mari
4、: How does it work?J*/: Welle you need a computer with n 蓋ound card, if youve got that.Mari t Yeah. I doJeffi And you also need a microphone and a headset.Mari ; Hmm. I dont have those.No wait, you cnn buy them at uny elcctronicR utore*Mari i OK. What rite?Jf/f i Wclli then youll need to download th
5、e soitware* which is (9) and then ifthe person you#re calling insialls the same softwaret thereFs no cost for calling.Mari i But what if they dont? Can 1 cull from my computer to nomeonen phone?Jff i YrhcrcS n chnrge for thatf but itf s lot cheaper thftn using your cell phone, believe me.Mari t Coul
6、d you show me how it works on ()0)computer?Je/i Right now?Mari i No. it、nighttime in Japan now. Can wc do it in about three hours?Jeff iNo problem. Ill be here.Mari iGreab See you Inter.Section Two (20 points. 2 points each)Prt OntDirections: You are going Io listen to five short conversations/pasa|
7、(es. After each ccinversation/pAiiMiKce there h one question. Choose the best attswer to each question and write your nnswers on lhe Answer Slwct.Number One: a conversation11 Whats the customer account number?A. 391335.& 381335.C 381339.Number Tw”: a short conversation12. How much does it cost?A. Fi
8、ve thousand dollars*K Five hundred dollars.C Five dollars .Number : a monologue13. In the divorce rate was 2. 2 per 19000 peopleA, 1906B. 1916C. 1960Numbfr Eour: a ihort conversationU. The second speaker m I made a mistake?A. It began in ancient Rome.K h will decrcane in the future.Clts a very old p
9、ract 化 e.Part TwoDirections: You arc filing to listen to one convene lion. After the con v mat ion t thcrv arc five queslions. Choose the best ankwer to sch question und write your aniiweni on the Answer Sheet16. What is the mam topic of the conversation?A. telephonesH telephone messagesC automated
10、phone sytemx17. What doexnFt Jenny like?At phoningB. waitingG leaving mesiuiReji18. Why does Stan diMgrcc with Jenny about the job?A- He thinks its a boring job.B. He prefem to speak to a real person.Q He thinks it nave* time.19. Which is true nt the end of the converaation?A. Jenny contradicU Stan.
11、H. Stan contradictu Jenny.G Jenny and Stan Agree.20. What does nhn menn?A. A What doeM that mcnn?B. I unde函amtC. Im not sure. Let me think-Section Three (30 points. 3 points each)Directions: You nrc roIm to listen to a conversation After the convmulion there urr ten xtutcnicntji. Decide whether the
12、following wtNtcmcnts arc true or false. Write your answen ( I or F) on the Answer Sheet21. This a face-torfjice convcrnittion.22. Mari wants to rent a room.23 M/iri im now working in a coIIcrc.24 Man han been hvinjj in a houne with some other people-25. Muri doesnt like quiet places26. Nancy is an E
13、nglish teacher27. Mnri in from Koren.28. Nancy house in not very (ar (rom school.29. Muri it goinK lo Nancyf a houc uround nix oclock.30. N/incy livra At 3175 Hayworth Avenue#Section Four (30 points, 3 points meh)Directions: Listen lo lhe lecture and fill in the blanks (u compldc the notes. Write yo
14、ur answersnn the Annwer Sheet.The third area the pcakrr wanti to look ul h (31)customs t L c- some of the thavlorsthat arc (32) _ _ _ with eating:A. UtensilsCulture*Use of utensilsAsian CuhureAhopnttek*The WestFarku* knives and (33)Parts of India & trnditionnl Arab families(34)or a pierr of brcudH.
15、Whether you Nhould cut everything on your plutcCountriesPolite behiivioraIn EgyptYou should (35)nocnefood in your dishIn Bolivia. (36) &U.SAVinitoniRhouldcateverything on their plntriuThe I ant nrra Ihr speaker wiints lo look at is (37)giving.CountriesBehavior of gift givingIn the United StoteMYou c
16、an bring wine or (38)or nsmall gift from your country when invited to dinner, but not in businesn niiuAtions.In Japan & other Anian countficbThey Rive gtftB often.In IrnnNever give (39)flowcrn to IrnnianpeopleIn concluhmt each culture hn Its own unique rules for voclal Iwhiivlor. We should Imm mImiu
17、I other people* (40).試題答案及評分標準(僅供參考)Section One (20 pointst 2 points each)L about2. 13. new4. spcakinK5. believe6. own7. touch8. time9. free10. yourSection Two (20 points, 2 points each)11. B12.A13. C14. A15. C16.C17. B18. A19. C20. RSection Three (30 pointst 3 points each)21. F22. T23. F24. T25. F2
18、6. T27. F28. T29. F30. TSection four (30 pointst 3 pointx eoch)3L eating32. connected 33. spoons34. fingers35. lewve36. South ArniTiwi 37. gift38. flower#39. yellow40 cuatomsSection One (20 points. 2 poinK each)Directionxi Listen Co the conversation and fill in the blank* with the words you hcar4 Wr
19、ite the wordx on the Answer Sheet. Ilic convcnmtion will be raid twiceDadi Hello?Jtffi Hi. Dad.Dadi Jeff| How are you?Vm fine Dnd. How* Mom? Did、h? get over her (1)?Dad i Yest 血fine now. She went bnck to work yesterdny.Jff/t Th” W gooi Um. Dadi I need to ask you nomrthinR.Dadi Sure# son. whnt (2)it?
20、Jf/t Welk uht the truth in# 11 m broke afiiiin Hut* see. my old Ruitar broket And I hud to buy a new one I (4)play on a broken guitare right?Dadi Look Jeff if you wnnt to piny in n bmid. thnt0 OK with me. Buy you aint keep asking me to pay for it |Jfffi()K OK. youre right. Bur what do you think I ou
21、ght to (5)? Everythingcost5 an arm and a len around here.Dadi Well, first of nil. I think youd bclier go on a budget. Make list of hII your income and all your expenses And then its simple. Dont spend more than you earn.Je/: But thnt 1 b cxnrtly thr problem! My expenses are (6) larger thnn niyincome
22、s Thats why 1 need to borrow money Irom you.Dadi Then maybe you should work more hours at the computer store.Jff ft Dnd! I Mrritdy work IS hourn a week| How can I Mtudy and work and find time to piny with my bn you know.Je/i Maybe 1 should jut! drop work (ulltime* and play in the bandin the cvcninx*
23、 I can go bnck Why don 1 I you ( 10)About thin veryCMrrfully nnd call me buck in a few dnyn. And in the mcAntime you1 cl better find n wny to pay (or that new guiinnJr/1 Yc Dtd.Dad i All riKhr. Good bye. non.Jf/i Byehort convcnuitioni/After ciich convcmution/piinxc - there l one qucutiom Chixnc the
24、bent stnsMer l each qucution and write your unwcrs on I he Answer SheetNumber Onci n convcnuitlon11. What da# i thin?A. chcmintryB historyC GcrrnunNumber Twoi a conversation12- How doea John feel about Donna9request?A. Hes happy to help Donru.B. Hd surprised to see DonneC. HcS a little Angry.Ntimtwr
25、 Three: a conversation13. Whatf54 the wuniansc job?A. An architecteR A police officer.C. A dentiMNumber Four: a short passage14. Which of the following is probably a xoed idea if you are a visitor in a MiddleEastern home?A Keep your feet on thr floor.H. 1 akc off your uhoes when you enter the house,
26、C Don 4 give uhoei as o gift in the Middle East*Number Fivcj conversation15. Whm nrc the man and wotnan talking about?A. A T-ahin.0 A tie.C A suit.Part TwoDirections)You are going Io listen to cine convcralion. After the conversation there nrr Hvcquestions* Choose the bat answer Io each question und
27、 write your nnvwcrs on (he Answer Sheet】6 What 1* the rnnin topic of the conversation?A Heart problems.B Why did thr girl need n second heart oprriifion7A. liccauc her new heart didnt workB. lUcaunc her old hrRrt didnt work( Bernujic %he needed anothvr hrurt18 When Jane Miy Thatf s no weird. Whnt do
28、r she mean?A. goadH hnot truc( Il ntrnnRc.i9 When Jane my,. MUnbelievnllc!H What dorji she menn?A. I don ft believe youB- h hrd to believe.C. It iBnft trur 3 points ciich)Youre KlnK to listen to a lecture. After lhe lccturc there are 10 statements Decide whether the MHlcmcnt is true(T)ir rhc(F)c lec
29、ture will be rend twice.2L In fact Amrrican Efiglinh vothbulary and British EnxItRh voenbukry nrc very diffcrcnf.22. Lorry in Bdlinh way of raying truck23. Anirrit an pcoplr uvuAlly Miy cIcvaUh instcnd o( lift.24. H nn Amcricnn mys H Tm going to wgh up”, thnt nicnnft hr la goirig to wnnh the clishcw
30、.25. In Brhinh Engliaht Mbongern and moh mcuina hsaummc and numhed potatoenM.26. H mon mk。 Hnvt you got your grade yet?”, hr in nuwt probnbly nn Amcnran.27 If n man amUji m Have you any ideas?n he ia most probably British.28, In the United Stntejit it,correct to My thnt John in diffrrrnt than Mary29
31、 Spenkrrft of wtnndard Amcricnn und MnndArcI British Knxh.h have no trouble undrrntAndinK anr anothen30Amcricnn Enidiiih and Britih Englinh are two different l/inRiinKCB 3 points each)OIitcIIoik: Lhtcn to lhe lecture nnd HH in the blnnki to complete the notes. Write your answer* on the Answer Sheet.
32、 The leclure will txr rvnd twice*Speaker * s numci Rkhiird BaldwinSpeakerfsJobi acMtlrmk uclvhor al the (31)LimgUM* Center.lopk of thr lectureiA K(tncrftl introduction to the university iyntcrii in thr United Stntrn nnd (32) Specific contrnU uf the lecturvtL llircc type* or university councx for un(
33、JcrxrulutcMtType of lhe courseDescription of the enunteImportance of the councSiic of the classStudy houm ech weefcl.ecturrcoamcIn n lecture course thr33) -. talkVery hnputnnt . bccAixc mo*t of the time the information in n lecliirr i?i not the iwimr ha thnt in the (34)nnd you need to take( 35 )nnd
34、unc them tu Htudy (or vour cxninMtCun be n, Iatkc m two or three (36 )Fourto(37)haunt (or each lecture coureand the litudrnti*it nnd takenotcnludcntA in a lecturecourseCNpccinlly nt Urge universitiesSrctionIn a dmcuiiiiion section Mtudcnt canA. uMk riuctiun* nlxiu! IrrturcR mid the rcodmgMH. go over
35、 (38 )Importftnt bccauAr it fh Mornr pUcc wherr you conPAk forhclp maybe ( 39 )一_ or 30Twnorthree hours ruch work9ludenttThe InbelmsIn a hb nfudenra do their(40)Especially importantfortvciencc mujoESeveral houraweek.IL Countc Require menu.試題答案及評分標準(僅供參考)Section One (20 pointse 2 points each1. cold2.
36、 193. in4. cnet6. nlwiiys7.on% y(u9. outSection Fwo (20 polnlxt 2 points each)Pate OneIL C12. A13. BM. APate Two16. B17. A1. c19. H5. da10 think2I V22. T23. T24. F26. E27. T28. F29. TScctionFour(30 polnlit 3points cnch)Section Three (30 points, 3 points cuch)2(). A25. T30. F3L English32. Cnnnda33. p
37、rofessor34. bcwkji35. noteK36. hundred37 nix/638Tharso wcircL Actuallyt it kind of scares me. Pretty soon, theyll start cloning people and then. . AndrtWiNnh 1 dont think thatf s going to (7) I think cloning will be used inpositive ways.Nancy: Like what?Andrewi Like saving endangered species. For ex
38、iimpkt scientists could wve the giant panda and other animals before they become extinct.Mari: Oh. ycaht and (8) thing. 1 heard that scientists will be able to clone bodypnrts You know, juxt xrow a new heart or a new tooth.Andrew:Uh-huh right?Nancy i Right!Section Two (20 points. 2 points each)Part
39、OneDirections: You arc goinx to listen lo five short convcritl the short Bpeech about?A. Graduation.H. Wedding.C AnnivcrMry (HO年犯金).Number Two: an adwthmnt12. The speaker is talkinx nboutA. a safe deposit boxK a home improvement loanQ car loanNumber Thr”: a monologue13. Thi womiin is living in,A a h
40、ouse with frienduB. a retirement home(:. her Mn houseNumb Four: a thort paniafr14. In 37. 8 percent of American women hud jobsA. 1960B. 1916C. 1906Number Hve : a ihort jprrcii15. What is the bpeaker goinR to tiilk about?A. How were computer* invented?K The hhtory of computera.Q The three major uea o
41、f computertePart TwoDirections; You arc goinx to listen to one ronvcmatkMi. After lhe conversationt there are five questions. Chocmc lhe best answer to each question nod write your answer* on the Answer Sheet16. Where are the two people?A. In a bookntorc& In a library.G On a colleKe campus17. Which
42、building docs the man wnnt to find?A Gym.H Art mutcunuG Music building.18 Where la the building?A. At lhe intersection of Willow Street Hnd Alumni Street.Ik At the intemection of Willow Street und College AvcnucC Between Willow Street and Alumni Streets19. Which of these is true?A. The woman asks th
43、e niau to walk with him.H- The woman asks the man if he wants to walk with her.(L The man Asks the woman if he can walk with hen20. When the woman smyjt. ()h really?* what feeling docA she express?A. Boredom.EL IrHeremC ShyncMsuSection Three (30 pointsv 3 points each)Directions: You are going to lis
44、ten to n convmiition. After the convenuition there are 10 statements . Decide whether the following Matements arc true or false- Write your answers (T or F) on thv Answvr Sheet2L Mari and Dan know each other very wrlL22. Mari likes jazz.23. Mnri often goes to concerts.24. Ilan like Jupancxc food ver
45、y muck25. Mari doesnf l like Amencan food26 Dan likes Indian food.27. Mari docxnrt like modern art.28. Man hkes American footbalL29. Mari hates basketball very much.30. Both Mari and Dan likes science fiction*Section Four (3。points. 3 points each)Directions: Listen to the lecture and fill in the bla
46、nks to complete the notes. Write yoar answers on tbe Answer Sheet.I Two qucitions the lecturer will answer:A. What are the best (31)going to be?H How can I prepare myself to (32) one of those good jobs?II History:Last 100 years chnnge in US labour marketi from a manufacturing economy to a (33)econom
47、yL definitionsL in 8 manufacturing economy people (34)things*j g,like making cant, furniture or clothciL2. in a service economy people (35) things.e. g they cut your hair* they fix your jihoes. they sell you a computer*QI get33. service4. picture9. about14. A19. C24. F29. F34. make39. computers5. sheep10 lotiger15. C20. B25. T30. T35. do40 services36. competition 37. 2. 538. 20
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